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Henrietta Davison Pomeroy of Troy PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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 Henrietta Davison Pomeroy

  1.  Henrietta Davison1 Pomeroy, daughter of Newton Merrick Pomeroy and Annis Amelia Davison, (#73458) was born in Troy Borough, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 01 DEC 1876.  Henrietta died 07 SEP 1911 in Pittsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, at age 34.  Mrs. Henrietta Pomeroy McKnight died suddenly at Dr. Craigen’s private hospital in New York, at 2:30 o’clock Thursday morning. Mrs. McKnight, was about 35 years old. Her marriage to Frank H. McKnight, secretary of the chain of New York banks including Morgan & Co., which financed the Chinese loan, last Sept. 29th was a social event of much importance. She was a daughter of the late George B. and Henrietta P. Davison. In infancy, at the death of her mother, she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy, to whom and her husband her death is a particularly crushing blow. She was a sister of Henry P. Davison and Miss Mary Davison of New York. The body will arrive in Troy by special train early Friday morning, accompanied by eighteen relatives and friends from New York. The funeral will be held at the N. M. Pomeroy home at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon. Interment will be in Glenwood cemetery.

A Tribute to the Memory of Mrs. Henrietta Davison Pomeroy McKnight

 Someone has said, "God plucks the fairest flowers for his own garden."  Surely the transplanting of the fair one of this sketch is an emphasis of that thought, so beautifully expressed.
 Henrietta Davison Pomeroy was born in the Troy, Dec. 1, 1876, where her girlhood days were spent.  Graduating from its high school with honors she entered Rye seminary, on the Hudson, where a like fate awaited her.  She possessed a cultivated mind, a sunny disposition,, a retentive memory and musical talents and gifts far above the ordinary. She returned from school to Troy where her time was spent save that of travel, both home and abroad.  She was the sunbeam in the home, and possessing fine conversational powers was the leading light in social circles, being proverbial for her ready wit and repartee.  She lived her life among us "fancy free" until the 29th of last September she was united in marriage to Fancis Heron McKnight, then of Pittsburg but now of New York.  She resided in New York until her death in Dr. Craigen's hospital, hospital Sept. 7th. An incident, though personal, is worthy of mention here.  A charming woman of our town, a confirmed invalid, having suffered excruciatingly with a painful disease for many years, was a special object of Mrs. McKnight's liove and ministrations.  It was but natural that this friend's thoughts should be centred on the fair one on this her nuptial night; had just made a remark concerning the happy event, when the bell rang. The attendant going to the door was greeted by a messenger with part 9f the bridal bouquet and card bearing these words, "With the love and compliments of Mrs. McKnight."  A small act but an exceedingly gracious one, and further illustrating her beautiful character; for thus in the supreme moment of her life, like the master whom she served, she had forgotten self but had not forgotten to "give the cup of cold water in his name."  Born thus to an inheritance of culture, refinement and wealth and she became the happy wife and lived to receive the greatest honor ever bestowed on woman, the crown of motherhood, her cup seemed full to the brim of the richest draughts this world can furnish when suddenly and most unexpectedly the bright prospect was blasted "For God's finger touched her and she slept" to waken a fairer blossom in His garden where we believe with her great capabilities she has "fitted in."  For surely He must have had a special service for her to call her "at such a time as this." While those who are left to mourn, can not question or doubt, but only trust believing "it is well: and the seemingly strange dispensation will not be made clear until the mists have rolled away."
 Her remains were brought by special train to "Hillside" the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Pomeroy, and where embedded n a wealth of flowers conspicuous for their beauty, rareness and design, they were viewed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends.  The funeral services were held on Friday afternoon, her former pastor, the Rev. E. P. Morse of the Presbyterian church officiating, who read the last chapter of Proverbs, with that beautiful portrayal of the ideal woman as appropriate to the occasion. He then spoke touchingly of her Christian character, of her help and inspiration during his fifteen ears of service as pastor, often going with him to the hone of the lowly to lend her sweet voice as a solace in times of sorrow and distress, but the most precious memory was that of prayer meeting where she was always ready with the testimony, the accompaniment or the song, and concluded by reading two of her favorite hymns "I am His and He is mine" and O Love that will not let me go."
 She was laid away in beautiful Glenwood where rest her ancestors, and where only on the preceding Monday, her brother, Henry P. Davison of New York, had wandered through its picturesque paths and drive-ways, and seeing possibilities of still greater beauty, had with a magnanimity characteristic of the man, endowed it with the sum of $25,000, little dreaming that within a week it would be his sad mission to return with the precious dust of an idolized sister, the first to be laid within its precincts since the munificent gift.  A singular coincident and strong commentary on life and its uncertainties.
 Those of her immediate family to whom her loss is irreparable are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Pomeroy of Troy, and brothers Henry P. Davison and Daniel E. Pomeroy and one sister, Mary E. Davison of New York.
 She passed this way but once but in passing she scattered flowers and sunshine the fragrance and effulgence of which will shine as a halo around her memory, for the name of Henrietta Davison Pomeroy will go down in Troy's history as one of its brightest, fairest and most beautiful products of womanhood.
 In reviewing this sketch, which is not a fanciful one, we are forcibly reminded of the words of the poet, and we think the lesson ever before us is that
 "The boast of Heraldry, the pomp of Power And all that Beauty, all that wealth e'er gave Await alike th'
 inevitable hour, The paths of glory lead but to the grave."


 Her body was interred SEP 1911 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.  Buried with infant

 She married Francis Heron McKnight * 1910 in Troy Borough, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.


 A notable event socially was the wedding at 6:30 last evening of Miss Henrietta Davison POMEROY, the accomplished  only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Merrick POMEROY, to Mr Francis Herron MCKNIGHT of New York.  The ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor, the Rev. Edward P. MORSE, in the presence of a company of about 300, in the First Presbyterian church which was effectively decorated with Japanese clematis and a wealth of gladioli.  Beginning at 6 o'clock the following organ and trombone numbers were given by Mrs. Amelia LAMKIN WEIGESTER and Mr. Henry SHERMAN; March from Athalia...........Mendelssohn Valse 6............................. ........Chopin Walter's Prize Song..................Wagner Gavotte, from Mignon,...............Thomas Trombone Solo--Largo................Han del Military March......................... Schubert Serenade...................... ...............Nolch Introduction to Third Act and Bridal Chor- us............................ ................Wagner

 With the Bridal Chorus the wedding party entered.  The Nocturne from Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream was softly played during the ceremony, swelling to the Wedding March as they left the church.  The bride entered with her sister and was given in marriage by her father. She was beautifully gowned in cream satin with court train, old family lace, and tulle veil with orange blossoms. She carried white Japanese anemonies.  Her attendants were her sister, Miss Mary DAVISON of New York, Miss Theodosia DE RIEMER HAWLEY of New York, and Miss Charlotte PAINE of Troy, bridesmaids; Misses Alice and Frances DAVISON, flower girls, in pink chiffon, carrying baskets of white cosmos, and Master Harry DAVISON, page.  Mr. T. H.B. McKNIGHT of Pittsburg, was best man.  The ushers were Mr J.C. SCOTT of Canton,Ohio, Mr Charles CHUBB and Mr. Watson ADAIR of Pittsburg,NY; Mr. Herbert HOLCOMBE of Philadelphia and Mr Samuel HAMILTON, of Jamestown, NY.
 On account of the ill health of Mrs. POMEROY the reception and wedding were at the handsome home of the bride's cousin, Mrs. George O. HOLCOMBE, next door. Invitations were limited to relatives and three of four near friends of the POMEROY family.  White cosmos predominated in the floral decorations.  The music was by Mrs. WEIGESTER, Henry SHERMAN, and Miss Anna BOTTCHER.  For dinner which was served by St. Peter's Guild, the guests were seated at three tables as follows;  At the brides table the bridal party and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKNIGHT and Mrs Harlan McKNIGHT, of Pittsburgh; Mr and Mrs. D.E. POMEROY of Englewood; Mr. and Mrs Henry McKNIGHT of New York; Mrs. G. O. HOLCOMBE; Mr. N.M. POMEROY, Miss Lucile CHURCHILL, of Erie, Miss Alice P. SMITH, of Elmira.
 Mr and Mrs. Samuel JEWELL of Canton; Mr. and Mrs KNOX, of Johnstown; Mrs. B.L. TRUMAN of Owego; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. LAMKIN, Mrs M.B. BALLARD, Mr. Wilson WEIGESTER, Mrs E.P. MORSE, Mrs B.B. MITCHELL, Mrs. C.M. KNOX.
 Mrs. William SALLMON of New Haven; Dr. ROE of Rochester; Rev. E.P. MORSE, Mr. Liston BLISS, Dr. M.P. BALLARD, Mrs S.B. WILLET, Miss Jennie LONG, Towanda; Rev. Charles H. McKNIGHT, Elmira.
 Master Harry DAVISON and Frances and Alice Davison of New York.
 Mr. McKNIGHT, the bridegroom, is the Secretary of the group of bankers who financed the Chilnese loan--J.P. MORGAN & Co., KUHU, LOEB &Co., the National Bank all of New York.  He formerly resided in Pittsburg, where still reside his twp brothers, one of whom is treasurer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
 The bride received many valuable gifts---an exquisite diamond brooch from the groom, securities from her father and brother, a grand piano from Mr. and Mrs. D.E. POMEROY, chest of household silver from the Messers McKNIGHT, etc..
 Mr. and Mrs. McKNIGHT left last night for Gloucester, Mass., where they will occupy for a time the beautiful Italian cottage of Miss Mary DAVISON.  They will also during their honeymoon motor through New England.  They will be at home after January 1st in New York at 138 East Fortieth street.

 (Francis Heron McKnight* is #73459.)  Natural daughter of Henrietta Pomeroy (sister of Newton Merrick Pomeroy) and George B. Davison (brother of Annis Davison). Adopted by them after her mother's death.

      Henrietta Davison Pomeroy and Francis Heron McKnight* had the following child:

      2  i.  Infant2 McKnight (#78646) was born 1911.  Stillborn

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12/13/2004
By Joyce M. Tice
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The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933