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1828 John Gamble Will
Transcribed by Bill Benson
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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Transcribed copy of the Will of John Gamble

"Joseph Gamble, Reuben Pounds, of John Gamble

In the name of God Amen: I, John Gamble, of the State of Missouri, County of Jefferson, and township of Big river, being Sick and weak in body, but of Sound mind, memory, and understanding, praised be God for it, and considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and to the end I may be better prepared to leave this world whenever it Shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and declare this my Last will and Testament in ????? following. That is to say, First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator, hoping for free pardon and remission of all my sins and enjoy everlasting happiness in the Heavenly Kingdom through Jesus Christ my Saviour. My will is that all my just debts as shall be by me owing at my death and all expenses taking the executing or otherwise concerning my will Shall in the first place out of my ready money be fully paid and satisfied and from and after payment thereof and subject thereunto them, that the residue shall be invested in the hands of my Brother Joseph Gamble, to be paid out in lands[?] with the advice and counsels of my wife and Reuben Pounds, for the care of my loving wife and children, in the way and manner following. That a Deed Shall be taken in the name of the heirs and that one third part thereof Shall be Subject to the disposal of my wife and for her use during her natural life and furthermore provided that Said purchase should consist of improved[?] lands it is my will that such part of the money as my executors Shall think necessary for the present comfort and improvement of said place and family shall be reserved. And that this money for making Said improvements be left in the hands of my wife to lay the same out as she may think as most proper for her and the orphans’ [i.e. his children] comfort and well being. But if she Should at any time marry again it is my will that all Improvements made on said premises Shall be subject to the control of the Executors of this my last will and testament with this provision that she shall reap the benefits of the profits of the whole and third aforesaid and furthermore at such time as she shall have married again, it is my will that the two youngest children Archibald Miner and John Kennedy Shall be bound out to trades until such time as they Shall have come of age, provided that they can have suitable places found for them by the overseers or executors of this my will where they may be brought up decently and instructed in the fear of God. If not, it is my will that they should be sent unto my Brother Joseph in Pennsylvania to live with him until they come to age, and the expenses accruing thereon to be paid out of the Legacy in obligations herein often mentioned and most lying in lots[??] ???ed. But provided that She should not marry ???ing will[?]

and[?] desire that my family Should all live together and the ????? proportion belonging to each one Shall be Let off [i.e. rented] for them ?? they may come of age not touching the improved part so long as the widow shall live, and after her decease her part or Third shall be divided equally among my heirs, share and share alike. I also bequeath to my children the sum of five hundred and fifty eight dollars and twenty eight cents in obligations now in the ?????’s of Brother Joseph, a receipt for which obligations accompanies this will. And it is my will that Brother Joseph Gamble collect said obligations such a way as he shall think best, and when collected either use it himself as he Shall Judge most proper or lodge[?] it in some safe Bank until the youngest of my children shall have come to age. Then it shall be equally divided after the deduction of such expenses as shall have accrued thereon among my children, share and share alike. And my will and ??????? is that in case any of my Said children Shall depart this life before such time as the part or portion of ??? ?? them ????ing Shall become payable, then and in such case the part or portion of ??? of their ?? dying Shall go and be equally divided amongst the survivors of them, share and share alike. if more than one, and to be paid to such survivors or survivor as the hence[?] aforesaid. And I further make and ordain Joseph Gamble of Township of Asylum County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania and Reuben Pounds of Township of Big river county of Jefferson and State of Missouri, executors of this my last will and testament, and I hereby nominate and appoint the Rev.[?] Ball[?] overseer of the same. And I earnestly entreat their utmost care respectively in and about the ?????? and execution[?] of my children, In witnefs whereof I, John Gamble the testator, ??? to this my last will consisting of one sheet of paper, set my hand[?] and seal at the Bottom here of, this twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven.

???? Sealed and declared by the above named John Gamble as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request came in his presence ??? subscribed our names as witnesfes thereto. Asylum, November 27th 1827. John Gamble [Seal]

George Gamble, John Morrow ????

Probate ???? and letter testamentary granted to the Executors of the above will. They having first ???? only sworn ???? and truly to administer[?] the said Estate [and] exhibit a true Inventory and ??? just account of their ?? administration. Given under the Seal of the Register’s office this 19th Jan 1828."

(Transcribed by Bill Benson 2002, from a transcription on a microfilm photocopy provided by SAMPUBCO, Salt Lake City, UT)

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