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*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
January 6, 1885
Local News
--Mr. George Doud, of Fall Brook, cut his foot very seriously with
an axe a few days ago.
--Dr. Lewis Darling has been appointed resident surgeon for the Fall Brook Coal Company, at Lawrenceville.
--Mr. John Myfelt, of Lawrence Township, fell and broke his leg a few days ago while trying to catch a sheep.
--Miss Mary Osgood, of this village, returned to Brooklyn yesterday. She is attending the Packer Collegiate Institution.
--Mr. Frank Spencer, of this borough, left for Allen’s Business College at Elmira yesterday, where he is taking a full business course.
--Mr. N. T. Chandler, of this village, was confined to the house last week by illness. We are glad to say that he is now much better.
--The horse belonging to Mr. Fred K. Wright, of this borough, died last week at the age of thirty three years. The animal served one master for twenty four years.
--From a private letter we learn that Mr. Daniel S. Brodhead, late of this borough, spent his Christmas at Kansas City, MO. He is said to be on his way to Australia.
--Mr. P. M. Breese, of Fall Brook, had the misfortune to get a piece of steel in his eye while filing a saw a few days ago, and he suffered from it for a week before it was removed.
--There was a very happy social party at the home of James Steele, in Morris, on New Years day. There were six persons present, including Mr. Steele, who aggregate ages amounted to four hundred and sixty years.
--The Mansfield Hook and Ladder Company has elected the following officers: President, Charles S. Ross; Vice President, O. Newell; Foreman, W. D. Husted; First Assistant Foreman, C. A. Holden; Second Assistant, A. D. Backer; Secretary, F. D. Jones; Treasurer, J. S. Hoard.
--Mr. Jonathan W. Allington, of Lawrenceville, wishes to learn the present address of any of his comrades of Company E of the 2nd Battalion of the 14th U.S. Infantry from 1862 to 1864. Any man who was a member of that organization at that time will confer a favor on Mr. Allington by writing him at Lawrenceville, PA.
--The Blossburg Register says that some miscreant attempted to steal Rev. James Lee’s horse from his stable in Morris Run, last week Sunday morning. Mr. Lee, hearing an unusual noise at the barn, arose early and went out just in time to frighten the thief away just as he had Mr. Lee’s horse blanketed and was coming out to let down the bars. The rascal made his way hastily over the hill, and has not been seen since.
--Yesterday Messrs. James E. Peters, John J. Reese and Charles M. Rumsey retired from office as County Commissioners. Mr. Peters has held the office for six years and each of the others for three years. We believe that each of them has discharged his official duties with diligence and fidelity and for the best interests of the whole county. They have earned the respect of all good citizens, and the hearty good wishes of their constituents will follow them in their retirement to private life.
--WESTFIELD.—Last Friday evening, just before ten o’clock, fire was
discovered in the dry goods store of Mr. E. M. Tucker, on Main Street in
Westfield. Very little stock was saved from this building, which
burned rapidly, and the fire soon communicated to the other buildings in
the vicinity, which were all of wood and located on the north and south
sides of the street. The following is a list of other property destroyed:
-J. P. Simmons, clothing store. The goods were mostly saved.
-L. Plank, agricultural implements; stock destroyed.
-E. M. Rowley, billiard saloon. The tables were taken out in
a damaged condition, but nothing else was saved.
-E. A. Simmons, livery; partial loss.
-C. T. Thompson, household goods; partial loss.
-Combs & Kearney, harness shop; partial loss.
-J. Broughton, Albert Welch and C. T. Murphy, each lost on their
household goods.
Inscho’s hotel caught fire several times, but it was saved by hard
work. The building was damaged to the extent of about $800.
Westfield has no fire department and the citizens had to depend on a small
force pump and the use of buckets. Aid was called for, and the Lawrenceville
firemen went up by special train with their apparatus, arriving about three
o’clock, too late, however, to render much assistance. We understand
that most of the buildings destroyed and their contents were insured, but
some of the persons burned out lost heavily above their insurance.
The fire is believed to have caught from the chimney of Mr. Tucker’s store.
--ANTRIM.—Last Monday evening about nine o’clock, while Mrs. Titus Dransfield [Martha Dransfield] was at work with her sewing machine near the bedroom window, her lamp exploded, setting fire to the window curtains and bedding. In trying to extinguish the flames Mrs. Dransfield burned herself quite badly about the face and hands. The result might have been much more serious, but two young men, hearing her screams, promptly went to her assistance and put out the fire. Mr. Titus Dransfield is the owner of a violin made in 1516. It was brought from India to England by a British officer during the Sepoy mutiny. It is a very curious piece of work, having on its back a scene representing an Indian town, the picture being made by an inlaying more than 300 pieces of different colored woods. On the side of the instrument is an inscription in Italian, which, your humble servant is unable to translate.
--Mr. C. D. Wakely is dangerously ill with paralysis.
--Fred Rundall, proprietor of the billiard saloon, was arrested last Monday and gave bail in the amount of $200 for his appearance at court, for letting minors play billiards and loaf around the saloon. May the good work go on, is the sentiment of the people, for such a place has a bad influence in any small town.
--NAUVOO.—The day after Christmas the dwelling house of Mr. Jacob Neufer was consumed by fire. It is a bad time of year to be burned out. I am glad to learn that the loss was fully covered by insurance.
--ANSONIA.—Mr. Andrew Jackson killed a wild cat a short time ago. Andrew is notorious for killing that “varmint”.
--ANSONIA.—Miss Lura Woodruff began teaching the Pine Grove School, but I suppose Mr. Russ Culver’s wife will finish the term, as she was married to that gentleman on Christmas Eve at her father’s house. There was a small assemblage of friends to witness the ceremony. Elder Cole, of Gaines, united the happy pair at 8 o’clock, and directly after a very nice supper was served and all went merry as a marriage bell. The bride has many friends here, and wherever she has a home she is sure to have friends. Mr. Culver’s people reside at Potter Brook.
--BROOKFIELD.—Rev. Hiram Bacon, who is 76 years old, was blessed with a donation recently amounting to $60. He is a grand and good old man.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Charles A. Hoffman recently lost one of his excellent breeding mares and work horses. He was drawing some timber off his hillside to his wood-mill at the foot of the hill. The mare slipped and fell bursting a blood vessel. She died immediately. It was pretty hard on Charley.
--CHATHAM.—SICK LIST: Dr. B. J. Fulkerson is very sick with typhoid fever; J. E. Doan is down with pneumonia; Willard Seeley has bilious fever; The little boy of Frank Ferris, who has been sick so long and who had his left side opened to relieve his left lung of pus, is holding his own yet, although very low.
--Notice is hereby given that I have this day, December 26, 1884, sold all my stock of goods, billiard tables, and fixtures to James G. Shaw. All parties indebted to me will please settle up, and all parties having claims present them at once. Hereafter the business will be conducted by me for the said James G. Shaw. Signed: W. D. Shaw.
--Mr. B. S. Bowen, of Deerfield, was in town yesterday.
--Mr. A. M. Spencer, of Canoe Camp, was in town yesterday.
--Mr. Joseph Mitchell and family, of Stony Fork, have been visiting at Blossburg.
--Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Glassmire, of Coudersport, have been visiting in this borough.
--Henry Allen, Esq. and John W. Adams, Esq., of Mansfield, trod our pavement yesterday.
--Hon. S. B. Elliott and family, of DuBois, Clearfield County, have been visiting at Mansfield.
--Mr. G. G. Dorrance and Miss Mary Dorrance, of Elkland, are visiting relatives in Connecticut.
--Dr. J. W. Coolidge, of Bellefonte, Centre County, has been visiting his former home in Delmar.
--Mr. Robert Kerr, of this borough, has moved to Landrus, where he has a job for the Blossburg Coal Company.
--Representatives Horace B. Packer and Henry M. Foote went to Harrisburg the last of last week.
--Mr. Robert Somerville, Superintendent of some large coal mines at Piedmont, MD, has been visiting at Mr. Matthew Waddell’s, at Morris Run.
--Mr. Henry Griffin, of Dakota, formerly of Charleston, returned home for a visit last Saturday. He says the thermometer has been down to 40 degrees below zero at his Dakota home this winter.
--Mr. Chester R. Hoag, of Newark, N.J., a native of this borough, has been visiting his father, P.C. Hoag, in this village. He is doing a prosperous business at Newark in the wholesale paper trade.
--Miss Carrie Cox, daughter of Gen. R. C. Cox of this borough, is spending the winter in Illinois.
--ELKLAND.—Mrs. Jane Parkhurst, of Lawrenceville, is spending a week with Mrs. Martha Parkhurst, of this place.
--ELKLAND.—Misses Mira Edwards and Mae Skinner returned to the Elmira College on Monday, after spending their vacation at home.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mrs. William Kyder has been visiting relatives in Livingston, N.Y., about six weeks. She returned home a few days ago.
--CHATHAM.—Rev. J. W. Miller visited us here this week. He came for a portion of his goods, which he left here when he moved to Campbellstown, N.Y.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Hirsch, Ely & Co. has moved into their new store at Covington.
--Mr. L. C. Bennett is putting a new steam heating apparatus into his residence on Nichols Street.
--Mr. E. Jacobson has the foundation completed for his block of tenement houses in this borough.
--Mr. H. S. Hastings has sold his hardware stock to Mr. D. H. Belcher. Mr. Hastings intends to retire from business.
--Last Thursday Mr. C. E. Thomas, of Union, was appointed by the County Commissioners as Mercantile Appraiser for this year.
--Messrs. E. B. Campbell & Co., are putting a saw mill into their establishment at Elkland, and expect to stock it with 400,000 feet of logs this winter.
--Miss Addie Whitaker, of Elkland, has purchased a kiln for burning decorated china ware. Heretofore the hand-painted china has been sent to Albany or New York to be fired.
--The firm of R. E. Karr & Co., druggists, of this borough, has been dissolved, Mr. F. K. Wright retiring. Mr. Ralph E. Karr continues the business at the old stand opposite the Post office.
--Mr. Fred H. Freeborn, formerly of this borough, has been promoted to the position of auditor of the construction department of the Beech Creek, Clearfield and Southwestern Railway, at Jersey Shore, at a salary of $90 a month.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. C. B. Watrous has stopped sawing and yet has a large stock of logs in the pond.
--CHATHAM.—L. C. Beach has some sixty head of one and two year old cattle in fine condition.
--CHATHAM.—N. Beach & Son are doing some good work at their mill, especially so in buckwheat flour. They have shipped largely this winter to Philadelphia.
--Last Wednesday at noon Rev. Charles Breck, D. D., of Scranton, formerly
of this borough, and Miss Mary M. Williston were married at the residence
of ex-Judge L. P. Williston, the bride’s father, on Central Avenue in this
village. Rev. Dr. McKnight, of Elmira, was the officiating clergyman.
The happy couple left town on the afternoon train.
--At Blossburg, PA, December 30, 1884, by Rev. R. Brewster, Mr. David Clarkson and Miss Grace McFarlane, both of Morris Run.
--At Liberty, PA, December 18, 1884, by William Brion, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Thomas Dean, of Canton, and Miss Emma Reed, of Liberty.
--At West Covington, PA, December 25, 1884, by Rev. J. O. Cutts, Mr. Alfred A. Graves, of Copp Hollow, and Miss Ella Everett, of West Covington.
--At the M. E. parsonage, Nelson, PA, December 16, 1884, by Rev. James Scoville, Frank L. Hood and Dennie Ouderkirk, both of Pleasant Valley, PA.
--At Corning, N.Y., January 1, 1885, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Mr. William Stone, of Mansfield, PA, and Miss May Belle Leonard, of Corning, N.Y.
--This morning Henry W, Roland, Esq., of Blossburg, was found dead
in his room at the Seymour House in that borough. Mr. Roland was
a native of Delmar, being the son of Robert Roland. He has been practicing
law at Blossburg for a number of years, and he had many friends in all
parts of the county. He was in this borough on business last Friday,
and yesterday he was in his usual health.
--At East Lawrence, PA, December 13, 1884, Rufus Kirkendall, son of Erastus Kirkendall, aged 17 years.
--BROOKFIELD.—The happiest man in town is A. W. McLean. His wife
presented him with a ten pound baby boy on Christmas morning.
January 13, 1885
Local News
--Mr. John Simmons, a Frenchman aged nearly ninety years, was taken
to the County Poorhouse from Blossburg one day last week.
--Mr. William H. Vermilyea, of Westfield, is the new District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge in this county. Hon. H. W. Williams is a member of the committee on correspondence.
--Last Tuesday morning the dwelling house of Michael Cratley, at Blossburg, caught fire from a stove, but the fire was extinguished before much damage was done. A young child in the house was slightly burned.
--Rev. George D. Meigs, formerly of Mansfield and well known in this borough was presented with a substantial token of regard on New Year’s day in the shape of a purse of $267 by the members of the Watkins Presbyterian Church. General Magee contributed $100 of the amount.
--Dr. H. L. Davis’s spirited team cause a sensation in this village last Saturday morning by starting our from the barn just after being hitched up and making the round several squares at a breakneck speed. The horses finally hauled up in front of the Willcox House without causing any damage to themselves or the vehicle.
--The Dundee Record of the 7th instant contained the following personal item: “Mr. Oscar D. Hyler, for a number of years a typo in this village, has severed his connections here and accepted a position as foreman of the Agitator at Wellsboro, PA. Mr. Hyler is a first class workman, and we are pleased to know he has secured so lucrative a position”.
--Judge L. P. Williston, while on his way from Wellsboro to Coudersport to attend court, has the misfortune to be thrown from the stage by the tipping over of the seat in the wagon. He struck on his head and received an ugly scalp wound. He also acquired a black eye that gave him the appearance of having met John L. Sullivan.
--Mr. Eugene Brace, a farmer living about a mile and a half northeast of Mansfield, has the misfortune to lose his barn and its contents by fire last Friday night about 8 o’clock. The barn contained two horses, nine cows, twenty tons of hay, a quantity of wheat, barley and buckwheat, 300 bushels of potatoes, and all of Mr. Brace’s farm implements. The loss was very heavy and there was no insurance.
--Mr. J. C. Bartles, of Stony Fork, has been seriously ill for some days, being prostrated by an accident which befell him a short time since. He was riding upon a load of hay on his farm, when he fell off and one of the wagon wheels passed over his leg. As the ground was soft, his leg was not broken. He thinks that he had an attack of vertigo, as he does not remember falling from the load. We are glad to learn that he is now in a fair way to be out again in a few days.
--The new board of County Commissioners has re-appointed Mr. Eugene Beauge as clerk in their office for the current year. Mr. Beauge is a conscientious and pains-taking official, and he fully merits his retention for his competency as an accountant. The County Commissioners also made other appointments last week as follows: Commissioners Counsel, S. F. Channell, Esq.; Physician for Poor House, W. W. Webb, M.D.; Janitor for Courthouse and County offices, Frank Watkins; Mr. Watkins is also retained by Mr. Beauge as assistant clerk, a position for which he is well fitted.
--The Elkland Journal says that on a recent evening as Mr. Clark Brooks, of Nelson, was going home from his hay press, he stopped at Davenport’s water trough. One of the tugs came unhooked and the horses ran away, leaving Brooks and the wagon by the roadside. At the foot of the hill Brooks’ team collided with that of Daniel and Sidney Teachman, demolishing their platform wagon and throwing Sidney under his team. He received a bad cut in the head, but the wound is not considered dangerous. One of Brooks’ horses was so badly injured that it had to be shot. Teachman’s team did not get away.
--Last Tuesday the body of the late Henry E. Roland, Esq., of Blossburg, who died that morning at the Seymour House in that place was brought to this borough for burial. On Monday Mr. Roland called in a physician, who left him a vial of gelsemuim to be taken in three drop doses. The drug is a strong nervine, and it is supposed that Mr. Roland took an overdose which caused his death, as the vial was nearly empty in the morning. After the body was brought here there were some signs which gave rise to doubts about life being wholly extinct, and Dr. Hugh L. Davis was called in to apply the usual tests. The funeral had been appointed for Wednesday afternoon, but while there was a shadow of a doubt it was deemed best to postpone the burial. Although there were some strong indications of life at first, Dr. Davis, as well as Dr. M. L. Bacon and C. W. Webb, who also examined the body, became satisfied of the young man’s death on the afternoon of the same day. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of people.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Lyman Smith’s team ran away a few days ago and broke the lamp post and hydrant in front of Mr. H. C. Wheeler’s house on Cowanesque street. A defective line was the cause of the accident. No other damage was done.
--MAINESBURG.—Wat Rose [Watson Rose] and Leroy Welch came near losing their lives lately by the cars. They were crossing the railway track at Blossburg with a sleigh load of beef. Just as they got on the track on of the runners broke, and they could not get off in time to escape a moving train. It struck the hind bob with such a force as to throw Mr. Rose some ten feet, and smashed the sled badly. Two quarters of beef were thrown up and lodged in a passing car.
--MARSHFIELD.—J. T. Hurd is taking a course of study at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore. This is his second year at the College, and expects to return soon a full fledged M. D.
--MARSHFIELD.—There will be a donation party and oyster supper for the benefit of Rev. O. C. Hills, next Friday evening at the residence of O. A. Smith.
--MARSHFIELD.—Fred Signor and R. S. Watrous are attending the State Normal School at Mansfield.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mrs. C. C. Flynn, nee Rena Bernauer, recently drew a fine grand square piano offered by Rosenbaum & Co., of Elmira, as an inducement for purchasers to buy of them. For every dollar’s worth of goods sold a ticket was issued until 18,000 were disposed of. Of these Mrs. Flynn secured only a few, yet she was fortunate enough to hold the lucky number.
--MARSHFIELD.—D. C. Smith will attend the Mansfield Business College soon.
--MARSHFIELD.—Miss Anna Dunsmore is teaching school in the “Furmantown” district, Minnie Smith at Tate’s, and Ida Farley at Knowlton’s. In fact, all of our schools are supplied by resident teachers.
--ROUND TOP.—Mr. C. F. Kimball and his two sons left this place for New Hampshire last Monday. He will settle in Portsmouth.
--ROUND TOP.—William P. Shumway, who has been troubled with consumption for some time, seems to be on the road to recover his health; but his improvement is very slow.
--Mrs. Judge Maynard, of Williamsport, has sued the proprietors of the Girard House, Philadelphia, for $1,200 worth of diamonds stolen from her room.
--Miss Mary Cowden, of this borough, is visiting at Blossburg.
--Mr. Henry VanValkenburg, of this borough, was in Philadelphia last week.
--Mr. Grant Baldwin, of Lawrenceville, is attending school at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
--OSCEOLA.—Wallace T. Stoddard, of Corning, N.Y., formerly of this place, was in town yesterday.
Land/Business/Farm/Housing Transactions
--I am getting ready to retire from business, and would like to sell
out the Boston Clothing House, Wellsboro, PA. A responsible party
can have two or three years’ credit if so desired, or I would exchange
the entire stock for real estate in Wellsboro. Signed: E. Jacobson.
--FOR SALE.—A good farm of 76 acres, at Dartt Settlement, Charleston Township, Tioga County, PA. Well watered, good building and a good young orchard. A church and school house near by. For particulars as to terms, etc. address D. L. Deane, Wellsboro, PA.
--Mr. L. C. Wood has been appointed resident manager of the telephone line at Elkland.
--Mr. W. B. Dunsmore is to become the landlord of the Eagle Hotel at Blossburg on the first of next week.
--Messrs. G. W. Ingalls & Co. has purchased the shoe store of the late Charles M. Elliott, at Blossburg.
--J. G. Hammond and Henry Christian, of Elkland have sold 16,000 pounds of tobacco to an Elmira firm at 12 and a half cents a pound.
--Mr. William D. VanHorn, of this borough, has sold his sorrel gelding, “Charley Van” to Mr. Robert M. Ketchum, for $1,000.
--Rev. H. T. Scholl, of the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church has resigned his position there to become pastor of the Church at Springfield, N.Y.
--Alfred J. Shattuck, Esq., has leased the office recently occupied by G. R. Smith, Esq., in the second story of the Niles law building on Central Avenue.
--Mrs. Charles M. Elliott, of Blossburg, has purchased a house and lot at Canton, Bradford County, for the sum of $900, and will hereafter reside in that village.
--Mr. Charles C. Redfield, formerly a typo in the Agitator office, has assumed the entire control of the Lawrenceville Herald. The journal is well sustained by the people of that village, as it should be.
--Gaius R. Smith, Esq., lately of this borough, has moved to Blossburg and opened an office there for the practice of law. Mr. Smith has made many friends in this borough during his residence here, and they will unanimously wish him success in his new location.
--J. B. Clark and G. A. Clark, of Mansfield, have a gas generator run by a turbine water wheel, and its capacity is for 200 lights. Several stores, the Business College and the Post office are now successfully lighted with this gas, at a cost to consumers of only $2 a thousand feet.
--Mr. J. H. Baldwin, formerly a gunsmith and afterwards a jeweler in this borough, is now one of a firm in New Orleans running the Delmonico restaurant on the American and European plan. The firm name is Baldwin, Bush & Stage. We hope they may reap a rich harvest during the Exposition.
--Harman, Borden & Co. have the contract for erecting the block of five tenement houses for Mr. E. Jacobson, in this borough, and they are pushing the work at a lively rate. Last week Monday the foundation timbers were laid and now the building is up and enclosed, and the workmen are lathing the interior.
--TIOGA.—On Tuesday, the 6th instant, the real estate of B. C. Wickham & Co. was publicly sold by the assignees, at the Park Hotel. The property sold some time ago was re-sold, and with a few exceptions the parties who purchased before bid in the same pieces of real estate. The Buel Baldwin farm, which was bid off before Fred Hughes for $9,000, was purchased by Charles L. Pattison for $9,500. Over half the real estate was bid in by the assignee. The tenement house on Center Street, opposite the Catholic Church, was sold to Dr. R. B. Smith for $1,100. The Johnson house and lot was bought by C. L. Pattison for $3,125. The sales including what was bud in by the assignees, amounted to over $50,000.
--TIOGA.—Mr. George Miller is to remove to Bath, N.Y., the first of next week with his goods.
--OSCEOLA.—Mr. Phillip S. Taylor, one of Osceola’s best citizens, a farmer living about a mile from the village on the road to Woodhull, N.Y., sold during the past season from twenty eight cows 5,600 pounds of butter for $1,232. He also sold $101 worth of pork and $197 worth of calves, making a total of $1,530. Besides this he had the use of milk, cream and butter for the family and a supply of butter and pork for winter use.
--MARSHFIELD.—Messrs. J. J. Smith and S. M. Smith have just purchased a portable sawmill of Payne & Sons, of Elmira.
--January 1, 1885, by Rev. Morrison, Mr. B. F. Benter and Miss Emma
M. Roupp, both of Liberty, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA, December 20, 1884, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D., Mr. William Bump, of Ulster, PA, and Miss Emily E. Smith, of Wellsboro, PA.
--In Westfield, PA, December 25, 1884, by Rev. S. L. Bovier, L. M. Faulkner, of Gaines, PA, and Ida B. Briggs, of Clymer, PA.
--At Roseville, PA, December 25, 1884, by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Henry Hart, of Sullivan, and Miss Euphemia Jones, of Richmond, PA.
--At Wellsboro, PA, December 25, 1884, by Rev. O. B. Weaver, Mr. James Streeter and Miss Emma Bulkley, both of Westfield.
--At Westfield, PA, December 25, 1884, Mr. Elmer N. Terwilliger, of Beaver Dams, N.Y., and Miss Cordia Ives.
--At Wellsboro, PA, January 7, 1885, by Rev. W. G. Ware, Mr. W. W. Tate, of Morris, and Miss Edith Karr, of Wellsboro.
--At Troy, N.Y., December 29, 1884, by Rev. S. P. Gates, Mr. John Watson, of Bernice, and Miss Maggie Good, of Roaring Branch, PA.
--Mr. Sollie Wood, who died in Rutland recently, was one of the best
known residents of that township. He had been a tax collector for
several years.
--Mrs. Eunice McCarter, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Belle M. Allen, in this borough last Thursday, had been a resident of Delmar Township for nearly seventy years.
--Mrs. Laura J. Shaw, wife of Rev. James Shaw, pastor of the Brick church in Rochester, and the mother of Rev. A. C. Shaw, of this borough, died at her home last Tuesday morning after a long illness. She was about 62 years of age, and she was possessed of all the Christian graces and was a woman of unusual intellect. The venerable minister, who spent several weeks in this borough last summer, has the earnest sympathy of many in his affliction. The funeral was held on Friday.
--OSCEOLA.—The sad news was received yesterday by telegram that Mr. George N. Bulkley was dead and his remains were started for home on Wednesday. Mr. Bulkley went to Florida about a month ago with his mother and daughter and his aunt, Phoebe Tubbs, to spend the winter. He was heard from and was well as late as December 31st, and this telegram is all that is known of the matter. His remains are expected tomorrow.
--Hattie Boyle, of Renovo, aged four years, was recently burned to death by her dress taking fire.
January 20, 1885
Local News
--Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bradford, of Troy, were nearly suffocated a few
nights ago by coal gas that escaped the stove.
--A young man named Edward Joralemon was arrested at Troy, Bradford County, a few days ago, upon the charge of robbing Mr. D. C. Dayton, of Towanda, of $300 twenty years ago. Joralemon was then a lad driving stage between Towanda and Troy, and he disappeared with the package of money entrusted to him by Dayton at parties in Troy. He has been in the regular army for eight years and also an express messenger. He came back to Troy on a visit, and was recognized and arrested and lodged in the Towanda jail.
--William Menken, who is sentenced to be hanged at Binghamton, N.Y., tomorrow for the murder of Kate Bradhoft, escaped from jail last Wednesday night about eleven o’clock. According to the story of the guard who had charge of the prisoner, he left his place at the cell to go to the upper floor to call his uncle who was to relieve him, and on returning about five minutes later he found Menken had gone. The alarm was given at once and a thorough search was made, but up to Saturday night no trace of the fugitive was found. He was then caught at Owego, N.Y.
--Mr. Thomas N. Davis was seriously injured at the Arnot mines, last Friday, by a fall of coal.
--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas, of Ward, were seriously injured by a run away accident a few days ago.
--The Antrim schools opened last week Monday with Miss Addie L. Reese acting as principal and Misses Conway and English as assistants.
--A Checker Club has been organized at Arnot, composed of nine crack players. Dr. C. C. Winsor is the President and John McKay, Secretary.
--The Millerton papers say that a colt belonging to Henry Wilson, near that village, fell on the frozen hubs and smashed its skull a few days ago.
--An alarm of fire last Thursday called out the Fire Department of this borough. The fire proved to be on the premises of Mr. George Covert, on Water Street, and it was extinguished before the firemen reached the scene.
--The annual election of officers of the Rescue Fire Company of Antrim took place last week Monday evening. Mr. William Howell was elected Foreman, W. W. Forrest, Assistant Foreman and E. G. Drake, Secretary and Treasurer.
--The Gaines Coal and Coke Company held its annual meeting at Elkland last week Monday and elected the following directors. Thomas C. Platt, President; W. C. Sheldon, Treasurer; J. E. Jones, Secretary; George R. Blanchard, C. L. Pattison.
--The fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brown was celebrated at Sabinsville on the 15th instant. Their golden wedding was attended by a large number of friends, and presents worth nearly $100 were left as tokens of esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Brown came to this county from Vermont about thirty years ago.
--The death of Mr. George N. Bulkley, of Osceola, which occurred in Florida recently, is said to have been caused by a severe cold which finally developed into typhoid fever and congestion of the lungs. His condition was not considered dangerous until a day or two before his death. The remains were interred in the Fairview cemetery at Osceola last Tuesday. He was buried with Masonic honors during the afternoon.
--Sheriff Brown and ex-Sheriff Black, of Binghamton, N.Y., were in town last Wednesday evening, intending to witness the execution of George Traviss. Early Thursday morning a dispatch announcing the escape of William Menken called them away on the first train several hours before the time appointed for the execution here. It is likely the same gallows, used here last Thursday will stretch the neck of Menken, the Chemung County murderer, tomorrow, unless his counsel gets a stay of proceedings. He was captured last Saturday evening near Owego, N.Y., after being routed from a hay mow by a farmer.
--Mr. Edward Smith has recently been employed by Mr. J. D. Pride, at Knoxville in the business of buying and pressing hay. Smith knew that Mr. Pride was expecting a package of money by express and last week Monday evening he went to the depot of the A & N P railway and inquired for the package. There was not one in the office but a young man, who very innocently passed the package containing $500, over to Smith without even taking the precautions of asking if he had orders to get it. Smith went to Addison the next morning and boarded an Erie train going east. When Pride called for the money the theft was discovered, and the young man was arrested in Elmira. He is described as a young man from a good family at Ithaca, N.Y., who was sent to Knoxville to sow part of his wild oats. He seems to have sown them rather too thick this time.
--The fire at Blossburg last week Monday evening originated in Fish’s Opera House. The hall had been lighted for a lecture. Mr. Charles Fish’s son was engaged in putting out the lights and as he was in the act of extinguishing a bracket lamp near the stage it exploded with a loud report, scattering the burning oil in all directions. The explosion was heard in the shooting gallery next door and a number of persons rushed in, but before water could be obtained the fire was beyond control. Mr. Fish’s loss is estimated at $9,400. The insurance was $5,900. Mr. Joseph Allen had an insurance of $300 on his stock of harnesses, which covers the loss. Mr. J. S. Mitchell’s loss on his barn was $275, and he had no insurance. The Eagle Hotel and other adjacent buildings were saved by hard work. Mr. Fish and his family saved only the clothes on their backs. The light of the fire was plainly visibly from this borough.
--OSCEOLA.—Morgan Seely was presented with a solid gold headed cane on New Year’s Eve by his children.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. Bradley Wales was badly hurt recently by a runaway team.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. I. J. Baker expects to attend the inauguration of President elect Cleveland.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Charles Smith has received arrears of pension to the tune of $1,084.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Daniel Andrews, of this place, will be 84 years old next Saturday. He has always led an industrious life and enjoyed almost perfect health. He is now able to work every day.
--Mr. George Rexford, of Germania, has gone to Florida to reside.
--Rev. V. R. Mather, of Dartt Settlement, expects to move to Kansas in a few weeks.
Land/Business/Farm/Housing Transactions
--I am getting ready to retire from business and would like to sell
out the Boston Clothing House, Wellsboro, PA. A responsible party
can have two or three years credit if so desired or I would exchange the
entire stock for real estate in Wellsboro. Signed, E. Jacobson, Wellsboro.
--It is reported that Mr. Silas Crandall, of Nelson, has sold his farm for $10,000.
--Messrs. Coleman & Daly have purchased the Hoytville hotel of John R. Sebring.
--Mr. Frank Simmons has started a barber shop over Mr. C. C. Mathers store in this borough.
--Mr. T. G. Dallman, of Morris Run, has secured the position of bookkeeper at the Mansfield cigar factory.
--The office of the Wellsboro and Blossburg Telephone Company has been moved to R. E. Karr’s drug store in this borough. The line has been extended from Morris to Hoytville.
--Mr. Jason Higgins, for many years manager of the Company’s store at Arnot, has again resumed that position. He has recently been engaged in the hardware trade at Corry, PA.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—John Southard has moved into his new house.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Prof. S. R. Racklyeft is to start a singing school at the Hall next Thursday evening.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Thomas Barker’s new house and barn add new attractions to the place at Thompson’s.
--MANSFIELD.—A. M. Pitts’ new store is being rapidly completed. When finished it will be the finest store in this part of the country.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George E. Rich has put up a black smith shop on wheels and he expects to travel the coming season.
--MANSFIELD.—F. M. Spencer is moving into his new rooms in the Welch Block. He expects to be ready for business next Monday.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. O. M. Adams bookkeeper at the cigar factory, has accepted a position in Williamsport.
--At Liberty, PA, December 23, 1884, by Rev. W. H. Bowden, Mr. Thomas
M. Cesna, of Huntington County, and Miss Frances Kline, of Fulton County,
--At Knoxville, PA, December 28, 1884, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Able Close, of Little Marsh, and Viola Beach, of Knoxville.
--At the residence of the bride’s parents, January 11, 1885, by Rev. Harvey Lamkin, Mr. Henry Gardner, of Wellsboro, and Miss Mate H. Strait, daughter Mr. M. S. Strait, of Lawrenceville.
--At the M. E. parsonage, Liberty, PA, by Rev. W. H. Bowden, January 1, 1885, Mr. Charles W. Ostrom and Miss Georgia Whitmarsh, both of Liberty.
--At Mansfield, PA, January 11, 1885, by Rev. S. Early, Mr. Ed S. Palmer and Miss Belle Woodard, both of Sullivan, PA.
--At Knoxville, PA, January 2, 1885, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Mr. G. W. Persing, of Westfield, and Miss Maria L. Costley, of Deerfield, PA.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Orrin Stanton went to Bradford County to fins himself a wife, and he succeeded. The couple came here and settled down about a week ago.
--In Sullivan, PA, January 11, 1885, Mrs. Edward Jones, daughter of
Mr. Galusha York.
--Our correspondent at Mansfield informs us that Mr. Lewis Hall, an aged resident of that borough, was killed about 8 o’clock yesterday morning by the express train going south. He was walking down the track with his ears muffled up, and on the account of a sharp curve the engineer was unable to see him until it was too late to stop. He was thrown on the pilot of the engine and carried several rods, when he fell off by the side of the track, so that the wheels did not touch him.
--Our Brookfield correspondent informs us that Mr. W. H. Perry, a prominent young man and a druggist at Troupsburgh, N.Y., was found dead in his drug store last Tuesday. He went into the store in the morning and locked the door. The store remained closed all day, and in the afternoon the door was broken open and the body was found. His friends are unable to account for the suicide, if it was such. He was of one of the best families in Steuben County, and there was no reason for taking his own life, yet it is believed the he took poison.
--Mr. William Harrison, an old and respected citizen of this borough, died at his home on Main Street last Sunday morning at the age of 84 years. Mr. Harrison was born in New Jersey and came to this county upwards of fifty years ago. He followed his trade as a carpenter and joiner for many years and also engaged in farming later in life. In 1833 he came to this borough from Lawrenceville and worked upon the Court house during its construction. He soon after married Miss Catherine Meek, of this borough, who survives him. They have had seven children, four of whom are still living—two daughters and two sons, Jefferson Harrison and Leonard Harrison. All of them resided in this borough. For some years Mr. Harrison had been gradually failing in health, and for several months before his death he was quite feeble. For more than a man’s allotted time he moved in the world living a Christian life and respected by all his acquaintances. The funeral is to be held at his late residence this afternoon at two o’clock.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. David S. Miller a well known financier and money lender is dead. I understand that he directed in his will that the sum of $1,000 be set apart for his funeral expenses and the purchase of a monument.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mrs. Ann Clark, of this place, died on the 9th instant, at the age of 87 years.
--In Shippen, PA, January 14, 1885, to the wife of Mr. A. D. Plumley,
a daughter.
January 27, 1885 (a portion of this edition was unreadable)
Local News
--A valuable team belonging to Mr. Andrew Brown, of Elkland, ran away
last Thursday, and one of the horses broke its leg, and was killed to end
its suffering.
--Mr. L. L. Beiver [Lewis L.], of Farmington, who was badly injured at the time his barn was burned last October, is still in delicate health from the effects of the burns then received.
--Mr. Joseph Schussler, of Canoe Camp, was seriously injured last Tuesday by the overturning of a load of hay. Two of his ribs were broken and he was bruised about the head.
--The dwelling house of Mr. William Wheeler, on Bear Creek near Lawrenceville, was destroyed by fire last Tuesday. There was no insurance, but a small portion of the furniture was saved.
--Young Edward Smith, who took the package of money from the Knoxville express office, was overhauled at Elmira. His father came on from Ithaca and settled up the affair by paying all expenses incurred in catching the young rascal and by returning the $500, part of which the youth had squandered. [See January 20, 1885 related story]
--Last Wednesday the firemen of this borough were called out by a general alarm, but the fire, which started from the stove pipe in the wooden building occupied by Mrs. George Campbell on Main Street, was extinguished before the boys reached the spot.
--Mr. John Tubbs, of Osceola, was appointed foreman of the grand jury yesterday. There are an unusual number of indictments to be presented to the grand jury this week, among others, the case of George Brown, charged with the murder of Charles M. Elliott, at Blossburg.
--A very large pine tree was cut in Liberty Township a few days ago by Mr. John Schanbacher. The tree stood at the foot of Briar Hill, near the John Sebring place, and it was one of the old landmarks in that locality. The diameter of the tree was four feet and nine inches, sixteen feet from the butt. After cutting off 58 feet for shingle bolts, 11 logs, 14 feet in length, were taken from the tree, the smallest log being 14 inches in diameter at the small end. The tree was forked.
--Last Wednesday was the 85th birthday of Mr. David Heise, a well known surveyor, who resides in Delmar, about 2 and one half miles west of this borough and several of our citizens visited him on that day. Mr. Heise has been in feeble health for some months, but he spent a pleasant hour in recalling reminiscences of his pioneer life. His mind is unclouded and his memory is clear as to the facts and dates of his early life. He came to this county in 1818, when there were but ten houses in Wellsboro. He cut a road through the forest from Mr. Samuel Dickinson’s farm in this borough to his present home in Delmar and cleared a patch of ground and planted a few potatoes to begin with. He is now possessed of a fine farm and comfortable home. He has always enjoyed respect of his acquaintances.
--LIBERTY.—The oldest citizen living in our township is Mr. John Sebring. I understand he is in his 93rd year. Mr. Sebring came from Lycoming County to Liberty at an early day, and years ago he was a prominent man in our township, having held various township offices. Prior to the time of the late war he held the appointment of Brigade Inspector for this county. Mr. Sebring has in our township many warm friends who admire him for his exemplary life.
--TIOGA.—On Wednesday evening last the Tioga Cornet Band gave an entertainment at Wickham Hall. The drama “Wrecked in Port” was acted. Mr. Walter Stearns, leader of the Band, was presented with a silver b-flat cornet. Miss Lena Phelps and Miss Kitty Fish were contestants for two pieces of silver. Miss Phelps received the first prize and Miss Fish the second. The gross proceeds of the entertainment amounted to over $95.
--ANTRIM.—Several slight accidents have occurred in our town this week. On Tuesday Mr. Magnus Cole had his arm severely sprained whole he was working in the woods. On the same day Mr. James Moran had a foot badly hurt while he was unloading logs in the mill yard. A log fell from the sleigh up on his instep, causing an injury that will lay him up for some time.
--ANTRIM.—Mr. James Evans, telegraph operator at Wellsboro, is enjoying
a short vacation by visiting his parents at this place.
--ANTRIM.—Mr. G. W. Preston, of Corning, is in town today.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. James M. Bowen has started up a steam laundry in this borough.
--Mr. L. Plank intends to erect a brick block on the site of the stores recently burned of Westfield.
--Mr. Frank M. Spencer now occupies his new photograph gallery at Mansfield. It is probably the best equipped gallery in the county.
--TIOGA.—Mr. E. M. Smith is cutting ice for the town with his ice plow and tools.
--TIOGA.—C. F. Hurlburt, formerly doing business here, has secured a position at Lock Haven.
--TIOGA.—A. Redfield, Esq., formerly of Lawrenceville and other places, has opened a law office over H. E. Smith & Son’s shoe store.
--At Roseville, January 18, 1885, by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Samuel D.
Walker, of Roseville, and Miss Sarah Updike, of Rutland, PA.
--At Blossburg, Mr. Herbert White and Miss Mary Edwards, both of Morris Run.
--Mr. Joshua Reynolds an old pioneer of Union Township, died at his
home last week Monday at an advanced age.
--Last Friday morning Mr. G. D. Lieb, of this borough, died at his home of East Avenue after an illness of only two or three days. His disease was believed to be paralysis of the heart. Mr. Lieb was born at Schuylkill Forge, in this state on the 20th of October, 1811. He spent the early years of his married life at Pottsville and afterwards resided at Danville, Williamsport, Milton and then at Baltimore, MD, for a number of years. He came to this county in 1860 in the employment of Messrs. Phelps, Dodge & Co., as superintendent of their large lumbering operations in this region. He resided on the Manchester farm at Ansonia. This position he held for about a dozen years and then moved to Stokesdale where he had the management of the company’s saw mill and store for a short time. He retired from this position with a competence and came to this borough with his family and embarked in the grocery and provision trade. Three of four years ago he closed out his grocery establishment and retired from active business life. Mr. Lieb was a member of the Methodist church for many years. The funeral was held at his late residence last Sunday afternoon, Rev. James Moss, pastor of the Church, officiating. The deceased enjoyed an extensive acquaintance among lumbermen and business men of this county and he was a respected citizen.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. J. G. Mersereau [Emily Annice Mersereau] died last Wednesday in New York, where she was visiting her daughters. Her funeral occurs today.
--At Mainesburg, PA, January 18, 1885, Mr. Truman Ames, father of H.
T. Ames, Esq., of Williamsport, PA.