Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Bradford Republican 1904 - Rural Mail Routes
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Submitted by Janet PETERS Ordway
Typed by Sheri Graves

Towanda, PA, April 7, 1904

List of the Schedules to go Into Effect May 2.

Description of Routes Gives Clear indication of the Territory to be Covered—The length of Routes and the Population.

Three routes will start from Rummerfield, being numbered consecutively after Wysox.
Rummerfield No. 12.
From Rummerfield west to King’s corner, retracing and to Fisher’s corner, north to Roof’s corner, southeast to Swackhammer’s corner, north to school house No. 87 east to Dolan’s corner, north to Newell school house, southwest to Steven’s corner, west to Lynch’s corner, south to Brennan’s corner, west to Brennan’s school house, south to Schoonover’s corner, southwest to Park’s corner, south to Vanness’s corner, east and southeast to Kane’s, east to S. Vanness’s corner, southwest to Kingsley’ corner, east to Rummerfield. Length 22 5/8 miles; area 11.5 square miles; houses 103; population 413.

Rummerfield No. 13.
From Rummersfield carrier will go northeast via Baker, Carr Camp and Overpeek corners to Herrickville postoffice, east to Dr. Stevens’s corner, northeast to Haney’s corner, southeast to Smith’s corner, northeast to Roger’s corner, southwest to Rose’s corner, northeast to LeRaysville postoffice, delivering and collecting locked pouch, west to South Hill school house, southwest via Buttles and Leary’s corners to McKenna’s corner, south to Carr’s corner, southwest via Baker’s corner to Rummersfield postoffice. Length 23 miles; area 11.5 square miles; houses 106; population 527.

Rummerfield No. 14.
From Rummersfield southeast to Barber’s corner, east to Oak hill school house, north to J. Camp’s corner, southeast and northeast to McGovern’s corner, east to Camp’s school house, northwest to Durand church, northeast to Beardslee’s corner, northwest northeast and north to Brown’s corner, east to Atwood corner, northeast to Garland’s corner, northwest via Buttle’s corner to Lyon’s corner, east to South Hill school house, southwest to Pickering’s corner, southeast to Herrickville, southwest and southeast to Durand church, southwest and south via Swank’s corner to Squires’s corner, southwest to Rummerfield. Length 235/8 miles; area 11.5 square miles, houses 101; population 456.

Two routes will start from Sugar Run:
Sugar Run No. 42.
From Sugar Run postoffice northeast to A. L. Quick’s corner, northeast and north to Morrow’s corner, southeast and south to Chick’s corner postoffice, south and west to A. L. Quick’s corner, southeast to G. W. Wilcox’s, northwest to Sweet’s corner, west to Hollenback postoffice, southwest to J. Rodger’s corner, northwest and northeast via T. Voste to Hollenback postoffice, north to Stafford’s corner, west to Vaughn’s corner, northeast via Oak Hill school to Bartlett’s, southeast to Sugar Run. Length 22 3/8 miles; area 11.5 square miles; houses 102; population 159.

Sugar Run No. 43.
From Sugar Run carrier will go southwest and southeast via Hollenback postoffice to Wandell’s corner, west and north to Oliver’s corner, south to Vose’s corner, west to Star’s corner, southwest to Saxer’s corner, northwest via F. Saxer  to Norconk postoffice, east and southeast to Star’s corner, north to Elwell postoffice, northwest to Snyder’s corner, east to T. Vose’s corner, northwest to Fenton’s corner, east to Douglass’s corner, northeast to Sugar Run postoffice. Length 23¾ miles; area 11.5 square miles; 101 houses; population 456.

One route will start from Powell:
Powell No. 49
From Powell carrier goes west via Franklindale to Christian church, northwest via Cole’s corner to Rockwell’s corner, southeast to Green’s corner, southeast to Marshall’s corner, west via West Franklin to Baptist church, south to south creek road, northeast via Franklindale to Lantz’s corner, northeast to Carler’s corner, southwest to new bridge over Towanda creek, west to Powell.

Burlington borough will be the starting point for two routes:
Burlington No. 50.
From Burlington postoffice carrier will go southwest to Whitehead’s corner, south and southeast to Geo. Allen’s southwest to Green’s corner, north to A. D. Spencer’s, south to A. C. Smith’s corner, west and northwest to Boyce’s corner, northeast and northwest to Fairview church, southwest to Monroe’s corner, south and southeast to Sayle’s postoffice, west to Putnam’s corner, north to Vroman Hill church, west serving all families east of Maple Lane school house, retracing east to Vroman Hill church corner, north to Rockwell’s corner on creek road, northeast and north to Burlington. Length 21 7/8 miles; area 11 square miles; houses 101; population 465.

Burlington No. 51.
From Burlington northeast via Betts school house to Mac postoffice, south and southwest via Kendall school house to Pierce’s corner, east to Lane’s corner, northwest via Mac postoffice to Grennell’s corner, west to Coddington postoffice, north to Forrests’s corner, northwest to Pierce’s corner, southwest and east to Coddington school house, south to Hiney’s corner, west via Bourne postoffice to school house, north to Langford’s corner, southeast to Burlington.  Length 17½ miles; area nine square miles; houses 72; population 324.
The star route from Mac to Burlington will be discontinued.

Three carriers will start out from Gillett postoffice.
Gillett No. 56.
From Gillett carrier will go east to Ridgebury school No. 7, west to Durnz corner, south to Wilson’s corner, east and south to Mosher’s corner, southwest to Thompson Hill school, south to DeWater’s, west and northwest to the postoffice. Length 17½ miles; area nine square miles; houses 67; population 304.

Gillett No. 57.
From Gillett the route goes northeast and north to Fassett postoffice, west to Roaring Run school, north to Comb’s corner, northwest to Barnhart corner, southwest and southeast via Grover corner to Batterson corner, west to Ayer’s corner, northwest via Brown school to Mrs. Smith’s corner, southwest and east to Clark’s, southeast to Bristol’s corner, southwest to Wells school, southeast via Gorman’s to Baker school house, northwest to Brown’s corner, southeast to the postoffice. Length 22 miles; area 11 square miles; houses 108; population 486.

Gillett No. 58.
South to Dunning school, southwest to McClure’s corner, northeast to Fletcher’s corner, west to Bowman’s corner, southeast to Reed’s, southwest to Knapp’s corner, southeast to Coreyland postoffice, west to Brown’s corner, northwest to French’s corner, retracing south to Judson hill, east to Warner’s corner, north to Arnett’s corner, east and north to Baker school, east and northeast to postoffice. Length 22¾ miles; area 11 square miles; houses 111; population 500.

In the new rural free delivery of mail system to be installed in Bradford county on May 2, LeRaysville, Wyalusing and Granville are the central points for the following routes:
LeRaysville No. 31.
Commencing at LeRaysville postoffice carrier will go northwest via Atwood’s corner to Merrill’s corner, northeast to Chaffee’s corner, north to Snell’s corner, west to Potterville, northeast via Pendleton’s corner to Bowen’s corner, south to South Warren postoffice, northeast to Southwick’s corner, northeast to Whalen school house, southeast and south to Green’s corner, west to Morris’s corner, south to Jones’ corner, west to Chaffee’s corner, southeast to postoffice. Length 24 miles; area 12 square miles; houses 104; population 468. Carrier Levi N. Rogers.

LeRaysville No. 32.
Beginning at the LeRaysville office carrier will go east and southeast via Second street to Blackman’s corner, northwest to Davis’ corner, north to Owen’s corner, southeast to Wells’ school house, east to Clark’s corner, south to Ford street school house, northwest to Blackman’s corner, southwest and southeast to Beech Grove school house corner, northeast to Stone House corner, southwest to Burrow’s corner, northwest via Pine Grove school house to Brink corner  (unreadable – torn page) corner to postoffice. Route 19 miles; area 9.5 square miles; houses 76; population 342. Carrier, Allen C. Rockwell.

LeRaysville No. 33.
From LeRaysville postoffice, carrier will go southeast to Johnson’s corner, west to Ellsworth’s corner, south to Stevens’ corner, southwest to Stevensville school house, northwest to Birney postoffice, west to East Herrick church, north to Atwood tenant corner, northwest to Wells’ corner, north to Wells Hollow school house, southeast to Maple Grove school house thence south to postoffice. Routher 18¼ miles; area 9 square miles; houses 84; population 378. Carrier John B. Carr.

Four R.F.D. routes will start from Wyalusing, as follows:
Wyalusing No. 38.
Starting at postoffice at Wyalusing the carrier will go northeast and north to Camptown postoffice, delivering locked pouch, east and northeast to Stevensville, northeast to VanGilder’s corner and return to Stevensville bridge, southeast to flour mill and return, southeast and south on Spring Hill road to Lyon’s corner, southwest to H. Shumway’s corner,  west and southwest to Ayer’s on Wyalusing creek, southwest to railroad station, northwest to Wyalusing. Length 22 7/8 miles; houses 137; population 616; area 11½ square miles.

Wyalusing No. 39.
From the Wyalusing postoffice the carrier will go northwest, north and norwest via J. R. Taylor’s corner to Frazer’s House, southwest and northwest to Ellsworth’s, north via Fisher’s and Clayton’s corners to Lime Hill postoffice, east to Bramhall corner, southwest to Butt’s corner, southeast to Frazer House, northeast to Mitten’s corner, northeast and north to Patton’s corner, southeast to Camptown, collecting locked pouch, south to W. Camp’s corner, southeast via E. S. Thompson’s to Well’s corner, south to Ackley’s school house, southwest to Hannon’s corner, southeast and south to Allen’s corner, southwest and northwest to Wyalusing. Length 23 3/8 miles; area 12 square miles; houses 106; population 477.

Wyalusing No. 40.
Beginning at Wyalusing postoffice the carrier will go south and west across river, north via Terrytown postoffice to Horton’s corner, northwest to school house No. 4, south and west via Viall Hill postoffice to Vanderpool’s corner, northeast to Butts’ corner, northwest to Brown’s corner, southwest to Bouse’s corner, south to Seth Johnson’s corner, west to Bouse pond, southeast to Crimmins’ corner, south to Vanderpool’s, northeast to Marshview school house, southeast to Haggerty’s corner, east to Titchen’s corner, south to Terry’s corner, northeast to Terrytown postoffice, southeast and north to Wyalusing. Length 22 5/8 miles; area 11 ½ square miles; houses 105; population 473.

Wyalusing No. 41.
From the Wyalusing postoffice the carrier will go south and west to Welle’s mill, northwest to Terry’s corner, southwest to Miller’s, northwest to J. Vanderpool’s, southeast to Rienzi postoffice, northwest via McGuire’s corner to Marshview postoffice, southwest to Fitzgerald’s, southeast and east to S. Wells, southwest to New Era creamery, east to Mengersmith’s, south to Arey’s, northeast via Oak Hill school house and T. Moore’s to Wyalusing. Length 23¾ miles; area 12 square miles; houses 103; population 464.

Two R.F.D. routes will start from Granville Summit, leaving at 9:15 a.m. as follows:
Granville Summit No. 68.
Beginning at the postoffice at Granville Summit the carrier will go northeast to High Bridge, north to VanHorn’s corner, southeast to school No. 5, east to Riley’s corner, northwest to Spalding’s corner, souteast to Granville Centre, north to Leonard’s corner, east to Davis’s corner, south to Bailey’s corner, north to Maynard’s corner, east to Maple Lane school house, south to L. D. May’s creamery station, west to Granville Centre, south and southwest via Tannery to Burke corner, southeast to Fleming’s, southwest to Block school house, northwest to Windfall postoffice, northeast and northwest via Lewis corner to Granville Summit. Length 22 1/3 miles; houses 112; population 500. Carrier W. H. Stevens.

Granville Summit No. 69.
Beginning at Granville Summit the carrier will go southwest and southeast to Windfall postoffice, northeast to Bush’s corner, east on creek road serving four families, retracing west to Bush’s corner, northeast, east and southeast via Granville Centre and Sayles’ postoffice to West Franklin creamery, southwest to Ed. Kelly’s corner, northwest to Smith’s corner, southwest and south via Sam Rockwell’s to Holcomb’s corner, northwest to H. Morse’s corner, south to C. B. Wilcox’s, northwest to Kendall’s corner, southeast to Taylor’s corner. Length 22 7/8 miles; houses 148; population 666. Carrier Myrt Ferguson.

The following R.F.D. mail routes will form a part of the county system to go into effect on May 2:
Camptown will have but one route.
Camptown No. 34.
From Camptown office carrier will go north to Elliott’s corners, west to Morrow’s corner, northwest to Ballibay school house, southwest and southeast to Billing’s corner, southeast to Camptown postoffice, and east and northeast to Ingham’s corners on creek road, north to Stony Point school house, northeast and northwest to Grove school house, south to Ame’s corner, northeast to Vanness’s corner, south to Cold Creek postoffice, south and west to Camptown. Length of route 18 3/8 miles; area nine square miles; 70 houses; population 315. Carrier C. C. Titus. Leave Camptown at 12:30, return at 5:30.

Three of the routes will start from the Laceyville postoffice as follows:
Laceyville No. 35.
Beginning at the Laceyville postoffice the carrier will (unreadable) Skinner’s Eddy, thence north to Silvara postoffice, north to Clapper corner, northeast Woodruff corner, northwest to Granger’s corner, southeast, south and southwest to Beaver Meadow church, southeast, south and southwest on county line road to Coburn’s corner, southeast and southwest to Phinney corner, east to Pochick school house, southwest via Tewksbury and Keeney corner to M. E. church and back to postoffice. Length of route 22 1/8 miles; area 11 square miles; 116 houses; population 522; carrier, A. P. Beeman.

Laceyville No. 36.
Beginning at Laceyville postoffice hence northeast and northwest to Lemon corner, thence northeast and north to Black schoolhouse, thence east to Silvara postoffice, northwest to Winan’s corner, north to Stevens’s corner, southeast to J. Pickett’s corner, south to Silvara, northwest to Sturdevant corner, southwest to Wakeman corner, southeast, southwest and northwest to Edinger school house, southwest, southeast and southwest to post office.  Route 22 miles; area 11 square miles; 109 houses, population 419. Carrier, F. C. Pickett.

Laceyville No. 37.
Beginning at Laceyville postoffice hence southwest to Keeney’s ferry, retracing northeast to Lacey street school house, northwest to Arnold’s corner, southeast to Brown’s corner, northeast and northwest via Dexter corner to Shumway corner, northeast to Spring Hill postoffice, northwest to Lyon’s corner, north to Well’s creamery and return, east to Canfield’s corner, southeast to Browning’s corner, northwest to Spring Hill postoffice, southeast to Coburn’s corner, southwest to Dexter’s corner, southeast to postoffice. Route 17 1/8 miles; area 9? Miles; 88 houses; population 386; carrier, G. D. Wright; salary $500.
Star route No. 10.567 between Silvara and Opposition will probably be discontinued.
The carriers will leave the postoffice here at 11:15 a.m. and return before 6 p.m.

Smithfield No. 52.
Beginning at East Smithfield postoffice carrier will go west and southwest to Hoblet corner, southeast to Dubert’s corner, southwest to Holcomb’s corner, north to Tracy’s corner, southwest to Beech’s corner, south to Hick’s corner, northeast to Bailey’s corner, southeast serving three families, northwest to Wetona northeast to Hoblet’s corner, northwest to Bevin’s corner, east to East Smithfield. Route 19 3/8 miles; area 10 square miles; houses 87; population 392. Carrier, Burton K. Gustin.

Smithfield No. 53.
Beginning at East Smithfield postoffice carrier will go north to Henderson’s corner, southwest to Collin’s corner, northwest to S. Wilcox’s corner, east and northeast via Ridgeberry Catholic church to creamery station, northwest to Driscoll’s corner, southwest to Crandall’s corner, southeast to Bullock’s corner, northeast to Wilcox’s corner, southeast to East Smithfield. Route 17 miles; area 8 square miles; houses 73; population 321. Carrier Walter G. Rice.

Two of the routes in this county will start from Wellsburg, N.Y. (NOTE that this mail route crosses not only the County Line but the State Line as well.)
Wellsburg No. 1.
Beginning at the postoffice at Wellsburg, N.Y, the carrier will go southwest to Pleasant corner, north to Comfort’s Hill corner, northwest to Wilcox’s corner, northwest and southeast to Knapp’s corner, southeast to Suffern’s corner, southeast to Aber’s corner, southeast and east to Easton’s corner, southeast to Doty’s corner, northeast and southeast to Bentley Creek road, south to Ridgebury postoffice, east to Larrison’s corner, northeast to Carr’s corner, north to Halstead’s corner, west to Wright’s corner, north to Colwell’s corner, west and north to Wellsburg. Length 22 7/8 miles; area 14 ½ square miles; houses 124; population 520.

Wellsburg No. 55.
Beginning at the postoffice at Wellsburg, N.Y, the carrier will go southeast via Bentley Creek to Big Pond postoffice, northwest to Covel’s corner, southwest to Macafee’s corner, northeast to W. May’s corner, southeast to Miller’s pond, northwest and northeast via McKee’s corner to Bentley Creek, northwest to Wellsburg. Length 23 ¼ miles; area 11.5 square miles; houses 110; population 495.

That section of Bradford county tributary to Troy and Canton will be well served by the following R.F.D. routes, forming a part of the county system.
Alba No. 70.
One route will start from Alba borough going from Alba postoffice to Canton boro line to Rockwell corner, to Warren school house, to Alba office, to F. C. Packard corner, to Slingerland corner, to S. Case corner, to Newell corner, to D. Bright corner, to M. Ferguson’s house, to L. A. Packard’s, to Ayers’ school house, west to Alta postoffice. Distance (looks like 18¼) miles, number of families served (116?), population 405.

Canton No. 71.
From postofffice southwest to Keltz’s corner, northeast to Haight’s corner, southwest to Fitswater’s corner, northeast to Wilcox’s corner, north and west to Sa---ool’s corner, north to Jenning’s corner, west to Phinney’s corner, north to Lilley’s corner, northwest to Boc—‘s school house, northwest to Duart’s corner, south to Lecanville corner, southwest to Bate’s corner, north to Case’s skimming station, east to Dua---, north to Windfall church, west to Ayer’s school, south to Mrs. M. P. Ayers, southwest to Warren sch---, southeast to Seeley’s corner, southwest to Canton postoffice. Length 22¼ miles; houses 110; population 49?. Carrier, Wm. H. Mason.

Canton No. 72.
From the postoffice in Canton carrier will go northeast to West Franklin, delivering a lock pouch at LeRoy, retracing southwest to Baptist church, south to S---- Creek road, west to Holcombe’s corner, north to LeRoy postoffice, collecting lock pouch, retracing to Holcombe’s corner, west to Manley’s corner, north to East Canton, west to Canton postoffice. Length 26¼ miles;
Area 13½ square miles; houses 167; population 752. Carrier, Earl A. Far(man).

Canton No. 73.
From postoffice in Canton carrier will go southwest to Cedar Ledge postoffice, (unreadable) to Sweet’s corner, (next line unreadable) northeast and northwest to Grover church, east to Vermilyea’s corner, north to Snell’s corner, northwest to Canton, west to Ayer’s corner, north and east to Mandeville’s corner, northwest to Furman’s corner, northeast to Scott’s corner, northwest to Biddle’s corner, southeast via Biddle school house to Canton postoffice. Length 22 1/3 miles; area 11 square miles; houses 130; population 595. Carrier, Alfred W. Furman.

Five routes will have headquarters in Troy.
Troy No. 63.
Commencing at the postoffice at Troy, northeast via Long’s mill to Leona postoffice, north to Ely’s corner, south and southeast to Leona school house, northeast to E. Harkness, southeast to Harkness postoffice, south to Wetona postoffice, southwest and northwest to Leona postoffice, southeast to East Troy, northwest and southwest to the postoffice. Length 22½ miles; area 11 square miles; houses 103; population 463. This carrier will deliver all mail between Troy and Long’s mill.

Troy No. 64.
Commencing at the postoffice at Troy, northwest via Sylvania to Mosher’s corner, serving Sylvania village, south to Hager’s corner, northwest to Ballard’s corner, northeast to Sylvania, southeast via Comfort’s corner to Bradford’s corner north to DeForrest’s corner, northwest via Farmers Valley school to Sylvania, northeast and southeast via Hunt’s cemetery to the postoffice. Length 23 5/8 miles; area 12 square miles; houses 144; population 648.

Troy No. 65.
Commencing at the postoffice at Troy, southwest to Mosher’s corner, west to Case’s cemetery, southwest and southeast to Cease’s turn, southwest to Covert postoffice, south to Pierce’s school, east and southeast to Spencer’s corner, southwest to Douglass’ corner, north via Keith postoffice to Pierce’s school, southwest to McIntosh’s school, northeast to Kennan’s corner, east to Wood’s corner, northeast to Morgan’s school, east and northeast via Case’s cemetery to the postoffice. Length 21 miles; area 10 ½ square miles; houses 121; population 545.

Troy No. 66.
Commencing at the postoffice at Troy, east, southeast and northeast to Burlington postoffice, delivering and collecting lock pouch, returning southwest to old M. E. church, northwest and southwest to Dickerson’s corner, south to West Burlington postoffice, southwest to Upham school, northwest to East Troy postoffice, northwest to the postoffice. Length 24 miles; area 12 square miles; houses 130; population 585.

Troy No. 67.
Commencing at the postoffice at Troy, south and southeast via Slingerland’s and Ballard’s corners to Kittles, northeast to D. Bailey’s corner, south to Ed Greene’s corner, east to VanBuskin’s corner, north to Upham’s school, northeast and north over Hilton bridge via Chas. Rockwell’s to Ballard’s corner, southwest via East Troy to Dunbar’s corner and Clark’s corner, northwest and north to Long’s mill, west to Troy postoffice. Area 11½ square miles; houses 130; population 585.

The star routes from Troy to Burlington, Troy to Big Pond, Troy to Covert, Keith and Alba will be discontinued.
Among the new rural free delivery routes to be inaugurated on May 2 are three from Rome and four from Columbia X Roads, as follows:
Columbia X Roads No. 59.
Starting at the postoffice at Columbia X Roads the carrier will go southwest to Ballard’s corner, northwest to Altus school house, northeast to G. C. Besley’s corner, northwest to Gernert corner, southwest to G. Begley’s corner, northwest to Budd’s corner, south and northwest via Benson’s corner to Soper Hollow, northeast to Cory corners, east and northeast to Knapp’s corner, southeast via Virius postoffice to Rulwman’s corner, southeast to Columbia X Roads. Length 23 miles; houses 100; population 450. Carrier, Judson P. Hagerman; substitute, Charles H., Gerner.

Columbia X Roads No. 60.
Beginning at the postoffice at Columbia X Roads the carrier will go southeast to Kenyon’s corner, north to schoolhouse No. 10, east to Chase’s corner, north and east to Berry’s corner, south and east to Berrytown postoffice, northeast via creamery to Horning’s corner, southwest and southeast via McKee’s and Craig’s corners to Elliott’s corner, west to Crayton’s corner, southwest and southeast to Barrett’s corner, northeast toWoodward’s corner, southwest and south via Wm. Gernert’s corner to Columbia X Roads. Length 22 ¾ miles; houses 100; population 450. Carrier, John Spalding; substitute, W. W. Young.

Columbia X Roads No. 61.
Beginning at the postoffice at Columbia X Roads the carrier will go northwest to Austinville and serving the village, east and southeast to Altus postoffice, west to Kilgore’s corner, south to Key’s, west via Voltus postoffice to Monroe’s corner, northwest and northeast to Austinville, southwest to Kilgore’s corner, east via Altus postoffice to Columbia X Roads. Length 21 miles, houses 101, population 455. Carrier, Spencer Gernet; substitute, Charles H. Gernet.

Columbia X Roads No. 62.
Beginning at the postoffice at Columbia X Roads the carrier will go northeast to D. Brace’s corner, east to Pa? Corner, north and northwest to Burnham’s corner, northeast via Springfield postoffice and Harkness postoffice to Harkness corner, northwest to Big Pond postoffice, southwest to Gate’s corner, northwest to Boardwell’s corner, southwest to Burgess corner, northwest via Barrett’s corner to Fanning corner, west and southwest to Columbia X Roads. Length 25 5/8 miles, houses 105, population 473. Carrier, Fred VanVeghten; substitute, Charles Gernert.

Rome No. 15.
Beginning at the postoffice in Rome the carrier will go northeast to Bennett’s corner, north to Bixby’s corner, east to Crandall’s corner, southwest and south to Cass’s corner, east to Park’s, southwest to Babcock postoffice, south to w. Russell’s corner, west to Towner Hill schoolhouse, southeast and east to Rome. Length 18½ miles; area 9 square miles; houses 86; population 397. Carrier, A. D. Stalker; substitute, J. S. Stalker.

Rome No. 16.
Beginning at the postoffice in Rome the carrier will go northeast via North Orwell to Wickizer corner, east to Wilbur’s corner, south to Tyrrel schoolhouse, southwest to Sexton’s corner, northeast to Case’s corner, south via Russell’s and Bosworth’s corners to Orwell postoffice, east to Orwell postoffice, south to chubbuck’s corner, southwest to Park’s corner, northwest to Conklin’s corner, southwest to Rome. Length 21 miles; area  1 square miles; 120 houses; population 540. Carrier, B. R. Horton; substitute, F. B. Horton.

Rome No. 17.
Beginning at the postoffice in Rome the carrier will go southeast and south to Barnes corner, northeast and southeast to Lyon’s corner, northeast to Potterville, east to Potterville church and return, northwest to Cook’s corner, southwest to Allis Hollow, northwest and southwest to Lennox’s corner, north to Taylor’s corner, west and northwest via Forbes’ corner to Rome. Length 18½ miles; area 9 square miles; houses 100; population 450. Carrier, P. C. Forbes; substitute, Max A. Forbes.

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