This family record is typed as written in the Family Bible. Some
of the name spellings are incorrect. Franklin Russell is the brother
of Jonathan Russell, who is the grandfather of Bessie Springer Bryan (wife
of Jacob Bryan). Azuba Russell married John Applegate Bryan.
July 21st 1816 Franklin
Russell Born |
January 2nd 1848 Poly June
Russell Born |
October 8th 1820 Catharine
Vandusen Born |
June 19th 1847 Saly Ann
Russell Born |
February 7th 1840 Married
Catharine Vandusen to Franklin Russell |
June 20th 1852 Born Henry
L. Russell |
March 31st 1842 Hadley
Russell Born |
May 6th 1853 Mary E. Russell
Born |
September 20th 1843 Azuba
Eizabeth Born |
February 12th 1846 Ely
Russell Born |
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