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Canedy-Wilcox Divorce
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.
This is a transcription of the Divorce Papers of Juliana Wilcox and Avery Canedy  of Springfield Township, Bradford County, PA by June Wollard - Submitted to Tri-Counties by Charles Novak
 Bradford County Common Pleas No. 43 May Ten 1837

Avery Canady vs Juliana Canady

Sept. 13th 1837 On motion of the Bullock rule to take the depositions of witnesses before James Mattock, a Commission to be read in evidence in the trial of this cause.

Bradford County

In testimony that the above is a true copy of a rule taken in the above cause I have hereunto set my hand and offered seal this tenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

H Powell, Proty

Next page:

To the honorable the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of the county of Bradford

The bill of Avery Canady in all humble manner sheweth that your libellant on the 6th day of Jan y 1825 was contracted in matrimony and married to a certain Julianna Wilcox and from that time until the 12th day of July 1835 lived and cohabited with her the said Juliana, as his wife and as such was owned and acknowledged by her and so deemed and reputed by all his neighbors and acquaintances – and although by the laws of God as well as by their mutual vows of faith plighted to each other they were reciprocally bound to that constancy and uniform regard which ought to be inseparable from the marriage state – yet so it is that the said Juliana from the 12th day of July 1835 hath wilfully & maliciously deserted & absented herself from him, the said Avery and such absence and desertion hath been persisted in for the term of two years and more without any just or reasonable cause and she doth continue to absent herself from him the said Avery – wherefore your libellant further showing that he hath resided within this state from one year & more and is a citizen of the same prays your honors that a subpoena may issue forth to summon her the said Juliana to appear in the said honorable court at term next to answer the complaint aforesaid and also that a decree of the said honorable court may be given for the divorcing and separating her the said Juliana from the said libellants society fellowship and company in all time to come & him the said libellant from the marriage state bond aforesaid as if he had never been married and as if she the said Juliana were naturally dead and the said libellant as is duty bound will eresny (earnestly?) pray.

Avery Canedy

The said Avery on his oath doth declare that the facts contained in the above petition en libel are true to the best of his knowledge & belief & that the said complaint is not made out of ___ or by collusion between him and his wife and for the mere purpose of being free and separated from each other but in sincerity & truth for the causes mentioned in the libel

Avery Canady

Sworn and subscribed before me the 11th day of January 1837 Hiram Peires, Justice of the Peace

The following summary is the testimony of George Wilcox of Springfield Township, Bradford County taken before James Mattocks, a Justice of the Peace in and said county of the 6th of Oct. 1837 after being duly sworn did depose and say that he was present at the marriage of Avery Canedy and Juliana his wife about twelve years ago and I believe they never lawfully married together and about the two years last January they both stayed at my house and she declared publicly that she would not bed and board with her husband any longer and she then left him and went to the state of New York and has not lived with him since.

Elizabeth Wilcox his wife being sworn testified to the same as her husband has above sworn and subscribed George Willcox [brother of Juliana Wilcox]

before me James Mattocks JP Elizabeth Willcox

Sprinfield Oct 6th 1837

Alexander Canedy being duly sworn did depose and say that about a year last July Juliana Canedy the wife of Avery Canedy came to my house and staid one night and she then declared before me and my family that she would not ever live with her husband again nor as to see him and I believe she never has since.

Sworn and subscribed Alexander Canedy

Before me James Mattocks JP

Springfield, Oct 6th 1837

Hosea Canedy being duly sworn did depose and say that Juliana Canedy the wife of Avery Canedy came to George Wilcox house about three years ago and she told me she came get two of her children to take of (sic) with her – I told her she had better stay and live with her husband and take care of her children – and she said that she would not live with him another day as long as she lived and I have never known her to be with him since.

Sworn and subscribed before me Hosea Canedy

James Mattocks Justice of the peace

Springfield Oct. 6th 1837

Alexander Canedy being duly Sworn did depose and say that he has known Avery Caneda to have lived and resided in the Township of Springfield in the County of Bradford for the last four years and further sayid that he has lived in the house and nearby Avery Canedy and his wife Juliana all the time they cohabited together and never know him to misuse or abuse her nor I never heard any of the neighbour say that he ever did abuse her or gave her any provication to leave her husband and I have often asked her what she had against her husband that she would not live with him and her answer was that she had nothing against her husband only that she would not live with him

Sworn and Subscribed Alexander Canedy

before me James Mattocks, JP

Springfield, 9th 1837

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03 SEP 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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