Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
History of Tompkins, Schuyler, Chemung, Tioga 1879
Page 317 - Philander Collson - Betsey McCumber Biography
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Typed for Tri-Counties by Sheri Graves
Formatted by Joyce M. Tice
was born Sept. 7, 1806, at Mt. Tabor, Vt. He came to Springfield, Pa., in 1817. The same year he moved to Chemung, N. Y. He was married to Miss Lucy McCumber in May, 1832. She died in October, 1875. In February, 1877, he married Miss Betsey McCumber. He was the father of ten children, eight of whom he reared to man and womanhood; and six are now living* to honor their noble sire.

*October, 1878

Mr. Collson is an intelligent farmer. He has lived on the same farm for sixty-one years. He has been honored by his townsmen in being elected to various town offices, which he filled with great acceptability.

He was active and energetic in the cause of education. Very much of its present attainment is due to his untiring zeal. He was foremost in all the improvements of the day. He had his full share of grief and trials, but he towered above them all as the oak above the storms. He has been a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over fifty years, and for a long time held the responsible office of steward. His house has been, and now is, the welcome home for the itinerant preacher and his family. The poor shower benedictions upon his aged head, having never been sent from his door hungry or unrelieved. He is a man of strong convictions, and when assured of the right never swerved from duty. He won golden opinions from all who formed his acquaintance. He has seen the forbidding forests change to fields of waving grain; the stately mansion rise from the ruins of the log cabins of the veteran pioneer. Cities and villages have sprung up like magic around him. He has seen the lightnings flashing the news over the world; railroads like net-work cover our vast domain. Calmly and grandly he is going down the declivity of life, shedding the hallowed light of a well-spent life.
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