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of Horseheads
This town is geographically located near the centre of the county. The surface in the east part is hilly, and in the west rolling and level. The summits of the hills are 600 to 800 feet above Senecca Lake, and the summit level of the Chemung Canal at the village of Horseheads is 443 feet above the same. The soil of the town is a good quality of gravelly loam, adapted to all kinds of agricultural products, including tobacco, which has been cultivated to a considerable extent for several years. The area of the town is 28,969 acres. The principal streams are Newtown Creek and its branches. The Ezra L’Hommedieu Tract of 1440 acres, and part of the Lush and Robinson Tract, are included within the present limits of the town, and the “old Chemung Line” runs through it a short distance south of its centre.
The origin of the name of the town is historic. From the best authenticated sources, it appears that during General Sullivan’s encampment on the plains surrounding the village, on the 25th of September, 1779, the officer in command issued a order for the slaughter of a large number of superfluous horses. This was done, and their bones were afterwards arranged along the route by the Indians, and were thus found by the first settlers; and the circumstances being looked upon by them as typical of their own probable fate, they were ceaseless in their vigilance over the wiley and treacherous aborigine. This name, therefore, though not as cuphonious as some, is still cherished by the few remaining pioneers with great respect, and efforts to change it have always met with very decided opposition, - notably at the time the post-office was altered to Fairport, the old citizens never ceased their endeavors until the restoration of the old name was effected.
Considerable controversy has been had as to the priority of the settlement of John Brees and Colonel John Hendy in the part of the old town of Chemung that has become Elmira in 1792 and Horseheads in 1854. Claims have been made by local writers, and also by other authorities, that Colonel Hendy was the first white settler in the Chemung Valley; while it is reasonably certain that Mr. Brees preceded Colonel Hendy, and that there were settlements effected prior to the arrival of either.
John Brees, his wife (whose maiden name was Hannah Guildersleeve) and eight children came from Somerset Co. N.J., in 1787. They started in the spring of the year, and traveled the wilds of Northern Pennsylvania until they reached the Wyoming Valley, taking the river at Wyoming, they followed it to Tioga Point, where they halted a few days; then coming up the Chemung, they stopped at the Flats, around one mile and a half below the present city of Elmira, arriving in June, 1787. Two years later,or in 1789, Mr. Brees with his family removed to what is now the town of Horseheads, building the first log house, which is located on the east side of the road leading form the river to Senecca Lake, on the farm subsequently owned by Civilian Brown, Esq., and now occupied by his son, Menzo Brown.
Amoung Mr. Brees’ children, who became prominent settlers, were Azariah, who was in his sixth year when his father came into the Chemung Valley; born Sept. 5, 1781, died June 21, 1886; Sarah, who was born Feb. 18, 1789, in Horseheads, now the widow of John Jackson, and in her ninetieth year.*
Those preceding Mr. Breese (sic) were Lebbeus Hammond - who was one of the two men who escaped the Wyoming massacre, - Samuel Tubbs, and Phineas Stephens, of whom Mr. Tubbs was the only one having a family. They partook of the hospitality of the new-comers in the shape of tea and rum, partaken under a tent and on the family chest, which served as a table. This primitive gathering has been facetiously termed “the first tea-party in the Chemung Valley,” by Dr. W.C. Curtis, Esq., in his admirable sketch of “Horseheads and Vicinity,” published in 1868.
In 1790-91, Asa Guildersleeve, brother-in-law of the elder John Brees, came in and settled on the farm, a part of which is now owned by the widow and heirs of William Chappee, and built a house which , until recently, stood as a landmark of “ye olden time.” Its venerable antiquity made it deserving of preservation. About the same time as the above came John Winkler, who settled on the David McConnell farm; David Powers, who lacated on the farm now owned by Colonel H.C. Hoffman; Christopher Vandevander, who built the house near the former site of the Major John Puff Hotel. Concerning the settlement of the Conkling and Sayre families, William Curtis says, “About the 12th of April, 1791, a company left Bloominggrove, Orange Co., N.Y., to try their fortunes in this valley, consisting of Jonathon S. Conkling, wife and three children, James Sayre, wife and one child. This company started with a pair of horses ahead of a yoke of oxen attached to a cart. This vehicle, with the aid of one hired team and wagon, carried their earthly possessions, except a few cows, which were driven by the company. In this manner they traveled through almost unbroken of Northern Pennsylvania, until they arrived at the Susquehanna River, near Wilkesbarre. Here they placed their goods on board a flat-boat. Everything being in readiness the men started the boat, poling it up the stream, while the women on horseback, some with two children each, with the cows, followed along the banks. At night the boat was tied to the shore, the cloth-tents spread, and their frugal meal prepared and partaken of in common. In this manner, after a wearisome journey of sixteen days, the company arrived at a place called ‘Conent’s Cove,’ situated on the Lowman farm, in the town of Chemung. At this place James Sayre and family, with Ebenezer, stopped, continued their journey, and arrived here about the 1st of May.”
Mr. Conkling purchased 120 acres lying south of the John Brees road, and located his hose near where the dwelling of N. Van Dusen now stands. The next spring, 1792, James Sayre and family, and Ebenezer, came up from Chemung and purchased 700 of the 1440 acres contained in the L’Hommedieu Patent and built houses on them. These pioneer families - Brees, Conkling, and Sayres - have numerous posterity in this town and county - the former of whose descendants in the second, third, and fourth generations, In the town of Horseheads alone, number eighteen. Of the second generation only two remain, namely, John Brees, who resides in the old homestead, and Sarah, widow of John Jackson, before mentioned. Of the Conkling family, three members of the second generation remain, - Captain Vincent Conkling, Rebecca, wife of Samuel H. Maxwell, and Susan, widow of Richard Hetfield.
Among those who arrived prior to the war of 1812 were Colonel Britton Payne. He was a victim of the old British prison ship and an officer of the Revolution, taken prisoner while on active duty, and then maltreated with many other suffering patriots. He died at the advanced age of eighty-one years. George Payne and son, Solomon More, Jacob Powell, Mordecai Rickey, who settled on the farm where he died seventy-three years later, Oct. 9, 1867, and which is now occupied by his son Wilson; Joseph Rickey, another of his sons, is an old and respected resident of the town.; John Teabrook; Gershom Livesay, father of Joseph Livesay; John Jackson, who is accredited with having built the first frame barn in the town. Among those who arrived after the war of 1812 and prior to 1830 were Darius Bentley, a surveyor, still a resident of the village, who came in 1815; Paris Green, Rev. James Taylor, Joseph and John McConnell, and Ziba, son of Joseph and father of Hiram H. McConnell, a prominent citizen. Madison now lives on the old homestead farm; Daniel Carpenter and Zeno Carpenter, father of John L. Carpenter; Levi Maxwell, father of Samuel; Levi, Isaac, and Josiah Maxwell; Almer, Jesse, and David Shappee; J.C. Wanmaker.
Timothy Wheat, father of Alfred M. Wheat, came in from Sullivan County in 1832, and settled on the farm now occupied by Simeon Fish. Captain William Wood, who died in May, 1878, at the advanced age of ninety-one, came in many years ago. Richard Hetfield, father of Charles K. Hetfield and husband of the first white woman born in this county, was an early and prominent settler. The Ormistons, Bennits, Huletts, Bowmans, Burritts, marriotts, came later, but are prominent citizens.
The first house erected within the present limits of the town was built by John Brees, in 1789. It was built of hewn logs, and was located on the east side otf the road leading from the river to Senneca Lake, on the farm now occupied by Menzo Brown, a short distance south of the village.
The first birth in the town ( or county) was that of Sarah, daughter of John Brees, who subsequently became the wife, and is now the widow, of John Jackson. She was born Feb. 18, 1789, and is consequently in her ninetieth year and is remarkably well preserved. The next birth was that of Susanna Conkling, Feb. 3, 1793.
The first marriage is generally believed to have been that in which William Dunn and Mercy Sayre were the contracting parties. We were unable to get the exact year, but it was probably 1790-91.
The first death was that of Susanna Conkling, which occurred March 3, 1793.
The first school was taught in a small log house by Miss Amelia Parkhurst, daughter of John Parkhurst, in 1793. This was among the first schools taught in the county. Israel Catlin and Senecca Roland followed Miss Parkhurst as teachers.
The first church edifice was erected by the Presbyterians the same year of their organization, viz., 1832.
The first grist mill was erected by the elder John Brees, about 1789. It stood on Newtown Creek, about two and a half miles east of the village. It was a primitive affair, the bolt for the cleansing process being turned by hand.
The first sawmill was built by Nathan Teal, about 1805. It stood near the old Conkling mill, now owned by Kline, Hall & Company.
The first tannery was erected by Solomon More, in 1808. It occupied the site upon which now stands the tannery owned and operated by A.C. McCumbers.
Horseheads was formed from Elmira, Feb. , 1854. The first town-meeting was held at the house of Waterman Davis, on the 14th of February following, at which the following officers were elected: Samuel Maxwell, Supervisor; Ebenezer Mather, Town Clerk; Hiram S. Bentley, Superintendent of Common Schools; David Edwards, Joel Heller, and George H. Taylor, Justices of the Peace; John Ross, Lewis Carpenter, and David Bennitt, Assessors; Joseph Rodburn, Commissioner of Highways; David P. Brees, Collector; William Reynolds and Abner K. Shapee, Overseers of the Poor; David P. Brees, A.D. Loomis, Moses P. Brees, Asa J. Jackson, and Hiram H McConnell, Constables; Lewis H. Turner, Zeno Carpenter, and John C. Jackson, Inspectors of Election.
Those who have held the office of supervisor from 1851 to 1878, inclusive, have been as follows: Samuel Maxwell (3 years), John N. Brees, Cyrus Barlow (3 years), Daniel Bennett (3 years), Israel McDonald (2 years), Ulysses Brees (2 years), Israel McDonald (2 years), Henry C. Hoffman (2 years), M.V.B. Bachman, Andrew C. McCumber, William H. Vansenzer, Josiah H. Marshall (2 years), Josiah H. Marshall (2 years), Andrew C. McCumber, John Roblyer, present incumbent.
Clerks, Ebenezer Mather, Peter Wintermute (2 years), Charles Wintermute (2 years), Walter L. Dailey (3 years), Samuel C. Taber, Hiram H. McConnell, Elbert Thorn (2 years), Austin H. Whitcomb, Charles W. McNish, Jonah H. Marshall, Charles H. McNish (2 years), Thomas J. Wintermute, Collins L. Hathaway, John Eagan, Isaac Dennis (appointed to fill vacancy, Dec. 16, 1873) Isaac Dennis (3 years), William Park, W.H. Egbert, present incumbent.
Justices of the Peace, Charles Kline, Cyrus Barlow (vacancy), David Edwards, Cyrus Barlow, Robert Stuart (vacancy),John Nichols, John N. Brees, Hiram H. McConnell, Charles Wall, John Nichols, Cyrus Barlow, and Samuel H. Maxwell (vacancy), Joel Heller, Hiram S. Bentley, John C. Cowan (vacancy), H.H. McConnell, W.D. Adams, H.S. Bentley, M.G. Shappee (vacancy), R.F. Stewart, M.V.B. Bachman, Walter L. Dailey (vacancy), H.H. McConnell, Henry A. Treat, Theodore V. Weller, John B. Brees (vacancy), Civilian Brown, H.H. McConnell, John P. Brees, Theodore V. Weller, Joseph B. Ripson (vacancy),Henry C. Hoffman, M.V.B. Bachman.
The present town officers, except those given above, are William Armstrong, Marcus D. Snyder, and Hiram M. Root, Assessors; E.B. Warner, Road Commissioner; N. Van Duzen, J.J. Brees, and Benjamin Westlake, Auditors; William K. Sly, Overseer of the Poor; Vincent Conkling, Collector; George W. McCumber and Isaac M. Ballard, Inspectors of Election District No. 1; George W. Harding and Charles S. Freer, for District No. 2; De Witt Staring, Samuel M. Perry, John Hogan, John B. Alling, and David L. Harding, Constables.
The early history of the village of Horseheads, together with that of its subsequent development, form an interesting feature in the general history of the Chemung Valley. It dates back to the time of the Indian occupancy of Central and Southern New York, when the powerful Confederation of Six Nations held almost undisputed sway over a large portion of the surrounding country. Soon after the expedition of General Sullivan, the white pioneer arrived and erected his rude log cabin, and tilled the fertile soil with the primitive agricultural implements of the time. Thus we see the advent of the succession hereabouts of a race of people more enlightened than the aborigine, if not more happy. The cares and vicissitudes attending the pioneer settlements do not constitute the happiest period of the life of the early settler, although the broad hospitality, the earnest friendship, and the general sharing by all of the precarious existence incident to new settlement, tended in a very large measure to alleviate the necessary trials, to instill good feelings and to foster contentment. The earliest settlers on the present site of the village were Jonathon Stoddard Conkling, James Sayre, John Sayre, Ebenezer Sayre, and Nathan Teal, who purchased William Seeley, and he of Ezra L’Hommedieu.
The first house was erected by Jonathan S. Conkling, and stood on the site of Hulett’s Block; the next by John Winkler, on the present location of Judge Darius Bentley.
The first tavern was opened by Vincent Conkling, in the house originally built by his father. He continued in the business six years, when Charles Dunn succeeded him, and kept the house one year, after which Richard Hatfield, familiarly known as “Uncle Dick,” became proprietor.
The first store was opened by George Whitman and Elias Culver,
whose stock consisted of a small quantity of groceries and a few dry goods.
The store was a small building, which stood on the south side of Franklin
Street. Two years later, Vincent Conkling and Jacob Westlake opened a more
pretentious mercantile business in a wooden building, near where the grocery
store occupied by Thomas Lawrence now stands.
The first church edifice erected in the village was by the Presbyterians, in 1832. It stood upon a lot donated by H. Hutchinson, C. Roe, and J. Westlake, and upon which is now the residence of J.B. Mosher.
The first grist-mill was erected by Captain Vincent Conkling , in 1837. It is the one now owned by Kline, Hall & Company.
In May, 1837, the village was first incorporated under the name of Fairport, which it retained until April, 1845, when the original name was restored. In 1850 the village began to extend on the north side of Steuben Street, which, up to this period, was not included in the old plat surveyed by Holmes Hutchinson, and extended in July 1841, so as to include the lands of Colonel J. Westlake and Chauncey Rowe. About this time, Rev. C.C. Carr laid out some lots on the south side of Steuben Street. He was followed in this enterprise by Captain Vincent Conkling, and he by Fletcher Matthews, and the south part of the corporation thereupon began to improve rapidly.
In 1855, D.W.C. Curtis prepared a new charter for the village, which passed the Assembly April 14 of that year. Several amendments have since been made thereto, notably that of March 8, 1873.
On the 12th of August, 1862, a destructive conflagration visited the village, in which the records of the corporation were burned. Subjoined we give a list of the presidents of the village from 1863 to 1878, inclusive, together with the entire officiary for the latter year: Presidents, Hiram S, Bently, Jonathan B. Mosher (2 years), F.C. Bloomer (2 years), Charles F. Taber, Charles Kline (2 years), J.H. Marshall, A.D. Loomis, Robert Colwell, Joseph Putnam (2 years), C.F. Taber, Hiram M. Root (2 years), present incumbent; Trustees (1878), H.M. Root, Henry Boone, Thomas Hibbard, John L. Carpenter, and A.C. McCumber; Clerk, Marquis D.W. Curtis; Treasurer, Will Park; Assessors, Robert Colwell, Peter P. Howell, and Charles Hathaway; Collector, Nathan Van Duzen; Chief of Police, De Witt Starling.
The construction of the canal from Senecca Lake to the Chemung River at Elmira, with a feeder at Horseheads, was the most important epoch in the history of the village. The undertaking was commenced in 1830, and completed in 1833, at a cost of $344,00. Its length was twenty-three miles, and the navigable feeder from the summit-level at Horseheads to the village of Corning sixteen miles, where in a capacious basin formed in the Chemung River. The canal and feeder are together thirty-nine miles in length, had fifty-three locks, overcame an ascent and descent of five hundred and sixteen feet, had eight water-weirs, twenty-four road bridges, three towing-path bridges, eleven farm bridges, and three aquaducts. The first two boats launched on the canal were the “General Sullivan” and “Lady Sullivan,” built by John Jackson, of Horseheads. The office for collection of tolls was located at Horseheads. The first collector was Thomas Maxwell; the last John Butcher. The office was discontinued in 1876.
The village now contains three dry-goods, two drug, and two hardware stores, one boot and shoe store, three millinery establishments, one flour and feed store, one furniture warehouse, two meat markets, three harness shops, four black smithies, one carriage and wagon shop, one iron foundry, one machine shop, one steam saw and two steam grist mills, one tannery, a cooper’s shop, and one woolen mill. It has a bank, two hotels, the “Trembly House,” of which J.L. Patterson is proprietor, and the “Ryant House,” which is kept by Homer Ryant; also three good restaurants, and one livery stable. There are four churches, - one Presbyterian, one Methodist Episcopal, one Protestant Episcopal and one Roman Catholic, - one graded and one select school, one newspaper, - the Journal, - one blue lodge, and one chapter of Masons, one lodge of Good Templars and one lodge of the Sons of Temperance, one grange of Patrons of Husbandry. It has eight lawyers, six physicians, two resident ministers of the gospel, and three insurance agents. There are two railway depots, the New York, Lake Erie and Western, and the Utica, Ithica and Elmira, with express and telegraph offices. Street cars run between the place and Elmira every alternate hour during the day. It is a post village, and its population is fairly estimated at 2500.
Horseheads has been quite a manufacturing centre for many years. In its earliest days distilleries, mills, and tanneries existed, and later establishments of greater importance have been put in operation, notably the Horseheads Foundry, which was established in 1849, by C.A. Grauger. It stood on Franklin Street until destroyed by fire in January, 1870, at which time it was owned by Oakley & Clapp. The present foundry was built by Bogardus & Bennitt, in 1870. They manufacture mill-irons and machinery, building fronts, fences, and agricultural implements, employ ten hands, and do general job work.
The Horseheads Brick Yard is among the most extensive establishments for the manufacture of bricks in the State. It was originally started by a man named Albright, on a small scale, about 1840. In 1855, William Westlake operated it to the extent, perhaps, of 1,200,000 per annum. In 1858, Benjamin Westlake, the present proprietor, purchased the yard and surrounding land, and since then has added improved machinery and increased the business to 6,5000,000, with a capacity for at least 10,000,000 per annum, There are six tempering pits and six moulding machines, run by a steam-engine of fifty horse-power, and giving employment to sixty men and ten teams. Mr. Westlake has recently added improved facilities for cleaning the clay, which will add greatly even to the present excellent quality of brick made by him, and will place his productions among the best for hardness and durability.
The Horseheads Tannery occupies the site of the one built by Solomon More, in 1808. The present tannery was erected by A.C. McCumber, the present proprietor, in186. The number of hides tanned per annum is 7000;average number of hands employed, ten.
Horseheads Mills -- These mills were erected in 1837, by Captain Vincent Conkling. They are now operated by Kline, Hall& Co. Its annual product is about equal to that of Empire Mills.
Empire Mills - The first mill on the site now occupied by the Empire Mills was erected about 1845by William T. Hastings and operated by him until he failed in business, when the property fell into the hands of George and Maurice Bennitt, who conducted the business until 1861,during which year the mill was destroyed by fire. They rebuilt it in 1862, and in 1865 C.F. & B.T. Taber purchased a half-interest in the property. Present proprietors, C.F. Yaber and Daniel and Comfort Bennitt. Merchant work per annum, 4000 barrels; custom work, 16000 bushels. Run of stone, 4; and 1 pony.
Horseheads Steam Saw-Mill was built by Maurice Bennitt, in 1869, and operated by him until 1874, when the present proprietors - Reynolds & Tuttle - purchased the property. Thay have a sash, door and blind factory and shingle mill connected with the saw-mill, employ 20 hands , and saw 2,500,000 feet of lumber per annum.
The post-office was established at the village of Horseheads about 1822, when Jonas Sayre was appointed postmaster. The name of the post-office was changed to “Fairport” in 1837, but in 1845 the old name was restored by an almost unanimous vote of the people. The present postmaster is A.D. Loomis.
On 22nd of August, 1873, the nucleus of the present fire department was formed by the organization of the “Horseheads Steamer and Hose Company, No.1.” About six months later the hose company withdrew, and shortly thereafter organized the “Pioneer Hose Company.”
The first foreman of the steamer was John W. Lovell; of the hose, Richard Donavan.
The department was incorporated June 2, 1876. The present officers are George W. McCumber, Chief Engineer; C.W. Cox, First Assistant; J.W. Slayton, Second Assistant; A.W. Corel, M.D., Secretary; John L. Carpenter, Treasurer.
In 1875, Independent Hose Company, No. 2, organized, and after about one year’s existence, disbanded.
Acme Hose Company, No. 2, was organized Nov. 14, 1877. Its present officers are Charles E. Whitney, Foreman; Fred E. Herrick, Recording Secretary; Edward H. Fleming, Financial Secretary; Dora Smith, Treasurer. Number of members, 24.
The officers of Pioneer Hose Company are Horace S. McConnell, Foreman; F.E. Mosher, Secretary; J.W. Starling, Treasurer. Number of members, 38.
Officers of steamer company, - J. Fred. Bentley, Foreman; E.R. Benedict, Secretary; Harry Boone, Treasurer. Membership, 34.
The equipments of the entire department are 1 Silsby steamer, 2 hose-carts, 1 four-wheeled carriage, 2500 feet of hose, and total membership, 96 men.
Was organized under the statutes Oct. 11, 1865. An academic department was created in 1877, which is in full operation and under direction and visitation of the Regents. The principals in their order since its organization as a union school have been as follows, namely: Sylvester D. Booram, Alonzo Eveland, W.G. Vanzant, John W. Osborne, Robert P. Bush, B.D. Eastman, F.M. Beardsley, G.E. Atwood. The present incumbent is W.H. Benedict; Assistants, Misses Jennie Bloomer, M. Addie Renny, Kate L. Spoor, Amanda Osborne, Annie L. Whitney, and Ida M. Hathaway.
A new and wel-selected library, chemical and physiological apparatus, the property of the school district, is kept in the building. The statistics for the last school year are contained in those given of the schools generally in the history of the town. The present Board of Education consists of Benjamin Westlake, President; D.W.C. Curtis, Dr. W.H. Davis (Secretary), Rev. C.C. Carr, Joseph Putnam, and Henry Boone.
Horseheads Lodge, No. 364, F.A.M., was granted a dispensation Feb. 1, 1855, and a warrant from the Grand Lodge was issued June 27 of the same year. Officers appointed in the warrant were James A. Christie, W.M.; O.D. Chatfield, S.W.; James Barlow, J.W. The original charter was destroyed in the “great fire” of Aug. 12, 1862; but the lodge was authorized to work under a dispensation until the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge. The number of charter members was 15. The present officers are Calvin G. Eddy, W.M./ Thomas Hibbard, S.W.; Wm. C. Haines, J.W.; Collins L, Hathaway, Sec.; Charles Kline, Treas. Number of members, 90.
Horseheads Chapter, No. 261, R.A.M., was instituted in April, 1871, and the warrant was issued in February,1872. The charter members were R.P. Bush, M.E.H.P.; Calvin Eddy, E.K.; S.A. Palmer, E.S., and 15 others. The present officers are R.P. Bush, M.E.H.P.; Comfort Bennitt, E.K.; Harrison Clark, E.S.; Charles R. Egbert, C.H.; Charles Taber, Treas.; George S. Bennitt, Sec.
Evergreen Chapter, No. 18, O.E.S., was instituted July 25, 1870, by Sidney W. Palmer, of Electa Chapter, No. 6, with 15 charter members. The first officers were: Worthy Patron, Calvin G. Eddy; Worthy Matron, Sophia V. Humphrey; Associate Worthy Matron, Ruby A. Brown; Secretary, Lydia J. Carpenter; Treasurer, Jennie S. Kies. The present officers are W.P. Civilian Brown; W.M., Mary Wintermute; A.W.M., Alice E. Loomis; Secretary, Mary E. Fleming; Treasurer, Fannie E. Brown. Present membership, 35; place of holding meetings, Masonic Hall; time, second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
Horseheads Lodge, No. 807, I.O.G.T., was instituted Jan. 15, 1869. The first principal officers were Dr. Orlando Groom, W/C.T.; Mrs. F.B. Northway, W.V.T.; John Oakley, Sec.; G.T.W. Griffith, Treas. The present chief officers are E.S. Rockwell, W.C.T.’ Mrs. O.S. Haskill, W.V.T.; Bertha J. Westlake, Sec.; Miss Augusta Young, Treas. The present membership is 63. Lodge reported in a flourishing condition.
Horseheads Grange, No. 105, was organized Feb. 18, 1873, with the following gentlemen as chief officers: W.H. Van Duzer, Master; Charles K. Hetfield, Overseer; James McQueen, Treas.; J.F. Westlake, Sec.; Mrs. Samuel Marshall, Ceres; Mrs. Wilson Rickey, Pomona; Miss Kate Van Duzer, Flora. The present principal officers are Civilian Brown, Master; J.W. Young, Overseer; Benjamin Wanning, Treas.; George W, McNish, Sec.; Martha Rickey, Ceres; Mary Shappee, Pomona; Mary Marshall, Flora. Present membership, 94.
This village is conveniently located on the Utica, Ithica and Elmira Railroad. It was laid out in 1854, on land principally owned by Messers. Wm. R. and Ulysses Brees, and the plat surveyed by Azariah Brees. Among the early settlers in the place and vicinity were Benjamin Smith,Israel Boyer, A Schoonover, Silas Brees, father of Wm. R. and Ulysses Brees, the Heller family and others.
The first store was erected by Wm. R, Brees, in the spring of 1855, and the first tavern by the same person in the fall previous.
The first saw-mill in the vicinity of the village was erected by the Heller Brothers, as early as 1830. The first in the village proper by Joseph Rodbourn, Esq., in 1857.
The first grist-mill was also erected by Joseph Rodbourn, in 1860.
The village now contains two general stores, of which Joseph Rodbourn and the Harding Brothers are the proprietors respectively; one grocery, kept by N. Burgess, one drug -store, two meat-markets, two black smithies, two wagon-shops, and tin-shop, one steam grist-mill, one steam saw-mill, both operated by Joseph Rodbourn; one steam oat-meal mill, a tannery, a creamery, an extensive brick-yard, a woolen and carding-mill, the machine and repair shops of the Utica, Ithica and Elmira Railroad. It has three churches , -- one each of the Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, and Presbyterian denominations, -- each of which have handsome and commodious edifices; there is a departmental school, under the care of Professor Sitzer, two resident physicians, one lawyer, and three ministers of the gospel. The population is fairly estimated at 600.
Was established in 1857,and Warren Lincoln was appointed first postmaster; the present incumbent is Barzillai Burgess. The great impetus to the growth and prosperity of Breesport was the construction of the Utica, Ithica, and Elmira Railroad. To no one man is due a greater measure of commendation for the successful prosecution of this enterprise that to Joseph Rodbourn, Esq., the now efficient general manager of the road. To his untiring energy and zeal, aided by the financial assistance of the great philanthropist, Hon. Ezra Cornell, of Ithica, belongs the honor of the ultimate success of an undertaking that was fraught with difficulties almost insurmountable, and as such its present status shows its completion to have been a brilliant triumph.
Breesport is quite a manufacturing centre. Here are located the machine-shops of the Utica, Ithica and Elmira Railroad, employing an average of 25 hands.
The Breesport Steam Grist-Mill was erected by Joseph Rodbourn, in 1860. It has four runs of stone, and all the modern improvements in the way of machinery, etc. The annual products are 3000 barrels of merchant- and 50,000 bushels of custom-work.
The steam saw-mill was erected by Joseph Rodbourn in 1857. Its capacity is 3,000,000 feet per annum.
The woolen-mill and carding factory of James Bert was established at Breesport in 1869. It employs 4 operatives; does custom work wholly.
The religious sentiment of the early settlers of the town was expressed long before they were financially able to sustain a settled ministry, but by aid from the churches of surrounding towns, and by leading local members, the religious wants of the community were in a measure supplied. Meetings were principaly held at private dwellings until the creation of the first frame school-house on the Teal “Meeting-House Lot,” after which public worship was had by all denominations in it. The first minister of whom any knowledge exists was Rev. Daniel Thatcher, a Presbyterian clergyman, who preached hereabouts in 1801. The first regularly organized church in the town was the
Which was formed Feb. *, 1832 by Revs. Ethan Pratt and Marshall L Farnsworth, and Elder John McConnell. There were 24 constituent members, from among whom Theodore Valleatt, Hector Sayre, and Myron Collins were appointed elders. The church was under the care of the Presbytery of Bath until December, 1837, when it was transferred to the Presbytery of Chemung, then holding its first session. The first pastor was Rev. Ethan Pratt. His successors in the pastorate have been Revs. W. Adams, 1835-36; Orin Catlin, 1837-41; C.C. Carr, 1841-56; B.G. Riley, 1857; N.E. Pierson, 1857-61; Irving L. Beaman. 1862; April 1, 1862, Rev. Mr. Carr was recalled, and has since remained with the church.
Their house of worship was erected in 1832; removed from the original site in 1849; remodeled and refurnished in 1858-59, and is now a commodious building. The present trustees are T.S. Day, J.N. Barbour, J.W. Young, John Ross, William R. Light, Alexander Hayes, and James M. Ormiston. The present elders, T. Valleau, J.N. Barbour, T.S. Day, William R. Light, Morgan L. Egbert, and James M. Ormiston. Membership, 131; Superintendent of Sunday -school, James M. Ormiston; number of teachers, 12; scholars, 140.
Was organized as a class, composed of Benjamin Westlake (local preacher), Samuel D. Westlake and wife, Hannah Shute, James Taylor (local preacher) and wife, William F. Hull and wife, Obadiah Thorn and wife, David Holmes and wife, Lana Westlake (wife of Jacob Westlake), and Phillip Smith, about 1827. The first quarterly meeting was held in a new large barn erected by Jonas Sayre. The church was incorporated Nov. 25, 1834. The first regular pastor was T.J. Campion. The society erected a church building in 1834, and enlarged it in 1855, and on the 20th of February, 1856, they rededicated the house which is the largest in the place. In 1868 they erected a neat, comfortable parsonage, making the value of their church property $12,000. The present trustees are Benjamin Westlake, D.W.C. Curtis, Charles F. Taber, Peter Howell and John Nichols. The present pastor is Rev. F.J. Whitney. Membership, 163; Superintendent of Sunday-school, T.V. Weller; number of teachers and scholars, 139; number of volumes in library, 200. Both the church and Sunday-school are reported in a flourishing condition.
Was organized April 22, 1840, under the name of the “Baptist Church of Fairport,” with twenty-two members, of whom eight were males and fourteen females. Deacon Joseph Smith, John Tenbrook, Sr., Ebenezer Mather, and Deacon Increase Mather were among the prime movers in the organization of the church, and in erecting a suitable building for public worship. Elder Aaron Jackson was the first pastor, and his successors Elder Philander D. Gillett, who remained with the church until his eath in March, 1845, Elders George M. Spratt, Zolotus Grenell, Worham Mudge, Philetus Olney, D. Porter Leas, Phillips, Abrams, Perry, Whitmarsh, and the present incumbent, A, M. Bennett.
The society erected their church edifice in 1840, and dedicated it to the service of God in February of the following year. Ten years afterwards it was enlarged at an expense of $1600. In 1867 it was remodeled at an additional cost of $1000, making the present value $3000. It will comfortably seat 300 persons. The present Trustees are Orlando Groom, C.G. Eddy, Conrad Smith, Wilson Rickey, and Isaac Dennis, Jr; Deacons, A.M. Wheat, and Josiah Brees. Present membership of the church, 130; of the Sunday-school, 140 scholars, 11 teachers, and 4 officers. Superintendent, Charles Hathaway; Secretary, L.F. Jackson.
Was organized through the efforts of Samuel H. Maxwell (deceased), and Mrs. N. Van Duzen, in 1862, as a semi-monthly mission, the only communicants then being S.H. Maxwell and his wife, Mrs. N. Van Duzen, Mrs. Fanny Sayre, Mrs. A.H. Judson, Stephen Johnson, and Rowland Parker. Public services were held in a building on the Matthew Sayre estate. The Rev. A. Hull, of Elmira, visited this little congregation, and held service and preached until October, 1862, when Rev. H.M. Brown was appointed mission rector. On the 8th of October, 1867, the Right Rev. A.C. Coxe, bishop of the diocese, consecrated a substantial brick edifice, situated on the corner of Main and Steuben Streets, in which the congregation have since worshipped. This building is valued at $8000. The present number of communicants is 39. The Rev. T.D. Hoskins, of Elmira holds services in the church every Sunday afternoon, as the congregation has no regular rector at the present.
Was formed probably about 1830, and was in a somewhat impoverished state for many years, its membership falling off to a very small number, but in 1867 it revived by the admission of 40 members of the Baptist Church at Horseheads, dismissed from that church for the purpose of reorganizing the church at Breesport. Further information we failed to get, after repeated applications to the authorities of this church for full data concerning its history.
Was organized in the summer of 1865, and a church building erected on a lot purchased by Father Kavenaugh of J.B. Mosher. The building was consecrated in June , 1866, by Fathers Kavenaugh and Percell, of Elmira. Value of church property, $4000. Present number of members,75.
As early as 1793 the early settlers, ever mindful of the best interests of their children, opened a common school. Fortunate, indeed, it is for the future of the country that our fathers were so thoroughly imbued with the idea that the common-school teacher should follow close on the track of the pioneer. Touching the first school, and matters pertaining thereto, we refer the reader to a previous mention under the head of “Initial Events.” From the annual report of Robert P. Bush, County School Commissioner, we glean the subjoined statistics : Number of districts, 10; school-houses, 10, value of same, with sites, $11725; number of children of school age, 1110; number attending school, 928; number of weeks taught, 332; number of teachers employed, 17 male and 25 female; number of volumes in library,439; value of same, $349. Receipts: Sate appropriation $2296; raised by tax, $3985; from other sources, $253; Payments: teachers’ wages, $5395; all other expenses,$1093.
The population of the town, according to the State census compiled in 1875, for the five lustrums of its existence, was as follows: in 1855, 2648; in 1860,2277; in 1865, 2838; in 1870, 2961 ; and in 1879, 3399.
The data from which the above history of Horseheads was written were furnished us by the following gentlemen and authorities, to whom and which we extend our grateful acknowledgements: Captain Vincent Conkling, D.W.C. Curtis, John Brees, Benjamin Westlake, Mrs. Sarah Jackson (the oldest living pioneer), A.M. Wheat.
Alvin V. Mosher, private, Co. C. L, 5th N.Y. Art; enl. Mar. 7, 1862; disch. Mar. 7, 1865.
Jonas S. Seeley, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Mar. 7, 1862; disch. Mar. 7, 1865.
John A. Westlake, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Mar 6, 1862; pro. To sergt-major.
Irving W. Brewster, private, 91st N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 26, 1863; disch. July 3, 1865.
George Stung, private, 26th U.S. Col’d; enl. Sept, 11, 1863; disch. Aug. 28, 1865.
Charles Reed, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb, 25, 1862; re-enl. In same co. and regt. Feb 27,1864;
disch., Aug. 5, 1865.
Neil McDougal, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Feb 25, 1862; re-enl. Feb.27, 1864; disch. July 19, 1865.
John Beesely, private, Co. D, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 30, 1862; disch. June 5, 1864.
Wm. H.H. Everett, private, Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt; enl. Aug. 18, 1862; disch. June 20, 1865.
James H. Monroe, private, Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; must. Sept. 11, 1862.
Joel M. Johnson, musician, 141st N.Y. Regt.; must. Sept. 11, 1862.
Robert F. Stewart, 2nd lieutenant, Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; must Sept. 10, 1862; res. Nov. 11, 1863; must a captain of Co. B, 179th N.Y. Regt., April 13,1864; lost left foot June 17, 1864; must. Out Dec. 23, 1864.
Benjamin F. Rogers, private, Co. D, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. June 5, 1865.
Dean West, private, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 29, 1862.
Nathaniel Barber, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 18, 1863; planted the regimental colors on the enemy’s works at Petersburg; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
John Williams, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art; enl. July 21, 1863; wounded at Fort Hell; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Lemuel Miller, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 13, 1863; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Charles Metler, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 9, 1863; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Henry Whitney, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Aug, 1, 1863; disch. Aug., 26, 1865.
William M. Crandall, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 15, 1863; wounded at Spottsylvania; disch. June 20, 1865.
Jeremiah V. Decker, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 27, 1863, disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Charles D. Carpenter, drummer, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Aug. 18, 1863; trans. To Co. A, Aug 1864; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Charles E. Barbour, 1st lieutenant, Co. I, 38th N.Y. Regt.; pro. To capt. May 17, 1862.
Martin V.B. Wade, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 3, 1863; was taken prisoner June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor; sent to Libby Prison, then to Andersonville; never heard from since.
Henry F. Rockwell, sergeant, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 27, 1862; disch. June 22, 1865.
Jacob S. Babcock, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 17, 1863; taken prisoner June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor; sent to Libby Prison, then to Andersonville; died in prison; disease.
Lewis W. Robinson, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 21, 1863; taken prisoner June 17, 1864, at Petersburg; supposed died in prison.
Henry Dyking
Harrison Tuthill, private; enl. Dec. 12, 1863.
Wm. H. Robinson, private, Co. G, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 22, 1863; disch. June 13, 1865.
John M. Thorpe, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. July 27, 1862; disch. June 22, 1865.
Jesse Harley, corporal, Co. E, 26th U.S. Col’d Regt.’ enl. Dec. 11, 1863; disch. Aug. 28, 1865.
Henry Thompson, private, Co. H, 26th U.S. Col’d Regt.; enl. Dec. 11, 1863; disch. Dec. 9, 1865.
Alexander Thompson, private, Co. E, 26th U.S. Col’d Regt; enl. Dec. 11, 1863; disch. Aug. 28, 1865.
Charles S. Matthews, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Dec. 16, 1863.
Archibald Coryell, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863.
Horace J. Parker, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863.
Charles Darien, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863.
Ellis W. Prime, private, Co. H, 26th U.S. Col’d Regt.; enl. Dec. 15, 1863; disch. Aug. 28, 1865.
Charles H. Tompkins, private, 26th U.S. Col’d Regt.; enl. Dec. 15, 1863; wounded July 17, 1864; discharged Sept. 1865.
Charles W. Denning, private; enl. Dec. 28, 1863.
Thomas McWannaman, private, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864.
John Williams, private, 86th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864.
Michael Flanegan, private, 89th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864.
Henry E. Smith, private, 86th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864.
John Wesley, private 89th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 13, 1864.
Eugene Goutchins, private, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864
Horace J. Loughbridge, private, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Feb. 12, 1864.
Stephen Hungerford, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 13, 1864.
Isaac Allington, private, 86th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 16, 1864.
George D. Carpenter, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1864, pro. 1st lieut., March 22, 1864, and capt., Dec. 24., 1864; disch., June, 1865.
Levi Kellog, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1864; disch. June, 1865.
John Herbert, musician, 8th N.Y. Art.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864.
James E. Verner, private, Co. I, 26th U.S. Col. I.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864; disch. End of war.
Joel Bostwick, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864: disch. June 8, 1865.
James E. Wattleworth, corporal, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Joseph Jackson, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864; deserted at Elmira.
Mark Ransom, private, 26th U.S. Col. I; enl. Feb. 19, 1864; disch. Oct. 1865
Sylvester Benjamin, private, 50th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 19, 1864.John J. Bailey, private, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Feb. 19, 1864.
William Carr, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Sept. 10, 1862; disch. ---- 22, 1865.
Stephen S. DeKay, corporal, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 19, 1864; died July 29, 1864, of wounds.
William P. Chamberlain, private, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 19, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Asa C. Ottarson, corporal, Co. A, 179th Regt.; enl. Feb. 20, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Darius Robinson, private, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb 20, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Zaven Carey, private, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 23, 1864.
William Jackson, private, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 24, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Alexander Campbell, private, 86th N.Y. Regt. Enl. Aug. 5, 1864.
James S. Coles, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 10, 1864.
Frank Davis, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 16, 1864.
William J. Newhall, private, Co. G, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 17, 1864; disch June 17, 1865.
John Dormand, private, 69th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 17, 1864.
William Scott, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Aug. 18, 1864.
William Morgan, private, 50th Eng.; enl. Aug. 1864
Benjamin Chandler, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 23, 1864.
Henry H. Cook, private, 5oth N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 22,1664.
Wm. D. Rundle, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864
Charles Cooper, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864
Albert Vorness, private, Co. F, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Cardwell B. Judson, private, 1st Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864
James H. Decker, private, Co. F, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 26, 1864; disch. June 8, 1865.
Michael Sullivan, private, Co. C, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 23, 1864; disch. June 13, 1865.
Jonathon Greek, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864.
Benjamin Southworth, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 29, 1864.
Alonzo Leonard, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864
John Staples, private 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864.
Theodore S. Spencer, private, Co. F, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 24, 1864; disch. June 13, 1864.
Olvin P. Robinson, private, Co. G, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 23, 1864; disch. June 13, 1865.
Levi A. Vandemark, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 24, 1864
Seymour Staples, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 26. 1864
Wm. Woodhouse, private, 50th Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864.
Sabin Robinson, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864; disch. June 13, 1865.
George H. Berlow, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864.
Gabriel C. Jones, private, Co. G, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 22, 1864; disch. June 13, 1865.
Charles Taylor, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 26, 1864.
Elijah S. Thompson, private, 50th Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864.
Fletcher Brees, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 27, 1864; died, no date given.
Albert McMillan, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
Arthur Elston, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
Edward H. Hawley, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
James B. Neish, private, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
Myron H. Humphrey, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
Ira R. Jones, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Aug. 31, 1864.
John Shields, enl. Nov. 21, 1864.
James Curtis, private, 14th U.S. Inf.
Henry Jacobs, enl. Dec. 8, 1864.
John D. King, corp, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl march 5, 1862; disch. March 9, 1864; re-enl. March 10, 1864, same company and regiment; disch. July 19, 1865.
Edgar Northrop, private; enl. Dec. 20, 1864.
Frank Flint, private; enl. Dec. 21, 1864.
Thomas Lyons, private; enl. Dec. 7, 1864.
Lewis H. Knapp, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 15, 1865.
Victor F. Peterson, private; enl. Feb. 15, 1865.
Wm. Sparks, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 16, 1865
Charles H. Collins, private, 94th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1865.
George Smith, private, 94th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1865.
George Brown, private, 94th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1865.
Franklin Murphy, private; enl. Feb. 18, 1865.
Merit Green, private, 14th U.S. Inf.
Martin Towner, private; enl. Feb. 22, 1865.
Charles G. Dean, private,22nd N.Y. Cav.; enl. Feb. 22, 1865.
George D. Perry, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 17, 1865.
Ira A. Pease, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 23, 1865.
Wm. Anderson, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 25, 1865.
Richard W. Halm, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 25, 1865.
Wm. M. Lawrence, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 27, 1865
James Higgins, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 3, 1865.
John Harkway, private; enl. March 8, 1865.
James Miller, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 8, 1865.
William R. Carey, private,194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 8, 1865.
George H. Daggett, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 8, 1865.
John Allen, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. March 8, 1865.
------ McKearney, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; March 8, 1865.
James Fassett, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. March 8, 1865.
Richard Ormsby, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. March 8, 1865.
Hugh Goodwin, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. March 8, 1865.
William Biffin, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 8, 1865.
Isaac Garabout, private,194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 9, 1865.
Frederick O. Edwards, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 11, 1865.
James Gates, private, 194th N.Y. Regt. ; enl. March 11, 1865.
Peter Brown, private, 15th N.Y. Eng.; enl. March 15, 1865.
William T. Judson, corp., Co. G, 147th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 26, 1863; trans. to Co. F, 91st N.Y. Vet. Vols., June 10, 1865; disch. July 3, 1865.
Corydon B. Brees, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. April 1, 1862; trans. To 5th U.S. Art.; taken prisoner at Winchester; disch. April 9, 1865.
Silas B. Taylor; wounded and taken prisoner at Spottsylvania; died at Andersonville.
James Taylor
Homer R. Barlow, musician, Co. A, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Aug. 1, 1863; disch. Aug. 26, 1865.
Richard Poppino, corp., Co. C, 161st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 21, 1862; disch. Aug. 20, 1865.
James Donahue, private, Co. C, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Sept. 24, 1862; disch. June 27, 1863, disability.
Miles C. Richwell, private, Co. D, 14th N.Y. Art.; taken prisoner at Cold Harbor; died at Andersonville.
Theodore McConnell, private, 5th N.Y. Art.; enl. Sept. 10, 1862; disch. June 22, 1865.
Darius Robinson, private, Co. F, 38th N.Y. Regt.; enl. May 11, 1861; disch. June 22, 1863.
William Grahan, sergt., Co. B, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl.July 18, 1862; disch. June 5, 1865.
George W. Briggs, private, Co. B, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.; enl. Sept. 8, 1863; disch. July 20, 1865.
George Brees, private, enl. Sept. 11, 1862.
William Zimmer, private, Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 18, 1864; died at Andersonville.
Was born in the town of Middlesex, in the county of Ontario (now a portion of Yates County), on the 9th day of February, 1820.
His father, James Christie, who is still living, was born at West-Town, Orange Co., N.Y., oct. 16, 1791, and, with his father, Andrew Christie, moved to Middlesex about 1809.
The father of the subject of this sketch married Lydia Adams, daughter of Chester Adams, who was one of the earliest of the pioneers of Western New York from Massachusetts, and who settled near Canandiagua, about the year 1786. Both the grandfathers served under Washington, in our Revolutionary struggle for independence, from soon after it began until its close.
Until he was about sixteen years old the subject of this brief sketch, worked on his father’s farm summers, and attended the district school where he lived. From that time he taught in the common schools a portion of the time, and pursued his classical studies at the academical institutions of Prattsburg, Lima, and Genesco, until he was twenty-two years of age. He then removed to the State of Indiana, and studied law in the office of Robert Douglass, of Angola, Ind., about a year. His health failing him there, he returned East and pursued his legal studies under S.H. Torrey, Esq., now of Canandaigua.
He settled at Horseheads, Chemung Co., N.Y., on the 29th day of November, 1848, he was married to Martha W., daughter of Samuel W. Powers, of Rushville, N.Y. She died March 30, 1857. The fruit of that marriage was one son, William H.
Mr. Christie, after the death of his first wife, married Miss Phebe A. Townsend, daughter of David Townsend, of Horseheads, on the 1st day of June, 1858, with whom he is still living. The offspring of his last marriage is one daughter, Carrie A., born Jan. 18, 1860.
Was born in Branchport, Yates Co., N.Y., March 31, 1842. The name of the family was formerly Terboss, and it originated in Holland. The great-grandfather of our subject was a captain in the Revolutionary army. His grandfather also served in the same army, although only sixteen years old. They went from Dutchess County. The father, Dr. Wynans Bush, whose mother’s maiden name was Esther Bull, came “west” from Orange County about 1830. His wife’s maiden name was Julia Ann Loomis. She was born in Coventry, Conn.
Robert is the youngest son in a family of nine, -- four boys and five girls. His advantages for education were limited, but by working and teaching he was able to attend for a short time the Franklin Academy at Prattsburg, and Cortland Academy, in Homer.
He was pursuing his studies at the latter-named place in 1861, when the President’s call for soldiers was issued. He at once enlisted in Co. D, Twelfth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and served two years in the ranks, participating in many of the battles in Virginia, their first fight being at Blackburn’s Ford, Va., July 18, 1861. After the expiration of his term of service, he returned to school, and graduated with his class, in 1863. In the fall of the same year he commenced teaching in Cortland Academy, and also took up the study of medicine. In 1864 the call for soldiers being again urgent, he left his pupils and his studies and went to the front as captain of Co. E, One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers. His three brothers were all in the Union army a the time. He was soon made major of his regiment; was captured at Hatcher’s Run, his horse having been shot under him, Feb. 6, 1865. After the close of the war he taught in Penn Yan Academy, still continuing the study of medicine. In 1868, after attending a course of lectures in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, he commenced the practice of medicine with his father in Branchport, N.Y., having a license from the Yates County Medical Society. In 1870 he took charge of the Horseheads Union Free School, and continued at its head for more than three years, leaving it to attend lectures at the Buffalo Medical College, from which institution he graduated Feb. 24, 1874. He at once returned to Horseheads and formed a partnership with Dr. O.S. Greenman. Still, however taking a deep interest in the subject of education, he was elected school commisioner for Chemung County in 1875, receiving the largest majority in the town of Horseheads that had ever been given a candidate.
He was married, Sept., 1870, to a former pupil, Miss Saretta A. Ludlow, of Penn Yan. They have had four children, Rho S., Julia M., Robert F., and Walter W.
Dr. Bush is an earnest Mason, and has been honored by his brethren by being elected Eminent Commander of Jerusalem Commandery, High Priest of Horseheads Chapter, R.A.M., and Master of Horseheads Lodge, F. and A.M. Still keeping up an interest in military matters, he is major of the One Hundred and Tenth Battalion, National Guard, State of New York.
Gershom Livesay, father of our subject, was a native of France, born in 1770. He came to America with his father about 1773, and located in Warwick, Orange Co., N.Y., where his father died, but Gershom remained there until he was twenty-one years of age, in the indentured service of Judge Wheeler; on attaining his majority he removed (in 1792) to old Tioga County, locating seven miles west of Newtown (now Elmira), at a settlement formerly known as Sing Sing. He there squatted upon a large tract of land, but only succeeded in acquiring title to a small portion of it, --228 acres. Jan. 29, 1796, he married a widow lady, mrs. Hannah Silsby, of Elmira. She was born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., in 1771, nd died Sept. 24, 1842. Gershom Livesay departed this life Sept. 24, 1862, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Their children were
Charles Livesay, born Dec. 15, 1797; died 1868.
George Livesay, born March 9, 1800; still living.
Judah Livesay, born Dec. 7, 1802; died in 1870.
Joseph Livesay, born Sept. 6, 1806; subject of this notice.
Jonathan Livesay, born May 27, 1809; died in 1867.
James Livesay, born Nov. 7, 1811; still living
Rebecca live say, born Dec. 12, 1815; died, aged about thirty-seven years.
George and James are residents of Lenawee Co., Mich., whither the removed with their father in 1835.
Joseph Livesay spent his youth and early manhood upon his father’s farm. April 28, 1831, he embarked for himself, without capital, but with willing hands and a firm resolve to make himself a home. He took farms in the neighborhood, which he worked upon shares. His first purchase of land was 62 acres, in June, 1835, of the Goble heirs, in the town of Big Flats. October 29 of the same year he married Sally Bennett, the eldest daughter of the late Comfort Bennett. She was born Oct. 20, 1814. They commenced housekeeping April 10, 1836, and have maintained their fireside and roof-tree through the forty-two intervening years. The record of their two sons and five daughters is as follows: George W., born July 25, 1839; Ellen, born June 1, 1841; Clarinda, born June 16, 1842; Morris B., born Aug. 22, 1846; Sally, born June 29, 1849; Belle, born Nov, 1853; and Kate S., born June 10, 1860. George and Morris died when quite young, and Clarinda at the age of fifteen years. Ellen married ( Oct. 18, 1860) David D. Reynolds, of Horseheads. Belle married Mr. G.E. Reed of Elmira, July 12, 1876. Sally, unmarried and an invalid, and Kate, the youngest, are both living at home with their parents.
Mr. Livesay made his residence in Big Flats from 1836 to 1870, when he removed to Horseheads, where he cultivates a small farm in the suburbs of the village; the remainder of his acreage, embracing about 760 acres in Big Flats and 240 acres in the town of Elmira, -- near the Water-Cure on the east hill, --- being operated by tenants.
Mr. Livesay is one of the very few remaining early residents of this valley, and has been identified with its interests, its growth and prosperity, for nearly a half-century. He was born in what is now known as the town of Big Flats, and his whole life has been passed in this vicinity. Although, never a politician or office-seeker, he has held various town offices; he was a school trustee for thirty-one years, path master for thirty-two years in Big Flats, and a member of the board of trustees of the village of Horseheads. He was one of the original charter members of the old Chemung County Agricultural Society, and one of the prime movers in the institution of its fairs. He always took an active interest in everything pertaining to agriculture, particularly in the improvement in stock, and introduced the first thoroughbred bull into his town. In religious faith he is a Universalist, and in politics a Democrat. He is still hale and hearty, and is enjoying a comfortable competence , as well as the respect and esteem of the community where he lives.