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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
History of Tompkins, Schuyler, Chemung, Tioga 1879
Chapter X - Miilitary History (Continued).
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This regiment was organized during the dark hours of 1862, when the novelty of military life had ceased and fierce war with all its horrors stood out in awful vision before the people of this country. The disastrous battles of 1861, and the unsuccessful Peninsula campaign of the Army of the Potomac, had cast a gloom over the North and served to add additional vigor to the already victorious arms of the Confederacy. It was during this hour, when the pall of despondency seemed to be settling down upon the North that President Lincoln issued a call, July 1,for 300,000.

General A.S. Diven was at that time member of Congress from the 27th District. Near midnight, on one sultry summer night in July, he was called upon at his residence in Washington by General Van Valkenburg, of Steuben and Mr. Pomeroy, of Auburn, both members of Congress from New York, with the message that Secretary Seward wished to see him immediately. He immediately answered the summons, and the secretary, addressing him abruptly, said,” \will you go home and raise a regiment in your district? Pomeroy is going, Van Valkenburg is going, and you must go. I mean to invite every member of Congress to do so, and thus raise regiments by districts.” General Diven was prompt to answer “yes” and on the following morning left Washington for Elmira. Although at first meeting with much discouragement, able men soon rallied to his support. It is said of Rev. Thomas K. Beecher that he laid aside his clerical duties, and with General Diven traversed Schuyler, Chemung, Steuben, and Alleghany Counties, holding two meetings every day.

Recruiting was rapid. The first company was mustered into the United States service in July, and on the evening of August 13 the 107th Regiment New York State Volunteers left Elmira en route to Washington.

The regiment was mustered into the service from July 31 to August 31,1862.

The following were the field and staff and line officers: Colonel Robert B. Van Valkenburg; Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander S. Diven; Major, Gabriel L. Smith; Adjutant, Hull Fanton; Quartermaster, E.P. Graves; Quartermaster-Sergeant, L.B. Chidsay; Chaplain, Ezra F. Crane; Surgeon Patrick H. Flood; Assistant surgeon, James D. Hewitt; Sergeant-Major, John R. Lindsay; Commissary-Sergeant, Henry Inscho; Hospital Steward, John M. Flood.

COMPANY A.---Captain, Ezra F. Crane; First Lieutenant, Melville C. Wilkinson; Second Lieutenant John M. Lasie.

COMPANY B.---Captain Lathrop Baldwin; First Lieutenant, Martin V.B. Bachman; Second-Lieutenant, George Swain.

COMPANY C.---Captain, William F. Fox; First Lieutenant, *-----; Second Lieutenant, Irving Bronson.

*Name does not appear on the muster-in roll.

COMPANY D.---Captain Hector M. Stocum; First Lieutenant, Samuel A. Benedict; Second Lieutenant, Odell D. Reynolds.

COMPANY E.----Captain William L. Morgan; First Lieutenant, William L. Morgan, Jr.; Second Lieutenant, Harlow Atwood.

COMPANY F.----Captain, James H. Miles; First Lieutenant, J. Milton Roe; Second-Lieutenant, John F. Knox.

COMPANY G.----Captain , John J. Lamon; First Lieutenant, G.H. Brigham; Second-Lieutenant, Ezra Gleason.

COMPANY H.----Captain, Erastus C. Clark; First Lieutenant, Henry D. Donnelly; Second-Lieutenant, Lewis O. Sayler.

COMPANY I----- Captain, Newton T. Colby; First Lieutenant, Benjamin C. Wilson; Second-Lieutenant, Nathaniel E. Rutter.

COMPANY K.----Captain, Allen N. Sill; First Lieutenant, John M. Goodrich; Second-Lieutenant, Alonzo B. Howard.

On the 15th the regiment arrived at Washington and after a review by President Lincoln went into camp on Arlington Heights, where, August 19, they were first in battalion drill. August 22 marching orders were received, and on the following say the regiment moved to Fort Lyon, near Alexandria, Virginia.

The 107th was brigaded Sept.1,1862,. with the 35th Massachusetts and two Pennsylvania regiment, forming the 5th Brigade of Whipple’s Division, Reserve Corps, Colonel Van Valkenburg commanding.

Sept.6 orders were received to join General McClellan’s army, moving northward to repel General Lee’s invasion of Maryland, and at seven p.m. they were in line of march. In speaking of this movement General Diven said, “ How glorious the August moon looked down upon us as we broke camp at Arlington, and with songs of triumph crossed the Potomac to join the army for the defense of Washington! How from our at Frederick City we saw the smoke of battle and heard the roar of dread artillery, and marked the strife in which we were soon to mingle ! how after a night of fatiguing march we encamped at daybreak on the scene of an ensanguined battle of a day before! how all day with cautious march we advanced in the track of the brave victors of South Mountain ! how eagerly we burned to be sharers in the strife that was making heroes of our friends in other regiments! how we envied the glory that surrounded the 23rd!” Ah! this gallant regiment had not long to wait. The night of the 17th of September they lay on their arms, and ere the “gray-eyed morn smiled on the frowning night” was heard the rattle of musketry, and the ominous booming of artillery, reverberated over the army, told only too well that the battle of Antietam had opened. As General Diven remarked in an address delivered at the regimental association in 1873, “ Comrades, you remember the rest of that day.”

Yes the surviving members of the 107th will not soon forget the horrors of that September day. It was an all-day’s contest, and almost a hand-to-hand struggle. Night put an end to the contest, and 90 of those brave men who marched out to meet the enemy in the morning, at night lay upon the field, killed and wounded. This was the 107th’s baptism of fire, and nobly did it pass through the deadly contest.

General Gordon, in his official report of the battle, bestowed many encomiums of praise upon this regiment for its bravery and soldierly bearing. He says, “ The 107th New York Regiment, Colonel Van Valkenburg, I held in reserve, throwing them into the edge of a piece of woods on the left, which, I was informed by an aid of General Hooker, who met me advancing , must be held at all hazards.” Again, in the same report, he says, “ The rebel lines again advancing, I threw forward a portion of my brigade to support those nearly in front, while the 107th New York was directed to support Captain Cotheran’s battery on the left. This fine regiment, but just organized and brought into the field, in this battle for the first time under fire, moved with steadiness to its perilous position, and maintained its ground until recalled through exposed to a front fire from the enemy, and a fire over its head from batteries in its rear.” He adds, “ I have no words but those of praise for their conduct.”

Captain Cotheran, whose battery the regiment supported, pays it the following tribute in his official report: “ The 107th Regiment, New York Volunteers, Colonel R.B. Van Valkenburg, is entitled to great credit for both coolness and courage and the admirable manner in which it supported my battery during the fight. This being the first time this regiment was under fire, I most cheerfully bear testimony to the excellent bearing of both officers and men, while occupying the uncomfortable position of being the recipients of the enemy’s fire while they were unable to return it.”

Not one moment elapsed, from the beginning to the close of this sanguinary struggle, that the 107th was not under fire. The following vivid summary of this battle, in which the 107th took so conspicuous a position , is given by General Gordon: “ From sunrise to sunset the waves of battle ebbed and flowed. Men wrestled with each other in lines of regiment, brigades and divisions, while regiments, brigades, and divisions faded away under a terrible fire, leaving long lines of dead to mark where stood the living. Fields of corn were trampled into shreds, forests were battered and scathed, huge limbs went crashing to earth, sent by shell and round shot. Grape and canister mingled their hissing scream in this hellish carnival; yet within all this, and throughout it all the patriots of the North wrestled with hearts strong and unshaken ; wrestled with the rebel horde that thronged and pressed upon them , never yielding , though sometimes halting to gather up their strength, then with one mighty bound, throwing themselves upon their foes, to drive them into their protecting forests beyond. We indeed at night slept upon the bloody field of our victory.” The regiment was at this time in the Third Brigade , First Division, of the Twelfth Corps.

On the day following the battle the regiment lay upon the field, and on the 19th marching orders were received and they started in pursuit of the vanquished foe. They moved to Maryland Heights and went into camp, Sept. 23. While here the ranks were greatly decimated by fever, which raged to such an extent that at the review by President Lincoln, Oct.2, not 300 men were able to report for duty. The hospitals were filled with victims of the disease , and their camp at Maryland Heights was indeed a sorrowful one, where so many of the brave men , who had passed the fire of battle, sank before this destroyer , and were buried in the winding-sheet, for no coffins , not even of the rudest manufacture , could at one time be obtained. The first death in this camp was that of Corporal Joseph Couse, of Company H. and he was buried in a rough box, made by Sergeant Abram White, of old fence-boards.

The 107th remained at Maryland Heights until late in October, when they moved to Antietam Ford. Here they remained a few weeks, and on the 10th of December moved into Virginia, passing through Harper’s Ferry, thence across the Shenandoah, and down the Leesburg Valley to Fairfax. Station. The regiment halted here for a short time and then proceeded towards Fredericksburg; subsequently went into camp at a place called Hope Landing, on Aquia Creek

An official report forwarded to the War Department about this time says,” The 107th remained in camp at Fairfax Station, Va. Until the morning of the 19th of January, when it broke camp and commenced marching southwards towards Stafford Court-House, together with the 12th Army Corps

( Major-General H.W. Slocum). The march was continued from day to day for five days during the worst possible storm imaginable, fording the swollen streams and making our way along seemingly impassable roads. The evening of Friday arrived at Stafford Court-House. Here the regiment was paid up to the 31st of October , 1862, which was the first pay received. Remained in bivouac near Stafford until Tuesday, January 27, when we marched to Hope Landing, on the Aquia Creek; remained in bivouac there for a few days, and then moved to a camp nearer the creek and commenced building winter quarters for the fourth time. February 13 finds the regiment still here. Sickness is alarmingly on the increase, and regimentally matters looked gloomy. Only some 400 men left for duty , the balance of the 1019 of six months ago dead, wounded or absent sick.”

Camp life at Hope Landing had been pleasant and duty easy, and but for the sickness that prevailed, caused by the winter, fatigue, and exposure, this camp might have been left with regret. But not so. The regiment had been greatly thinned by disease and on April 27 they cheerfully broke camp and marched under the command of gallant fighting Joe Hooker, towards the Rappahannock. The order of march was gladly hailed and General Diven remarked, “Never prisoner left a dungeon more eagerly than we our camp when we marched forth under the proud banner of the 12th Army Corps.”

The spring campaign was active as it was disastrous. Not one week had elapsed after leaving the camp at Hope Landing ere the 107th participated in the terrible battle of Chancellorsville, adding fresh laurels to those already won on the hard- contested field of the Antietam.

This regiment having fought gallantly at Antietam , and left that sanguinary field crowned with the laurels of victory, never harbored the thought of a possible defeat and with the same coolness and determination that marked their career there did they move upon the enemy at Chancellorsville. On the evening of the second day, believing the foe was defeated, marched out to join in capturing a conquered army; but they reckoned without their host. The advance soon became a retreat , and instead of victory, it was defeat. Soon after the regiment marched out they were ordered back to their position on double- quick, and met the flying columns of the Eleventh Corps, driven before the fierce onslaught of Stonewall Jackson like chaff before the wind. Right gallantly did the 107th attempt to stay the flight of the fleeing and stop the pursuit of the pursuing until the night came on, when the confusion was like unto pandemonium itself. During the night the regiment again formed in line of battle and until daybreak over their heads blazed the shrieking shot and shell.

At early dawn, without time to consume the scanty provisions that had been sent to them, they entered the fight and for hours that passed like minutes struggled with the foe, until the last round of ammunition was exhausted and then with fixed bayonets, stood as they supposed , until reinforcements has come to take their place. Then in orderly march, proud of their endurance, the regiment retired. The reinforcements, however outstripped them in the retreat; and under a murderous fire, they formed a new line near the Chancellorsville House, only to be driven from it by the artillery of the victorious foe. The battle of Chancellorsville was fought and lost.

It was a bloody day for the 107th. Many a home in the 27th Congressional district was rendered desolate by this day’s carnage. Fearfully were the ranks of the 107th thinned, but not dishonored. Every survivor who participated in that day’s fight felt conscious of having performed his duty, and thenceforward the regiment was counted veteran.

They never fall who die

In a great cause. The block may soak their gore;

Their heads may sodden in the sun; their limbs

Be strong to city gates or castle walls;

But still their spirits walk abroad, through years

Elapse, and others share as dark a doom.

They but augment the deep and sweeping thoughts

Which overspread all others, and conduct

The world at last to freedom.”

From the disastrous Chancellorsville battle ground the 107th marched to Stafford Court-House, where they went into camp and remained during the month of May. While here the regiment parted with their brave Colonel Diven and efficient Adjutant Fanton, who resigned and returned to their homes. The command of the regiment now devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Colby.

June 12 the camp presented a lively appearance as orders had been received to march at a moment’s notice, and on the following day, at six o’clock, the forces moved northward to repel the invasion of Lee. This was the beginning of the Gettysburg campaign.

On the 24th of June the newly-appointed colonel, N.M. Crane, joined the regiment and assumed command. July 1 the 107th reached Gettysburg, Pa., and prepared for the deadly contest of the morrow. The morrow came, and with it every indication of a terrible struggle. Everything tending to encumber the men was thrown aside, guns were primed afresh, and a few words of encouragement and direction given by the gallant colonel. Then each man took his place and awaited the order that should summon them to the front, where the sanguinary battle of Gettysburg was raging in all its fury. The regiment, however, was not actively engaged and the loss was small.

July 5 the regiment left the Gettysburg battle field, and followed in the pursuit of the retreating enemy. On the 14th, General Lee, hard pressed, escaped across the Potomac, closely followed by the Union army under the command of General Meade. They continued their march through Virginia, reaching Kelly’s Ford August 1, where they went into camp, and remained until September 16, when the line of march was taken up to Bealton Station,. from whence the 107th was transported to Stevenson, Ala., to reinforce the Army of the West. From October, 1863, to April, 1864, the regiment---with the exception of Companies B and K, which were sent to Shelbyville, Tenn.--- lay at Wartrace, Bell Buckle and Wartrace Bridge, doing guard and picket duty.

During this time the 107th received, by transfer from the disbanded 145th Regiment and by recruits, 250 men, and was enabled to completely recuperate for the first time from the fatigue of its constant service since entering the field.

On the 20th of April, 1864 ( the regiment then 600 strong) , they broke camp, and then commenced Sherman’s memorable march. May 15 was fought the battle of Resaca, and the 107th lost two killed, and seventeen wounded.

Sherman hotly pursued the retreating forces of Johnston until May 25, when, coming upon his army at Dallas, a sharp contest ensued in which the 107th lost nearly 200 men. Fighting and skirmishing was continued on the following day, and although the enemy was intrenched, on the 5th of June he retreated. Sherman lost no time, but followed hard upon the retreating foe. He crowded Johnston from one position to another and from June 6 to 14 was a series of marches, countermarches, and skirmishes. On the 15th the enemy opened an attack on our forces at Pine Knob, and after a hard fight, was repulsed with heavy loss.

Again there was a retreat by the enemy and again the victorious army of Sherman followed in hot pursuit. The battle of Culp’s Farm was fought on the 22d and on the 27th followed the battle of Kenesaw.

On went the flying foe before the intrepid Sherman. Peach-Tree Creek battle was fought the 20th, and here the gallant Major Baldwin was mortally wounded, June 22. After hard fighting, Sherman secured a position in front of Atlanta, and laid siege to the city, which was finally evacuated by the enemy Sept. 2, and the 107th Regiment was among the first to enter the city. In this siege the regiment lost about 60 killed and wounded.

The regiment remained at Atlanta some time performing provost-guard duty, and on the 15th of September left Atlanta with Sherman on his memorable “ March to the Sea.” On the 26th a skirmish was had at Sandersville, and Dec. 9, Redoubt No. 3, nine miles from Savannah, was captured, and Dec. 21 the city was evacuated by the enemy and the campaign closed. This was one of the greatest campaigns of the war, and it is an honor to be able to say, “ I marched with Sherman from Atlanta ti the sea !” It may justly be written that the 107th during this campaign added fresh laurels to those already won while with the Army of the Potomac, and it is well known that General Sherman held this regiment in the highest esteem; and 1875 he said,” I surely know no regiment that I would prefer to meet, whose services both East and West make them justly proud.”

After the evacuation of Savannah, the 107th went into camp on the Georgia side of the river, where they remained until Jan. 17,1865, when they moved with the army for the campaign through the Carolinas, and participated in the battle of Averysboro’, N.C., March 16 and Black River, N.C., March 19. On the 24th they reached Goldsboro’ and went into camp, ending the march of 66 days,---distance 500 miles,--- the total casualties of the campaign being about 40. Left camp at Goldsboro’ April 10, and after a series of marches ---passing through Richmond and other places,-- the 25th finds the regiment in camp near Bladensburg, Md., preparing the muster-out rolls. June 6 they bade farewell to Southern soil, and on the 8th reached Elmira, on the 9th turned over their camp and garrison equipage, on the 10th were paid off and mustered out of service, and the 107th passed into history.

Summary of Marches.--- The following is a summary of marches of the regiment:
1862 Before leaving Arlington Heights 20
1862 First campaign in Maryland 175
1862 To Antietam Ford from Maryland Heights 10
1862 Winter campaign to Fairfax and Stafford Court-House 150
1863 Campaign to Chancellorsville 75
1863 Second campaign in Maryland and Pennsylvania 350
1863 Marches on the Rappahannock and in Tennessee 300
1864 Campaign to Atlanta and the sea 600
1865 Campaign through Carolinas 500
1865 Homeward march to Washington 400
Total 2580


Summary of Campaigns-- The regiment campaigned in the following States: Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and passed through Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.

Summary of Battles--- The regiment participated in the following battles and skirmishes viz:

Antietam, Md., Sept. 17,1862

Chancellorsville, Va., May1-3, 1863

Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863

Resaca, Ga., May 15,1864

Dallas, Ga., May 25,1864

Cassville, Ga., May 19,1864

Pine Knob, Ga., June 15,1864

Culp’s Farm, Ga., June 22, 1864

Kenesaw, Ga. June 27,1864

Peach-Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,1864

Siege of Atlanta, July 23 to Aug. 24, 1864

Sandersville, Ga., Nov. 26,1864

Redoubt No. 3, Savannah, Ga.,Dec.9,1864

Argyle Island and siege of Savannah, Ga., Dec.11-22, 1864

Averysboro’, N.C., March16,1865

Black River, N.C., March 19,1865

Roll of Honor--- During the month of January, 1876, Major Charles J. Fox and A.S. Fitch, the efficient secretary of the 107th Association, visited Albany and upon application at the office of the adjutant- general were furnished with the muster-out rolls of the regiment, from which were copied the list of the dead of the several companies, with date, place, and cause of death. This list comprises only those who died before receiving their discharge from the service. Many sick and wounded were discharged, came home and died; none such are reported in this list.

Field and Staff---Lieutenant- Colonel Lathrop Baldwin, died July 30,1864, of wounds received at Peach-Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,1864.

Commissary-Sergeant Henry Inselo, died April 9, 1863.


Cornelius Hammond, first sergeant, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Charles Bolton, sergeant died at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 20,1864, of wounds received at Dallas, May 25,1864.

John B. Arnot, died at Bolivar Heights, Oct. 23,1862

Silas H. Betson, died at Hope Landing, Va., March 3,1863

Abram Decatur, died at Bolivar Heights, Oct. 13,1862

Augustus Demick, died at Fairfax Court-House, Va., Oct.12,1862

John M. French, died Sept. 19,1862, from wounds received at Antietam

William Hill, died at Jeffersonville, Dec.2,1864

William J. Graves, died at Atlanta, Oct.24,1864

Charles H. Luce, died at Washington, D.C., Jan.21,1863

George McPherson, died at David’s Island, N.Y., April 5,1865

George Ramsey, died at Washington, D.C., July 25,1863

Henry P. Smith, died at Bolivar Heights, Va., Oct.13,1862

Henry Stevens, died at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 19,1864


Marcus M. Munson, corporal, died at Kingston, Ga. June 4,1864, from wounds received at Dallas.

Guy Rathbone, corporal, died in South Carolina, Jan. 25,1865

Jonathan H. Barlow, died at Washington, D.C., Jan.20,1863

John Bright, died in Nashville, Tenn., June 27,1864, of wounds received at Dallas.

Harrison D. Cooper, died at Nashville, Tenn., July 7,1864,from wounds received at Dallas.

Hay Griene, killed at the battle of Dallas, May 25,1864

Harvey Harrington, died at Antietam, Md., Sept.18,1862, from wounds received at the battle of Antietam.

Henry C. Howland, died near Atlanta, Ga., July22,1864, from wounds received while on skirmish line.

Jacob W. Jackson, died at Philadelphia, Oct. 8,1862

Charles S. Keener, died at Kingston, Ga., July 31,1864, of wounds received at Dallas

Martin McGuire, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Stephen Rickey, died at Summit House, Md., Dec.22,1864

Oscar M. Root, died at Louisville, Ky., Aug. 24,1864, from wounds received at Dallas.

Van Buren Stage, died at Harper’s Ferry Oct. 13,1862

Charles J. Terwilliger, died at Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct. 15,1862

Frederick Lostensen, died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan.28,1864, from accidental wounds.

Louis N. Vreeland, killed at Dallas.

Levi B. \van Gelder, died at Nashville, Tenn., July 29,1864, from wounds received at Dallas.


Jeremiah B. Wood, sergeant, Dallas, Ga. May 30,1864

William R. Christler, corporal, killed at Averysboro’, N.C., March 17,1864

John McCarrick, Atlanta, Ga., Oct.11,1864

David Able, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 29,1862

Andrew Brockway, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Oscar F. Fradley, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 15,1864

Archilest Campbell, Atlanta, Oct.25,1864

George Compton, Hope Landing, Va., March 3,1863

Michael Crampton, New York, March 19,1864

Patrick Dore, killed at Atlanta, Aug. 11,1864

Clement Dreher, killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864

Louis Matthias, Newbern, N.C., May 25,1864, of wounds received at Averysboro’.

Clark Richardson, Aquia, Va., May 8,1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville

William Parks, Aquia Bay, March 17, 1863

Francis S. Steinbeck, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

William Williams, killed at Rockingham, N.C., March 8, 1864


William E. Van Auken, sergeant, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

-----Ford, Sergeant killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864

Beach Beardsley, corporal, Fairfax Seminary, Va., Aug.11,1863

William J. Personius, Sergeant, Atlanta, Ga. Oct.5,1864

Henry Armstrong, mortally wounded at the battle of Dallas, May 25,1864, and died the same day.

Patrick Callahan, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17,1862, of wounds received in battle

M. Dayton, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct.28,1862

Nathaniel Finch, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27,1862

Isaac N. Lobdell, David’s Island, NY., April 29,1865

Isaac Slawson, Richmond, Va., Feb. 18,1863, prisoner.


Guy C. Adams, sergeant, killed on skirmish line, at Atlanta, Ga., Aug.3,1864

Peter C. Compton, sergeant, died June30, 1864 of wounds received at Dallas, May 25, 1864

Daniel B. Scott, corporal, mortally wounded on skirmish line, Aug. 17,1864; died on the following day.

William Dickinson,, corporal, killed at Rockingham, N.C., March 8,1865

Martin Bloss, corporal, Louisville, Ky., Dec.16,1864, of wounds received at Pine Knob.

Charles Willover, corporal, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct. 26,1862

Erastus Busking, date and place not given

William Church, Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug 2,1862

William Cooper, Harper’s Ferry, Va., April 11, 1864

Stephen Corwin, killed at Atlanta, Ga., Aug 3,1864

Joseph V. Hoyt, wounded at Atlanta, Ga., died July 30,1864

Josiah Hand, Wilmington , Del., Nov.7,1862

John Ladow, Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 1,1864

Elias Raiker, wounded at Averysboro’, died March 19,1865

Edward Sherman, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Nov. 8,1862

Andrew Van Camp, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Nov. 3,1862


Captain John F. Knox, Kingston, Ga., in May, 1864, of wounds received at Dallas.

Lieutenant John D. Hill, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Sergeant Amos Rogers, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct.7,1862

Daniel Hathaway, Nov. 3,1862

David Latonrette, Dept. 18,1864

Henry B. Aldrich, Nov.16,1862

Enos P. Barnes, Nov. 16,1862

John Brewer, Feb.6,1863

Daniel Cummings, March 31,1863

Wm. H. Hatch, killed at Chancellorsville, Va. May 3,1863

James B. Jones, June 5,1864, of wounds received at Dallas

Albert A. Johnson, June 1, 1864, of wounds received at Dallas

Theophilus Krumloff, Feb. 18,1863

James Kelly, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Abraham Miller, Oct. 16,1862

David B. Moranville, March 28,1863

Samuel Miller, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

James D. Molson, wounded at Dallas; died May 25,1864

Fred’k Mellen, Oct.7,1864

James B. Nellis, Sept.7,1864, of wounds at Dallas

Edwin M. Reynolds, Nov. 21,1862

Gilbert C. Sticklee, Oct.1,1862

David Simonson, killed at Kenesaw, Ga., June 16,1864

James B. Taft, wounded at Dallas; died June 9,1864

Parley S. White, Nov. 2,1862

Fred’k W. Wagner, June 10,1863

A.D. Watson, March 5,1863

Wm. H. Young, wounded at Dallas; died May 26,1864


Samuel Kinney, sergeant, wounded ; died at Atlanta, Ga., Aug.17,1864

Horace Hotchkiss, sergeant, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3,1863

John E. Stratton, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3,1863

Adam Tomer, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Albert V. Borden, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 25,1862

J. H. Greck, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 17,1865

T. M. Aederman , killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Abram Denniston, Washington, D. C., Feb.6, 1863

Edward Dickinson, Nashville, Tenn., July 20,1864

Wm. L. Everitt, killed at Antietam, Sept.17,1862

Alonzo Johnson, killed at Antietam, Sept.17,1862

Wm. Jackson, died from wounds received at Dallas, May 25,1864

John Kallaher, killed at Antietam, Sept.17,1862

James W. Lovell, Hope Landing, Va., May 7,1863

Walter B. Long, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Edmond Lewis, Tullahoma, Tenn., April 24,1864

James McCullough, Hope Landing, Va., March 1,1863

Fayette McCarty, Bell Buckle, Tenn., April 18,1864

John Morgan, killed at Averysboro’, N.C., March 16, 1865

Eleazer J. Mowers, killed at Atlanta, Ga., Aug.17,1864

Nelson A. Robinson, Smoketown, Md.Dec.13,1862

Jesse E. Stevens, killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17,1862

David B. Sandford, killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864

Jonathan E. Smith, Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 18,1864

E. Taylor, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 10,1864

Francis Wheaton, Harper’s Ferry, Oct.10,1862

James Wilcox, Chattanooga, Tenn., June 30,1864

John Morrell, Division Hospital, Aug. 19,1864


Benjamin Force, sergeant, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Nathan F. Dykeman, sergeant, Washington, D.C., May 29,1865; killed by cars.

Joseph Couse, Maryland Heights, Oct.1,1862

Edwin W. Shaw, Hope Landing, Va., April 23,1863

John R. Ackerly, Hope Landing, Va., Feb,25,1863

Anthony Boyce, killed at Culp’s Farm, Va., June 22,1864

Cyrus J Covill, killed at Antietam, Sept.17,1862

Myron Couch, killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864

Geo. W. Cutler, Hope Landing, Va., March 5,1863

Andrew Dewitt, Hope Landing, Va., April 5,1863

M.S. Dawson, died at Frederick City, Md., Oct. 1,1862, of wounds received at Antietam.

Jason J. , Nashville, Tenn., Aug.8, 1864, of wounds received at Dallas

Stephen Edwards, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 15, 1865

John Griffith, Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 21,1864, of wounds received at Atlanta.

Hiram L. Hawley, Kenesaw, Va., July 1,1864

Isaac Middleton, killed at Atlanta, July 22, 1864

Johnson B. Margeson, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Charles Mathews, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct. 13,1862

Hiram Paddock, Hope Landing, Va., March 2,1863

Dewayne Patterson, Washington, D. C., Jan. 22,1863

Daniel A. Stewart, Baltimore, Sept. 13,1863

John D. M. Van Vleet, Chattanooga, Tenn., June 24,1864, of wounds received at Dallas.

Ethan Worden, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 22,1862


Nat E. Rutler, captain, killed at Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863

Geo. W. Bragg, sergeant, killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 26,1864

Gideon Belman, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 22,1862

Calvin Burlinghame, Hope Landing, Va., Feb.2,1863

Daniel Corwin, killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

Levi Carpenter, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

John J. Decker, killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864

John Dougherty, killed at Atlanta, Aug. 5,1864

Albert N. Jaynes , Frederick, Md., Feb.11,1863

Samuel Johnson, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 30,1862

Elias Newberry, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

John Powell, New Albany, Ind., Aug. 31,1864

Alfred S. Walters, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 29,1865


O.W. Marey, sergeant, killed at Dallas, May 25, 1864

Eugene Q. Thatcher, sergeant, killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 26,1864

Alman W. Burrell, sergeant, Philadelphia, June 6,1863

Austin Lockwood, Nashville, Aug. 5,1864

Chas. Alden , killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

Henry Brewer, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 16, 1864

Patrick Brauman, drowned near Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1864

E.J. Coleman , Wilmington, March 30,1865

G.S. Cone, Aquia Bay, March 12,1863

Philander Dowley, Murfreesboro’, Tenn., March 14,1864

James Fuller, Aquia Bay, Feb. 17,1863

Simeon M. Goff, Chattanooga, Sept. 17,1864

Eugene E. Howe, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863

Wm. H. Horton, killed at Dallas, May 25,1864

William Harrison, Dalton, Ga., Feb. 18,1864

C.L. Johnson, Annapolis, Md., March 12, 1865

Wm. R. Kelley, Harper’s Ferry, Oct. 9,1862

Lewis Knickerbocker, Aquia Bay, Va., March 19,1863

Theo. F. Morris, killed at Chancellorsville, May 3,1863

Jerome B. Newton, killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15,1864

Adin Ormsby, Covington, Ky., May 18, 1864

John W. Ryan, Harper’s Ferry, Va., Oct.9,1862

Henry H. Rasco, Aquia Bay, Va., May 12, 1863

Chas. H. Storms, Chattanooga, June 19,1864

Martin Sage, Maryland Heights, Oct.4,1862

John Van Dyke, New York, Sept. 10,1863, from wounds received at Gettysburg.
Field and staff 2
Co. A. 14
Co. B. 18
Co. C. 16
Co. D. 10
Co. E. 17*
Co. F. 28
Co. G. 28
Co. H. 23
Co. I 13
Co. K. 26
Total 195
Died of wounds or killed 88
Died of disease 107
*and 2 missing in action

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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 JUN 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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