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Hosea P. Scott Pension Papers
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This is a transcription of the Pension Papers of Hosea P. Scott transcribed by Mallory Babcock
Civil War Pension Application of Hosea P. Scott

Private, Co. A. of the 142nd Regiment of New York Volunteers

Basis of Application: Was injured at Fort Fisher, North Carolina by a ball from the Rebels in his left lung on the 15 June 1865. Was mustered out and given an honorable discharge 12 May 1865 as "Horace" P. Scott. He was treated at U.S. General Hospital, Fort Schuyler, New York January 15, 1865 thru May 16, 1865.

He has since then resided in the town of Troy and his occupation has been farming. He states he is now ¾ disabled in consequence of his injury.

10 May 1873 testimony of Omer Bennett and G. B. Palmer, of same company verified that claimant was wounded in his left lung from a ball, from the rebels in Battle at Ft. Fisher, North Carolina and was sent to Ft. Schuyler after being wounded.

6 June 1873: Pension No. 183629 application officially received in Washington, D.C.

August 20 1873 - Examining Surgeon’s Certificate - Steuben County, New York

"I hereby certify, that I have carefully examined Horace P. Scott, late a private in Co. A, 142nd Reg’t, N.Y. Vol. In the service of the United States, who is an applicant for an invalid pension, by reason of alleged disability resulting from gun shot wound of thorax.

In my opinion the said Horace P. Scott is one half incapacitated for obtaining his subsistence by manual labor from the cause above stated.

Judging from his present condition, and from the evidence before me, it is my belief that the said disability did originate in the service aforesaid in the line of duty.

The disability is permanent. A more particular description of the applicant’s condition is subjoined:

Height 6 ft

Weight 145

Complexion: Sandy

Age: 53

Pulse: 78

Respiration: 23"

The doctor then proceeds to give a written description of the wound site. The examining surgeon’s signature is not very legible but it looks like Cruttenden..

10 April 1875 Filed for an increase in the pension in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, while a resident of Troy. Witnesses to the affidavit were F. Hoffman and Horace Pomeroy, both residing in Troy. Hosea was acting as his own attorney for the document. He was receiving $4 a month.

19 May 1875: Another Examining Surgeon’s Certificate filed this time by Dr. Charles F. Paine. Same basic information as the previous one. Increase is approved to $12 per month.

25 May 1878: Another declaration for an increase in pension filed. Hosea states he is 57 years old and a resident of Armenia Township and that he is a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Philadelphia Pension Agency, at the rate of $12 per month and that at his present physical condition he believes himself entitled to receive an increased pension. At this point he now appoints George E. Lemon of Washington, D.C., his true and lawful Attorney. Witnesses to this document are Horace Rumsey and E. W. Scott.

11 July 1878: Another physical exam was done by Dr. Charles F. Paine. The physician now states Hosea is suffering from emphysema and heart problems due to the injury. His pension is increased to $18 per month.

4 September 1880: Another request for increase of the pension. A. C. Fanning of Troy is his lawyer on this document and it was witnessed by G. H. Mason and D. Mitchell. Hosea is living in Troy.

27 Oct. 1880: Another physical exam was done by Dr. Charles F. Paine. He states that the disability is liable to increase and is not caused by any habit but he finds this disability, as described, not to warrant an increase in his pension.

8 November 1880: Another request for increase of the pension. By this request Hosea is now receiving $18 per month and the request is not granted. A. C. Fanning of Troy is his lawyer on this document.

19 October 1881: Another request for increase of the pension. By this request Hosea is 61 years old and living in Armenia Township. He now states he cannot do any manual labor whatever. Witnesses were B. Assuiwall(?) and D. Mitchell.

9 February 1882: Another physical exam was done by Dr. __________. He states that the disability is not as great as a loss of a hand or foot but finds the disability to be equal to, and entitling him to 7/9 3rd grade. The increase is not approved on 17 February 1882.

24 March 1882: Another request for increase of the pension. By this request Hosea is 62 years old. He states again that he cannot do any manual labor whatever. Witnesses were Jacob Thomas of Armenia and Smith Palmer of Troy. This time he gets the increase to $24 per month, commencing March 3, 1883.

30 June 1884: Another physical exam was done by Dr. Jonathon Price and Dr. Theron A. Wales. They find the disability to entitle him to a 2nd grade rating.

31 March 1888: Another request for increase of the pension. By this request Hosea is 67 years old. He states again that he cannot do any manual labor whatever. Witnesses were G. M. Mason and C. D. Ross of Troy.

4 June 1888: A general affidavit is filed on Hosea’s behalf by A. W. Seward (age 58) of Armenia and John Burnham (age 53) of Armenia. They state they have lived near him and saw him frequently.

19 September 1888: Another physical exam was done by D. N. Newton, J. B. Johnson and E. Wells. Hosea states he has increase much pain in left breast and cramps in left lung. Breath difficult. Can’t lie on left side. They find the disability to entitle him to a 2nd grade rating. On 18 December 1888 the increase is denied.

30 December 1889: A Declaration for Re-Rating of an Invalid Pension is filed by him. He states again that he cannot do any manual labor whatever and that the disability is now equivalent to the loss of a limb. Witnesses were Albert F. Harry/Hovey(?) and H. Carpenter of Troy. Included is a statement by Dr. T. Gamble that he agrees the disability is equal to the loss of one limb.

20 May 1897: A Declaration for Increase of an Invalid Pension is filed by him. He states again that he cannot do any manual labor whatever and that the disability is now equivalent to the loss of a limb. Witnesses were J. Linderman and G. Hickok. Included is a statement by Dr. T. Gamble that he agrees the disability is equal to the loss of one limb.

2 March 1898: Another physical exam was done by C. Carrie, J. Paine and Mr. Davison. They find the disability to entitle him to a $36 per month pension.

26 April 1898: A form is returned by Hosea to the Department of the Interior giving the following information:

Are you married: I am married. My wifes name was Sarah.

When, where, and by whom were you married: 48 years ago in Troy by Elder Dwire.

What record of marriage exists: we have always lived in Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Were you previously married: no answer was written down.

Have you any children living: 2 daughters living 1845 the other 1860. The oldest one is with us, she is a cripple. (Note: this would be Mable).

14 November1899: Sarah A. Scott fills out a form that gives the following information:

  1. Hosea died of heart failure, a result of the gunshot wound so near his heard on 3 November 1899.
  2. She married under the name of Sarah A. Chauncey on 2 March 1850 by Rev. W. H. Dwyer at East Troy, Pennsylvania.
  3. She appoints David J. Fanning of Troy as her attorney.
  4. Her post office is Covert.
The witnesses were Helen F. Estep and Will W. Scott.

21 November1899: William Cover, age 31 of Armenia township, fills out a form stating he helped to lay Hosea out at the time of his death.

12 December 1899: C. F. Murray, age 63, and Rebecca Murray fill out a form stating:

"We live about thirty rods from the claimant above named and was well acquainted with her and also with her husband, Hosea P. Scott, the soldier above named. We have known them many years. We were called to the home of said Hosea P. Scott about seven thirty o’clock in the morning of Nov. 3, 1899; were called by a grandson of the soldier. We immediately went down to the house. The soldier above named was dead; was found dead and was still warm. We have often heard him complain of trouble with his heart and with his wound which was very close to his heart. When walking about he would move about with his hand over his heart and over the place were he had been wounded. The same week that he died he told Rebecca Murray, affiant above named, when questioned about his complaint in his chest that ‘it seemed as if his heart was tied fast to the place where he was wounded’, and she thinks this was on Tuesday before he died. C. F. Murray states that he has often talked with him inregard to his trouble and that the soldier has told him many times that he was never free from pain in his chest where he was wounded, and had never been since he was wounded. We helped lay the soldier out. We are of the opinion that he died of heart failure brought on and caused by the gun-shot wound inflicted in the service and which was very close to his heart."

26 December 1899: Sarah A. Scott fills out an Application for Accrued Pension form. Will Scott and Charles H. Smith, both residing at Covert, witnessed the document and state they have known Hosea and Sarah for last 15 years. Mrs. Ann Lucas fills out an affidavit stating she knew both Hosea and Sarah before they were married and was present at their marriage. The lawyer, David J. Fanning sends a letter stating that Hosea died just one day before he would have executed his papers for three months draw of pension and that his widow, Sarah, and two daughters, one of whom is feeble both in mind and body, are in need of the pension.

22 January 1900: Eugene Mitchell, age 70, filled out a general affidavit stating he has known them both for many years and that they were never married before their marriage. He was present at their wedding.

11 February 1900: C. A. Smith, age 64 fills out a form that stating that there was no attending physican at the death of Hosea. He was found dead in bed in the morning.

15 March 1900: Rebecca Murray fills out a form that stating she lives within one mile of Sarah Scott and has known her for the past 25 years.

5 May 1900: Reuben Stiles, age 81, fills out a form stating he has also known them both for many years.

7May 1900: C. F. Murray, age 63, and William Covert, of Armenia township, fills out the following information on a general affidavit:

"We live very near to the home of the claimant above named; only thirty five rods and a quarter of a mile respectively, and we are well acquainted with her circumstances. The land upon which claimant lives was held by the soldier above named under contract which is not of record, from the estate known as the ‘Drinker Estate’; contains one hundred and twenty acres of land, and upon which there is unpaid about four hundred dollars; besides about one hundred dollars of other debts left by the soldier unpaid. The farm is all wild mountain land and the valuable timber has all been taken off. This land is not worth more that the claim that is held against it by the Drinker Heirs, besides the other debts. There is a small shanty on the premises which was put up for lumbering purposes and also a small barn on the premises. A very small portion of the land has been gone over say fifteen acres, but none of it can be said to be cleared and in tillable condition. Of this property, under the laws of Pennsylvania, the claimant would be entitled to the use of only one third, even if it were of any value outside of the debts. There was also left by the above named soldier one three year old heifer and thirteen hens and some household goods and the value of this personal property left by the soldier would not be worth more than forty dollars. Claimant has no property other than that left by the soldier. The property above named. Real and persona, is all that claimant possesses. The amount of the income that the claimant would derive from this property would be only what the cow and hens would bring to her, which would be very little indeed. The soldier left no insurance and there is no one legally bound to support her. Claimant is very poor and is in destitute circumatances and has no income from which she can derive her support."

29 May 1900: Fred R. Prince, County Commissioners Clerk, fills out a certificate of property assessment:

Personal property in name of widow: none

Real property assessed in the name of Hosea P. Scott in Armenia Township, 100 acres, $525.

Personal property in the name of said deceased husband: 1 horse, $20 and 1 cow, $15.

29 May 1900: Andrus Case, age 80, fills out a form stating:

"I am acquainted with these parties, both soldier and claimant above named, and knew them both at the time of their marriage and before that time, and am knowing to the fact that neither party was ever married but the once. They were married by the Rev. Dwyer, a Baptist Minister. I have been acquainted with them through the years since their marriage and up to the present time with the claimant and with the soldier up to the date of his death. I am knowing to the fact that the claimant above named has not remarried since the death of her late husband, the soldier above named?

8 October 1900: Delos Rockwell, age 63, fills out a form stating

"I was well acquainted with Hosea P. Scott, the soldier above named before his death, and had known him very many years. Am also acquainted with his widow the claimant above named. At the time of soldier’s death he held under contract from the Drinker heirs, whom I represent as attorney, about one hundred and twenty acres of land in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, upon which contract there was unpaid at the time of the soldier’s death about four hundred dollars, and this still remains unpaid, nothing at all having been paid since the death of the soldier above named. I state the above facts as to balance unpaid on this contract from personal and positive knowledge, and as attorney for the holders of the contract."

19 July 1902: Sarah A. Scott, age 82, fills out a "Declaration for Continuance of Pension on Account of Helpless Child". She is living in Covert and files it on account of Mabel E. Scott, the legitimate child of Hosea P. Scott, by reason of paralysis. She states the child has been this way since 1856 and was born August 1855 and is still living. Witnesses were E. A. Ball and Huldah Rendall witnessed the document.

Calendar No., 2731, 59th Congress, 1st Session – Senate Report

Sarah A. Scott: The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 10591) granting an increase of pension to Sarah A. Scott, have examined the same and report.

The report of the Committee on Invalid Pensions of the House of Representatives, hereto appended, is adopted and the passage of the bill is recommended.

The House report as follows:

The soldier named in the bill served as a private in Company A, One hundred and forty-second New York Volunteers, from November 6, 1864 to May 12, 1865, when honorably discharged; was a pensioner under the general law at $24 per month on account of a gunshot wound of the left breast and lund, and died of disease o heart November 3, 1899.

His widow, Sarah A. Scott, now 86 years of age, who married him on March 6, 1850, is now pensioned under the general law at $12 per month.

A claim for increase of pension filed by the widow on July 21, 1902, on behalf of Mabel E., the beneficiary named in the bill, as a helpless child of the soldier, born in August 1855, was rejected in August 1902, upon the ground that said child had been over 16 years of age at the time of its father’s death and that hence title on her account could not obtain.

Proof filed with your committee shows that the said Mabel E. Scott is a daughter of the soldier; that at the age of 14 months she had a stroke of paralysis on the right side; that as a result the right leg did not develop as the other leg; that the ankle of the same leg, as a result, is so weak that it does not support her weight; tha the right leg is shorter than the other and withered; that she has ever since been compelled to walk with a crutch, and has also been weak-minded during the same period and wholly incompetent to maintain and support herself, and has been supported by her mother, who herself has no means of support aside from the pension of $12 per month.

Following the rules of the Senate and House in similar cases, an increase of the widow’s pension from $12 to $24, to aid her in the support of her helpless child, is warranted, and the passage of the bill is therefore recommended.

The bill was approved on 7 May 1906.

21 September 1916: A form is sent in giving Sarah A. Scott’s birth information: Born in New Lebanon, New York, April 24, 1820

29 June 1920: Sarah A. Scott, age 100, requested a new certificate due to her house burning down on 10 June 1920. Lucia Loomis witnessed the document.


27 May 1921: David Fanning, writes to inform the Commissioner of Pensions that Sarah A. Scott died 21 May 1921 and wanting to know what he needs to do to get the new certificate placing Mabel E. Scott on the pension roll.

Death certificate of Sarah Angeline Scott

Residence: 1029 Pennsylvania Avenue, South Port Corners, New York

Date of birth: April 24, 1820

Occupation: housewife

Birthplace: Columbia County, New York

Father: Russel Chancy

Birthplace of father: Mass.

Maiden name of mother: Mable Porter

Birthplace of mother: Salem, Mass.

Date of Death: May 21, 1921 due to apoplexy and arteriosclerosis

Place of burial: Covert, Armenia, Pennsylvania

Date of burial 5/24/21

Undertaker: A. W. Fudge Jr.

Informant: Chas Estep

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 29 SEP 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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