Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Photographers of Our Area
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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George H. Wood & Co., of Towanda
Business: Geo. H. Wood & Co., Photographer 
Township: Towanda, Bradford County PA
From a Carte-de-Visite
Photos Submitted by: Bill Palmer  & Joyce M. Tice,
Phyllis Hughes-Marino
George H. Wood

This example with just Geo. H. Wood and
no Co., is from the 1860s
Hi Joyce,
I enjoy your site…
I’d like to submit some photos… hope this is the correct way to do it. 
I’m sorry I don’t know anything about the people in this photo… I don’t think it is of W.E. Waltman and his wife Sarah Mead who were born in 1861-1862… and I have no idea when it was taken… (any guesses?)

Hi [No Name Signed}] thanks a lot. I need your full name before I can add these to the site. These are pretty early. You did not say what type they are from the list on the photographer page of my site. These are not people b 1860s. Since it was sent to W. Waltaman, it may be his parents or grandparents. I'd estimate this photo as 1870s or so, but that isn't hard and fast. JMT

The photographer gets himself into the logo - undated - 
from Don Stanton September 2008
Cephas Andrews is the subject of the photo
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Photographers of Our Area
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Towanda Page
New & Search
Wood and Harding, of Towanda
November 2011
Hi Joyce,
Here is an example of photography by Wood & Harding.  Chester Wells is my great-great-great grandfather.  I’m guessing the period is ca. 1860 – 1870.
My name is Michael Garman

  Mother:  Laura Marcia Berrryhill

    Maternal Grandmother:  Laura Marcia Greenwood

         Great-Grandmother:  Cora Wells

             Great-Great-Grandfather:  William Wallace Wells

                Great-Great-Great Grandfather:  Chester Wells

I suppose that this is the same as George Wood above with an earlier partner. If anyone has more specific information, let me know referencing this page by the URL at the top. May also be Addison Harding who operated alone and in partnership as Harding and Gustin and also as Harding and Smalley, all in Towanda.

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 05/04/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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