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The Gamages lived in Bradford County (Burlington and West Burlington).  John Gamage married the daughter of Stephen Ballard, and several generations later Clara Gamage married William Ballard, the eldest son of Gordon Mansfield Ballard (son of Ira Ballard).  William and Clara relocated to Elmira, NY sometime before 1900 although I have yet to discover exactly when or why.
Kris Leet

Gamage – Ballard Bible

This bible originally belonged to Wilbur D. Gamage (1832-1885). It came down through the family from Wilbur to his daughter Clara Gamage, to her daughter Annie Ballard, to her sister Ruth Ballard Leet to Ruth’s son Franklin Leet and to his daughter Kris Leet (me). When I received the bible it was in terrible repair: moldy, with torn and crumbling brown pages, and a binding held together with hope. On the advice of a book restorer I discarded the bible portion of the book and kept the heavier "family record" pages and the front cover that bears Wilbur’s name.

They family records contain the following information:


Gordon Mansfield Ballard born March 9, 1830.

Wilbur D. Gamage born July 1832.

Elnora M. Gamage born March 29th 1833.

Children of Wilbur Gamage and Elnora

Clara J. Gamage born April 17th 1859.

Horatio Gamage born January 1862.

Edith M. Gamage born November 14th 1867.

Children of Clara Gamage and William G. Ballard

Flossy E. Ballard born October 17th 1879.

Annie Laurie Ballard born February 28th 1882.

Ruth Hart Ballard born August 16, 1888.

Carl Gamage Ballard born August 8, 1892.

Children of Annie Laurie Ballard and Enoch Kelley

Dorothy Virginia Kelley born July 1st 1911.

Richard Kelley born October 26, 1915.

Children of Carl Gamage Ballard and Anna Brown

Phyllis Ruth Ballard born January 27th 1916.

Gordon Mansfield Ballard born Sunday, September 30th 1917.

Esther Jayne Ballard born March 26th 1919.

Mary M. Ballard born April 11th 1921.

Children of Ruth Ballard and Clifford Leet

Clifford Franklin Leet born April 18, 1920 at Buffalo General Hospital.

Dorothy Leet born March 5, 1918; died March 5, 1918.

Priscilla Leet born December 20, 1923; dies December 23, 1923.


Will G. Ballard and Clara J. Gamage married September 3rd 1876.

George P. DuMond and Edith M. Gamage married September 1891.

Enoch J. Kelley and Anna L. Ballard married October 6th 1901.

John M. Sterling and Flossie E. Ballard married November 4th 1911.

Carl G. Ballard and Anna C. Brown married June 27th 1912.

Clifford F. Leet, MD and Ruth H. Ballard married February 10th 1917.


Horatio Gamage died 1865, age 3 years. In another hand (and red ink) there is a note that says "died at 5 years of age". In a different hand (and green ink) and on a different page it says Horatio "died 1865 at age 3 years".

Wilbur D. Gamage died of stroke July 8th 1885, aged 53, Wednesday eve

at 8 O‘clock.

Elnora M. Gamage dies of stroke June 1st 1886, Thursday afternoon at

5 O’clock, aged 52.

Clara Gamage Ballard died of stroke from uraemia, August 19th 1910,

Friday afternoon at 5:30 O’clock, aged 51 years.

Gordon Mansfield Ballard died age 82 years, December 13 1912 of

Bright’s disease.

John M. Sterling died November 1918 of influenza.

William G. Ballard died, age 67, on Friday 10:20 pm. October 10th 1919

of influenza infection, paralysis and complications.

Flossy E. Ballard Sterling died October 30, 1927, age 48.


Richard Gordon Kelley died April 1, 1944, war causality on the ship "Franklin" which was bombed by the Japanese.

There is a note next to the marriage information about Enoch Kelley and Anna Ballard that says "(divorced), married Judge Clarence Brisco."

One other note is made which says: "Gordon Mansfield Ballard, born March 9, 1830 – married Clara Gamage." This confused me for some time until I verified that Gordon was Clara’s father-in-law, and that this means that he performed the ceremony.

The entry about Flossy’s death, Gordon’s marrying Clara, the divorce and re-marriage of Anna Ballard, both notes about the death of young Horatio, and the note about the death of Richard Kelley are written in green ink and in the same hand. I believe these notes were written by my grandmother Ruth Leet after she inherited the bible from her older sister.


There are also three pictures in the bible. They are not labeled except for the name of the photographer. I think it probable that the girls are the daughters of William Ballard and Clara Gamage, but I haven’t been able to verify this.

At bottom is printed:
George H. Wood, photographer
Towanda, PA
Dealer in Albums and Card Photographs
(1879 written on back in pencil)

Printed on back:
M. Gustin,
The printing is on a shield held by an eagle.

On back is printed:
M. Gustin,
Troy, PA
The printing is within a printed frame.

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Will of John Gamage 1847
The Last Will and Testament of John Gamage, deceased.

In the name of God, Amen.  I John Gamage of Burlington, in county of Bradford and state of Pennsylvania considering the uncertainty of human life in its  ------- last estate and more particularly my own in my declining state of health do while in a sound state of mind make this my last will and testament.

First and principally, I commend my soul to the mercy of God who gave it me through the mediation of Jesus Christ and my body to the earth to be decently buried.

Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Gamage the third part of all my personal property and during her natural life the third part of the clear yearly profits arising from my son’s estate after deducting all expenses of farming ………… the land and the use of my household furniture during her natural life.

Thirdly, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hosmer two hundred dollars and my household furniture after the decease of my wife.

Fourthly, I give and bequeath unto my son Wilson Gamage the farm on which he now resides, recently purchased of Jehial T. Pratt.

Fifthly, I give unto my son Horatio Gamage the farm on which I now live.

Sixthly, it is my will that the legacy bequeathed my daughter Martha Hosmer  should be paid out of my personal property or if there should be sufficient after deducting the part bequeathed to my wife but if there should not be sufficient personal property to pay the said legacy or any part of it should be lacking it is to be paid by my son Horatio Gamage as it is to be a lien on the farm on which I now live.

Seventhly it is my will that if any personal property should survive after the payment of the legacies mentioned herein that the same should discendth to my son Horatio Gamage.

8th It is my express will and desire that the legacy bequeathed to my daughter Martha Hosmer should be paid as soon as possible after my decease.

I hereby appoint my sons Wilson and Horatio Gamage executors of this my last will and testament.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
This 9th of April 1836
In the presence of
I or J.No. McKean     John Gamage  (seal)
Henry Riley

Probate taken Jan. 2nd 1847
JSD Wolf  Register

Fees and tax  $3.30

Transcribed by Kris Leet

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Will of Horatio Gamage 1854
The Last Will and Testament of Horatio Gamage

Last Will and Testament of
Horatio Gamage
Late of Burlington

In the name of God Amen I Horatio Gamage of Burlington Township, Bradford County, State of Pennsylvania considering the uncertainty of human life in its last estate and more particularly my own in my declining state of health do while in a sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and testament.

And first I concede (perhaps commend) myself to the mercy of God and my body to the earth to be decently buried.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my son Wilbur Gamage all my lands
lying and being in the townships of Burlington and Franklin to have the use of the above named property during his mother’s lifetime and at her decease the above named property to be his by his paying the several legacies hereafter specified to wit

I give to my daughter Dorliska Ward the sum of the one thousand dollars besides her setting out already and I also give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Gamage the like sum of one thousand dollars and an equal setting out

I also give and bequeath to daughter Jenet Gamage the like sum of one thousand dollars and an equal setting out with the other two and that she be provided with a house and all necessary clothing and schooling during her minority which finances must be paid out of my estate.

I also give and bequeath to Newton Ford in case he should remain with my wife until he becomes of age the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid to him when he becomes of age and my desire is that he should have all necessary clothing and schooling during his minority aside from the two hundred dollars.

I also give and bequeath unto my son Wilbur Gamage of the personal property one span of horses one set of harnesses and one two horse wagon and the necessary tools now on the farm.

I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife Julia all my house hold furniture and house furnishing.  Also all stock that may be on the premises at my decease of every trice(?) or description not heretofore disposed of.

I also give and bequeath all money on hand at my decease to my wife Julia.  Also all debts due at my decease or that may become due except a certain amount due from my son in law Ward which I desire him to retain (as so may it ) needed on the amount willed to my daughter Dorliska

And it is my will and desire that my wife Julia shall have the use and control of the house we now occupy during her lifetime and I hereby appoint and constitute Julia Gamage and Perry B. Pratt ------- of this my last will and testament

In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 27th day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
Signed: Horatio Gamage
Seal: with lines drawn around it.

In presence of
John F. Long
P. B. Pratt
Probate taken Feb. 6th 1855

Transcribed by Kris Leet

Gamage-Ballard Family History
1.  Stephen Ballard
Stephen Ballard arrived in Sugar Creek in 1792 from Framingham, MA.  He homesteaded what was (at the time the article was written) the JD Blackwell farm in West Burlington.  In 1793 he moved his family to Sugar Creek and brought along his twin cousins Nathaniel and John (then 17).  In 1794 they brought their parents, Joseph Ballard (d. 1806) and Betsey Cloise (d. 2 May 1804).  (Note: some histories say he arrived in 1796, the next year brought his cousins, etc.).

In 1812 he moved to Greene County, Ohio.  He died in 1827.

His wife, Anna (d. 16 Jan. 1837), was one of the original "band of praying mothers" ("Mothers in Israel") with Mrs. Joseph Ballard, Mrs. James McLean, Mrs. William Dobbins, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Ross, and Mrs. Ferris.

His daughter, Elizabeth, married John Gamage.

Census Information
1796 tax records
Stephen Ballard

1800 Wysock Township
1 male 10-16
1 male 16-26
1 male 45+
1 female under 10
1 female 10-16
1 female 16-26
1 female 45+

1810 Burlington
1 male under 10
1 male 45+
1 female 16-26
1 female 45+

2. John Gamage and Elizabeth Ballard.
John was born c. 1773 in MA.  According to the published histories (Reporter Journal, Towanda, PA, 19 Jan. 1885: note on John, WD, etc.), John was from MA.  His father (unnamed) re-married and the new step-mother forced a young John from the family home.  He was taken in by one, Beriah Pratt until he reached his majority.  He then ventured "west" to Bradford County/Sugar Creek in 1795.  He worked until he could buy land.  He bought land from Mr. Bascum and established a homestead.  He sent for Beriah Pratt and gave him land adjoining his.  He married Elizabeth Ballard, daughter of Stephen Ballard.

He was a prosperous farmer and a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

He is buried at the Old Burlington (Methodist) Cemetery in West Burlington.  His gravestone gives his death date as 22 October 1846 (73y7d), which would indicate that he was born 15 October 1773.  The newspaper says he died on the same date in 1847.

Almost nothing is known about Elizabeth beyond who her parents, husband, and children were. She was born c. 1784.  She is buried in the Old Burlington (Methodist) Cemetery in West Burlington with her husband John Gamage, her daughter-in-law Julia M. (wife of eldest son Wilson), her son Horatio and his wife, and other members of the family.  She was 69y11m29d old at her death.  Her death date is 13 March 1854 (gravestone) (the newspaper says 1853).  This means she died just shy of her 70th birthday, which means she was born on 15 March 1784.

They had three children:
Wilson  born 1808,
Horatio born 1811 and
Martha born before 1834, her marriage date.

Census Information
1810 Burlington
(listed as John Gammage)
1 male under 10
1 male 10-16
1 male 26-45
1 male 45+
1 female under 10
1 female 16-26

1812 Taxables for Burlington
John Gamage

1812/13 Athens Township
John Gamage

1820 Burlington
1 man 45+
1 woman 26-45y
2 boys under 10y,
2 girls under 10y,
1 boy between 10 and 16y,
1 girl between 16 and 26.

1830 Burlington
1 male 50-60y,
1 female 40 - 50y,
1 boy 10-15y,
1 girl and 1 boy 15 - 20y,
1 boy 20 - 30y.

1840 Burlington Township
1 male 60-70y,
1 female 50-60y.

Both Wilson and Horatio have households of their own in 1840.

In his will he leaves his farm to his second son Horatio, a farm purchased from Jeriah Pratt to his eldest son Wilson, his household goods to his wife Elizabeth, and money to his daughter Martha.

Elizabeth is listed by name in 1850 Bradford County Census.  She is listed as 63 years of age, and as having been born in CT.  Her household consisted of herself and an 8 year old girl, born in PA, named "M. Osmer".  This may be her daughter, Martha, or Martha’s daughter either Martha or Mary.

Wilson Gamage
Wilson was born 17 Jan. 1808.  He died  3 June 1887 at age 79y4m17d.
He is buried at the Chemung Village Cemetery.
His 1st wife was Julia M. She died 4 August 1837 at age 25y7m and is buried in the Old Burlington Cemetery.
His 2nd wife was Freelove Jackson who was born 12 September 1816 and died in 1871.  She is buried in the Chemung Village cemetery.  She was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Jackson of Chemung Village.

John’s will (1846) indicates that Wilson was living on the old Pratt place (which John had recently purchased from Jeriah Pratt)) and that it became Wilson’s upon John’s death.

Wilson was town clerk for the town of Chemung 1847-48, and again in 1855.  In 1872 he is listed as a farmer in Chemung Township.
I am unsure if Wilson and Julia had any children, or when he relocated to Chemung.

The 1840 Burlington Census:
1 male 15-20
1 male 30-40
1 female 5-10
1 female 20-30
This census data is confusing because it lists an adult female living in the household years after the death of Julia M.  I don't know who that might be, perhaps his second wife Freelove, or a relative come to help him out, or a housekeeper.  It also lists young man (a son or a farm laborer?) and a young girl (a daughter or a relative of the unidentified woman?).

1858 West Burlington Census:
W. Gamage.
Horatio m. Julia A. DeWitt (see below)

Martha Matilde m. Rev. William Hosmer
I do not have a birth date for Martha.  She married William on 22 July 1834 (Susquahanna County marriage records).  She died in 1878.

Rev. William Hosmer was born 27 may 1810 in Ma., the son of Eleazer Hosmer II, and Clara Needham (Wales). He became an ordained ME minister at the age of 23 in 1833.  He was pastor of the Mansfield ME church, of the Mainesburg church (1847), and several other churches.  He also preached on the Seneca circuit. He and Martha lived in Auburn, and were very involved in the abolition movement.  They were part of the group that worked the underground railroad there.  William was the editor of the Northern Christian Advocate, a ME newspaper for many years, until he was replaced in an attempt to keep the southern churches in the church.  He was an original trustee of what became Elmira Female College.  He authored several books, and was editor of a pro-abolition newspaper after he left the Christian Advocate.  He died in 17 June 1889 of stroke.

Martha and William had six children (Cayuga County census):
John G. + Margaret Ann: he was the Auburn under sheriff,
Julia A.: she was the preceptress at Mansfield Classical Seminary,
William Jr.
Martha Matilda

3. Horatio Gamage and Julia Ann DeWitt
Horatio was born in 1811 according to the article in the Reporter Journal of 19 Jan. 1885.  He died 22 Jan. 1855, 43y 7m 7d, according to his gravestone.  He is buried at the Old Burlington (Methodist) Cemetery, West Burlington Township.

He took over the original Gamage homestead when his father John died in 1846.

Julia Ann DeWitt was born in 1812.  She died 11 March 1886.  Her gravestone lists her age as 74y 9m 14d, the family bible notes she died Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock.  She is buried in the Old Burlington (Methodist) Cemetery, W. Burlington.  The newspaper notice says she died 11 March 1886 of paralysis at age 74.  She was the daughter of Paul DeWitt.

Horatio and Julia had at least five, perhaps six children, four of whom lived to maturity.

1. a son (5-10 on the 1840 census)
2. Wilbur (17 on the 1850 census)
3. a son (N) (six in 1850 census)
4. Dorcas (D.C., 15 on 1850 census); married a Mr. Ward.
5. Mary Elizabeth (M.C., 13 on 1850 census); married Orlando W. Rockwell (24 April 1830 – 12 December 1909).  Rockwell was a county commissioner, had grist and saw mills, and ran a fine farm.  They had eight children: Louise (died age 1y8m2d in 1867), Delos (1859), Gamage (1863 – 1922) who married Frankie Helen Meade, Willard (1871), Irvine (1873), Corella (1857), Alice, and Helen.
6. Jenette born 1852, died 1928, married Clarence F. Genall (1851-1943) .  Both are buried in the Ulster cemetery in Bradford County with their children Angie E. (1881-1943) and Frannie E. (1883-1969).

(It appears that the two “sons” died as they are not listed on subsequent censuses.  However, they could have been relatives or visitors.  I have not found a record of their burial as yet.)

Horatio’s will left $1000 to each of his three daughters, and the farm to his son Wilbur.

Census data from the Burlington Township Census:

1 male 5-10
1 male 10-15
1 male 20-30
2 females under 5
1 female 10-15
1 female 20-30

Horatio, 39, farmer
Julia, 39
WD, 17, farmer
DC, 15 (f)
MC, 13 (f)
N, 6 (m)

1870: West Burlington Township
Julia Gamage, 59, housekeeper
Jenette Gamage, 17, at home

1880: West Burlington Township
Julia Gamage, 69, widow

Names for the living children are given in Horatio's will:
Dorcas Ward, $1000
Mary Gamage, $1000
Jenet Gamage, $1000.

4. Wilbur D. Gamage and Elnora
The family bible list Wilbur as born July 1932.  His gravestone says he was born 21 July 1833.

He took over the family farm when his father died.  According to the reporter Journal, Towanda, Pa, 19 Jan. 1885, he was a prosperous farmer who bred fine horses and Durham cattle.  The article further notes that his farm had modern conveniences.

The family bible says he died on 8 July 1885 of stroke, Wednesday eve at 8 o'clock, age 53.  The gravestone says 3 July. He is buried at the Hilton Cemetery in Troy, PA

He married Elnora M.  She was born on 29 March 1833 according to the family bible, (1834 according to her gravestone).  She died on 1 June 1886, Thursday afternoon at 5 O’clock, age 52.  She is buried at Hilton Cemetery, Troy, PA with husband Wilbur and son Horatio.

1. Clara J. (17 April 1859) m. William Ballard (1852) (see below)
2. Horatio The family bible lists Horatio’s birth date as Jan. 1862.  In another hand (and red ink) there is a note that says “died at 5 years of age”.  In a different hand (and green ink) and on a different page it says Horatio “died 1865 at age 3 years”.  His gravestone says 10 November 1860 – 8 Jan. 1866.  He is buried at Hilton Cemetery.
3. Edith M. born 14 Nov. 1867, married on Sept 1891, George P. DuMond. (All information is from the family bible).

Census information:

1858: listed on the West Burlington census.

1870 West Burlington Township
WD, 37, farmer; $12,000 real estate, $3200 personal property
Elnora, 36, housekeeper
Clarrie, 11, at home
Edith, 2, at home
Jane Braque, 26, housekeeper
Frederick Bohleyer, 20, farm laborer

1880 West Burlington Township
Wilber Gamage, 47, farmer
Elnora, 46, housekeeper
Edith Gamage, 12, at home
Clara Gamage Ballard, 21, daughter, at home
Will Ballard, 28, son-in-law
Flossy, 7, grand-daughter; must be 7m as Bible says her birth date
was 1879.
Howard Ellis, laborer

5. William Gordon Ballard and Clara J. Gamage
Clara was born 17 April 1859 (entry in Bible is blurred for year but readable).  She died, according to the family bible, on 19 August 1910, age 51, from uraema, Friday afternoon at 5:30 O’clock.  She is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira.

She married William Gordon Ballard on 3 September 1876.  The family bible notes that Gordon Mansfield Ballard (William’s father) married them.  They resided with Clara’s parents (1880 census).

William was born in 1852 in NYS, the son of Gordon Mansfield Ballard and Angeline; grandson of Ira Ballard and his first wife, Roxanna Beach.   He died 10 Oct. 1919 (67y) of influenza infection, paralysis, and complications at 10:20 pm according top the family bible.  I believe he is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira.  There is a William S. Ballard with the same death date and same age at death buried there.  And Clara is buried there.  I suspect the “S” is a mistake in recording.

(I should note that both Clara and William were cared for, on their deathbeds, by my grandmother Ruth, who was a graduate of the Arnot-Ogden School of Nursing.  You can tell that she made the bible entries because of the medical terminology.

William is listed with his father’s household in 1860 and 1870.

Clara and William had four children.
1. Flossy E. She was born 17 Oct.1879 and died 30 Oct.1927, age 48y.  She married John M. Sterling on 4 Nov. 1911. John died Nov. 1918 of influenza.  (This is all according to the family bible).  They had no children that I know of.
2. Annie Laurie (28 Feb. 1882) m Enoch Kelley (28 Jan. 1876) on Saturday afternoon, 6 Oct. 1901 at the home of Mrs. Mary L. Johnson, 315 Willow Street, Elmira by Rev. W.T. Henery.  The bridesmaid was Emma Hagar and the groomsman was Olin Bumpus of Ithaca. In attendance were: the J. T. Keenans, the Delos Rockwells, Randolph Hill, Mrs. William Blackwell, the C.L. Cornels, Clara Brown, Jennie Wanamaker, Bill Meade, Sherman Hill, E.J. Rockwell.
Groom is one of Elmira's young business men, a senior member of the firm Kelley and Whitney, an extract manufacturing company.
According to the family bible Annie and Enoch had two children:
a. Dorothy Virginia Kelley, born 1 July 1911, who married John (Jack) S. Chowning of Corning, NY.  They had at least one child, Scott Chowning, who graduated from Corning Free Academy and from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blackburg, VA.  He served in the army.
b. Richard Gordon Kelley, born 26 Oct. 1915, who  married Dottie Kniffen.  He was killed when his ship, The Franklin, was bombed by the Japanese on 1 April, 1944.  They had no children.
Enoch and Annie divorced.
She then married Judge Clarence H. Brisco (according to the family bible).Annie and Clarence had no children.
3. Ruth Hart (16 Aug. 1888 - 1969) married Dr. Clifford F. Leet on 10 Feb. 1917 in Elmira, NY (according to the family bible).
4. Carl Gamage (8 Aug. 1892) m Anna E or C Brown (27 June 1912)
Carl and Anna had four children:
a. Phyllis Ruth Ballard born either 21 or 24 Jan. 1916 Bible is blurred,
b. Gordon Mansfield Ballard born Sunday, 30 Sept. 1917,
c. Esther Jayne Ballard born 26 March 1919, and
d. Mary M. Ballard born. 11 April 1921.
In the 1917 Elmira directory Carl is listed as a shipping clerk at 629 Lake, with a residence at 760 Jay.

I do not know when the William Ballard family relocated to Elmira.  They are still in Bradford County in 1886 (The 1886 PA newspaper lists Mrs. W. Bradley and Mrs. Gamage having a Dressmaker's Shop at 112 Canton Street, Troy).  Wilbur dies in 1885, so William must have taken over the farm, at least for awhile.

They are in Elmira by 1900. The 1900 Elmira Directory has the following listings:
Mrs. Clara G. Ballard, bicycle manufacturing, 111 Main
Also: Mrs. Clara G. Ballard, boardinghouse, 111 Main
Anna L. Ballard, student, 111 Main
Flossie E. Ballard, student, 111 Main
Will G. Ballard, mgr. 200 E. Gray, h. 111 Main
Anna would have been 18, Flossie 21, and Ruth (who isn't listed) 12, and Carl not yet born

There is a William G. Ballard listed in the 1917 Elmira Directory employed at Willys-Morrow Company and residing at 618 Lewis.  This company made a steam driven car.  A.P. Morrow was a bicycle maker before beginning his car venture.

6. Ruth Hart Ballard and Clifford Franklin Leet, M.D.
Ruth was born on 16 August 1888 Troy, Bradford County, PA  She was a graduate of the Arnot-Ogden Hospital School of Nursing and worked at the hospital before her marriage.  After her marriage she was involved in work in the community.

She married Clifford Franklin Leet, MD on 10 Feb. 1917 and the couple relocated to Horseheads, NY where Clifford set up his medical practice.  They originally lived at  25 Borad  St., Horseheads, NY, then 312 S. Main Street, Horseheads New York.  In 1938 they built Orchard Farm on the Watkins Road, Horseheads, NY.  They owned a summer cottage at Glen Eldridge, Seneca Lake, NY.

Ruth was a founding member of a group of women that met to sew for the British war relief, known as American Women’s Volunteer Service and British Relief.  In 1944 this became the Horseheads Women’s Club  with 52 charter members.  The club had as its goal the establishment of a public library. Ruth was the first president.  They opened the first library in Horseheads in 1944 with 1 book donated by each member and a loan of 500 books from the Steele Memorial library. The library continued to grow, returning the borrowed books, and moving to larger quarters every few years.  In 1967 the Ruth B. Leet Memorial Library was opened at 406 South Main Street on the old Alma Brown property.

The group also sponsored monthly luncheons for the Workshop for the Blind in Elmira.  Each month for 34 years they prepared and delivered a full meal to each participant at the workshop, stopping only when government programs took over.  In addition the Women’s Club established a scholarship fund for graduating seniors, a Loan Closet to loan medical equipment to families in need, facilitated art exhibits, created a Garden club which distributed seeds to school children, a Senior club to address the needs of older citizens, spearheaded the building and funding of a public pool, and established a summer reading program for children.

At age 50 Ruth (Bommie to her family) took up water colors and oils, becoming an evocative painter.  She painted predominately landscapes of the places she loved.  Sadly, few of her paintings have survived.

Ruth died on 11 June 1969 at her home in Horseheads, NY at age 81, after a long illness.  She is buried at Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads, NY in family plot with her husband, an infant grandchild, and Clifford’s parents.

Clifford Leet was born in Killawog, NY on 14 March 1892, the only son of Ed Leet and Adelaide Phelps.  He grew up in Horseheads, attended University of Buffalo Medical School, graduating in 1915.  He interned at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital in Elmira.  In 1917 he opened a general medical practice (the same year he and Ruth married) in Hoseheads, where he practiced for 49 years, until his death in 1966.  He was also, at various times, Chief of Surgery, and Chief of Staff at the Arnot.  In 1923 he, with George Lee, Glen Schuyler, and Ben Johnson, established the Southern Oil Company of New York, which operated Rotary gas stations.  He served as its treasurer and secretary.

Clifford (Popper to his family) loved to hunt, fish and farm.  He had an orchard of 1500 apple trees from which he made applesauce and cider. The farm sold apples and corn (grown by Popper) from a roadside stand during the summer and fall.

Clifford was a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and belonged to many fraternal and community organizations.

Clifford died 14 October 1966 of throat cancer at home.  He is buried with Ruth and his parents, and an infant grandchild at Maple grove Cemetery in Horseheads.

They had three children, one of whom lived to maturity.
1. Dorothy: born and died 5 March 1918. Death was due to Rh-factor complications.  (Rh-factor was unknown at this time, so there was no pre-delivery treatment.
2. Clifford Franklin Leet: born 18 April 1920. (see below)
3. Priscilla: born 20 December 1923, and died 23 December 1923.  She is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, NY with Ruth’s parents.  Her death, too, was due to Rh-factor.

7. Clifford Franklin Leet
Franklin Leet was born at Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY on 18 April 1920.  He died October 1981 of congestive heart failure after surgery in Venice, Florida.  He was cremated and his ashes strewn over the Gulf of Mexico.  Franklin was an attorney.  He attended Duke University, graduated from Albany Law School and practiced in Elmira with  John Sullivan.  Eventually he opened a private practice in Horseheads, NY where he was also Justice of the Peace of the Town of Horseheads and Police Justice of the Village of Horseheads for many years.

Franklin was a member of the volunteer fire department, IOOF, the JayCees, and several other community organizations.

He married Loretta “Sunny” Sundstrom and they had 4 children.
 Gordon Mansfield Ballard
Gordon Mansfield Ballard was born 9 March 1830 (according to the family bible), the son of Ira Ballard and his first wife Roxanna Beach, grandson of Thomas Ballard.  He died 13 Dec. 1912 of Bright’s disease, age 82, according to the family bible.  The gravestone says he died in 1911 at age 82y.  He is buried at Glenwood Cemetery.  Gordon, Angeline, Charles and Mary are all on the same stone.

He enlisted in August of 1864 and was in the  CoL, 1st Regt. NY Calvary, and connected to Sheridan's army as a guard and sentry in West Virginia in 1865 (source, newspaper 19 Feb. 1885).

The Reporter Journal of 19 Feb. 1885 describes Gordon as a genial, hospitable man, a skillful and prosperous farmer, domiciled in a neat mansion, and the farm as a thing of beauty.  He has Jersey cows and a good line of horses.

He married Angeline M..  She was born 10 July 1830, and died 7 Feb. 1905.  She is buried at Glenwood Cemetery (Section 4).

Gordon and Angeline  had 5 children:
William (1852-1919),
Charles M. (9 August 1854-December 1854, 5m2d, buried at Glenwood,
Mary A. (21 September 1855 – 8 August 1935, buried at Glenwood,
Emma (b. 1861), and
Laura (b.1865).

Gordon is first listed on the 1850 Troy Township census as part of his father's household: Mansfield, 20, farmer.

1860 Troy Township
Gorden Ballard, 30, farmer, $1000/$500
Angeline, 29 (b. NY)
William, 7
Mary, 5

1870 West Burlington Census
Gordon, 40, farmer, $3000/$900
Angeline, 40, housekeeper, b.NY
William G., 17, farm laborer
Mary, 14, at home
Emma, 11, at home
Laura, 5, at home

The 1880 West Burlington Township census:
Gordon Ballard, 50, farmer, b. NY (parents, too)
Angeline, 49, b. NJ (parents too)
Mary, 23, at home
Emma, 19, teach. school
Laura, 15, at home.
(William is listed under the Gamage household, as he has married Clara and is living there.)

There are two small notices in the local paper concerning Gordon:
1. The Troy Gazette Register of 8 December 1911 (Vol. XLVIII #48) says that "Gordon Ballard is ill and his son William of Elmira is helping care for him."

2. The same paper, dated 14 August 1902 says: "Mrs. William Ballard is visiting her father Gordon Ballard in East Troy."

Descendants of Stephen Ballard and Anna (Surname unkown)

1  Stephen Ballard       - 1827
..........2  Elizabeth Ballard  1784 - 1854
................+John Gamage  1773 - 1846
......................3 Wilson Gamage  1808 - 1887
............................ +Julia M. - 1837
..................................4  son
..................................4  daughter
...................... *2nd Wife of Wilson Gamage:
............................ +Freelove Jackson  1816 - 1871
......................3  Horatio Gamage  1811 - 1855
............................ +Julia Ann DeWitt  1811 - 1886
..................................4  Wilbur D. Gamage  1832 - 1885
........................................+Elnora M.  1833 - 1886
..............................................5  Clara J. Gamage  1859 - 1910
..................................................+William Gordon Ballard 1852 - 1919
........................................................6  Flossy E. Ballard  1879 - 1927
..............................................................+John M. Sterling - 1918
........................................................6  Annie Laurie Ballard   1882 -
..............................................................+Clarence Brisco
.........................................................2nd Husband of Annie Ballard:
..............................................................+Enoch J. Kelley
...................................................................7 Dorothy Virginia Kelley          1911 -
........................................................................+John (Jack) Chowning
...................................................................7  Richard Gordon Kelley          1915 - 1944
........................................................................+Dottie Kniffen
........................................................6  Ruth Hart Ballard  1888 - 1969
.............................................................+Clifford Franklin Leet  1892 –          1966
...................................................................7  Dorothy Leet  1918 - 1918
...................................................................7 Clifford Franklin Leet, Jr.         1920 - 1981
.......................................................................+Loretta Elizabeth         Sundstrom 1922 -
........................................................6  Carl Gamage Ballard  1892 -
.............................................................+Anna E or C Brown
...................................................................7  Phyllis Ruth Ballard 1916-
...................................................................7  Gordon Mansfield Ballard         1917 -
...................................................................7  Esther Jayne Ballard 1919
...................................................................7 Mary M. Ballard  1921 -
.............................................5  Horatio Gamage  1860 - 1866
.............................................5  Edith M. Gamage  1867 -
..................................................+George P. DuMond
................................4  Dorcas C. Gamage  1834 -
................................4  Mary Elizabeth Gamage  1836 - 1922
......................................+Orlando W. Rockwell  1830 - 1909
.............................................5  Alice Rockwell
.............................................5  Helen Rockwell
.............................................5  Cordlia Rockwell   1857 -
.............................................5  Delos Rockwell  1859 -
.............................................5  Gamage Rockwell  1863 - 1922
..................................................+Frankie Helen Meade
........................................................6  Mildred Bertha Rockwell  1893 – 1969
........................................................6  Alice Rockwell
........................................................6  Helen Rockwell
.............................................5  Louisa Rockwell  1865 - 1867
.............................................5  Willard Rockwell  1871 -
.............................................5  Irvine Rockwell 1873 -
................................4  N Gamage  1842 -
................................4  N Gamage  1844 -
................................4  Jenet Gamage  1852 - 1928
......................................+Clarence F. Grenall 1851 - 1943
.............................................5  Angie E. Grenall  1881 - 1974
.............................................5  Frannie E. Grenall  1883 - 1969
....................3  Martha Gamage  1840 -
...........................+William Hosmer
................................4  William
................................4  daughter

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The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 19 SEP 2006
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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