Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
A Pictorial Catalog of
Commemorative Flagholders &
of Organizations &
Flagholder of Battalion 313
Commemorative Plaques & Flagholders
of Military and Organizations
as Photographed by Joyce M. Tice
1917 World War
Machine Gun Battalion 313
U.S. Army
This flagholder was found in Erie County PA by Bill Klauk. We
don't really know what it is or anything about the organization that placed
it. Any ideas or information welcome.
Here is a note from Bill:
After posting a query on the PAERIE-L maillist, and getting feedback
from several people, the 313th Machine Gun Battalion was part of the 80th
Division. After visiting two other local cemeteries and finding this
flagholder 7 or 8 more times (I didn't have my camera with me), I guessed
that this may have been a unit made up with a lot of Erie people.
After asking and getting a reply from the 80th Division Veterans contact,
it seems (but not confirmed) that the 313MGB may have been in today's terms,
Army Reserve, after WW1 as one person mentioned to me that their grandfather
was a member and their grandmother was in the auxilary. I need to
return and record all of the names, dates and other gravestone info on
all of the ones I saw and do some more research on the origin of the flagholder.
Bill Klauk