Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
School Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties
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Joyce's Search Tip - November 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of School Records on the site  by using the Schools button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page?  You can narrow your search by entering a township name and a surname and using the Find All Words option

Class of 1922
Class of 1932
Canton High School       Class of 1932 – 61 in class
Submitted by Susan Barrow Spaulding 
Front Row (L –R)
Mike, Knapp, Harriette Barrow, Arlene Schambacker,  Dal Genkins, Robert Griswold, Matthew Mott, Kenneth Brown, Frank Brenchley, James, Krise, Glen Kilmer, Edward Davenport, Arthur Fields, Adolpheus Burr, Anita Kaiseman
Second Row (L-R)
Gertrude Ameigh, Bernice Mott, Edna Morse, Donald Moody, Charles Wilcox, Bill Foster, Carmelita Bailey, Beatrice Mayor, Clara Wooster, Laura Biddle, Emily Smith, Janet Foster, Margaret Allen, May Kraiss

Third Row (L-R)
Ruth McIlwain, Susan Carl, Dora Tomilson, Marie Barrow, Doris Bixby,, Adell Campbell, Daniel Green, (Pres.)  Liston Wright, Owen Anderson, Beatrice McKee, Virginia Condon, Mrs. Marion (Tripp) Stone, Winifred Goslin, Ella Holmes, Elsie Reynolds

Cast of 1936 Play

Cast of the 1936 Senior Play  (Photo Attached)

1st Row: Marceil Packard, Virginia Palmer, Beatrice Rockwell, Katherine Keagle, Cora Pealer, Frances Barrow, Alfreda Morgan
2nd Row: Miss Daughton – Director, Harry Fitzwater, Blanch Warburton, Jessie Graham, Virginia Spaulding, John Tompkins
3rd Row: Lisle Watts, Owen Huntington, Floyd Innes, Martin Rockwell, LaRue Bastin, Alden Swayze, Robert Smith, Donald Williams, Duane Shoemaker

Class Song  Composed by Marceil Packard and Virginia Spaulding
Canton HS – Class of 1936

Hark! Here’s the class of ‘36
Now on the eve of our farewell
We are gathered here to present to you
Visions of the things we’ve done.

Let us take you to those carefree days
of our childhood
When our knees were bare and ribbons pink
Were in our hair.
Pockets were so full of marbles gay with
Which we all played.
Then the years went by. We found
Ourselves in high School.
Now we have our stars in basket ball and
Foot ball too.
Our dramatic skill – We’ll leave that
 up to you.

Hark! Hear the tomtoms playing now
The melody of our farewell
The Great Spirit guards forever all
We have done or e’er shall do

To the tune of “The Great Spirit” by George F. Hamer

Eleanor McIlwain (Written by Irene McNett)
Canton High School is very proud of one of its youngest seniors of the Class of 1936, Eleanor McIlwain. Eleanor made two grades in one year and was in the upper half of her class at the end of the year. She has had seven years of perfect attendance at school; won a prize for politeness in the eighth grade, of which she was secretary. She has been a member of the Girl Reserves for three years, its secretary, now its president. She was Exchange Reporter of the Amplifier last year and this. Eleanor is a very active member of the church. She has had nine years of perfect attendance, has acted in Children’s Day programs and church plays, has taught the primary class, and attended Conference meetings. She was formerly president and chaplain of the “Organized Young People’s Class,” as well as a popular hostess for the class suppers.  She has so many hobbies that she is unable to choose her favorite. However I think she prefers embroidering, knitting, crocheting, swimming, hiking, tennis, basketball, and soft ball. Eleanor is planning to go to Penn State College to become a primary teacher I am sure she will be a very good teacher for she is friendly, patient always sympathetic. Eleanor never has known the meaning of failure- and her 1936 classmates wish her “Bon voyage” in all her future under takings.

Class of 1940

James L. Aderhold O. A. Lanier Ayres Ela.ine L. Ba.iley John R. ~ Belawske Max H. Bellows Rodney K. B:y Frank R. Botsford Lawrence W. Campbell Alma. M. Castle Loretta C. Chapman William E. Crofutl Jam£:s H. Davison Freda C. Dreste Evelyn O. Eastman Mar"ard O. Fields LaVern R. Fitzwater William O. Fitzwater Harley L. Graham Edith M. Hackett Mary L. Hardy Ruth I. lbus Marian P. Hill Lois B. Howard Dorothy M. Jackson Margaret -lones Edward L. Kaseman Pa.ul W. Kaseman Colin E. Kel:ev Leon J. Kosmer Emery Knapp Charles E. Krise Betty J. Lee . 
Lois Lindley Carol E. 

Class Roll 

.James E. Mallorv Virginia E. Merrilt Dorothy J. Molt Anna M. Payne He1en V. Pease D'Jris E. Porter J. Seran Potter Donald L. Renstrom Marjorie G. Robbins Elmer E. 'Rockwell Shirley C. Rockwell Harold E. Sechrist Frances C. Shanley William C. Shoemaker Eleanor M. Snyder H. Gra.::e .Spencer James W. Spencer Floyd D. Taylor Jane A. Thomas LaRene E. Thomas William Tillotson Miriam E. Tomkins Walton P. Var.Pleet Elmo Vermilyd. 
L. Keith Watts Harold W. Wheeler M. Edna. )Vilcox Ola R. Williams F. Tha)den Williams Marjorie F. Wood Ernest E. Wria-ht Robert M. Wright John R. Zeiiler 

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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By Joyce M. Tice
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