Mansfield State Normal School Class of 1894 : Help us identify these people. Where did they go?
Object ID:
Colin Richmond MSNS 1894
Colin Roy Richmond MSNS 1894
Wellsboro Agitator, September 13, 1899
Last Saturday Miss Charlotte M. Johnson and Messrs. George R. Mathers and Colin R. Richmond, all students in the law-office of Messrs. Elliott, Watrous & Marsh, passed their final examinations and were admitted to the bar of this county. Miss Johnson enjoys the distinction of being the first woman to become a lawyer in this county, and it is a distinction indeed, for it is said that she passed a very fine examination. We understand that she expects to remain for the present in the office of Messrs. Elliott, Watrous & Marsh in the capacity she has so long filled as stenographer and typewriter. George R. Mathers, Esq., will at once engage in the banking business at Galeton. Mr. Richmond has not yet decided on a location for the practice of his profession. We offer sincere congratulations to each of these industrious and worthy young persons.

Wellsboro Agitator, November 15, 1899
Mr. Colin Richmond, of Richmond, who studied law here and was admitted to the bar several months ago, where here on Friday.

Wellsboro Agitator, December 20, 1899
Mr. Colin Richmond, of Elk Run, Sullivan township, who was admitted to the bar here several months ago, has opened an office in Galeton.

Wellsboro Agitator, May 9, 1900
Mr. Colin R. Richmond, formerly of this borough, made a stirring address on "The Open Door Policy" at the graduation exercises of the Galeton school on April 28th.

Wellsboro Gazette, July 2, 1914
Colin R. Richmond - District Attorney in Potter County
Mansfield State Normal School
McFarlin, Abram
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Colin Richmond MSNS 1894Colin Richmond MSNS 1894