Collection - Sent in by Cindy KENNEDY Crandle |
![]() The Bridge and Falls at Long's Pond in Troy Cindy KENNEDY Crandle of Antigues and All in Sylvania donated this card |
Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Twenty EightThese obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than by reading an obituary scrapbook. |
Leona Man Traps Two Beaver - Ed BALLARD, veteran Leona trapper and sportsman, caught a 24 lb. beaver Tuesday morning and a 36 lb. beaver Wednesday morning in Leona Creek near the Tom BALDWIN place. Mr. BALLARD has many other fine pelts to show for his winter trap lines. He said there are several dams and three beaver houses in the creek near where he made his catch. (1943)
Deer Damages Warner Car - (1943) As Harold WARNER, Sylvania, was driving to work in Troy Wednesday morning on the Roosevelt Highway, a large doe deer jumped from the bank near the Willis Baker spring, struck the front of the machine and was almost instantly killed. Both of the headlights on the car were knocked out and the front end of the machine badly damaged. Game Protector Rodman CASE took charge of the carcass.
Storch Sets Record with Fur Trapping (1943) - There's money in fur trapping these days - at least for Howard STORCH of Balsam Swamp near East Smithfield and a former Towanda High football player (years and years ago). Between October 1 and December 12 Howard caught 47 fox, 20 mink, 56 muskrat, five racoon and 14 oppossum. For these Howard received from a nationallly known Chicago mercantile firm the sum of $778.90. In addition to this consigement he sold two fox hides, three racoon, 14 weasels and two oppossum. In five consecurive days he caught seven mink, 33 muskrat, one raccoon, a skunk and 10 weasels for which he received $202.70 or an average of $40.54 per day.
Vaughan Hill - On March 18 a flock of wild geese, 25 in number, alighted in Harold WILSON's corn field and fed there for a while. (1944)
Mrs. Clarence CARR of Sugar Creek Rd. who recently moved there from Wysox, wants the folks back there to know that the peepers up Sugar Creek way are one jump ahead of rhe Wysox breed. The Sugar Creek peepers were peeping "good and loud" when Mrs. CARR returned home from Towanda Saturday night. (1944)
4 Generations in This Picture [picture] Seated is Mrs. Lydia WOLFE, who on Sept. 14 was 91 years. She lives with her son, Lynn WOLFE, standing behind her at right. They reside near Snederkerville. At left is Mrs. Herbert STOUT of 366 Diven Ave., Elmira, daughter of Mr. WOLFE. She is holding her son, Gerald Richard. (1941)
92nd Birthday (1941) Mrs. Clara MARVIN Was a Native of Tioga County,
Pa. [picture]
Mrs. Clara STEVENS BAILEY MARVIN, 241 1/2 College Ave., Elmira Heights,
who is celebrating her 92nd birthday today wishes that all of her four
children, 10 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren could be present
for the event.
Only a handful of her progeny, those who live in the vicinity, will
be able to congratulate her in person. The rest - babies, youths,
young ladies, matrons, distinguished business executives and clergymen,
scattered from heer to California - must smile their greetings from their
pictures with which her rooms are filled.
A Native of Hammond, Pa., near Tioga, Mrs. MARVIN was widowed at 29,
and left in Mansfied, Pa. with four small daughters to support. She
earned the necessary funds by maintaining a boarding and room house for
Mansfield Sate Teachers College students. At the age of 50 she married
David MARVIN, her daughter, Nina's father-in-law. Mr. Marvin died
18 years ago.
Now the nonegenarian makes her home with Nina, Mrs. Archie MARVIN.
Although handicapped by deafness and failing eyesight, she still enjoys
life thoroughly and has "had the doctor" only once in 18 years!
Green Peas Grow in October (1941) Wayland, Green peas grown in Wayland ready for table use Oct. 11 is a bit unusual. Mrs. Harry SHAVER, having other garden vgetables in July, neglected to gather a row of peas until they were too hard. And then she just didn't do anything further about it. The peas did. They self-sowed and now are producing a second crop.
Area President [picture] - Mrs. Charles B. THOMAS of Bath, was reelected president of the organization of King's Daughters in this district comprising Broome, Chemung, Steuben, Schuyler and Tioga counties at Binghamton. Mrs. THOMAS has served several years as district president and more than 25 years has been president of the Bath King's Daughters.
(1941) Joint birthdays of Mrs. Homer MONROE and Mrs. Albert MADIGAN which occurred on Nov. 23. The party was a complete surprise to...
North Orwell, Oct. 27 (1941) - Mrs. Nettie DUNN, the oldest member of this community will celebrate her 92nd birthday on October 28th.
Albert M. "Pop" BAKER, one of Towanda's oldest and foremost businessmen is 74 years old today. "Pop" started in the grocery business 59 years ago, at Dryden, N.Y. After working for two years there in partnership with his brother, he moved to Troy, this county, where he managed a grocery store for four years. With six years of grocery store experience behind him, he came to Towanda and operated a grocery store at the corner of Bridge and Main Streets, the present location of the House of Fashion, for 30 years, moving to his present location in 1918. "Pop" since the day he started business, has always operated his store in keeping with the times. Just recently he made a number of improvements in his store, mainly the construction and rearranging of display space and the installation of a new and modern meat department. His numerous friends wish him many happy returns of the day. (1942)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BURNHAM wre Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. CANFIELD, Austinville. The occasion was Mrs. CANFIELD's birthday. (4-16-1944)
The Governor's Bride Begins Housekeeping [picture] Back from a honeymoon trip to Virginia, Mrs. Arthur H. JAMES, wife of Pennsylvania's governor, arranges flowers on the piano of the executive mansion in Harrisburg as she takes over management of the home. Note the heavily flowered wall paper in the mansion, which dates back to the Civil War days. (1942)
Harrisburg, Oct. 12 (AP) - Governor JAMES returns to the capitol this week with his bride, the former Emily RADCLIFFE CASE of Doylestown, after a honeymoon in Hot Springs, Va., and the executive's desk is piled high with matters requiring his personal attention. (1942)
JAMES / SINON - Dorothy JAMES is
Bride of Frank SINON - Governor's Daughter and Deputy General Wed in Fashionable
Ceremony in Harrisburg Methodist Church (1942) -- Harrisburg,
Nov. 15 (AP) -
Dorothy JAMES, only daughter of Governor Arthur H. JAMES became the
bride of Deputy Attorney General Frank A. SINON in a fashionable wedding
in downtown Grace Methodist Church yesterday.
Governor elect and Mrs. Edward MARTIN headed notables attending the
first war-time marriage of a Govermor's daughter in Pennsylvania history.
More than 800 guests crowded into the church where the state's chief executive
gave the bride away. Dr. Wilbur V. MALLALIEU officiated, with Kenneth
EPPLER at the organ.
Matron of Horor for the attractive 27 year old bride was Mrs. Louise
P. GORGLIONE of White Plains, N.Y., Miss James' room mate at Syracuse University.
The Bridesmaids were Mrs. T. Raymond ADAMS, Jr., Jenkintown; Mrs. Kingsley
HORTON, Wellesley, Mass.; Mrs. Arthur E. WILMARTH, Duke Center, and Mrs.
Franklin B. MUSSER II, Mechanicsburg.
The bride was gowned in ivory faille tafeta, the bodice tight fitting
with long shadow yoke extending over dropped shoulder line. A ruffle
of ivory chantilly lace edged the yoke in v-shape and narrow lace finished
the end of the bodice. The very full skirt with long train was worn
over three lace ruffled petticoats. Her two tiered veil of illusion
fell from a Juliet cap and snood of chantilly lace.
Lt. John B. CUTTEN of Harrisburg was best man for the 32 year old SINON,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. SINON of Austin, Pa. and nephew of Frank C.
BALDWIN, former auditor general and state senator.
Ushers were James S. BERGER, Coudersport; Gabriel D. WEISS, Harrisburg;
Major Fred C. MORGAN, Harrisburg; Lt. Com. Carl B. ESTES, Philadelphia;
Mark B. HIGGINS, Pittsburgh, Private Frank HILTON, Reading; George SCOTT,
Phillipsburg; and Lt. Winston C. VABER, Arlington, Va.
The bride is a graduate of Syracuse University where she was a member
of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority. Coming to Harrisburg in 1939 when
Governor James was inaugurated, she presided as mansion hostess until her
father married Mrs. Emily RADCLIFF CASE on Octber 1, 1941.
SINON was graduated from Pennsylvania State College and Dickinson Law
School. He practiced law in Coudersport before becoming a deputy
attorney in 1939.
The couple will l ive in Harrisburg.
Mothers-Daughters Banquet at Cross Roads (1942) -- Other News -- Gathering
about tables set up in the dining room of the church, decorated with yellow
and white, about 80 mothers and daughters of the surrounding community
participated in the Mother and Daughter Banquet, sponsored by the W.S.C.S.
The oldest mother present was Mrs. Anna SCOTT, 82. The youngest
mother in attendance was Mrs. Lindley STONE, 23. They were presented
plants donated by Mrs. Foster STRONG.
Mrs.Agnes BROWN was toastmistress and conducted the following program:
vocal solo, Mrs. Ann MURRAY, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Louis JUDSON;
musical reading, Josephine WOLFE, Towanda; whistling solo, Mrs. Hazel BOYD.
The last two were accompanied at the piano by Mr. Don BOYD. Miss
Maru [Maru as spelled in article] MATTTESON gave a toast to the mothers.
Mrs. Alida PECKHAM was introduced as the (church mother) and gave a toast
to the daughters for the oldest mothers. Mrs. Donald BESLEY gave
a toast for the younger mothers.
The speaker of the evening was Mrs. Ray Tucker of Elima, N.Y., Vice
president of the W.S.C.S., Elmira District.
Mrs. Wylie McCLURE was song leader, with Mrs. Louis JUDSON at the piano.
The kitchen committee was Mrs. Frank MURRAY, chairman, assisted by
Mrs. Carlton WILSON, Mrs. Fred RUMSEY, Mrs. Howard SHAYLOR, Mrs. Belle
BULLOCK and Miss Laura BOHLAYER. The dining room commettee was Mrs.
Ralph GERNERT, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Louis JUDSON, Mrs. William STRONG,
Mrs. James JUDSON.
The serving committee consisted of the men and boys of the church.
Church to Burn Its Mortgage - Bishop FLINT coming for Columbia X Roads
Ceremony -
Columbia Cross Roads, Oct. 30 (1942) -The Community Methodist Church
of Columbia Cross Roads will burn the mortgage on its property at special
services Sunday afternoon, Nov. 1, 1942 at 3:00 o'clock. Biship Charles
Wesley FLINT, Resident Methodist Bishop of the Syracuse area will be the
spaker. District Superintendent Banjamin ROWE will speak briefly
as will Rev. Paul M. BROWN, former pastor of the church. The ladies
of the church will serve tea after the service.
As "Oscar" VICKERY..." big stuff concrete pouring as the 4 foot thick base for the new Troy E. & M. Co. smoke stack was put in. A new gadget to use is the agitator that settles the concrete around the edges...the last of the former E.C. ELY Company shops in the rear of the building recently pruchased by Roy BROWNING...Mrs. B. B. MITCHELL brought into the office yesterday a picture of the east side of Canton Street taken somewhere along in the seventies. At the extreme left is shown a corner of the CARPENTER & PEARCE Company block which then housed a grocery and glassware store operated by Edward LOOMIS, father of Frank LOOMIS, founder and editor of The Troy Register, maternal ancestor of The Gazette-Register. The DAVISON & McCABE grocery was in the Troy Five to a Dollar location. WOLFE's saloon was next to the south then came AMEIGH's Hardware where KING & ROLLISON now operate. The present Gazette-Register building was not in existence, the site being occupied by a one story frame building used for the sale of caskets by Edward OLIVER, great grandfather of Oliver and Budd MITCHELL. Shown standing in front of the WOLFE saloon is "Bob" WOLFE who was armless following a Fourth of July explosion.
Birthday Party for Mrs. Ida CLARK (April 16, 1949) - Mrs. Ida CLARK of 50 Foster Avenue, Elmira, was happily surprised Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lyon. The occasion was Mrs. CLARKE's 79th birthday. All enjoyed a lovely dinner with two birthday cakes. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. Leslie PETERSON and daughter, Marjorie Ann, of Elmira, Mrs. and Mrs. Henry ANDRUS, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ANDRUS of East Smithfield and Mrs. Helen WRIGHT and son, Gene, of Elmira.
Checkerville (1943) - Mrs. and Mrs. Charles PIERCE and infant son, Gary Duane, and Harry PIERCE, Springfield, spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James PATTERSON.
There will be a variety shower for Mr. and Mrs. Willard HARKNESS in the church basement on Saturday evening. Everyone Welcome
(1942) Mr. and Mrs. Harry KEYES attended the wedding in St. Vincent de Paul Church, Corning, last Saturday, April 18 of Miss Martha KULP and William J. RING. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel KULP (nee Laura McCABE), Painted Post, former Trojans.
Jean G. KELLOGG Becomes Bride - (1942) East Smithfield Young Lady Weds
E. H. VAN ALSTINE, Elmira -- East Smithfield, May 13 - Miss Jean G. KELLOGG,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. KELLOGG of East Smithefield, and Erwin H.
VAN ALSTINE of 957 Mt. Zoar Street, Elmira, were married in the church
parlors of the Lake Street Presbyterian Church, Elmira, N.Y. on Thursday,
May 7 at 10 o'clock.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Henry WHITE, pastor of the church.
They were attended by Miss Alice MONTANYE of Bentley Creek and Ralph
KELLOGG, brother of the bride.
The bride is a graduate of East Smithfield High School, class of 1941.
Mr. VAN ALSTINE graduated from South Side High School, Elmira, class of
1940. He is now employed at the American LaFrance Foamite Co. in
They will reiside at 518 Balsam St., Elmira.
A marriage license application has been taken out by Phillip C. KENDALL, Troy Township, and Harriett E. DUART, Granville Township. (Troy)
DUART - KENDALL --The marriaage of Miss Harriett Elizabeth DUART, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John DUART, Windfall and Phillip KENDALL, son of Mr.and
Mrs. Lewis KENDALL, Troy, took place Thursday, May 7, 1942 at 8 p.m. in
the parsonage of the Methodist Church, East Canton. The Rev. C. L.
TERRIELL performed the ceremony.
The attendants were Miss Mary FLEMING, Windfall, and Harry HARKNESS,
East Canton.
Costume worn by the bride was of Navy blue with white accessories and
her corsage was of sweet peas and rose buds. Miss FLEMING also wore
a Navy gown with white accessories and her corsage was of sweet peas and
rose buds.
After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. KENDALL will live at Windfall with
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John DUART. The bride's traveling
outfit was a tan suit with tan accessories.
The bride and groom attended Troy High School. The groom is employed
in the Troy Engine & Machine Shops, Troy,
DE WITT -- HAIGHT (1942) - Miss Mary Frances DeWITT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. DeWITT, Williamsport, formerly of Troy, and Robert Person HAIGHT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seward HAIGHT, Troy, were marrried in the parsonage of the High Street Methodist Church, Williamsport, at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 4, 1942. The Rev. George A. DUVALL officated and they were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Albert GRACE, Troy, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. Miss DeWITT wore a dress of navy and powder blue with matching accessories. Mrs. GRACE was was attired in a beige suit with powder blue and navy accessories. Both wore shoulder corsages of pink and white roses. A wedding breakfast at the DeWITT home followed the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of Wliliamsport High School, class of 1939, and the groom was graduated from Troy High School in the clas of 1940. They are both employed at the Eclipse Machine Company plant, Elmira, where they will make their home. Mrs. HAIGHT is well-known in the Troy community having visited in the homes of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWITT and the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward TOMLINSON. Both bride and groom have many friends who extend best wishes.
Two Brides-To-Be Are Entertained (1942) Miss Edna BEIDLEMAN and Miss Grace RIKER delightfully entertained at the home of the former on W. Fifth St. last evening in honor of Miss Irene SLINGERLAND and Miss Romona PETTENGILL whose engagements were announced recently. During the evening, 500 and other games were played the prizes being won by the Misses Katie WHITLOCK, Ann FITCH and Vera PALMER.
Walter HIKOK Wed in Horseheads (1942) - Miss Marjorie WILCOX,
daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Ira WILCOX of Horseheads, N.Y. and Pfc. Walter
A. HICKOK, son of Mr. and Mrs. George HICKOK were married at 3 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 19, 1942 in a ceremony performed at the Wilcox home by the Rev. Harry
SAGAR of Big Flats. Decorations included evergreen and bouquets of
white chrysanthemums.
A small reception to which members of the two families were invited
followed. The bride's sister and the bride groom's brother, Miss
Leah WILCOX and William HICKOK were attendants.
The bride's wedding gown was floor length with chiffon with lace bodice.
She wore a finger tip length veil and carried a shower bouquet of white
The bridesmaid costume was blue chiffon with lace. She wore a
tiara of pink roses and white sweet peas in her hair.
The couple took a short wedding trip. Mrs. HICKOK is a graduate
of Horseheads High School and Elmira Business Institute. Pvt. HICKOK
is a graduate of Troy High School and Rochester Mechanics Institute and
is now stationed at Camp Livingston, La. The bride is an employee
of the New York State Electric and Gas Corp.
BARDWELL--CAMPBELL (1942) - Miss Madeline L. BARDWELL, daughter of Mrs. Harry BARDWELL, Troy and the late Mr. BARDWELL, and Walter CAMPBELL, Sayre, were married at 11:30 last Saturday morning April 11, 1942, in the rectory of St. John's Church by Rev. Joseph McHUGH. They were atetnded by Mrs. Robert BARDWELL and M.L. BARDWELL, sister-in-law and brother of the bride, both of Baltimore. The bride was attired in navy blue and wore a shoulder corsage of white gardenias and rosebuds. The matron of honor also chose navy and her corsage was yellow rosebuds. A breakfast for the immediate families at the BARDWELL home followed the ceremony. Mrs. CAMPBELL is an employee of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Sayre. They are making their home on State Stree, Towanda. They have the best wishes of a host of friends for a happy wedded life.
BIRD - POTTER (1924) - A marriage interesting to many Troy people is that of Robert C. POTTER and Miss Genevieve BIRD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle BIRD, Odessa, N.Y. The groom, known to his many friends in Troy abnd East Smithfield as Bob, is a Corporal at Fort Belvoi, Va. and is now attending Officers Training School there. He is the son of George D. POTTER, Ulster. The marriage took place on Monday, April 6, 1942 at Rockville, Maryland. Rev. J. w. RONSONBERGER officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. James HELVEY, Cayuta, N.Y. The bride is a graduate of Odessa High School and is employed by the Cotton & Hanlon lumber firm there. The groom is a graduate of Troy High School and Lafayette College. He was formerly employed by Cotton & Hanlon.
CUMMINGS / INMAN - Shower Honors Bride-To-Be -- Wednesday
evening, December 16, a delightful shower was given in honor of Miss Virginia
CUMMINGS who is soon to become the bride of Mr. Glenn INMAN.
The party was held at the home of Miss Alta NEWELL, who, with Mrs.
Louis BENSON and Miss Eleanor WHITELTY, acted as hostess. Christmas
greens, poinsettias and candles made a festive setting for the shower.
Dessert was served and after an evening of games, kitchen articles
were exchanged and then presented with many of the lovely giftts to the
guest-of-honor. Guests included: Misses Virginia CUMMINGS,
Virginia TUTON, Florence SLINGERLAND, Maude LYON, Elsie DUNBAR, Eleanor
WHITELEY, Alta NEWELL and Mesdames Wayne ALEXANDER, Samuel CANEDY, Jr.,
At a recent double military wedding in Sioux Falls, S.D., Private Robert SHOOK. Troy sang "O Promise Me" and "Because". (1942)
Scene From Troy Music Club Play [picture] - Mrs. John PARSONS as the "Queen" and Mrs. Earl FRY as "Bottom" in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which the Troy Music Club will present Saturday afternoon, Mary 23 in the gardens of Mrs. Herbert HOLCOMBE.
VAN NOY / VAN HORN - Miss Janet I. VAN NOY Married (1943)
- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. VAN NOY of Granville Summit, Pa. annouce the marriage
of their daughter, Janet Irene VAN NOY, to George H. VAN HORN, Jr. son
of Mr. and Mrs. George VAN HORN. of Sylvania.
The Rev. BERINGTON, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Williamsport
performed the ceremony August 18, 1843 at 5:30 p.m.at his home.Mr. and
Mrs. VAN HORN graduated from Troy High School, class of '41.Mrs. VAN HORN
attended Mansfield State Teachers College.
After a trip to Canada, they will reside on the farm of the groom at
FANNING - BALDWIN (1943) - One of the prettiest church weddings of the season was that on last Sunday afternoon, September 5, 1943 of Miss Barbara Jane FANNING, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. FANNING to Corp. Charles Martin BALDWIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. BALDWIN, Granville Center. The Methodist Church was decorated with masses of hydrangeas, gladioli in many shades and candle lighted for the ceremony which was performed by the bride's Pastor, Don R. BOYD. Mrs. Victor ELLENBERGER gave an organ recital before the service and played the traditonal Lohengrin for the processional and Mendelssohn for the recessional.
SIMCOE / INMAN - Miss SIMCOE Bride of Mr. INMAN -- (1943) Lyle INMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn INMAN and Virginia SIMCOE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SIMCOE were united in marriage August 5, 1943 by the Reverend Phillip W. FURST, in the Presbyterian Church, Troy, Pa. at 1:30 p.m.They wre attended by Ina SIMCOE, sister of the bride and Glenn INMAN, brother of the bride groom.Mis INMAN wore a navy blue suit with white accessories. The maid of honor wore a tan street length dress with white accessories.Mr. and Mrs. Inman left immediately after the ceremony for Buffalo. On their return they will be at their home in Gillett.
STONE / HATTON - Cora M. STONE of LeRoy Becomes Wife of Sgt. C. E. HATTON
(1943) - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. STONE of LeRoy annouce the marriage of their
daughter, Cora M. STONE to First Sergeant Clarence E. HATTON of the U.S.
Army, stationed at New Orleans.
The wedding took place yesterday at LeRoy.
Among divorces granted by Judge Charles M. CULVER are the following: Carl E. SHAYLOR, Columbia Township, from Arlie EVERETT SHAYLOR, Columbia Cross Roads, desertion; Elizabeth GERNERT, Columbia Cross Roads, from Ralph GERNERT, Columbia Cross Roads, indignities.
Gov. JAMES Found Visiting Widow; Planning to Wed? - Doylestown, Pa.,
Aug. 24 - Gov. Arthur James, officially absent from Harrisburg on a fishing
trip was found today visiting with a comely widow whose name has been linked
with his romantically.
A newsman who called at the home of Charles A. ROWE, deputy treasurer
of Bucks County, found the Governor lounging in a hammock beside Mrs. Emily
CASE, attractive former housemother at the Kappy Alpha Theta sority house
at Cornell University.
"I know what you want!" she said, smiling and blushing, "but I don't
want to talk to you."
"Is it true that you and Governor JAMES are to be married?" she was
"No" she replied, still smiling and blushing.
"Was the Governor your guest at the recent Cornell spring day?"
Mrs CASE voiced another soft denial but added, "I'll probably
have some news for the papers a little later."
The Governor remained partly hidden behind a canvass shield on the
hammock. Mrs. CASE fended off all questions directed at him.
"The Governor," she said "is just here for a visit, as I am.
He doesn't want to be disturbed."
Later, the Governor and Mrs. CASE went for a drive. Returning,
JAMES told newsmen:
"There's no story here. When and if there is, we'll let you know.
I'm merely visiting an old friend I've known down the years."
Mr. CASE is a sister of Mrs. ROWE. She lives at the Rowe home
with their mother, Mrs. Emilline RADCLIFF, who declined to comment on the
Governor's visit.
A Cornell Public Relations representative said yesterday that Mrs.
CASE, who he described as attractive and in the late 30's, resigned
as house mother there Aug. 15 He also said that the Governor was
her guest at the Cornell Junior Prom last spring.
At Harrisburg, JAMES' secretary, J. Paul PEDIGO, said today the Governor
was at a fishing camp, but declined to give its location. He said
the Governor could be reached only by dispatching a State Trooper
since the camp had no communication facilities.
Governor James is a widower, with one daughter, Dorothy, 24,
his official hostess at the Executive Mansion at Harrisburg. Mrs.
James died in 1935 when James was a member of the State Superior Court.
A son, Arthur, Jr., died in 1939.
Mrs. Case is the widow of Dr. Charles CASE, a native of Doylestown
and a Cornell chemist who died about five years ago as a result of a malady
contracted through scientific experimentation.
SMITH - SULLIVAN - (1942) Miss Doris Jane SMITH, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon. R. SMITH, and Richard A. SULLIVAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. SULLIVAN, Bradford, Pa. were married at 1 p.m. Sunday in the Methodist Church here by the bride's Pastor, Don R. BOYD, in the presence of the immediate families. They were attended by Miss Roberta PAGE and Sgt. Arthur Scott KING, Jr., Bradford. Miss Smith made a very pretty bride in a dress of gold woolen crepe. Her accessories were black and she wore a corsage of fall flowers in shades of gold. Miss PAGE wore cocoa brown and also had black accessories. The single ring ceremony was used. A feature of the wedding dinner at the Troy Hotel at one was a three tiered angel food wedding cake, crowned by a small bride and groom and baked by the bride's sister, Mrs. James OSMAN. Following a honeymoon to Bradford and Buffalo, they will make their home in Buffalo for the present. The groom recently returned from over two years overseas for the Curtis-Wright Corp. and expects to enter military service or again by sent abroad. Mrs. Sullivan will return to Troy. He is a graduate of Bradford High School. She is a graduate of Troy High School and has been a very popular employee of the S. M. CANEDY market.
SHUMWAY / GARY - Barbara SHUMWAY of Wyalusing to Marry Harold GARY, Rush. (1943) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. SUMWAY of Wyalusing announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Aviation Machinist's Mate, Harold G. GARY, son of Mrs. Helen GARY of Rush, Susquehanna County.Miss SHUMWAY is a graduate of Camptown High School She took a course in Comtometry at Wannamaker Institute, Philadelphia and for the past year has been payrool clerk at the Eclipse plant, Elmira Heights, N.Y.Mr. GARY is a graduate of Rush High School. After completing the freshman year at Brother's College, Drew University, he enlisted in the U. S. Navy. He is just completing a course in gunnery school at Jacksonville, Fla. Their marriage will take place some time this fall.
Miss Beulah MURPHY Becomes Wife of Fred WILIAMS, Canton (1943) - Monroeton, April 27. - Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the Methodist Church, Miss Beulah MURPHY became the bride of Fred WILLIAMS of Canton. Rev. Leon NORTHROP performing the ceremony in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives.
GABOIRA - LUCKOVICH (1943) - On Saturday afternoon at one o'clock January 23rd, Boris LUCKOVICH of Carbondale and Even GABOIRA, Troy, were joined in marriage. The service was conducted by Rev. Phillip W. FURST in the Presbyterian Church parlor. Mrs. FURST also attended the ceremony. The bride and groom went to Mansfield following the wedding from which place LUCKOVICH took a bus the following afternoon to return to Newport News, Va. where he is now stationed in military service.
RUMSEY / SHOOK - Miss RUMSEY's Engagement Announced (1943) - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rumsey, Columbia Cross Roads, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Charlotte D. RUMSEY, to Lieut. Robert W. SHOOK, now at Boca Raton Field, Florida, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. SHOOK, Troy. Miss RUMSEY and Lt. SHOOK are popular graduates of Troy High School. She is employed in the J. C. PENNEY Company, Troy.
WHITLOCK / RYLAND -Miss WHITLOCK's Engagement Announced (1943) - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S. WHITLOCK, of Slyvania, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Blanche, to Duane E. RYLAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. RYLAND of Pittsburgh, Pa.Miss Whitlock is a graduate of Troy High Schoool, classs of 1941, and is a junior at Penna. State Collge, State College, Pa.,Mr. RYALND is a graduate of Carrick High School and attended Pennsylvania State College. He is now employed at Dravo's, Pittsburgh.No date has been set for the wedding.
WOODHOUSE / WILCOX - Mrs. Lena WOODHOUSE, former resident of Gillett and Troy, was married to Holley WILCOX, Elmira, last Friday, March 13, 1943 in Pine City. N.Y. by Rev. George BURROUGHS. Witnesses were her son, Hugh WOODHOUSE and Mrs. WOODHOUSE. Mr. WILCOX is a telegraph operator in Elmia. They will reside in Millerton.
Miss SMILEY's Engagement Announced (1943) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin SMILEY of 445 High Street, Troy, Pa. announce the engagement of their eldest daugther, Mae Louise, to Mark Phillip SCOTT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John SCOTT, also of Troy, Pa. The bride elect is a 1938 graduate of T.H.S. The groom is a 1937 graduate of T.H.S. and is associated in farming with his brother.The wedding will take place in June.
JENNINGS - MURRAY On Sunday afternoon, April 16th, 1942 at 2 o'clock, Miss Ellen Marguerite JENNINGS, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd JENNINGS, East Troy, became the bride of Mr. Courtney W. MURRAY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geroge MURRAY, Columbia Cross Roads. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Francis MURRAY, cousins of the groom. The bride was attired in a powder blue traveling suit with many accessories. Her matron of honor wore a blue suit with corresponding accessories. Bot h wore corsages of sweet peas. The ceremony was performed at the Baptist parsonage by the bride's pastor, Rev. H. T. PUNCHARD. Mr. and Mrs. MURRAY will reside at Columbia Cross Roads after their return from a wedding trip.
Marceil E. PACKARD Engaged to Marry Scott W. GRISWOLD (1942) Canton, Dec. 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Dolson PACKARD have announced the engagement of their daughter, Marceil Elaine, to Corporal Scott W. GRISWOLD, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd GRISWOLD.Miss PACKARD is a graduate of Ohio University and is now teaching at Rehoboth, Del. Corporal GRISWOLD is a graduate of the College of Fine Arts of Syracuse University and is now located at Ft. Forrest, Tenn.
Jennie WRIGHT to Wed Earl BELLOWS (1943) - Canton, Jan. 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Meylert WRIGHT announce the engagment of their daughter, Jennie Alice WRIGHT to Earl Lester BELLOWS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall BELLOWS, Canton, Pa.Miss WRIGHT is a graduate of Canton High School and a student of Elmira Business Institute, now employed at Eclipse Machine Aviation Corp.Mr. BELLOWS is helping his father on the farm at Canton. No date has been set for the wedding.
Engagement Announced - The engagmeent of Miss Florence JOHNSON, daughter of the late Mrs. Florence Walter JOHNSON of Painted Post, N.Y. to Douglas BOX of Rochester, N.Y. has been announced. Miss JOHNSON is a niece of Mrs. H. L. STEM of Canton (1943)
BOYCE - WOLFE (1942) In a very pretty home wedding last Sunday, January 25, 1942, Miss Awilda BOYCE, daughter of Mrs. Solomon PETERS, became the bride of Howard WOLFE, son of Mr. and Mrs Wilber WOLFE, Troy, in the Peter's home on Pisgah. The ceremony was performed at 1:30 p.m. beneath an arch of evergreen in the living room. The ring service was used by Rev. Ernest DEVINE, of the East Troy M.E. Church, in the presence of the immediate families. The bride was very pretty in dark blue with white accessories and wore a corsage of white snapdragons. The Matron of Honor, Mrs. Richard WILLIAMS, Canton, sister of the bride, wore royal blue with yellow accessories and a corsage of yellow snapdragons. The groomsman was Gerald WOLFE. , East Smithfield, cousin of the groom. They left for a short honeymoon in Ithaca and Syracuse and expect to make their home in Elmira. The bride is a 1940 graduate of Troy High School and the groom was graduated in 1938. They have many friends in this section who wish them a long and happy married life.
LAMONT- CLARK (1942) Miss Margaret Louis LaMONT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Burton LaMONT, of East Troy, and Kenneth William CLARK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman CLARK, Columbia Cross Raods were marreid at 9:15 Saturday evening, Jan 24, 1942 at the Baptist Parsonage at Mansfield by the Rev. D. J. GRIFFITHS. They were attended by Miss Eleanor BALMER, Gilllett and Mr.Clayton OLDROYD, Columbia Cross Roads, friends of the bride and groom.The bride wore a light blue gown with navy blue accessories and the bridesmaid wore a lighter blue.The bride was graduated from Troy High School in 1941 and the groom attended three years of Troy High School.They will reside with the groom's parents and the groom will work the Clark Farm. Bride and groom have a wide circle of friends in Troy and East Troy who wish them much happiness.
BREWER - STRONG (1942) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome BREWER, Mosherville, announce the marriage of their only daughter, Gerdenia Rose, to Edward W. STRONG, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster R. STRONG, Columbia Cross Roads.The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George BURROUGHS at his home in Pine City Saturday, Jan. 24, 1942 at 8:15 p.m. Attendants were Miss Mertie WINCH, Elmira, and Lawrence PALMER, Jr., Mosherville.The bride wore light blue with navy accessories, a corsage of pink rosesbuds and pompoms. The bridesmind's dress was dusty rose. Her accessories were navy blue and she wore a mixed flower corsage.
BAILEY / PORTER - Miss Norma L. BAILEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BAILEY, Canton, formerly of Troy, and Mr. Wilburn PORTER, also of Canton, were married on Wednesday, January 28, 1942 by Rev .Glenn C. DEWEY. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PASSERI. Mrs. PASSERI is a sister of the bride.
COLE / POST - Mr. COLE to Marry Amityville Girl - (1942) Mr. and Mrs. C. L. POST, Amityville, L.I. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mabel, to Harold R. COLE, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Harold COLE. East Troy. Miss POST is a graduate of Amityville High School, Class of '39 and is associated with her father in the POST Brothers Taxi office. Mr. COLE is a graduate of Troy High School, class of '37 and is employed at the Republic Aviation Corporation, Farmingdale, L.I. No date has been set for the wedding.
Miss Kathryn R. OGDEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. OGDEN, Jr., East Smithfield, and Mr. Leon Leroy SHAYLOR, North Towanda, were marreid in a very pretty ceremony last Sunday evening. February 1st, 1942 in the home of the bride. Rev. Charles McKEIVEY officiated. The bride was gowned in pale blue with matching accessories. Her attendant, Miss Jean OGDEN, wore dusty rose. Their corsages were iris and roses. The groomsman was Robert HARRIS, Towanda. Mrs. SHAYLOR has been employed in the office of J. Lloyd LOUSHAY, County Treasurer. The groom is a graduate of the Pennsylavina State College School of Forestry and is engaged in surveying and general forestry engineering in the Towanda section.
McCLURE - HAVENS (1942) Miss Clara Grace McCLURE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCLURE, Snedekerville, and Harry Walter HAVENS, son of Mrs. Lee CUMMINGS, Troy and the late Hugh HAVENS were married Thursday evening, February 19, 1942 at eight in the home of the bride. Rev. Orey CRIPPEN performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families. The bride was charming in light blue with black accessories and wore a corsage of white rose buds. She was attended by her cousin, Dorothy Grace KILGORE, who chose navy blue with matching accessories and wore pink rose buds. The groomsman was Wayne McCLURE, Jr., brother of the bride. Mrs. Scott ROBLYER played the wedding march from Lehengrin as the bridal party entered. A reception followed the ceremony. Mrs. HAVENS is a 1937 graduate of Troy High School Mrs. HAVENS was graduated in 1936. They spent a short honeymoon in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. and are at home in the Gustin house, Elmira Streeet. He is employed at the Troy Engine & Machine Company plant. She is an emloyee of the J. H. McCLELLAND Store. Both are very popular with a wide circle of friends who wish them the best in married happiness.
Miss Wilma NICHOLS Marries Corporal Jack T. HORTON of Marines (1942) - East Smithfield, Jan. 8 - Miss Wilma Gwendolyn NICHOLS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Clayton E. NICHOLS of East Smithfield, became the bride of Corporal Jack T. HORTON of New River, North Carolina, formerly of East Smithfield, son of Charles HORTON of Athens on December 11 at the Disciple Parsonage, Kinston, North Carolina.The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Wayne DRASH, the ring ceremony being used. They were attended by the groom's sisters, Mrs. Ralph GOBLE and Mrs. Rexford STORCH and brother-in-law Ralph GOBLE.
GORMAN / BRANN - Former Canton Man to Wed Teacher - Canton
- Mrs. Edward GORMAN of Williamsport, has announced the marriage of her
daughter, Miss Mary GORMAN, to Dr. John J. BRANN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
F. BRANN, of Canton. Miss GORMAN is a graduate of St. Joseph's High
School of Williamsport and of the College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle,
She has been a member of the faculty of Thaddeus Stevens Junior High
School of Wililamsport. Dr. BRANN was graduated from the Canton High
School in 1924 and from Temple University at Philadelphia. He is
pacticing in Williamsport.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry HAVENS, Troy, were honored at a shower at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCLURE, Coryland, Saturday evening.
Mrs. F. L. PRATT attended the wedding of her grandson, Craig THOMPSON and Miss COURTWRIGHT at Corning, Wednesday last. (1943)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell VAN NOY were pleasantly surprised by some of their friends on Thursday evening. Mrs. VAN NOY was gathering hay and some of the men were wise enough to help him until the others arrived for the reception. Games were played, refreshments served and all done that goes to make up a merry time.
(1941) On last Saturday, December 27, 1941, in the Presbyterian
Church, Sylvania, MissVirginia STANTON, Troy, daughter of Mrs. Matie
NEWELL, Troy, and S. E. STANTON, Interlaken, N. Y. and Justin H.
WALCH, son of Mrs. Gust WALCH, Waverly, N. Y. were marreid at 4 o'clock
by the Rev. P. W. FURST. Mrs. William MORRIS, Canton, was matron
of honor, and Mrs. Doris CLOSE, Towanda and Miss Evelyn BRAVUO, New Albany
were bridesmaids. Daniel LAWRENCE, Waverly, was best man. The
bridge's gown was eggshell satin. The matron of honor wore acquamarine
blue and the bridesmainds dresses were peach and eggshell satin.
Followng the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Marie S.
CARD, Sylvania. They will make their home in Sunbury where the groom
is employed.
Miss Bijou STORCH, Harrisburg, daughter of A. O STORCH, Wetona, and
George EISNEHART, York, Pa. were married in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church,
York, on December 7, 1941. Mrs. EISENHART is a graduate of Troy High
School and the nursing school of the Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia
and is now employed in the Harrisburg General Hospital. Mr. EISENHART
is engaged in civil service work in connection with the large aviation
center, Middletown, Pa.
SONNEKALB - ANDRUS [spelled "Andrews" in article]
Miss Evelyn Marjorie SONNEKALB, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. SONNEKALB,
Endicott, N.T. former Trojans, and Harly Robert ANDREWS, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harland ANDREWS, also of Endicott, were married in a candle light
ceremony at 5:30 last evening, New Year's Eve, December 31, 1941 in the
Little Church Around the Corner, 1 East 29th Street, New York City.
The Rector, Rev. Randolph RAY, officiated and they were attended by Mrs.
Kathryn ANDREWS and Gerald ANDREWS, brother of the groom, Endicott, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. ANDREWS will be at home after Januray 7, 1942 at 215 Madison
Ave., Endicott, N.Y. The bride has many friends in the Troy community
who extend best wishes.
Miss Marion Frances BUCK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BUCK, Binghamton,
N.Y. and Private Harold E. WILLIAMS, Fort Jackson. S.C. were united in
marriage Friday evening, December 19, 1941 in the parsonage of Pilgrim
Holiness Church, Binghamton, by the Rev. O. H. LAURENCE. The bride
wore a wine wool suit with blue accessories and a corsage of orchids.Pvt.
WILLIAMS in the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ansil WILLIAMS, Granville
Summmit, and a brother of Mrs. Raymond MORRIS and Miss Marian WILLIAMS,
Troy. He attended Troy High School and was inducted into the Army
May 1st from Fort Niagara and has been stationed at Fort Jakcson, S.C.
He is now on secret orders somehwere on the West coast with the Bakery
unit of Fort Jackson.
Miss Freida BERRY, daughter of Wesley BERRY, Columbia Cross Roads and
Raymond OGDEN, son of Mrs. Elsie STORCH, East Smithfield were married Wednesday
morning, December 24, 1941 at 11 o'clock by the Rev. Owen BARRETT at his
home in East Smithfield. They were unattended. The bride is
a teacher in the East Troy School and the groom is employed by the Eclipse
Machine Company, Elmira. After a wedding trip to Philadelphia, Mr.
and Mrs. OGDEN will make their home in an apartment in the Ronan house,
South Canton Street, Troy.
Announcement is made of the marriage in Corning, N. Y. of Miss
Frances A. BARDWELL, daughter of Mrs. Harry BARDWELL, Troy, and Paul F.
MILLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy MILLER, Corning. Mrs. MILLER has been teaching
near Bentley Creek. Mr. MILLER is employed by the Corning Glass Company
in Corning where they will make their home.
In a pretty Christmas Eve ceremony in the home of the bride's parents,
in Mansfield, Miss Naomi May ANDRUS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ANDRUS,
became the bride of Willis WRIGHT SPALDING, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
SPALDING, Troy. they were married by Rev. Garth MAYNARD, a 1935 classmate
of the bride and groom in Troy High School The ANDRUS home was very
nicely decorated for the occasion and a wedding supper was served by a
Mansfield cateress.
Mr. and Mrs. SPALDING are graduates of Manfield State Teachers College.
He teaches in Rome and Mrs .SPALDING teaches in Daggett. Bride and
groom have many friends in this section who wish them much happiness.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. George GATES, Springfield, was the scene of
a pretty wedding Christmas Day when their daughter, Lucile Margaret, was
united in marriage to Kennth Hugh SULLIVAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
SULLIVAN, Athens. They were married by Rev. Charles MacKEIVEY, E.
Smithfiled and were attended by Edith HOYT and Horatio GATES, brother and
sister of the bride. The wedding march was played by Mrs. MacKEIVEY.
The bride in a graduate of Troy High School and of Mansfield Teachers College.
She has been a successful teacher in Leona for the past five years.
The groom graduated from Athens High School He is employed by the
State Highway Dept. After a short trip to Washington, D.C.,
they will reside in Springfield.
Julia and Bennett STRAIT announce the marriage of their aunt, Mrs.
Julia GROSJEAN, to Mr. Monroe E. WOOD on Nov. 29th, 1941 in Endicott, N.Y.
The groom has been an electrical contractor for many years in Troy.
Mr. and Mrs. WOOD have many friends in this section. They will reside
in the home of the bride at Exchange and High Streets.
Miss Frances KENYON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace KENYON, Troy Township,
and George ELSBREE, son of Mr. and Mrs. David ELSBREE, Burlington, were
married at 8:30 Christmas Eve, December 24, 1941 in the Baptist Church
parsonage, Troy, by the Rev. H. T. PUNCHARD. They were attended by
Miss Millicent PACKARD, Sylvania, and Richard DARROW, Troy. The bride
has been employed in the F. F. CASE & Sons office, Troy for some time
and the groom is an employee of the Remington Rand Co., Elmira. They
are residing, for the present, with the bride's parents, Farmers' Valley.
CRANDELL / BARISH - Miss CRANDELL's Engagement Announced (1941)
Mr. and Mrs. Watson G. WHITE, Suffern, N.Y. have announced the engagment
of their daughter, Doris A. CRANDELL to Robert W. BARISH, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William H. BARISH, Suffern, N. Y. Announcement was given at
a birthday dinner for Miss CRANDELL in the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymon [no d] L. ROCKWELL, East Granville, on last Sunday, December
28th, 1941. Miss CRANDELL's mother was the former Leah ROCKWELL CRANDELL
of Granville. Miss CRANDELL teaches in the primary grades in the
public school at Howells, N.Y. Mr. BARISH is employed in Western
Electric, Kearney, New Jersey. Guests at the dinner in the Rockwell
home, besides Miss CRANDELL, were: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. VAN NOY, Sr.,
Mr. Harry L. VAN NOY, Jr., Janet VAN NOY, East Granville, Mr. and
Mrs. Watson G. WHITE and Robert BARISH, Suffern, N.Y. No definite
date has been set for the wedding.
Engagement of Miss MOTT Announced (1941) - Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MOTT, LeRoy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Julia, of Mt. Zoar St., Elmira, to Ray Otto SMITHGALL, Canton, formerly of Wellsboro. No date has been set for the wedding.
KULP / RING - Miss KULP's Engagement Announced (1941) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. KULP, Painted Post, former Trojans, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Martha, to William John RING, son of Mrs. Kathryn RING, Williamsport. Miss KULP, a graduate of the Painted Post High School in 1939, has been employed in the office of the Ingersoll-Rand Co. for the past two years. Mr. RING is a pattern maker for the Corning Glass Works.
MORGAN / MELVILLE Miss Marjorie S. MORGAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray MORGAN, Luthers Mills, and Walter Craig MELVILLE also of Luthers Mills, were married Saturday evening, December 20th, 1941 in the North Towanda parsonage. They will live in Elmira where the groom is employed by the Eclipse Manufacturing Company.
RICE / CAMPBELL - Frieda Mae RICE, daughter of Winfield RICE, East Smithfield and Robert Donald CAMPBELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter CAMPBELL, Greens Landing, were married Saturday, February 14, 1942.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn F. EIFFERT of Big Pond who were married 14 years ago today. (1944)
CASE / RISHEL -Mr. CASE Marries Miss Jean E. RISHEL (1941)
- Miss Jean Elizabeth RISHEL, daughter of Mr. and mrs. W. T. RISHEL of
Spring Mills and Franklin Marshall CASE, Troy were married Saturday afternoon,
August 2, 1941 in St. John's Lutheran Church, Spring Mills. The single
ring ceremony was performed by Rev. C. C. OTTO, pastor, at 2 o'clock.
The wedding was the second large church wedding performed in the church
in about 50 years. The land on which the church stands was donated
by the bride's great great grandfather.
Miss Kathyn RISHEL of Chambersburg, sister of the bride, was the maid
of honor and Glenn INMAN of Troy was best man. The bridesmaids were
the Misses Betty McKILLIP of Holidaysburg, Peggy CLAFLIN of Scardsdale,
N.Y. and Jean BOWER, a niece of the bride, of Blain. Ushers were
Bieber RISHEL of Darlington, brother of the bride, John ZUBLER of Oley
and Robert CASE of Troy, a cousin of the bridegroom.
Miss Phillis GARACE of Lebanon, pianist, gave a half hour recital before
the ceremony while George RIMBY of Collegeville sang "O Promise Me", "I
Love You Truly" and "Because". Soft music was played during the ceremony
and the traditional wedding marches were played as the bridal party entered
and left the church.
The bride, given in mariage by her father wore a long white gown of
mousseline de sole with veil of tulle and carried a bouquet of white orchids.
The maid of honor wore a gown of chartreuse lace and carried summer flowers.
The bridesmaids wore rose lace and carried asters. The church was
decorated with ferms and white flowers.
The bride's mother wore a navy blue gown and white corsage. Mrs.
CASE, mother of the bridegroom, chose salmon colored printed silk and wore
a corsage of mixed flowers.
Following the ceremony a reception for more than 100 guests was held
at the home of the bride's parents. Later in the day the bride and
bridegroom left on a wedding trip through the New England states.
The bride is a graduate of Penn State and for the past two yeas has
been teaching home ecomomics in the Trappe Junior-Senior High School at
Collegeville. Mr. CASE, son of Mr. and Mrs George F. CASE, of Troy,
is also a graduate of Penn State in the School of Forestry. He is
now in charge of saw mill operations for F. P. CASE & Sons, Inc. General
Following their return from their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. CASE will
live in a home but by the groo's great great grandfather on Fall Brook
Road, Troy which was recently remodeled for them.
GRAY / VAN DYKE - Miss Mildred GRAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles GRAY, West LeRoy, and Mylert VAN DYKE, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. VAN DYKE, East Canton, were married in the West LeRoy Methodist church at 8 p.m., Aug. 14, 1941. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Frank HOLMES, assisted by the Rev. Elroy VAN DYKE, PennYan and the Rev. Stanley WRIGHT, Houghton, N.Y.
COWAN / PARK - Miss COWAN of Nichols Weds - (1941)
Marries John PARK at Little Church Around the Corner - Nichols, Oct. 26
- Miss Priscilla Arline COWAN of Nichols, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred COWAN, and Richard John PARK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude PARK
of Nichols, were married Saturday, Oct. 25 at 11:30 a.m. at the Little
Church Around the Corner in New York City by the Rev. Randolph RAY.
They were attended by the bridegroom's sister, Miss Adeline PARK and
the bride's mother, Mrs. Fred COWAN.
Following the ceremony there was a luncheon at Holland House Tavern
at Rockerfeller Center. Mrs. and Mrs. PARK were spotted as newlyweds
and the band struck up a wedding march. The waitresses in Dutch costume
paraded down to them with a wedding cake on which were the words "Congratulations!
Holland House Tavern".
The bride wore a traveling suit of nude wool with brown accessories
and an orchid corsage.
They are spending a few days in New York City after which they
will be at home at their newly furnished apartment at 40 Main Street, Nichols.
The bride graduated in June from Nichols High School and has been a
telephone operator here since graduation. The bridegroom graduated
in 1939 from Nichols High School and is employed in the Lehigh Valley shops
at Sayre.
SLATOR / BAILEY - Wedding Bells and Rumors - Is it the fall air or the naturally healthy climate of Luthers Mills? Tuesday morning the news leaked out that another couple in the vicinity had taken the fatal plunge. Friday, Mrs. Laura SLATOR and Judson BAILEY went to Blossburg and were married by the Rev. Mr. LODER, formerly of this charge. Their friends wish them every happiness. The little birds are carrying a very persistent rumor around that another young man from this vicinity decided to go in double harness some time ago but as yet it is only a rumor which we would all like to know all about but "time will tell". (1941)
MILLS / LUMB - Engagement of Miss Ruth MILLS Announced (1942) Mrs. and Mrs. Everett Beaumont MILLS, Fall River, Mass, announed the engagement of their daughter, Ruth MILLS, to Mr. George Haigh LUMB, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph George LUMB, Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Mrs. MILLS is the former Miss Elizabeth VAN DYNE, Troy.
VAN HORN / FOSTER - E. Troy Young People Married
- (1941) - Miss Phyllis J. VAN HORN Weds Leonard E. FOSTER at Harrisburg
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist
Church at Sixth and Woobine Streets, Harrisburg, on Wednesday evening,
Dec. 31 at 8 o'clock when Miss Phyllis J. VAN HORN, daughter of M r. and
Mrs. Edward VAN HORN and Leonard E. FOSTER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha
A. FOSTER, both of East Troy, were united in mariage. The single
ring service was performed by Rev. Nevin G. McCLOSKEY, pastor of the church.
TROTT - VAN NOY (1942) Mrs. Virginia FANNING
TROTT and Russell T. VAN NOY were married last Saturday evening, January
17, 1942 in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh FANNING,
Elmira Street. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 p.m. beneath an
arch of greenery and gladioli. The Rev. Don BOYD officiated.
The bride was very charming in blue and wore a corsage of yellow roses.
She was attended by Mrs. Gerald VICKERY, who wore lighter blue and red
roses. Budd MITCHELL was Mr. VAN NOY's groomsman. Following
the ceremony, buffet refreshments were served. The bride and groom
spent the week end in Rochester. Mrs. VAN NOY has been a popular
employee of the First National Bank. Mr. VAN NOY is manager of the
American Stores here. They will reside on the VAN NOY farm near East
Other than Mr. and Mrs. FANNING and Mrs. TROTT's son, Jimmy, the guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Gerald VICKERY, Mr. and Mrs. Budd MITCHELL, Mrs.
Sarah VAN NOY, Mrs. and Mrs. Howard VAN NOY, Mrs. Floy YOUNG, Rev. and
Mrs. Don BOYD, Mr and Mrs. Hilton CEASE, Canton, Richmond BAILEY.
FOUST / SEELEY - Granville Summitt, March 24 - Miss Marie FOUST, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. FOUST, and Lewis SEELEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl SEELEY of Troy were married on Sunday, March 15 in Maryland.
McCLURE / HAVENS -Miss McCLURE to Marry (1942) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. McCLURE, Snedekerville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Clare Grace, to Harry HAVENS, Troy, son of Mrs. Edna CUMMINGS, Troy and the late Hugh HAVENS. Miss McCLURE is an employee of the J. H. McClelland Store and Mr. Havens is employed by the Troy Engine & Machine Company. No date has been set for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. John ROBAKOWSKI, Blossburg, have announced the marriage
on November 29, 1941 of their daughter, Helene to Lloyd C. WOLFE, Jr.,
Mansfield, formerly of Austinville in the rectory of St. Mary's Church,
Blossburg by the Ref F. X. KUROWKSI. They were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. John DEMCHAK, the latter a sister of the bride. Mrs. WOLFE was graduated
from the Blossburg High School and is a graduate beautician.
Mr. WOLFE, son of Lloyd C. WOLFE, Austinvilel and the late Martha
BRACE WOLFE, attended Troy High School and for some time has been
employed by Johnson's Truck Line, Mansfield. They will make their
home for the present in Blossburg. Mr. WOLFE hs many friends in this
section who extend best wishes.
FREEMAN - CARL (1942) Miss Eva FREEMAN, Troy and Lloyd CARL, Leolyn, were married at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 31st, 1942 in the home of the former's brother, Floyd FREEMAN, Canton Street. Rev. H. T. PUNCHARD of the Troy Baptist Church performed the ceremony and they were attended by Mrs. Floyd FREEMAN and Sanford CARL. Leolyn, brother of the groom. Mrs. CARL is employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad and they are making their home in an apartment in the Frank BENCHLEY house, Canton Street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. FREEMAN.
CRAIG / O'NEIL - Joseph CRAIG, of this place, and Miss Mildred O'NEIL of Elmira, were married Saturday, April 25, 1942 at Penn Yan, N.Y. by Rev. E. VAN DYKE. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart CRAIG accompanied them. They will live in Elmira.
BENNETT / HILLS --Mrs. Ruth BENNETT , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt BENNETT, East Smithfield, and Manley HILLS, son of Mr. and Mrs. George HILLS, also of East Smithfield, were married in the Universalist Parsonage, Towanda, Monday evening, December 7, 1942 by Rev. J. D. HERRICK. Both are East Smithfield High School graduates. He is employed in the Ingersol-Rand plant, Athens, She is employed in the Eclipse plant, Elmira.