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of Chemung
The town of Chemung is the southeast corner town of the county, and contains an area of 27,624 acres, of which 16,420 acres are improved. It had a population of 1998 inhabitants according to the census of 1875, of which 1901 were natives and 97 foreign born; 1996 white and 2 colored; 997 males, 1001 females, 17 aliens. A voting population of 5410, of which 495 natives and 45 naturalized; males of military age, 393; persons of school age, 244 males, 311 females; number of land-owners, 259; persons twenty-one years of age and upwards unable to read or write, 28.
The surface of the town is hilly upland, broken by deep and narrow valleys. The principal water-courses are the Chemung River, which, flowing in an easterly direction, crosses the town in the south part, and Wynkoop Creek, which, flowing southerly through the centre of the town, becomes a tributary of the Chemung. Baldwin Creek forms part of the boundary line on the west border. The soil in the valleys is a deep, rich alluvium, and a gravelly loam upon the hills; all of it being well adapted to the pursuits of agriculture, in which occupation most of the people are engaged. Abundant crops of corn, fruit, and the cereals reward the husbandman for his toil. The tobacco plant is also quite extensively cultivated along the rich bottom-lands of the Chemung River.
A majority of the early settlers of Chemung viewed this country for the first time as soldiers under General Sullivan, when he invaded and laid waste the villages and cultivated fields of the bitterly-hostile Iroquois. These hardy Continental troops, coming as they did from the cold, sterile soil of New England and Eastern New York, the Jersey sands, and the inhospitable companionship of the Pennamites of Pennsylvania, were astonished to behold such a fertile region as here lay outstretched before them.
The vast fields of corn, pumpkin, beans, and other products, planted and cultivated with the rudest implements, in the hands of a savage people unaccustomed to the pursuits of agriculture, assured them that this was the land they had long sought. As one views this valley to-day, is it at all surprising that they resolved to return and settle here when peace permitted? Though peace with England and her savage allies was concluded in 1783, and the Indians never made another fight in this State after their terrible chastisement by Sullivan in 1779, still numerous and large parties of them returned to their old hunting-grounds, and committed many outrages and murders upon the venture-some frontiersmen who had pushed too far out from the established settlements. This fear of the treacherous savage, and the long distance to be traversed with wives and little children before reaching the valley of the Chemung, deterred any from attempting a settlement until about 1786. It is possible that two or three families may have settled here as early as 1785, but, in the absence of any written record to the contrary, we believe that no permanent settlement was made here until the spring of 1786, when William Wynkoop, William Buck, and his son, Elijah Buck, Daniel McDowell, Joseph Bennett, Thomas Burt, Enoch Warren, and his son Enoch Warren, Jr., came up the Susquehanna and Chemung Rivers in canoes and Durham boats, and made a settlement extending from Wynkoop’s Creek west to the second Narrows Hill. Israel Parshall, Samuel Beidelman, Jonathan Griswold, John Squires, Abijah Batterson, Jacob Kress, Thomas Keeney, and Isaac Baldwin and his sons came the next year (1787), and settled in the valley west of the Narrow Hill (Squires, Batterson, and Keeney taking up a location on the south side of the river); and they were followed soon after by Ebenezer Green, Jacob Lowman, James Wilson, Uriah Wilson, David Burt, Justus Bennett, Benjamin Wynkoop, John Hillman, Joseph Drake, Moses De Puy, Jacob Decker, Samuel Westbrook, and at least twenty other families, prior to 1800.
Major William Wynkoop came from Saugerties, N. Y., and located on lot No. 1, a tract of 515 acres, lying near the mouth of Wynkoop Creek. He was of a Holland Dutch family, and served as a volunteer in the American army at the battle of Saratoga. A gentleman of decided ability, energetic and generous in his business relations, he was ever to be found among the foremost in any undertaking which led to the advancement of public enterprise or the welfare of his neighbors. He died in 1827, aged seventy-four years.
William Buck, with his sons Aholiab, Asahel, and Elijah, emigrated from New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn., and settled first at Wyoming. The sons were all in the Continental army. Captain Aholiab Buck, with his nephew William (a son of Asahel, and a lad but thirteen years of age), were in the fort at the massacre. William was killed before the garrison surrendered. Captain Buck was one of the ill-fated fourteen who met their death by the hands of murderous Queen Esther. Lieutenant Asahel Buck was killed in an encounter with the Indians in February, 1779. During these years of savage warfare, Sergeant Elijah Buck was serving with the Continental army, in New Jersey. After the war closed he returned to Wyoming, and remained there until 1786, when he journeyed up the Susquehanna and Chemung Rivers, and settled on lot No. 3 (the site of Chemung Village). His father (William Buck) came up from Wyoming soon after, and died there in 1799. Esquire Elijah Buck was a very prominent citizen during the early settlement of the valley. He filled many positions of trust and honor in his town, county, and for the government, and, after a long life of usefulness, died in 1830, at the age of eighty-one years.
His son, Asahel, was also a gentleman of superior attainments, and as a lawyer, citizen, and friend, was universally respected.
George W. Buck, a son of Asahel, represented his county (Chemung) in the State Legislature in 1840 and 1867, and was an active participant in all matters relating to the advancement and prosperity of his town and county.
Mr. A. H. Buck, the only surviving son of Asahel, is a resident of the town at the present time, and is justly esteemed as a surveyor, farmer, and worthy citizen.
Captain Daniel McDowell, a Scotchman by birth, and a soldier of the Revolutionary and Indian wars, settled here in 1786, and located on lots 4 and 5. He was a remarkable man,--remarkable alike for his superior scholastic abilities as well as for his courage, endurance, and feats of strength and agility. Though but twenty-five years of age when he came to Chemung, he had already passed through scenes which fall to the lot of but very few men in a lifetime. With true Highland zeal, he had espoused the cause of the colonists, and in that seven years’ struggle, as the captain of a company of scouts, the Tories and Indians had learned to fear and respect him. While on a scouting expedition near Stroudsburg, Pa., his brother was killed and himself wounded, but, after a long race for life, he finally escaped capture by swimming a river.
At Shawnee, Sept. 12, 1782, he, with several of his command, were taken prisoners by the Indians; from thence they were taken to Niagara, where, in the presence of a large body of Indians, they were compelled to run the gauntlet. The muscular frame, almost superhuman bravery, and extreme agility of Captain McDowell enabled him to pass through that terrible ordeal, and he was the only one, among many, who escaped death.
He was subsequently banished to Quebec, where, after undergoing many acts of cruelty at the hands of his captors, and languishing in prison a year, broken in health, he was allowed his liberty. While on his way to Niagara as a prisoner, the route led along an Indian trail near the present location of Chemung Depot, where the party halted at a spring to quench their thirst. Captain McDowell was so impressed with the beauty of the scene, the broad bottom-lands, with here and there patches of corn, pumpkins, and beans, and the abundance of wild fruit, that he determined, if ever released, to return and settle in this fertile and inviting region. This determination, as we have seen, was carried out. The Indians gave him a name very expressive of his character, physically and mentally,--"Keto" (meaning the iron man). In the Confederation of the Iroquois he was well known, and being conversant with the Indian tongue, was both feared and respected by them.
Captain McDowell was intimately associated with the early development of the Chemung Valley, and was fore-most in the formation and organization of the old town of Chemung. He died in 1808, while yet in the prime of his life, in his forty-fourth year.
Hon. Jno. G. McDowell, son of Captain McDowell, was born in Chemung, Feb. 27, 1794, and at the time of his death was seventy-two years of age. During the war of 1812 he was appointed lieutenant and aid-de-camp, and subsequently captain and paymaster. Under the old constitution he was the contemporary in political life of Martin Van Buren, Silas Wright, Governor Marcy, and General John A. Dix, with all of whom he held intimate personal relations. He was much in public life, and represented his district in the Assembly during the years 1830-31. In the fall of 1831, he was elected one of the four senators from the old Sixth Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Delaware, Broome, Otsego, Chenango, Tioga, Cortland, and Tompkins. About this period he was appointed president of the Chemung Canal Bank, and, under the act for loaning the surplus revenues of the United States, Judge McDowell was appointed by Governor Marcy Commissioner of Loans. His last appearance in public life was as presidential elector in 1852. In every relation of life John G. McDowell possessed the faculty of erecting strong personal friendships, and his greatest pride and pleasure was to meet and give generous hospitality to the old pioneers. His memory will ever be cherished, and revered as a true gentleman of the olden school. Two of his sons, R. M. and J. L. McDowell, are residents of the city of Elmira.
Among the prominent citizens who settled here in the earliest days we should not forget to mention the names of Thomas Burt, who came from Connecticut, and located on lot No. 7, containing 700 acres. He lived to be nearly one hundred years of age. Of Enoch Warren and his son Enoch Warren, Jr., who came from Connecticut, and settled just west of the Second Narrows. Sands Warren (a grandson of Enoch Warren, Jr.), now nearly ninety years of age, resides in the central part of the town.
Israel Parshall came from Long Island, and settled on the property now owned by his grandson, Asa Parshall. At the treaty held with the Indians at Newtown, in 1790, Asa, one of the sons (and father of the present owner of the homestead), ran a foot-race with one of the fleetest Indian runners, and came off victorious. Samuel Beidelman was from Easton, Pa., and located on the farm now owned by Gordon Snell, in 1787. He was a most worthy citizen. Henry S. Beidelman, a grandson, and many other descendants now reside on the homestead or in the immediate vicinity. Thomas Keeney, a Revolutionary soldier, came from Hartford, Conn., and settled on the south side of the river. He lived to be over ninety years of age. Jacob Kress, another veteran of the Revolutionary war, came from Ulster Co., N.Y., accompanied by his son, John Kress. They settled on lot No. 14. The father lived to be nearly one hundred years of age. Jacob Lowman, another very prominent citizen and active business man, came from Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pa., in 1788, and first located about one-half mile west of the Lower Narrows, where Robt. C. Wilson now lives. Until about 1800 he was engaged in boating on the river. He brought up and sold to the settlers such merchandise as they needed in that early day, and received as pay such produce as the people had to sell. He afterwards settled down on the farm now owned by his son, Mr. George Lowman, who was born in this town in the year 1795.
One of the most prominent families of this valley from the earliest settlement to the present time was the Baldwin family.
Isaac Baldwin, the elder, with a family of eight sons and three daughters came from Wyoming in 1787, and settled near the mouth of Baldwin Creek. Thomas, the second son, was a sergeant in the Continental service, and was wounded in the battle of Newtown. His son, Vine Baldwin, is claimed to have been the first white male child born west of the Allegheny Mountains. Sons of vine Baldwin are living in the following locations: Thomas, at Troy, Pa.; Vine, at Wellsboro, Pa.; Robert C., in Chemung; as does also Miles C., who is as well known a farmer as there is in the county.
Waterman, the third son of the elder Isaac, was a remarkable character. It is believed that he filled to the full his measure of usefulness during the war of the Revolution, in a capacity similar to that of Harvey Birch, whom Cooper has made immortal in the tale of the "Spy," and under the immediate eye of Washington himself. At least, "Watt," as he was called, prided himself as one whom Washington had trusted. He possessed a silver-mounted saddle, which had been given to him by the officers of the army, and a horse called "Roanoke," which performed some feats that were wonderful. "Watt" was also an adopted son of the famous Indian chief Cornplanter, who had been struck by his bravery and coolness shown under discouraging circumstances. He did not take very kindly to the ways of civilization, preferring life on the mountains and in the woods. Innumerable incidents of a striking and humorous character are told of him, few of which have ever seen the light. He was taken prisoner by the Indians three times. It is related that when the surveying-party were running out the line between this State and the State of Pennsylvania one of their number was killed by an Indian. The tribe to which the murderer belonged were induced, by threats or otherwise, to surrender him to the whites. A meeting of the settlers was called, and after an investigation it was determined to send him to Niagara, and the hat was passed to raise money to defray expenses, etc. Fourteen cents was the amount collected. Waterman, Baldwin, and another were detailed as the party to take him in charge. They started out one morning early, and returned the same day. At the present time, a trip to Buffalo and return in the same day would be no unusual thing. Is it to be presumed that Baldwin and his companion accomplished the journey so quickly?
Major Wm. Wynkoop built the first framed house, the boards and timbers for which being sawed out by a whip-saw; he also built the first grist mill. Asa Parshall erected the first brick house, in the year 1829. Elijah Buck, Wm. Wynkoop, and Daniel McDowell cleared and opened the first farms. Wm. Wynkoop kept the first tavern, 1788. A man by the name of Teater was the first to carry the mail through the valley. He made the trip once a week. Stephen B. Leonard owned the first stage-line, and Joseph Batterson was one of the first drivers. The post-office was established about 1810, and Elijah Buck was the first post-master. Samuel Walker was the first school-teacher. He was killed afterwards by the Indians. Master Cooper also taught school at a very early day, in Israel Parshall’s weaving-room. The first church edifice erected was that of the Methodists, near Wynkoop’s Creek, built 1838. The first religious society was formed by the Baptists, in 1789, Rev. Roswell Goff being the leader. Guy Maxwell (a young surveyor) and Eleanor Van Steinberg, a step-daughter of Major Wynkoop, were the first couple married. It is related that young Maxwell engaged the services of a justice of the peace living at Tioga Point. The justice on his arrival found that he was outside of his jurisdiction, where-upon the large party then assembled at Marjor Wynkoop’s adjourned to the field near the 63rd mile-stone, and crossing the imaginary line dividing the States of Pennsylvania and New York, the happy pair were made one.
The first birth recorded is that of Morris Catlin, son Israel and Ditha Catlin.
The first death was that of William Bosworth, from Connecticut. He was an uncle of Elijah Buck, and died 1790. Dr. Hovey Everitt was the first physician to settle in the town,--previously the people had been attended by Drs. Hopkins and Spring, from Tioga Point. Moses De Witt was the first surveyor, and ran out all the lots for the first settlers.
Nathaniel Goodspeed was the first commissioner of highways, in 1788. Elijah Buck kept the first store. Asahel Buck, his son, was the first lawyer.
Chemung was formed March 22, 1788, as a town of Montgomery County, and comprised within its limits all the territory described and bounded as follows:
"Beginning at the intersection of the partition line between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Pennsylvania line, and running from said point of intersection due north along said partition line to the distance of two miles north of Tioga River; thence with a straight line to the Owego River, to intersect said river at the distance of four miles on a straight line from the confluence thereof, with the Susquehanna; thence down the Owego and Susquehanna to the Pennsylvania line; and thence along the same to the palce of beginning."
In 1791, on the erection of Tioga County, the town boundaries were changed, being limited to the Cayuta Creek on the east, and extended northward to the north bounds of the county,--the same then being identical with the north line of the present town of Hector, in Schuyler county.
The town of Elmira, as Newtown, was taken off April 10, 1792; Erin, March 29, 1822; Baldwin, April 7, 1856; and a part of Ashland, April 25, 1867. The town derived its name from the river Chemung,* and Indian word signifying Big-horn.
*See Chapter XXXVI., "Civil History Chemung County."
The town records for the years 1788, 1789, and 1790 have been lost, except a list of persons (innkeepers) to whom a license was granted for the sale of strong and spirituous liquors, which list will appear in another place.
Proceedings of a town-meeting held at the house of George Hornell, in Chemung, April 5, 1791:
"Pursuant to a law of the Legislature of the State of New York, Entitled an act for the dividing of the county of Montgomery, passed the sixteenth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one." Mr. Daniel McDowell, late town clerk, having advertised a town-meeting agreeably, to the above-mentioned act, Esquires Brinton Paine, Bezaleel Seely, and John Miller, Inspectors, met agreeably to the advertisement, and the following named gentlemen were chosen town officers:
Abner Kelsy, Supervisor; John Kunkle, Town Clerk; Brinton Paine, Bezaleel Seely, and Lebius Hammond,* Commissioners of Highways; Conrad Smith, Jr., Constable and Collector; Christian Loop, John Parkhurst, Daniel De Witt, and James Cameron, Constables; Joseph Hinchman, Phineas Catlin, and Caleb Baker, Assessors; Abraham Miller, Esq., William Jenkins, Samuel Seely, Thomas Keeney, Elijah Buck, Esq. Thomas Baldwin, Brinton Paine, Esq., Cornelius Lowe, and Caleb Gardner, Fence-Viewers; David Burt, Thomas Baldwin, and Wm. Jenkins, Pound-Keepers.
*Mr. Hammond was the only person that made his escape, of fourteen that were set down in a circle to be killed by Queen Esther, after the great defeat at Wyoming.
Overseers of Highways, Epenetus Owens, First District; Elijah Drake, Second District; Thomas Baldwin, Third District; Joshua Carpenter, Fourth District; Phineas Catlin, Fifth District; Thomas Handy, Sixth District; and Elisha Brown, "Big Flat" District. Overseers on the south side of the river Tioga (Chemung), Thomas Keeney, First District; Abler Kelsy, Second District; Wm. Jenkins, Third District; and Abner Hatfield, on Seely’s Creek.
The following is a list of those holding the offices of Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Justice of the Peace from 1791 to 1878, inclusive:
1791-92 | Abner Kelsey | 1832-33 | Ninolia T. Wynkoop | 1852-53 | William II. Little |
1793-94 | Daniel McDowell | 1834-35 | Alpheus II. Tozer | 1854 | I. B. Clark |
1795-96 | Elijah Buck | 1836 | Isaac Shepard | 1855 | William Collson |
1797-1803 | Enoch Warren | 1837-38 | John G. McDowell | 1856-58 | George W. Buck |
1804-09 | Jacob Lowman | 1839 | Harry N. Floyd | 1859-60 | Robert C. Wilson |
1810 | Thomas Floyd | 1840 | John G. McDowell | 1861-63 | George W. Buck |
1811 | Benjamin Wynkoop | 1841-42 | Alonzo I. Wynkoop | 1864 | Robert C. Wilson |
1812 | Thomas Floyd | 1843-44 | Daniel D. McDowell | 1865-69 | George W. Buck |
1813 | Jacob Lowman | 1845-47 | George H. Buck | 1870-71 | Robert C. Wilson |
1814-16 | Benjamin Wynkoop | 1848 | Daniel F. Pickering | 1872 | Gordon Snell |
1817 | Thomas Floyd | 1849 | George Lowman | 1873-76 | John G. Lowman |
1818-29 | Asahel Buck | 1850 | James M. Baldwin | 1877-78 | Ulysses W. De Witt |
1830-31 | Isaac Shephard | 1851 | George W. Buck |
1790 | Daniel McDowell | 1828 | William Foulke | 1855 | Wilson Gamage |
1791-92 | John Konkle | 1829 | Joseph Foulke | 1856 | Harris Peck *
Asahel Buck |
1793-95 | John Kress | 1830 | Benjamin Wynkoop | 1857 | Elias B. Doolittle |
1796-1800 | Daniel McDowell | 1831-32 | Harry N. Floyd | 1858-59 | Andurs Gere |
1801-02 | John Kress | 1833 | Jacob Snell | 1860 | Elias B. Doolittle |
1803 | Elijah Buck | 1834 | William Seaward | 1861-63 | C. C. McKinny |
1804-06 | Joseph Green | 1835-38 | Ninolis T. Wynkoop | 1864 | Allen W. Smith |
1807-10 | Elijah Buck | 1839-43 | Oliver D. Boyd | 1865 | James M. Sawyer |
1811-12 | Jacob Kress | 1844 | John Pickering | 1866 | Charles Ruggles |
1813-19 | Elijah Buck | 1845 | Daniel F. Pickering | 1867-68 | John H. Orcutt |
1820 | John G. McDowell | 1846 | William Lowman | 1869 | James M. Sawyer |
1821 | Benjamin Wynkoop | 1847-48 | Wilson Gamage | 1870-72 | Ulysses W. De Witt |
1822-25 | John G. McDowell | 1849 | Noble Weller | 1873 | William C. Buck |
1826-27 | Benjamin Wynkoop | 1850-54 | Henry Baker | 1874-78 | Martin Wood |
1791 | Brinton Paine | 1843 | William McComber | 1862 | Noble Weller |
Bezaleel Seeley | 1844 | William Guthrie | Gordon Snell | ||
John Miller | 1845 | John Kent | 1863 | Noble Weller | |
1793 | Elijah Buck | 1846 | Belden Burt | 1864 | Daniel Cornwell |
1830 | William McKinstry | 1847 | William Lowman | 1865 | Simon B. Lathrop |
1832 | Jacob Batterson | Wells Newton | John A. Carey | ||
Milo Smith | 1848 | Gersham H. Guthrie | 1866 | Andrus Gere | |
1833 | Sabin Hatch | 1849 | Elijah Kress | 1867 | Noble Weller |
Phineas Squires | Asa Parshell | Albert P. Maxwell | |||
1834 | Ninolia T. Wynkoop | 1850 | George W. Roberts | 1868 | John A. Carey |
M. Griswold | 1851 | Noble Weller | John Benedict | ||
1835 | George Landis | 1852 | Zachariah Tarble | 1869 | Thomas B. Hanyon |
Levi Little | 1853 | James F. Jones | 1870 | James F. Harlow | |
1836 | Isaac M. Griswold | 1854 | George W. Roberts | 1871 | Gordon Snell |
Milo Smith | 1855 | Asahel Buck | 1872 | Andrus Gere | |
1837 | Ninolia T. Wynkoop | Robert Cassidy | A. D. Carey | ||
Martin Lowman | 1856 | George P. West | 1873 | John A. Carey | |
Joseph K. Coleman | Gordon Snell | 1874 | Mason Harrington | ||
1838 | M. Griswold | 1856-57 | Noble Weller | 1875 | George Decker |
William Guthrie | 1858 | Gordon Snell | 1876 | George W. Drake | |
1839 | Anthony Collson | 1859 | M. S. Robbins | Phineas S. Roberts | |
1840 | William Guthrie | 1860 | D. D. Harnden | 1877 | Noble Weller |
1841 | John Benedict | George P. West | 1878 | Andrus Gere | |
1842 | Miramin Griswold | 1861 | Andrus Gere | Elijah Smith |
The names of innkeepers retailing liquors with license, by the payment of L 2 each, for the year 1788, are as follows: William Wynkoop, Joel Thomas, Anthony Rummerfield, Ezekiel Brown.
The names of innkeepers retailing liquors with license, by the payment of L 2 each, for the year 1789, are as follows: Jacob Shinneberg, Christian Loop, Joseph Hinchman, William Wynkoop, Moses Brown. In 1790 there were licensed for the same purpose, by the payment of L 2 each, Joel Thomas, John Konkle, Messrs. Dunn & Hornell, Isaac Baldwin, Ezra Patterson, and John Love.
Ashkenaz Shappee is permitted to keep a ferry and retail strong and spirtuous liquors, not to be drank in his own home by the payment of L 2.
MARCH, 1788
L | s. | d. | |
To twenty-two days spent in his office laying out roads in this town, at the rate and allowance of the State laws for such service per day, 6s | 6 | 12 |
At a town-meeting held April 3, 1792, it was voted unanimously that forty shillings be paid by the town for every wolf killed within its limits. To be paid in grain.
The following description of the bounds and limits of the several road districts in the town of Chemung in 1791 is copied verbatim.
"1st Dist. Begins at the town line called Kyuta, or Shepard’s Mill Creek, and extends to William Wynkoop’s Mill Creek. 2nd Dist. Begins in the middle of Mr. Wynkoop’s Mill Creek, and extends to Mr. Isaac Baldwin’s Mill Creek, on the middle of the bridge. 3rd Dist. Begins on the middle of the bridge at Mr. Isaac Baldwin’s Mill Creek, and extends from thence to the middle of the bridge at Newtown Point. 4th Dist. Begins on the middle of the bridge at Newtown Point, and extends from thence northwardly to the old town line, and westerly to Abisha Marks’ Ferry, including cross-roads, etc. 5th Dist. Begins at the said ferry, and extends to the middle of Mr. Thomas Hendy’s Narrows. 6th Dist. Begins at the middle of Hendy’s Narrows, and extends from thence to the Massachusetts Pre-emption line. 7th Dist. Begins at the old town line, and extends to Catherine’s Town and Seneca Lake. Districts south of the River Tyoga,---1st Dist. Begins at Westbrook’s Ferry, and extends to the middle of the Narrows. 2nd Dist. Begins at the middle of the Narrows, from thence extending to the middle of Mr. Culver’s bridge. 3rd Dist. Begins at the middle of Culver’s bridge, and extends from thence to Marks’ Ferry. 4th Dist. Begins near the grave-yard, and extends from thence west thro’ to the Inhabitants on Seely’s Creek."
The following quaint records are from the book kept by the Overseer of the Poor, and are copied verbatim:
A complaint came to me against Abrom jonson as a straglin fellow on April the 9th, 1798. he, hearin the news, went ameaditly.
THOS. KEENEY, Overseer of the Poor.
Dec. the 28th, 1798. Received of Elias Meadow six Shillings for breach of the Sabath by the hand of Esqur. Buck.
THOS. KEENEY, Overseer of the Poor.
The town of Chemung.
To Thos. Keeney, Dr.
L | s. | d. | |
To looking plases and riting up too pair of indenters for binding out too of Mitchel bennits children as apprintices | 0 | 12 | 0 |
March the 12th, A.D. 1799.
The town of Chemung, to Thos. Keeney, Deter.
To one day and a half going down to John Shepards to warn the widow Moss out of this town, and finding that she was not a resident hear, I warned her out………………………………………………….….$1.00
The following is a copy of an assessment roll of the real and personal
estate in the town of Chemung and county of Tioga, made the 10th
day of December, 1799, according to the directions of the statute entitled
"An Act for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes." Assessment made by
John Kress, Thomas Keeney, and Elijah Buck, assessors of the town of Chemung:
lying near the southern border of the town, east of the centre, is pleasantly located on a plain which rises to the height of about twenty feet above the bottom-lands of the Chemung River. It is built upon the land owned originally by Daniel McDowell and Elijah Buck. Years ago it was known as Buckville. It is a station on the Erie Railway, and contains two churches (Methodist and Baptist), one school-house, two hotels, three stores, two blacksmith-shops, two shoe-shops, one harness-shop, two wagon-shops, one cabinet-shop, one meat-market, a post-office, about forty dwelling-houses, and two hundred inhabitants.
on Wynkoop’s Creek, near the northwest corner of the town, has one store, one saw-mill, one blacksmith-shop, a post-office, and about thirty inhabitants.
a hamlet on Mallory Creek, northeast of the centre of the town, contains one store, one saw-mill, one cooper-shop, a post-office, and about twenty-five inhabitants.
From the report of the school commissioners of the county of Chemung for the year ending Sept. 30, 1877, we take the following:
The town is divided into 17 districts, and has 15 frame school-houses, valued, with their sites, at $6890. 748 children of the school age reside in the town, of whom 601 were pupils of the public schools, which were in session 486 weeks during the year, and were taught by 9 male and 19 female teachers. 677 volumes were in the libraries, valued at $273. The income of the school treasury was as follows: Balance on hand September, 1876, $190.30; received from the State, $1746.48; received from taxes, $1560.45; received from other sources, $751.80; total income, $4249.03. paid teachers’ wages, $3612.96; other expenses, $524.89; total disbursements, $4137.85. Appropriation from the State for 1878, $1829.60.
was formed during a revival in the year 1819. The original society numbered about 30 members, among whom were Jerry Holland and his wife, James Ribble and his wife, Epenetus Owens and his wife, Philip McConnell and his wife, Joseph Swain and his wife, William Kellogg and his wife, Stephen Vanderlip and his wife, Nancy Floyd, Katie Floyd, Julia Wynkoop, Betsy Swain, and Treadway Kellogg. The first meeting was held in the school-house near Wynkoop’s Creek. Rev. Horace Agard was the first presiding elder, and Rev. Sophronus Stocking one of the first circuit preachers. Rev. William H. Pearne was the first resident pastor. The society continued to hold its meetings in the school-house until the year 1838, when they built a small church a few rods east of Wynkoop’s Creek, which was occupied until 1849, when the Erie Railroad Company bought them out, and the society proceeded to the erection of a church in Chemung village. It was completed in 1850, at a cost of $1500, and has sittings for 450 persons. The society numbers at the present time, 130, and the Sunday-school classes 85. Martin Wood, Superintendent of Sunday-schools; Rev. I. B. Hyde is the present pastor.
was organized at Dry Brook, Feb. 3, 1855. Previous to that time they were a branch of the Factoryville Church, and had built a small church edifice at Dry Brook about 1848. The society, upon its organizing as an independent body, was composed of 73 members, among whom were Phineas Rogers, Reuben R. Tooker, Stepehn Vanderlip, William H. Bassett, William F. Rogers, Zelotus G. Carpenter, Samuel H. Rumsey, Stephen Hoover, Hawley B. Rogers, John H. Hicks, Samuel Corey, Abraham H. Knight, C. D. Hill, Ruth Rogers, Hulda Bowling, Emma M. Knight, Phebe H. Bennett, Mary A. Saunders, and 55 others. The society continued to occupy the church at Dry Brook until 1870, when the present church of the society, located in Chemung village, was completed, at a cost of $5000. It will seat 400 people. Rev. J. M. Coley was the first pastor. The society has a membership of 60 in number at the present, and 40 pupils in Sunday-school, of which A. H. Knight is Superintendent. Their present pastor is Rev. William H. Garnett.
The Erie Railway, which was completed to this point in 1849, enters the town at the southeast corner, and, following the course of the Chemung Valley, passes Chemung village (which is a station), and leaves the town south of the centre, on the west border.
By an act of the Legislature, passed May 4, 1869, and amended May 14, 1875, authorizing the construction and maintenance of a free bridge over the Chemung River, in the town of Chemung. Mijamin Griswold, Jesse Owens, and Henry Baker, of the town of Chemung, were appointed bridge commissioners to locate and construct a bridge, at a cost not exceeding $18,000, and to issue bonds which should be binding on the town. The commissioners, after filing bonds in the penalty of $25,000, went forward and constructed the present beautiful structure, which is situated about one mile southwest of the village of Chemung.
It is of great convenience and importance to citizens of the town living south of the river, as well as to those residents of the United States who live in Johnny Cake, Pa.
The Chemung Valley Lodge, No. 350, F. and A. M., was chartered June 8, 1855, and organized with the following officers: Asahel Buck, Master; Henry Baker, Senior Warden; William Guthrie, Junior Warden. The present officers are E. Gere, Master; George W. Drake, Senior Warden; Fletcher Snell, Junior Warden; James Marvin, Treas.; Wilson Ruggles, Sec. Regular communications are held in Masonic Hall, Chemung.
Chemung Grange, No. 204, was instituted May, 1874, with 40 members and the following officers: Joshua S. Holbert, Master; Miles C. Baldwin, Overseer; Peter Bennett, Lecturer; Willard Doolittle, Treas.; M. C. Gardner, Chaplain; John M. Crispin, Sec. The present officers are Joshua S. Holbert, Master; Miles C. Baldwin, Overseer; William Holbert, Lecturer; Willard Doolittle, Treas.; Joseph Joslin, Chaplain; John M. Crispin, Sec. The grange numbers 106 members at the present, and meets every alternate Friday in Grange Hall, Chemung.
The part taken by the old town of Chemung during the war of the Rebellion was a grand and noble one, such as we should expect from the descendants of her Revolutionary pioneers. She responded promptly to every call of the general government for volunteers, and was represented on nearly every battle-field in Virginia. Others of her sons marched with General Sherman to the sea.
The town paid in bounties to soldiers, $39,145, and in expenses relating to the same $1760, making a total of $40,905. It was reimbursed by the State to the amount of $12,900; the full amount expended being $28,005.
The town raised by subscription, for the relief of soldiers’ families, $200.
We desire to return thanks to Messrs. Nile F. Wynkoop, A. H. Buck, Miles C. Baldwin, Asa Parshall, H. C. Beidelman, George Lowman, Gordon Snell, Dr. Gere, R. M. McDowell, Martin Wood, John Bosworth, A. H. Knight, John J. Joslin, and John M. Crispin for valuable information and courtesies extended during our stay in Chemung.
George W. Weller, sergeant, Co. E, 23rd N.Y. Regt., enl. March 21; in several battles. |
John M. Frances, private, Co. D, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 23, 1862; disch. June 5, 1865. |
Wm. Guthrie, private, Co. H, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Oct. 12, 1861; disch. Dec. 25, 1864. |
Franklin M. Slade, private, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Aug. 9, 1862; disch. May 22, 1865. |
Edward F. Beem, private, Co. B, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 19, 1862; disch. May 22, 1865. |
George W. Drake, private, Co. B, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 19, 1862; disch. June 13, 1865. |
C. Harington, private, Co. C, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 22, 1862; disch. June 17, 1865. |
Barent C. Bailey, corporal, Co. M, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 12, 1863. |
James S. Faucey, private, Co. A, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 12, 1862; disch. Sept. 14, 1863; disability. |
Leander Scott, private, Co. I, 16th N.Y. Art.; enl. Oct. 2, 1863; disch. Aug. 28, 1865. |
Daniel B. Scott, corporal, Co. E, 117th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 11, 1862; died Aug. 1, 1863, from wounds. |
Isaac E. Bailey, corporal, Co. C, 141st N. Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 1, 1862; died Oct. 5, 1864, of wounds. |
Francis M. Walker, private, Co. B; 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 21, 1862; pro. to sergt. Aug. 13, 1862. |
Lewis Swain, private, Co. H, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Oct. 3, 1861; re-enl, same company March, 1864; disch. Aug. 1865. |
E. F. Blossom, private, Co. D, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 18, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville; disch. July 28, 1865. |
Jason Blossom, drummer, Co. D., 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 18, 1862; was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville; disch. Aug. 1, 1865. |
Gay Ellis, private, Co. D, 112th N. Y. Regt.; enl. July 28, 1862; disch. July 28, 1865. |
John A. Carey, sergeant, Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 30, 1862; disch.; no date. |
Theodore Carey, sergeant, Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 22, 1862; killed May 27, 1864. |
Chas. Cogans, private, Co. D; 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 28, 1862; wounded in knee at Kenesaw Mountain. |
E. C. Welles, private, Co. C, N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; disch. Jan. 30, 1862, disability. |
Reuben Griswold, corporal, Co. C, 150th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; disch Dec. 1861, disability. |
George Smith, corpl., Co. H, 150th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 26, 1861; disch. August, 1864, re-enlisted; disch. Jan. 27, 1865. |
Stephen M. Beckhorn, private, Co. I., 103rd N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 4, 1862; wounded at Spottsylvania; disch. June 16, 1865. |
Jason Hillman, private, Co. C, 50th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; disch. 1864; re-enl. January, 1865; disch. June, 1865 |
James Griswold, capt., Co. C, 50th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; trans. to 169th N.Y. Regt.; disch. June 25, 1865. |
Freeman Ellis, private, Co. C, 50th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; disch. Sept. 20, 1864. |
Freeman Warren, corpl., Co. C, 50th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1861; disch. 1862, disability; re-enl. March 11, 1865, 179th N.Y. Regt. |
Chas. R. Benedict, sergt., Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 23, 1862; disch. Dec. 31, 1863, sickness. |
Theo. M. Warren, sergt., Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 23, 1862; pro. to 1st lieut. June, 1864; killed at Atlanta. |
Chas. A. Hart, private, Co. E, 86th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Nov. 1, 1861; re-enl. Dec. 1, 1863; wounded at Spottsylvania; disch. July 22, 1865. |
Frank Sager, private, Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to sergt. Oct. 1, 1864; disch. June 20, 1865. |
Samuel McCutcher, private, Co. M, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 15, 1863; wounded; disch. Oct. 18, 1865. |
Miles O. Corryel, private, 8th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 28, 1863; trans. to 4th N.Y. Art.; disch Oct. 5, 1865. |
Edgar F. Terrill, private, Co. I, 163rd N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 5, 1862; disch. Jan. 4, 1864, disability. |
John M. Evans, private, Co. C, 19th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 24, 1863; disch. May 6, 1865. |
Sylvester Decker, private, Co. T, 148th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Nov. 5, 1963; wounded at Cold Harbor; disch. Oct. 1, 1865. |
Benjamin Edwards, private, Co. E, 23rd N.Y. Regt.; enl. April 16, 1861; re-enl. in Co. C, 1st N.Y. Cav, July 11, 1863; wounded, no date; disch. Aug. 1, 1865. |
David E. Champion, private, Co. E, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 23, 1862; wounded at Peach-Tree Creek; disch June 5, 1865. |
Samuel C. Knox, private, Co. E, 20th N.Y. Regt.; enl. April 23, 1861; disch. May 23, 1863. |
Morris Kane, private, Co. B, 107th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 22, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg; disch. July 20, 1865. |
Charles A. Knox, private, Co. E, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Jan. 5, 1864; trans. to 6th N.Y. Art.; pro. to sergt. |
Jefferson Decker, private, Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 25, 1862, wounded at Resaca, Ga., and also at Peach-Tree Creek; disch. May 5, 1865. |
Wm. H. Brown, corpl., Co. H, 141st N.Y. Regt. Enl. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. to sergt. and 2nd lieut. |
Wm. T. Carey, corpl., Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 10, 1862; pro. to sergt.; mortally wounded at Dallas, Ga.; died May 31, 1864. |
Wm. N. Joslin, private, Co. C, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 21, 1862; wounded at Reseca, Ga. |
Stepehn S. Cornell, private, Co. B., 161st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 30, 1864; disch. Oct. 13, 1865. |
Samuel Hubble, private, Co. E, 23rd N.Y. Regt.; enl. April 21, 1861; disch. May 23, 1863. |
Charles Harris, private, Co. H, 188th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 7, 1864; disch. July 11, 1865. |
Nathaniel C. Rippard, private, Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 21, 1862; disch. March 11, 1863, disability. |
William Rose, private, Co. I, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 11, 1863; wounded at Wilderness; died July 23, 1864 of wounds. |
Charles Washburn (substitute), private, 10th N.Y. Regt.; disch. July, 1865. |
Francis L. Patterson, private, Co. I, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 17, 1863; wounded, disch. March 9, 1863. |
Edward Lurcock, private, Co. M, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 12, 1863; taken prisoner before Richmond; died at Andersonville, Aug. 29, 1864. |
George N. Cooper, private, Co. H, 46th Penna.; died May 28, 1864. |
Harry H. Cooper, private, Co. M, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 12, 1863; wounded at Wilderness; died May 9, 1864, of wounds. |
G. P. McDowell, private, Co. I, 109th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Spottsylvania; disch. June 16, 1865. |
Ray Warren, private, Co. I, 141st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept 10, 1865, deserted. |
Aaron Slade, private, Co. E, 23rd N.Y. Regt.; enl. May 6, 1861; disch.; no date given. |
Guy Wynkoop, private, Co. H, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. November, 1861, taken prisoner Oct. 12, 1863; died at Andersonville. |
Sager Wynkoop, private, Co. E, 29th N.Y. Regt.; enl. October, 1861; disch. |
John Herington, private, Co. B, 109th N.Y. Regt.; enl. July 20, 1862, disch. |
Stewart H. Campbell, private 2nd N.Y. Cav.; enl. Dec. 11, 1863. |
Peter V. Carey, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Bartholomew Cavens, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Delos J. Tillman, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Isaac Howell, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Samuel Ruggles, private 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Wm. McCutchin, private, 34th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 15, 1863. |
Pery Tanner, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Wm. McMaster, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Henry G. Bennett, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Elmer Howard, private, 14th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 14, 1863. |
Jonas D. Swain, private, 16th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 17, 1863. |
David Dewitt, Jr., private, 16th N.Y. Art.; enl. Dec. 17, 1863. |
Jacob H. Roblyer, private, 1st N.Y. Art.; enl. Feb. 5, 1864. |
John H. Miller, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864. |
Charles P. Crawford, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864. |
Walter H. Parcels, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864. |
John Baldwin, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864; re-enlisted. |
George Smith, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864; re-enlisted. |
Wm. Jorden, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 6, 1864; re-enlisted. |
Charles R. Lawrence, private 179th N.Y. Regt.; enlisted Feb. 19, 1864. |
Thomas Chambers, private 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Feb. 28, 1861. |
George W. Cown, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Jan. 1, 1864; re-enlisted. |
John Kohuene private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 30, 1864. |
Patrick Slatsteton, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 30, 1864. |
Edward J. Clark, private, 24th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 23, 1861. |
Albert D. Fields, private 24th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 15, 1861 (substitute). |
Archibald Bensley, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Sept. 10, 1861. |
Richard Murphy, private, 16th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 2, 1864. |
Sawyer P. Fuller, private, 8th N.Y. Art.; enl. Sept. 24, 1864. |
Thomas H. Cannon, private, 8th N.Y. Art.; enl. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Trueman W. Lewis, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Aug. 24, 1864. |
Jacob L. Decker, private, 10th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Aug. 24, 1865. |
Timothy Brockway (substitute). |
Thomas Pierce, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 7, 1864. |
John H. Jackson, private; enl. Sept. 8, 1864. |
Jacob Smith, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 10, 1864. |
Peter Kelly, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 9, 1864. |
Michael Cahill, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 8, 1864. |
Wheeler Sisson, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 12, 1864. |
James Stanler, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 12, 1864. |
Patrick Brohlley, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 12, 1863. |
John Galyger, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 12, 1864. |
Patrick Hagerty, private, 184th N.Y. Regt; enl.Sept. 12, 1864. |
Moses H. Spillman, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 12, 1864. |
George Weed, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Sept. 7, 1864. |
Theron E. Foster, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Sept. 7, 1864. |
James Little, private, 184th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 16, 1864. |
Jonas L. Miller, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 17, 1864. |
Abraham Miller, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 19, 1861 |
George Benjamin, private, 12th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Sept. 13, 1864. |
Harry Benjamin, private, 12th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Sept. 13, 1864. |
Nelson Benjamin, private, 12th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Sept. 10, 1864. |
S. W. Miller, private, 12th N.Y. Cav.; enl. Sept. 13, 1864. |
Thomas V. Metcalf, private, 28th N.Y. Battery; enl. Sept. 20, 1864. |
Thomas Graham, private, 97th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Sept. 3, 1864. |
John M. Utter, private, 97th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Oct. 5, 1864. |
Samuel D. Bodine, private, 1st N.Y. Art.; enl. Sept. 30, 1864. |
Samuel D. Wilcox, private, 161st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Oct. 5, 1864. |
Smith Wilcox, private, 161st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Oct. 5, 1864. |
Valentine Smith, private, 170th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Oct. 9, 1864. |
George Burke, private; enl. Jan. 11, 1865. |
John W. Huntley, private; enl. Jan. 11, 1865. |
John Salter, private, enl. June 11, 1865. |
Wm. Swain, private; enl. Jan. 12, 1865. |
John Hinderson, private; enl. Jan. 12, 1865. |
Emigh Roberts, private; enl. Jan. 14, 1865. |
Wm. McCellan, private; enl. Jan. 14, 1865. |
Aaron Goldsmith, private; enl. Jan. 14, 1865. |
Hugh O’Brien, private, enl. Jan. 18, 1865. |
James Donohon, private, enl. Jan. 18, 1865. |
Charles Dunn, private, enl. Jan. 18, 1865. |
Charles H. Washborn, private, enl. Jan. 19, 1865. |
Lemuel D. King, private; enl. Jan. 20, 1865. |
Tracey Emigh, private, enl. Feb. 2, 1865. |
Wash. B. Rutgers, private, enl. Feb. 2, 1865. |
David E. Evans, private, enl. Feb. 8, 1865. |
Edward Jenkins, private, 179th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 8, 1865. |
Wm. Dickison, private; enl. Feb. 9, 1865. |
John F. Harrison, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 9, 1865. |
Theodore Bartholf, private, 91st N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 22, 1865. |
James Griffin, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 25, 1865. |
Squire Clark, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 25, 1865. |
Horace Mandeville, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 28, 1865. |
Andrew J. Coldgrove, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 27, 1865. |
James L. Robb, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 7, 1865. |
Wm. H. Simpson, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 1, 1865. |
Charles Darling, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 7, 1865. |
Ezra P. Whitmore, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Feb. 15, 1865. |
John L. Johnson, private, 50th N.Y. Eng.; enl. Feb. 15, 1865. |
Robert F. Crandle, private, 194th N.Y. Regt.; enl. March 3, 1865. |
John Brantford, private, 187th N.Y. Regt.; enl. Jan. 5, 1865. |
was born Aug. 26, 1806, in the town of Chemung, being the fifth son of Enoch and Betsey Warren, both natives of Connecticut, who emigrated to New York in the year 1791, locating one year at Nanticoke, and from thence moved to Chemung County, then Tioga. Here the worthy couple lived to a good old age, rearing a family of ten children, three of whom are now living.
Enoch Warren died in the year 1834, aged seventy years. His wife died in 1859, aged eighty-nine years.
Nelson began life as a farmer, working on his father’s farm until he was sixteen years of age. He then started out for himself, turning his hand to whatever presented itself to earn an honest dollar. He purchased his first land in the year 1832, and the following year purchased the farm on which he now resides, which at the time was heavily timbered; and having from time to time added to the first purchase, his broad acres now reach the high figure of 1300.
July 19, 1832, he married Jerusha, daughter of Gideon and Azuba Griswold, of Chemung, formerly of Connecticut.
The first years of their married life were passed in a log house, near the site of their present residence.
Six children were born to them, two of whom are now living. Tabitha S., wife of Miles Decker, now living at Addison, Steuben Co.; Ray, married Charlotte L., daughter of William and Agnes Cooper, of Chemung; Polly A., now deceased, married Miles Cooper, two children survive her. The following are also deceased: Nile, Isabell, and Zachary. Mr. Warren endured all the privations and hardships of pioneer life, but being possessed of industry and energy, coupled with an indomitable will, has succeeded in accumulating a goodly portion of this world’s goods.
Politically Mr. Warren was a Whig, subsequently a Republican, and now is identified with the Greenback movement.
In addition to agricultural pursuits he has been largely engaged in lumbering, and in partnership with John Johnsen erected a steam saw-mill. Although on the down-hill of life, past the Scriptural age of threescore years and ten, he retains in a remarkable degree the vigor and elasticity of youth. May the remainder of his life be passed pleasantly, enjoying the fruits of his toil!