Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Tioga County PA 1899
1899 Population, Tioga County
Christmas Day at Blackwells
From 1899 Tioga County Directory - Hotels - Blackwell
House - J. H. Barton, prop. (Lloyd) r 17 1-2 Morris
Photo: Family Group at Blackwells Hotel |
Township: Morris Township , Tioga County PA |
Year: 25 DEC 1899 |
Photo Submitted by (I am very sorry, but I
am unable to locate the email that accompanied this in Feb 2003. If the
person who sent it would contact me, I could add her/his name here.) |
Subj: Blackwell
Date: 02/04/2004 3:03:10 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: venom12_08@yahoo.com (Carl Berg)
To: joycetice@aol.com
Hello Joyce,
My name is Carl berg, I am the son of Doris Berg, maiden name
CARD. Her father, Alvin Card, owned the Blackwell Hotel from 1939 to 1946.
Her entire family helped run the hotel. he also owned the Bush House in
Tioga from 1954-1964. I love your web site, i'm sure it has been an awful
lot of work for you.
My mother remembers alot of the people that lived in Blackwell,
Cedar run, Morris, and Tioga. I'm trying to get her to e-mail you, she
is not very computer literate. hehehe
If she doesn't, i'll try to put more information on your site,
or directly to you. Oh yeah, one other thing. My grandfather lost the Blackwell
hotel in a
Poker game.
I really hope this information helps some people. Again, thank
you for your web site.
Carl H. Berg III
In a message dated 1/13/2010 4:29:42 PM Eastern Standard
Time, xxxx@state.pa.us writes:
Dear Joyce---
I love your website. I am asking you to E-mail me your mailing
address so that I can send you a postcard of an old picture of the Blackwell
Hotel in Morris, Pa., in Tioga County. This postcard shows an excellent
view of the front of the hotel. The picture you show on the website
is the back of the hotel. I knew the owners back in the 80’s and
they gave me an old postcard of the hotel.. I hope you can use it.
Thank you,
Robert W. Koehn
Tourist Information Counselor
Note from Joyce- I think this may be from 1970s based on back of postcard. |
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 13 JUL 2003
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M.
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visitor since the counter was installed on 13 JUL 2003