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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (W. W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883) 
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By John L. Sexton, Jr.

December 7th 1871 the township of Hamilton was formed from the townships of Bloss and Ward. At the time of its formation all the inhabitants were in the village of Morris Run, which is about two and a half miles east of Blossburg, on the head waters of a creek bearing the name of Morris Run, which empties into the Tioga River one and a half miles southeast of Blossburg. The land on which the village is situated is from 1,678 to 1,840 feet above tide.


In 1852 explorations for coal were made on the west side of the creek by the Tioga Improvement Company, whose officers and stockholders were chiefly residents of Philadelphia, - the Ryers, Calkets, Morrises and others. During that year, under the direction of the company, Colonel Pharon Jarrett, of Lock Haven, Pa., assisted by H. Brewer and J. Livingston, surveyed a route for a railroad from Blossburg to where the coal cropped out, and where the "openings: had been made. This railroad was finally constructed and open for the transportation of coal in October 1853.

Buildings had been previously constructed, and at the opening of the road there were sixteen log house, which were occupied by Joseph Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, James R. Cameron, Joseph Hughes, Frank Smith, Samuel Vickers, John Nailon, William Kelly, Andrew Baird, William R. Gilmour, William Bland, Dennis Mooney, John Kelley and James Brown. John Young was superintendent of mining, and the weighmasters were James Brown, Peter Cameron Jr., and H.J. Landrus, in the order named. In 1853 a log building was used as an office for the superintendent and a supply store. Alfred Jones, of Philadelphia, opened an office in Corning, N.Y., and was the general sales agent and paymaster of the company. Few miners were employed. Some residents of Blossburg, however, worked at the mines and returned every night to their homes. The business of the company was thus carried on about ten years, when there had been mined 323,174 tons, or an average of about 30,000 tons annually. In 1862 the Salt Company of Onondaga (Syracuse, N.Y.) Leased the mines and commenced operations on a more extensive scale, opening mines and erecting dwellings, stores, offices, hotels, schutes, etc. After operating the mines about two years the company sold its interest to the Morris Run Coal Company, which carried on the business more extensively than before, erecting more dwellings, a saw-mill and schutes, and in many ways increasing the capabilities and capacity of the works. The village of Morris Run increased rapidly in population. Large accessions from England, Scotland and Wales were made to the mining population. Schools were established and churches and lodges organized; and, although all or most of the township offices were filled by men living at Blossburg, still the village of Morris Run was for many purposes an independent locality. In the spring of 1864 W.S. Nearing was employed by the company as a civil and mining engineer, and during that year he was given sole management of the company's business. Major T.B. Anderson had preceded him one year before as the mercantile agent for the Salt Company of Onondaga, and was retained under the new order of things. Both have held their respective positions to the present, each discharging his duty with fidelity.

The work carried on at the mines at Morris Run has been divided into departments, which are looked after by W.S. Nearing, general manager and superintendent; W.R. Gilmour, mining superintendent; Michael Driscoll, drift boss at Jones mine; Alexander Dunsmore, drift boss at Newine; Campbell Haddow, drift boss at East mine; T.B. Anderson, store agent; Charles Church, William Dunsmore. A. Munro, - Keagle, Albert Frost and Agnes Gilmour, clerks; David Wetsell, outside superintendent; Frank Church, foreman at the saw-mill; P.F. O'Donnell, cashier; J.N. Anderson and Thomas B. Keefe, cashier's clerks; Thomas B. Keefe and Frederick Watkies, telegraph operators; weighmasters - New mine William Tipton, Jones mine Samuel Woodhouse, East mine O.T. Smith; blacksmiths - New mine Joseph B. Middaugh, Jones mine Henry Kretser, East mine John Stephenson; weighmaster for the company at Blossburg, Henry Hollands.

The Morris Run Coal Company about five years ago became financially embarrassed, had a receiver appointed, and finally would up its affairs. A new company was formed entitled the Morris Run Coal Mining Company, which has since operated the mines very successfully. Substantially the same men at the mines were retained by the new company. The estate of Hon. John Magee, deceased, is a large stockholder in the concern.

There is probably not a mine in the State where better facilities for mining have been provided than at Morris Run. Mr. Nearing has from time to time made improvements in the manner of ventilating and draining the mines, and invented or provided the latest appliances known to the business. The mines are worked on what is known by miners and mining engineers as the "double heading system," ventilated by furnaces and overcasts. The furnaces are of good size and equal to the task required of them, keeping the air in circulation in the mines. He has introduced air compressors as a motive power in hauling out coal from beneath the mountain, by means of endless ropes; also using them for pumping and drainage, and for working coal cutters or "iron men" for undermining the coal. There are fine of these iron men, driven by compressed air, which will cut or undermine 50 tons per day each, on an average. There are many miners employed in the old way of mining, averaging from four to six tons per day each, yet it is quite evident that improved machinery is fast taking the place of hand power. A small locomotive is used at one mine in hauling the coal from the drift to the schutes, while in others mules are used both for inside and outside work. The plan for mining by hand is substantially the same in all the mines in Tioga County. The seams or veins of coal lie nearly horizontal, between a rock overhead and a hard clay bottom beneath; the inclination of the seam being at the rate of about 27 feet to the mile, and in some places from 30 to 32. This affords an ample opportunity for drainage except n portions where there are swamps or depressions. This affords an ample opportunity for drainage except in portions where there are swamps or depressions. In those cases the difficulty must be overcome either by blasting out the bottom, filling up the swamps and blasting down the top rock, or by pumping.

The Morris Run Coal Mining Company's office is a good and substantial building, erected in 1866. It is used by the superintendent, cashier and telegraph operator. In connection with it is a stone vault for the preservation of valuable books, papers, maps of the company etc. The vault is 22 by 16 feet and 27 feet high. The perfect ashlars of which it was constructed were selected in their rough state from building stone on the lands of the company.


In 1874 a gentleman residing at Morris Run, who had access to the books of the company, furnished the writer a table of the population at Morris Run, showing the ratio of nationalities. In 100 thee wee 31 Welsh, 19 Irish (including Scotch-Irish), 16 Americans, 15 Englishmen, 5 Swedes, 5 Scotch, 4 Germans, 2 Poles and 2 Frenchmen. The population at that time was about 2,350 occupying 356 dwellings. These different nationalities dwell together in harmony, and very rarely does any breach of the peace take place. The courts have very little criminal business, and the social status of the people is a standing refutation of the doctrines advanced by many leading writers in England, France and Germany. The general manager, Mr. Nearing, has done much to assist them in organizing churches, lodges and associations, and stimulating them in the maintenance of good order and morality. In the promotion of these refining influences the manager has been ably assisted by Major T.B. Anderson and William R. Gilmour, seconded by good men of all nationalities and creeds represented in the place. Among the entire mining population of the county, which amounts to about 8,000, there is less disturbance of the peace and less litigation is confined principally to civil suits brought b te companies to obtain possession of their dwellings. The writer was called upon in May 1873 to address the members of a "Friendly Society," and, in adverting to the beneficial results of societies where all nationalities meet in common upon the same level and platform, said: "The Friendly Society," and, in adverting to the beneficial results of societies where all nationalities meet in common upon the same level and platform, said: "The Friendly Society is calculated by its association to confer lasting benefits on this community by the removal of national prejudices. I see before me many persons who are natives of other States and countries. The recollections of your old homes beyond the sea are as dear to you as mine of the beautiful valley of the Chemung, yet we meet together in the Friendly Society, forgetting our nationalities, interchanging ideas and thoughts freely and without reserve. We become acquainted with each other, and many, very many of our crude and erroneous preconceived ideas are corrected; our narrow and national prejudices are divested of their rough projections by the gavel of association; and we more fully realize the truthfulness of Robert Burns's lines:

"The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
A man's a man for a that.

"For your children's welfare, and for their future good and prosperity, strive to forget the associations of the past; adopt the customs of the country in which you live as far as consistent; assist in promoting every good object which has for its aim the happiness and prosperity of our community, State and nation. There is no good reason why we should not cultivate habits of sobriety; why we should be ignorant of the civilities of life; why our children should not have the benefit of good examples as well here as in a more elegant and populous town. Let us meet together oftener. Let us become more social. Let us study the common interest of all."

When the foreign born miners come in contact with each other in the church, in the lodge or society room, their resentments, their prejudices to a very large extent vanish, and they learn to understand one another. Intelligent and unbiased native born citizens have also contributed much toward this good feeling by showing the various nationalities that it was the man they respected, not his peculiar nationality.

There is no place in the country where social events are more heartily relished and enjoyed than in the mining region of northern Pennsylvania, be it a church sociable, a picnic by a Sabbath-school, or an excursion or dance. The participants enter into it with a zest not known in other localities. While many of the refined accomplishments and heartless formalities of polite society are not practiced to any great extent by the miner or his sons or daughters, still they are not lacking in those true gentlemanly and womanly traits which are the offspring of a warm and generous nature. Each right, each privilege is taken into consideration, and from the weakest to the most robust all share alike the privileges of the occasion. All seem fond of music, both vocal and instrumental, and some of the finest voices in the land are to be found among the miners. They are clever with musical instruments, from the bagpipe to the organ and stringed or brass instruments. As dancers they are not excelled. They can step the hornpipe, jig, cotillion, waltz or schottische with any. At athletic games they are at home, and Caledonian feats are performed with as much ease and agility as on the native heath of auld Scotland. They have brought from across the ocean the honest sports of their native land, those practiced and grown dear through generations among the people. To witness them upon any of the holidays no one would suppose they were the same persons who the day before had been seen away back in the mountains - shut out from the light of day, with lamps hooked to their caps, their faces begrimed with perspiration and coal dust, as black as the demon of darkness. The pranks of the youngsters at Halloween, the joyous gatherings at Christmas and New Year's, are times when they most delight to indulge in the observances so well defined over all Great Britain. But they enter with equal spirit into the celebration of purely American holidays, as the 22nd of February and the 4th of July. None sing or play our national airs with more zeal or patriotism than the foreign born miners.

It is believed that in general moral character the miners in northern Pennsylvania are in advance of those in other localities in the State; for the same reason that would apply to any other class of our citizens - that their church organizations, lodges, societies, associations and schools have an elevating influence upon them as a body. Almost every denomination has a church organization, while the societies or lodges, such as the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Ivorites, Patrons of Temperance, Catholic Temperance Association, etc., assemble together men of all religious faiths and denominations and teach them to live together in a spirit of harmony and good feeling. The only hindrance to the continued prosperity and success of the various churches and societies is a suspension of work, when the members are scattered and in many instances their organizations weakened to such an extent that they either dissolve or have their usefulness much impaired. To reorganize and begin anew after one of these break-ups is a serious task. They are of less frequent occurrence now than in the early history of the mining places of the county, and consequently the moral ties are becoming stronger and stronger. Many religious bodies in the mining regions which at first could not sustain a stated minister joined with others in the nearest town, and thus secured preaching at regular intervals, while others sustained Sunday-schools and by degrees strengthened their numbers, eventually organizing churches and employing ministers.


The schools of Morris Run as a general thing have ranked high in comparison with other schools of the county. There are now two school buildings, and four teachers employed, viz.: Foster Starkey and Misses Aggie Waddell, Anna Dunsmore and Anna Doine. Among the teachers who have taught here were William W. Gaskell, Miss M.A. Ryan, Miss Mary Olmstead, Miss Jennie Davis, Miss Jennie Gilmour, Mrs. W.L. Richards, J.T. Ballard, Miss Clara Whitman and Miss Kate Horlacher. The average attendance has been for years about 350. Night schools, for those who are employed during the day, have from time to time been in successful operation. Nor only at Morris Run but all through the mining region. These schools were usually attended by a class of older scholars, who appreciated their privileges and opportunities and made commendable progress in their studies.


Welsh Baptist Church.--The church organization was effected in 1864, and for a number of years service was held in the chapel on the East Hill. At the time of the organization Rev. J.R. Harris was pastor; deacons, John M. Jenkins and William S. Edwards. The present edifice was completed in 1873 and was dedicated the last Sabbath of that month. The trustees then were W.S. Nearing, Reese Lewis, John B. Davis, Daniel Wilkin and John I. Jones. Rev. Charles Jones officiated for a number of years, but at present the church has no stated minister.

Welsh Congregational Church.--The Welsh Congregational Church was organized about the year 1864. Rev. Philip Peregrine, of Blossburg, was the first pastor. Among the first officers were John Morgan, deacon, and Thomas T. Reese, secretary. For a number of years the Rev. F. Tilo Evans, of Blossburg, officiated in the church. It is now in his charge, but no regular Sunday services have been held by him for some months.

Primitive Methodist Church.--The Primitive Methodist church at Morris Run was originally a Wesleyan organization. A reorganization was effected about the year 1869, and the society went into the Primitive Methodist conference. Rev. George Parker was then pastor, Thomas Cooper leader, and James Richards trustee. There were twenty members, and branches of the church in Arnot, Blossburg and Fall Brook. The value of the church edifice is about $2,200.

For a time the church went on prosperously. The panic of 1873 and the strike of 1874 seriously affected it. About three years ago Rev. David Savage became its pastor, and he and his good wife, aided by the people of Morris Run and others, held festivals, solicited contributions and finally succeeded in paying off the debt and refitting and furnishing the church edifice. On Sunday October 19th 1879 the formal reopening exercises took place. In the morning the pastor, Rev. D. Savage, occupied the pulpit, and the theme upon which he dwelt was "Repairing the Walls of Jerusalem." The sermon was very appropriate to the occasion. The music, by Professor Bennet's choir, was most excellent. Mrs. Lewis sang a solo, and all together the services were of a very interesting character. In the evening Rev. F.K. Fowler, of the Baptist church of Blossburg, officiated.

Mr. Savage remained with the church until the spring of 1881, when, according to a tenet of the denomination, he vacated his pastorate and accepted another charge. Rev. J.H. Acornley became the pastor. The services are well attended and the church is prosperous.


Morris Run Lodge, No. 678, I.O.O.F. was instituted January 22nd 1870. Its first officers were: William L. Richards, N.G.; Samuel Woodhouse, V.G.; William Myles, secretary; William R. Gilmour, treasurer; T.B. Anderson, P.G.

The lodge numbers among its members some of the best and most prominent men of Morris Run. A number of its craftsmen have served years in the good work of Odd Fellowship. Major T.B. Anderson, W.L. Richards, William R. Gilmour, Matthew Waddell and others have grown gray in the service. The lodge has a fine hall, well furnished and kept. This organization has been instrumental in relieving the wants of many, and otherwise conferring great benefits upon the community. Its present officers are: Amost Holt, N.G.; James Doughty, V.G.; recording secretary, Thomas T. Reese; permanent secretary, J.N. Anderson; treasure, W.R. Gilmour. Mr. Gilmour has been treasurer many years.

One of the most interesting incidents in the history of the lodge was the celebration of its tenth anniversary, at the hall, Saturday evening January 24th 1880. The committee of arrangements consisted of Daniel Holt, Thomas T. Reese, Frank Church, Morgan Lloyd and James Hadley. At 7 o'clock the hall was filled with the brethren and guests. The Morris Run choir and the Hamilton City brass band were present. Major T.B. Anderson made some remarks, showing the benefits that the members had derived from the lodge. In conclusion he made the following statement: Lodge organized January 22nd 1870; charter members, 46; initiated since, 233; present membership, 153; number of families relieved, 10; number of brethren relieved, 181; amount of week benefits, $5,036.25; amount of funeral benefits, $1,979.80; widow and family benefits, $426; total, $7,445.05; amount in treasury, about $2,000. After Major Anderson's remarks, and music, D.D.G.M.G.T. Losey delivered an eloquent address, which was followed by remarks by several members of this and other lodges, alternating with must. At the new hall a sumptuous feast had been prepared, of which some two hundred and twenty-five partook. The party was in good humor, and everything passed off pleasantly.

Louisa Lodge, No. 105, Daughters of Rebekah was organized on the 14th on May 1875, and the following named persons were installed as its first officers: Samuel Woodhouse, noble grand; Louisa Rexford, vice-grand; Sarah A. Davis, recording secretary; Mary Davis, financial secretary; Elmira Church, treasurer.

The lodge started with 30 charter members, and now has 46 members in good standing. It has done a noble work.

Tioga Lodge, No. 304, Knights of Pythias was organized June 22nd 1871, with the following officers: James Patterson, P.C.; William Rumsey, C.C.; William P. Parker, V.C.; John W. Evans, K. of R. and S.: George Caryle, M. at A.; Absalom Evans, M. of F.; William Powell, M. of E.; John Heron, I.G.; James Sampson, O.G.

The lodge opened with 25 members. It has since grown into a large and influential body, numbering among its members some of the best men in the township and vicinity.

It has frequently had picnics, excursions, etc. In August 1879 it have an excursion which is worthy of special mention. Failing to make satisfactory terms with the Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad for transportation to Watkins, N.Y., the committee determined to procure teams and convey those who desired to go from Morris Run to Tioga, a distance of 22 miles, and three take the Corning, Cowanesque and Antrim Railroad to Watkins. They advertised for teams and wagons, and the night before the intended excursion these came in from the country in regular processions. A bonfire was built in the square in from of the new hall, and at 2 o'clock in the morning the bell at the store was rung, which was the signal for the people to assemble. Superintendent Nearing and his aides de camp were busy arranging procession. It is said that at a quarter past 4 there were 120 conveyances in line, conveying over 800 people. At Blossburg the citizens turned out en masse to see the excursion pass through, and at Covington the people gave them a royal welcome, and also at Mansfield. The farmers along the route turned out and gave them a royal welcome, and also at Mansfield. The farmers along the route turned out and gave them a hearty "God speed." The excursion train from Tioga reached Glen Bridge safely at noon. Here the excursionists alighted and proceeded to the grove where they enjoyed lunch, and then separated, each one following the bent of his own will, some going through the famous Watkins Glen, others enjoying the boat ride on the lake. On reaching Corning at 5 o'clock p.m., on the return the party was received by the citizens with the firing of cannon, bonfires, speeches and music by Pier's band. Hiram Pritchard welcomed them to Corning in a neat speech, which was responded to by Major T.B. Anderson, of Morris Run. The train reached Tioga at 8 p.m., and the party took the conveyances for Morris Run well pleased with the trip.

The present officers of Tioga Lodge are as follows: Benjamin Phillips, C.C.; Richard Esaias, V.C.; Thomas Y. Evans, P.; George Davies, M. at A.; Thomas T. Reese, K. of R. and S.; Charles N. Church, M. of F.; J. Norman Anderson, treasurer; James Doughty, I.G.

J. Norman Anderson is the district deputy grand chancellor for the county.

The chancellor commanders of the lodge have been William Ramsay sen., W.P. Parker, George Carlyle, John Heron, Robert Lees, William R. Brown, W.H. Davey, Charles N. Church, Patrick M. Shea, Nelson Ingram, George H. Palmer, George Mawwell, J. Norman Anderson, Robert McKechnie, David D. Hopkins, David Wetsel, Nelson P. Cease, John T. Jones, Eleazer Evans, and Joseph Lawrence.

U.S. 3 - This was a social organization formed in the fall of 1869, with Mart G. Lewis as president, J.L. Lewis Jr. secretary and W.W. Halsey treasurer. The members gave a number of receptions to their friends at Morris Run, Blossburg and Fall Brook. In the winter of 1870 a special train from Fall Brook conveyed their invited guests by the way of Blossburg to one of their soirees. The U.S. 3 maintained an organization several years, and by gentlemanly and polite management added much to the enjoyment of society.

Caradog Ap Bran, No. 11, Adran F (Ivorites, a Welsh social and benevolent society), was organized May 14th 1872, by Benjamin Hughes and David Roberts, of Luzerne County. The number of charter members was 81. The first officers were: President, John B. Davis; vice-president, Robert J. Morris; recording secretary, John H. John; financial secretary, Thomas J. Howells; treasurer , William Harris; steward, Daniel Wilkins; inner guard, O.Edwards; outer guard, William J. Williams; right hand supporter of president, John T. Davis; left hand supporter of president, Isaac T. Jones; right hand supporter of vice-president, Robert J. Jones; left hand supporter of vice-president, Edward T. Williams; trustees - David R. Davis, John M. Morgan, David Y. Evans, David J. Reese, David B. Morgan, David Y. Evans, David J. Reese, David B. Morgan and John Lloyd.

The successive presiding officers have been Robert J. Morris, Daniel Wilkins, John H. John, David M. Evans, Morgan Lloyd, Thomas E. Jenkins, David J. Reese, Edward Parry, John M. Morgan, David Y. Evans, John L. Jones, Thomas Y. Evans, Richard E. Davis, Robert J. Morris (to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of Richard E. Davis), Evan Price, Thomas X. Jenkins, Griffith Jenkins, Thomas T. Howell, David X. Jenkins, Evan Price and Thomas J. Evans.

The present officers are: Thomas J. Evans, president; John E. Williams, vice-president; Thomas E. Jenkins, recording secretary; Thomas Y. Evans, financial secretary; Evan Price, treasurer; John J. Evans, leader; John T. Jones, steward; Thomas Merideth, inner guard; David F. Jones, outer guard; John W. Evans and Daniel J. Thomas, president's supporters; William Hughes and John H. Davis, vice-president's supporters; trustees - David j. Reese, Thomas X. Jenkins, Thomas E. Jenkins, David Y. Evans, Edward parry and John E. Williams.

This body meets in the Ivorite lodge room the first and third Saturday night in each month, at 7 o'clock.

Temperance Societies.--A branch of the C.T.A. was organized November 22nd 1874. David Hayes is president, Dennis Sullivan secretary and William Murphy treasurer. The society meets in New Hall every Saturday evening. It is doing a commendable work.

The organization of Patrons of Temperance, formed within the last year, is composed of temperance people who formerly belonged to the Good Templars and Sons of Temperance.

Musical Bodies.--There has been for many years a most excellent musical organization composed of the Welsh people, under the name of the Morris Run Glee Club. It has given concerts at Morris Run, Arnot, Fall Brook, Blossburg and Antrim, which were well attended and highly appreciated. It sang at the 4th of July celebration at Blossburg in 1880. It is probably one of the best organizations of the kind in the State. It consists of about 25 members.

There have been several brass band organizations from time to time which have manifested great proficiency. At this time there is no organized body, but there are many fine musicians.


The first hotel was erected in 1864, and occupied by the late Frederick Caldwell, succeed by David Wetsell, Captain P.C. Bailey, George W. Phillips, Stephen Bowen, T.G. Dallman and others.

John James Jr. was the first postmaster at Morris Run, and held the position many years. The present post-master is Philip Williams, with Lewis Nearing as deputy.

A market for the sale of meat, vegetables, fruits, etc., has been in operation since 1865, owned and conducted by Stephen Bowen, John James Jr., Thomas G. Dallman and Philip Williams & Co. It is now conducted by the last named firm. A general market place is also kept open, where farmers, hucksters and others who wish have their regular market days.

The resident physician usually keeps a drug store in addition to his professional practice, the better to accommodate his patients and others. Dr. A. Ingram and Dr. Bacon kept one, and Drs. William Caldwell and H.E. Caldwell now occupy it, and are the resident physicians.

Morris Run has had the honor of having two of its residents chosen as sheriffs of Tioga County. Stephen Bowen was elected in the fall of 1873, and appointed D.H. Walker of the same place as his deputy. At the expiration of Mr. Bowen's term Mr. Walker was elected sheriff.

In 1877 William L. Richards, of Morris Run, after having been examined by a board of examiners at Pittsburgh, was appointed by Governor John F. Hartranft mine inspector for the third bituminous coal district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield, Elk, Cameron, McKean, Potter, Clinton, Lycoming, Tioga and Bradford. This was the initial step in the way of a public officer to examine the mines, and his duties were most difficult and laborious. He discharged them four years very acceptably.

The vote for officers of this township for the year 1882-3 resulted as follows, as reported in the Wellsboro Agitator:

Supervisors--David Wetsell, 54; W.R. Gilmour, 20; Frank Church, 85. Justice of the peace--George Davies, 99; John Stevenson, 21; Samuel Woodhouse, 76; James Lee, 9. Constable--Isaac Weimer, 29; Baptiste Graffouliere, 79. School directors--Robert Parfitt, 16; Arthur Carmel, 19; Lawrence Johnson, 27; Thomas Jenkins, 25; Charles N. Church, 60; John Stevenson, 59. Assessor--D.F. Evans, 102; Matthew Waddell, 5. Assistant assessors - T.Y. Evans, 58; Joseph Johnson, 59; Edward Parry, 26; William Murphy, 27; Morgan Hoyt, 22; Anthony Jesson, 19. Treasurer--W.S. Nearng, 91; J.N. Anderson, 9. Town clerk--A.C. Frost, 19; O.T. Smith, 27; T.V. Keefe, 62. Judge of election--Thomas T. Reese, 79; Daniel Dugan, 25. Inspectors of election--Charles N. Church, 58; J.N. Anderson, 49. Auditors--Joseph Lawrence, 19; Timothy Donovan, 16; Michael Driscoll, 29; O.B. Thompson, 25; Nelson B. Ceary, 60; James Doughty, 58; Edward Parry, 1.
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