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      Rachel Park Satterlee's Bible Records  (Rachel Satterlee Dunn)
In possesion of S.K. Dickinson, Jr.

Rachel Park Satterlee was born July 24, 1808 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.. She was the daughter of  Elias Satterlee of Stonington,  New London, CT and Elizabeth Smith.   April, 10, 1829,in Elmira, NY  she married Thomas Dunn,  son of William Dunn and Mercy Sayre.   Rachel died  April 02, 1885 in Sparta, Monroe Co. , WI . Rachel's bible was given to her by her brother, Benedict Satterlee, who was a missionary with Whitman. Somewhere in the southern Midwest territories, Whitman left for Oregon.  Benedict stayed with several Pawnee guides.  Family history has stated that Benedict was murdered by hostile Indians, when in fact, historical records state Benedict stayed  with two Pawnee guides when he was attacked by white traders .  He died there.

Rachel's records in the bible are as follows:



William Dunn and Mercy Sayre

Benedict Satterlee and Rachel Park
Conflicting records state Benedict died just before the battle of Wyoming or in the battle of Wyoming and that Rachel died in Wyoming Co., PA.   My family records state Rachel died on her way back to her people in CT.

Elisa Satterlee and Elizabeth Smith   Dec 7, 1808

Thomas Dunn and Rachel Park Satterlee   Oct 4, 1829

Samuel Norris Dickinson and Mary Satterlee Dunn  June 12, 1872

Samuel Norris Dickinson and Fanny Satterlee Dunn  June 7, 1887

Samuel Kent Dickinson and Helen Lenhart   July 10th, 1917

Mary Helen Dickinson and Jack Dorfler   April 28, 1956

Samuel Kent Dickinson and Mavone Adair Dickinson   Aug 26, 1949

Kent David Dickinson and Jill Kulaszewicz  April 28, 1979


Elisa Satterlee   Feb 14th, 1778

Elizabeth Smith Satterlee  March 19, 1782

Thomas Dunn  Oct 24, 1799

Rachel Park Satterlee  July 24, 1808

children of T R Dunn
     Mary Elizabeth   April 28, 1833
     M. Elizabeth   Sept 28, 1836
     George Davis   Sept 1838

      Fanny Satterlee  Dec 4, 1841

      Mary Satterlee  Oct 3, 1846

Children of S and M Dickinson
"little brother  born & died July 16, 1874 and died July 16, 1874
Fanny Oct 20th, 1875
Samuel Kent  Nov 9, 1880
"little sister born & died Nov 9, 1880

children of S.K. & H Dickinson
Mary Helen  Nov 28, 1920
Samuel Kent Dickinson, Jr.  Aug 21, 1924

children of Mary Helen & Jack Dorfler
Anne Elizabeth Dorfler Oct 1957

Children of S.K. Dickinson Jr. and Mavone Dickinson
Cynthia Ann Dickinson Aug 5, 1954
Laura Marie Dickinson  July 30, 1956
Kent David Dickinson  Nov 16, 1959

Children of Kent David and Jill Jerard Dickinson
Kristopher David Dickinson  10/3/81
Benjamin David Dickinson 3/21/83
Jenna Elizabeth  1/4/85


William Dunn  Feb 17 1805
aged 40

Mercy  Sayre
April 8, 1847  aged 76
John Davis  April 10, 1847
aged 74

Elias Satterlee  1814

Elizabeth Satterlee  1867

Mercy Elizabeth Dunn Nov 6, 1836

M. Elizabeth Dunn   Aug 5 1858

Thomas Dunn   April 24, 1871

Rachel Park Satterlee Dunn  April 2, 1885

Mary Satterlee Dunn Dickinson  July 17, 1885
Samuel Norris Dickinson  Nov 6, 1905

George D Dunn  Feb 13, 1920

Fanny Dunn Dickinson  Sept 5 1923

Samuel Kent Dickinson  Feb 26, 1965

Fanny S. Dickinson  1950

Helen C Dickinson  March 9, 1976

Mary Helen Dickinson   Jan 11, 1982

Please note that these records have been copyrighted.  (I think its safe to say that this is due to far too much alteration and modification of genealogical material currently available on the internet.  My family wishes its records to remain accurate and unaltered.)
 No parts of this record may be reproduced for any reason without expressed permission of  the Dickinson Family.
Cynthia Dickinson
I am available for questions and information at the following email address 

Subj: Dunn Sattterlee Dickinson bible records for Tri County
Date: 6/19/99 10:43:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Cynth5
To: JoyceTice

File:  RACHEL~1.DOC (30208 bytes)
DL Time (32000 bps): < 1 minute


I apologize for taking so long to get these to you.  Seems the trail of Daniel Dickinson and Betsey Stowell had me looking all over the east coast for a few month.  And still not much closer to anything.

Here are Rachel Satterlee's bible records .  My family has the bible.  I think its accurate, very accurate.

Belongs maybe on Chemung County, as that is where the Dunns and Satterlee's began.

I'll send a genealogical chart for Rachel--it goes back to 1620 in England altho the Satterlee records say it goes back to 1210.  I'm reluctant to go further than William of Ides because Goldie Satterlee, who wrote the Satterlee book, was told by several genealogists in England that she was WAY off base to the Satterlee's previous to William.  Evidently she was ignoring them and published the work anyway.  I'm hesitant to include -- seems there is enough confusion of lines with the internet information as it is.  If someone finds the book, fine.  I just dont want to add to the confusion.

My family is copyrighting information on my line.  So I included a note on the bible records.  I'm fairly adament about people needing to contact me about using the records because,, like I said, I dont want my family information inaccurate..trying to prevent that as much as possible.  I suppose I'm going to irritate people because of it, but at least I can address some questions regarding the line this way.

If there is anything you need that I have not included, please let me know.

Will send the chart later as I need to get reference and resource material honed down to managable material.

Thanks for posting this for my family.

I hope it helps some else looking for family lines.

Cynthia Dickinson

Hello, [November 2008]
I was so happy to find your page. I looked up my mother Mary Helen DICKINSON Dorfler.
I am Anne Elizabeth Dorfler, born Oct. 19,1957.
then .....
Married....Rodney Earl Downing on Dec. 19,1981 Became Anne Elizabeth Dorfler-Downing
One son born Apr. 5,1986. Thomas Arthur Dorfler Downing
P.S. Mary Helen Dickinson married Jack Arthur Dorfler (if you needed his a middle name)


    Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
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    The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
    Bradford County PA
    Chemung County NY
    Tioga County PA

    Published On Tri-Counties Site On 16 NOV 2000
    By Joyce M. Tice
    Email: Joyce M. Tice

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