Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project by JMT
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Families & Individuals of the Tri-Counties
Descendants of Eunice Northrup & Thomas Wilson
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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Descendants of Thomas and Eunice migrated to Sullivan Township, Tioga County Pennsylvania

The following report on the Wilson / Northrup family is provided to you online from Joyce M. Tice and her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. Before you use this, please read the explanation at the bottom of the page about what I expect in return. This is a two way street so please reward my efforts with your contributions of genealogical research.

This is formatted in Modified Henry Format from Ultimate Family Tree Software. If you do not understand Modified Henry Format, please consult any reliable genealogical reference book.

This work is part of an active and dynamic project and it will be outdated as soon as it is printed. Please refer any contacts that you encounter who are interested in this back to me so that I can ensure that they have the most recent version of the work. This portion of it is neither complete nor perfect. It is through exchange that its quality and scope can increase. 

  First Generation

1. Thomas1 Wilson +, son of Benjamin Wilson A300,372 and Deborah Bennett A301,373, was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 25 OCT 1757. Thomas died 12 MAR 1856 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, at age 98.

He married twice. He married Eunice Northrup + ABT 1779 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Eunice was born 2 FEB 1761 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Eunice was the daughter of Isaac Northrup A302 and Elizabeth Lobdell A303. Eunice died 10 MAR 1812 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, at age 51. He married Sarah Monroe 31 JAN 1841 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Sarah was born 1809 in 48 in 1857.

 Thomas served in the military JAN 1776 in Connecticut. From Pension Claim 10280 - Thomas enlisted January 1776 while living in Ridgefield. He served two months in Captain Nathaniel Barnum's Company in Colonel Dimon's Connecticut Regiment; next served one month with the Connecticut troops under Lietenant Benjamin Smith; from April 1776, nine months as sergeant in Captain Cornelius Steinrod's Company in Colonel McDougal's New York Regiment; and was in the Battle of White Plains; from June 1779, one half month in Captain David Olmstead's Connecticut regiment. Thomas Wilson October 25, 1757 to March 12,1856 Married Eunice Northrup on January 31 1841 in Ridgefield by Levi Bronson. She was born February 3 1760 and died October 3, 1812 Enlisted January 1776. Was two months in Captain Nathaniel Barnum's Company, in Colonel Demon's Conecticut Regiment. Next served one month with Connecticut troops under Lt. Benjamin Smith from April 1, 1776. Nine months as a Sergeant in Capt. Cornelius Steinrod's company in Colonel McDougal's NY Regiment. Was in Battle of White Plains from sometime in June 1779. 1/2 month in Capt. David Olmstead's CT Regiment. Was a Private and fifer. N.O.W. 10,280. Pension Papers filed by Sarah Monroe (Wilson) 1857. See Barbour Vital Records for Town of Ridgefield CT before 1850. Vol.1 p. 94- DAR Application Paper

 Thomas Wilson+ and Eunice Northrup+ had the following children:

2 i. Aaron2 Wilson was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. He married Rebecca Hyatt * 25 JAN 1853.

+ 3 ii. Elizabeth Wilson+ was born 8 NOV 1779.

+ 4 iii. Benjamin Wilson was born 11 APR 1782.

5 iv. Anna Wilson was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 20 APR 1784.

6 v. Alma Wilson was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 9 NOV 1787.

Second Generation

3. Elizabeth2 Wilson + (Thomas1) was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 8 NOV 1779. Elizabeth died 13 JUN 1845 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 65. Her body was interred JUN 1845 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married Seth Whitlock Wood + 12 APR 1801 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Seth was born 10 JUL 1778 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Seth was the son of Jonathan Wood and Hannah Whitlock. Seth died 21 JUL 1847 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 69. His body was interred JUL 1847 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. He migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sullivan Township ABT 1823. Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth and Seth were both between 50 and 60 in 1830 and had no other household members than themselves.

Historical Note: . Seth and Elizabeth deeded land to the community for the burial ground now known as the Wood Cemetery. Deed Seth W. Wood to Public Community - Know all men by those present that I Seth W. Wood and Elizabeth his wife Both of Sullivan Township In the County of Tioga in State of Pennsylvania of the first, Witnesseth that on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Have this day gave the publick a certain piece of land lying .. being on the north east Side of the farm now owned by the S. W. Wood in fee one half acre of land for the publick for a Burying Ground for Interment commencing at a pile of stones on the West of South West corner of the Side Hill where the place in now occupied that purpose then east 7 rods ...the pile of Stones, North East to a heap of Stones, then 12 Rod then Next 7 Rods to the place of Beginning and a ...pass way for the Road to Burying ground containing 8 ... being the same more or less. And I the said Seth W. Wood have this day gave & transferred the above mentioned piece or parcel of land to the publick community for the sole use of a publick burying ground in a place for interment as for that purpose and to be ...for that purpose When occasion call for the Same and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs and executors By these presents and have Quit claim and Will Warrant ... forever against all & every person whomsoever ... by or under me - Sealed and Signed by us the date above with our hands ad Sullivan Jany, th 1st 1838 the Sixteenth .. inter.. before Signed Seth W. Wood Elizabeth Wood In presents of Rufus Smith, Mary Wood, Tioga County. Before me the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace in and for the Said County came Seth W. Wood and Elizabeth his wife and knowledge the above Indenture to be there free .. and deed for the purpose above mentioned and desire that the same might be Recorded as Such according to law, Witness my hand at Sullivan the 6 day of Jany, to 1838. Rufus Smith - Recorded January 21, 1841.

 transcribed by Joyce M. Tice, descendant of Seth Whitlock WOOD, Elizabeth WILSON, Rufus SMITH, and Mary WOOD, February 1997

Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth and Seth were both in the 60-70 age category in 1840 and were alone in their household.

Seth and Elizabeth settled the upper part of what became Sanitarium Hill Road. They built the house that exploded a few years ago from a propane leak. Some pieces from the old house were used in rebuilding the new house that Kay Canfield and her husband Andy Lyman live in. Seth and Elizabeth donated the land above their house for the Wood Cemetery. The Deed was made in 1838 and recorded in 1841. Witnesses were Rufus SMITH and Mary WOOD. It may even be that Jonathan WOOD, Seth's father owned the land earlier, or land nearby, as it appears that Jonathan lived on the Sullivan-Rutland Township border. It would have been wholly Sullivan from 1819 to 1829 when Rutland split off.

She migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sullivan Township ABT 1823.

 Elizabeth Wilson+ had the following child:

 + 7 i. Eunice Northrup3 Wilson + was born 16 MAY 1799.

Elizabeth Wilson+ and Seth Whitlock Wood+ had the following children:

+ 8 ii. Solomon L. Wood+ was born 2 JAN 1802.

9 iii. Alma Wood was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 1805. Alma died 10 OCT 1818 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, at age 13. Married very young before the family moved here and died in childbirth at about age 15. Confirm this from records.

+ 10 iv. Thomas Wood was born 4 APR 1806.

4. Benjamin2 Wilson (Thomas1) was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 11 APR 1782. Benjamin died 22 APR 1853 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. His body was interred APR 1853 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 He married twice. He married Lucy Whitlock BEF 1809. Lucy was born about 1782 in Connecticut. Lucy was the daughter of Samuel Whitlock and Esther Mead*. He married Dorcas H. Unknown (Wilson) BEF 1824. Dorcas was born 22 JUL 1796 in New York. Dorcas' birthdate is calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 78y 8m 7d.

Dorcas died 29 MAR 1875 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. Her body was interred APR 1875 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In 1860 Dorcas had only one child at home and Benjamin had died (1853). Angelina and Lucy A, widow and daughter of James D who has also recently died were living with her. I am not aware of a relationship between James (James D. father) and Benjamin. This might indicate that there is one. Investigate. Dorcas possible surname of NASH is not proven and may be only assumed because Hannah Nash, wife of Elijah was living with her in 1850 census. Or she may, in fact be sister of Elisha NASH. She may also be a sister or cousin of Hannah Rebecca DANN. Investigation required.

Benjamin was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Dorcas and Benjamin had two males under five, two males 5-10, one male 20-30 in their household. Benjamin and Dorcas were 40-50.

Benjamin was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Dorcas and Benjamin had 2 males under five, 2 females 5-10, three males 10-15, and one male 15-20 in their household in 1840. He was between 50 and 60, and she was between 40 and 50. Two of the 10-15 males can be accounted for as unidentified sons present in 1830 as under five. The third 10-15 male is unaccounted for. Dorcas and Benjamin lived close to his sister, Elizabeth WILSON Wood and next door to his niece, Eunice WILSON Smith.

In the Census of 1850, Benjamin was listed as a head of household in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Benjamin was a farmer with property worth $1000.

Benjamin Wilson and Lucy Whitlock had the following child:

+ 11 i. Samuel3 Wilson was born 13 FEB 1809. Benjamin Wilson and Dorcas H. Unknown (Wilson) had the following children: 12 ii. Thomas Wilson was born 18 MAY 1824. Thomas' birthdate is calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 23 y 6d. Thomas died 24 MAR 1847 at age 22. His body was interred MAR 1847 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Died at 23 years, 6 days.

13 iii. (Son ) Wilson was born 1821-25. This child is present in the 1840 census.

14 iv. (Son) Wilson was born 1826-30. This child is present in the 1840 census.

15 v. Lucy Wilson was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 29 JUL 1830. Lucy's birthdate is calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 15y 6m 16d. Lucy died 21 JUL 1846 at age 15. Her body was interred JUL 1846 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Age 15 y, 6 m,16 d is inscribed on the tombstone.

+ 16 vi. Harriet Dorcas Wilson was born 1833.

+ 17 vii. Lewis N. Wilson was born 1836.

18 viii. Amos M. Wilson was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1840.

 Third Generation

7. Eunice Northrup3 Wilson + (Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 16 MAY 1799. Barbour Collection of Fairfield County Vital Records pg.6? - Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Eunice Wilson had a daughter Eunice Northrup 5-16-1799. Individual flags: Photograph. Eunice died 21 SEP 1867 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 68. Her body was interred SEP 1867 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married Rufus Smith + JAN 1819 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Notice of the marriage appeared in the January 19, 1819 issue of the Hartford Courant.

Rufus was born 10 MAY 1799 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Rufus was the son of Matthew Smith+ and Abigail Benedict+. Rufus died 19 JAN 1886 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 86. Mansfield Advertiser 23rd Jun 1886 - Rufus Smith died Sullivan township Jun 19th age 88.

His body was interred JAN 1886 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The tombstone of Rufus was cleaned and repaired in 1995 by Ken Carnwright of Canton, PA.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Walton, Delaware County, New York. Eunice and Rufus were present at the time of the census, and possibly long enough for their second child to be born in 1821, after which time they went on to Sullivan and located by Eunice's mother.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Eunice and Rufus were between 30 and 40 in this census. In their household were one male and two females under five, two females 5-10, and one male 10-15.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Eunice and Rufus were between 40 and 50 in the 1840 census. They had two males and one female under five, one male and one female 5-10, two females 10-15, and two females 15-20 in their household. One child, possibly Solomon, appears to be missing from the household and may be the unexplained 10-15 year old male in the household of Solomon & Lydia WOOD.

In the Census of 1850, Rufus was listed as a head of household in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Jacob Fisher, a 38 year old shoemaker born in Maryland, was also in the household for this census.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Only Timothy and Reuben remained in the household of Eunice and Rufus this year. Timothy was already married and his wife Sophia was also in the household.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Deke and Polly and their four children lived with Rufus this year although he maintained his head of household status. My great grandmother, Cora, was eight months old.

Rufus was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In this year Rufus was 80 years old and still listed as the head of the household and an active farmer. Son Deke, age 40 and his family lived with Rufus. Florence A. was the youngest child at nine months. Polly was keeping house. Edson at fifteen, worked on the farm. Minnie at thirteen did housework, and Cora at age ten attended school.

Rufus and Eunice came on ox sled and took over 100 acres adding 200 more. They left Connecticut following the birth of their first child. The 1820 New York Census placed them in Walton, New York where the second child may have been born. The third child was born in Sullivan Township. They settled the lower part of what later became Sanitarium Hill Road while Eunice's mother and step-father were higher on the same hill. The orginal homestead was on the other side of the road from the more recent site of the Sanitarium. It is understood that Rufus made the trip to Connecticut at least once more, staying with his mother for the winter, and driving cattle back to Pennsylvania the following spring. Family tradition has it that he brought a willow staff with him and planted it on his land. It grew and several of his descendants had trees started from the original. Rufus served as Justice of the Peace in Sullivan. The land that Rufus and Eunice settled passed through the family to their children Northrup and Matthew. Several of Northrup's children became homeopathic physicians and built a tuberculosis sanitarium. The original building burned and was replaced by a smaller one which stands today. After the deaths of that generation in the 1920s, the property was owned by Steadmans, then Prentice, then McIntee who sold some of the land across the road from the Sanitarium house to Cotton Hanlon. It is now owned by people named Zepp.

    She migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sullivan Township ABT 1822. Eunice and Rufus came over from Ridgefield on an ox sled. Apparently they came because Eunice's mother was already in Sullivan with her husband Seth Wood who may have come because his father Jonathan was here even earlier. Apparently the second child, Sarah, was born in Walton, Delaware County, on the trip over. Many records list Eunice as Eunice Wood because her mother married Seth Wood about two years after her birth and she was a member of the Wood household.

 Eunice Northrup Wilson+ and Rufus Smith+ had the following children:

+ 20 ii. Sarah Ann Smith was born 26 JUL 1821.

21 iii. Abigail Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 22 AUG 1823. Abby died 20 NOV 1907 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 84. Her body was interred NOV 1907 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Rufus Whitlock 15 JAN 1857 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Rufus was born 28 JAN 1829 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Rufus was the son of Joseph Whitlock and Polly Smith. Rufus died 25 AUG 1889 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 60. His body was interred AUG 1889 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She became the foster mother of Morris Burr Whitlock AFT 1857 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Morris was raised by his aunt and uncle Abigail Smith and Rufus Whitlock. The adoption was not a formal one.

She became Lottie E. Hyatt's adoptive mother AFT 1872 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lottie was adopted as a young child by Abigail Smith and Rufus Whitlock and brought up by them in Sullivan Township.

Abby lived in the house below her parents on the road to Austinville. The land and house were given her and her husband by her parents. It is still standing in 1994 and has recently been remodeled by new owners. She and her husband Rufus Whitlock had no children but raised Morris Whitlock and Lottie Hyatt, the latter of whom they adopted. Both were relatives and are listed under their birth parents in this Smith work.

Abby apparently did a reverse migration spending time with relatives back in Ridgefield where she married and started her married life. Between 1860 and 1870 she returned to SUllivan Township with her husband and family.

+ 22 iv. Elizabeth Smith was born 7 MAY 1824.

23 v. Amanda Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 MAR 1826. She married Oliver Dodge 29 OCT 1846. Oliver was born 2 OCT 1824 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Oliver was the son of Lorain Dodge and Jane Head. Oliver was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. A second Oliver Dodge was in Franklin Township in Bradford in 1850.

+ 24 vi. Solomon Henry Smith was born 4 DEC 1828.

25 vii. Samuel Benedict Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 2 DEC 1830. Samuel died 19 DEC 1832 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 2. His body was interred DEC 1832 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

+ 26 viii. Nancy Emily Smith was born 14 APR 1833.

+ 27 ix. Mary A. Smith was born 29 JAN 1836.

+ 28 x. Timothy B. Smith was born 3 MAR 1838.

+ 29 xi. Matthew Richard Smith+ was born 16 NOV 1840.

+ 30 xii. Reuben M. Smith was born 17 APR 1842.

8. Solomon L.3 Wood + (Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 2 JAN 1802. Individual flags: Obituary; House. Solomon died 28 APR 1887 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 85. Mansfield Advertiser 4 May 1887- Solomon Wood died Sullivan twp. Apr 28th age 85, born Ridgefield CT Jan 2nd 1802; came about 1820, married 1823 Lydia Gates (she died 1869), one son. Lemuel; two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Holly, Mrs. Louis Roblyer. His body was interred MAY 1887 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 He married Lydia Gates + 20 JAN 1823 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Lydia was born 10 AUG 1800 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Lydia was the daughter of Stephen Gates+ and Mary Abbott+. Lydia died 30 OCT 1869 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 69. Her body was interred NOV 1869 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sullivan Township 1823.

Work of Alice Ellingsberg and Work of Ellen Louise Smith Jacobus. Family legend tells that Lydia was from a well to do family and that she came to the Sullivan Township "frontier" with nicer clothes than many of the other women had. She also had a chair put in the wagon for her so that she could ride in better style and comfort than the others. She earned the reputation of being somewhat snobbish, but eventually adjusted to her changed circumstances.

 He migrated from Ridgefield, Connecticut to Sullivan Township 1823. Solomon registered to pay taxes 1829 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Rutland Township was formed From Jackson and Sullivan in 1828. William Howland, William Rose and Ezra Wood performed the first tax assessment.

Solomon was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The household of Lydia and Solomon included themselves, one female 15-20 and one female 5-10. The younger would be Mary at age 6, and the older would be a visitor.

Solomon was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The household of Lydia and Solomon in 1840 included themselves and one male under 5, one male 10-15, two females under five, and one female 5-10. Both of them were in the 30-40 age category. This would mean that they had at least five children and not just the three that we know of. Alternatively, they may have had visiting children present in the household. Either Mary was absent from the household this year or she was erroneously listed as male 10-15. She should have been female 15-20. Alternatively the unexplained male 10-15 may be nephew Solomon Henry SMITH who appears to be missing from his parents' household at the time of the census.

In the Census of 1850, Solomon was listed as a head of household in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Daughter Mary with her husband and first child were living with Solomon and Lydia in 1850.

 Solomon was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Solomon and Lydia lived next to Abel Watkins. They were the last to be enumerated on August 10. Perhaps the census taker even spent the night with them and started on August 11, next door at the household of young Solomon and wife Emma. Lydia died before the next census, so Solompn spent both the 1870 and 1880 censuses in the household of son Solomon who apparently moved into the elder Wood's house with his family. Ridgefield Vital Records Vol.1, p. 162 Solomon Lemuel Wood Pension File Work of Alice Ellingsberg and work of Ellen Louise Smith Jacobus - One of the family stories passed on along with a chest used on the trip from Ridgefield to Sullivan by great granddaughter Ada Holly to her granddaughter Nancy Wood is the following. "The Wood family were sold their land by an agent who told them that the land in Pennsylvania was rich soil; not a rock in sight. As they walked with the ox cart, a little child was throwing stones. The adults assured him he'd better throw all the rocks he could find now, because there weren't going to be any when they reached Pennsylvania."

    Solomon L. Wood+ and Lydia Gates+ had the following children:

+ 31 i. Mary4 Wood + was born 15 SEP 1824.

+ 32 ii. Almira Wood was born 6 JUN 1833.

33 iii. (Daughter?) Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1836-40. This child was present in the household in the 1840 census but apparently did not survive.

34 iv. (Daughter?) Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1836-40. This child was present in the household in the 1840 census but apparently did not survive.

+ 35 v. Solomon Lemuel Wood was born 16 MAY 1838.

10. Thomas3 Wood (Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut 4 APR 1806. Thomas died 13 MAR 1886 in South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 79.

 He married twice. He married Harriet Daniels. Harriet was born 17 Mar 1805 in East Haddam, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Harriet was the daughter of Lemuel Clark Daniels and Eunice Unknown (Daniels). Harriet died 1849 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 44. He married DollyAnne Smith AFT 1850. DollyAnne was born 07 DEC 1810 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. DollyAnne was the daughter of Jesse Smith* and Annis Worden. She married Arba Wood BEF 1828. DollyAnne died 4 OCT 1894 in Gillett, Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 83. Her body was interred OCT 1894 in Gillett Cemetery, Gillett, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. In the Census of 1850, DollyAnne was listed as a head of household in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. DollyAnne's property was worth $1000.

 Thomas was listed as a household member living with Dwight Morgan on the 1850 Census in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Grandaughter Delphine was with Thomas and DollyAnne in the 1880 census. The family included Delphine's husband, James Will Mason and son Oley age 2.

 Thomas Wood and Harriet Daniels had the following children:

+ 36 i. Anna4 Wood.

37 ii. Andrew Wood. Andrew died young.

38 iii. Jane Wood. Jane died young.

+ 39 iv. Harriet Wood.

+ 40 v. John B. Wood was born 1827.

+ 41 vi. Clarinda Elizabeth Wood was born 15 APR 1829.

+ 42 vii. Frank H. Wood was born 10 NOV 1833.

43 viii. Priscilla Wood was born 1835. Priscilla died before 1880 in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. I do not find Prisilla listed on the cemetery lists of Sylvania Cemetery, Card Cemetery, or Wood Cemetery. She could be in any of those without a surviving marker. She married C. Harvey Peters 01 Jul 1866 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tioga County Agitator - July 25th 1866 issue: Married in Mansfield 1st instant., by the Rev. G. P. Watrous. Mr. Hervey C. Peters and Miss Priscilla L. Wood, both of Sullivan.

C. was born 20 JAN 1841 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. C. was the son of Alpheus Peters* and Nancy Unknown (Peters). C. died 19 May 1901 at age 60. His body was interred May 1901 in Granville, Granville Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Priscilla was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The 1870 census for the Sylvania area of Columbia lists Harvey as a blacksmith. The two children in the household, Eddie born 1863, and Lottie born 1865, are probably from an earlier marriage of Harvey. In the 1880 Columbia Township census, Harvey was still a blacksmith with no family, indicating that Priscilla had died, and the children died or grown up.

+ 44 ix. Susanna Wood was born APR 1836.

+ 45 x. Mary Ann Wood was born 1840.

+ 46 xi. Seth W. Wood was born Feb 1845.

+ 47 xii. George Nelson Wood was born 26 MAY 1847.

11. Samuel3 Wilson (Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Connecticut 13 FEB 1809. Samuel died 7 SEP 1870 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 61. His body was interred SEP 1870 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 He married Betsey Unknown (Wilson) BEF 1832. Betsey was born 17 SEP 1814 in Pennsylvania. Betsey died 13 MAY 1883 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 68. Her body was interred MAY 1883 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Albert Oldroyd believes that this Betsey may be a daughter of James WILSON and Elizabeth PREDMORE. I believe she may be another of the missing daughters of Silas B. SMITH and Milly WOOD. She has a son Silas B. which strengthens this hypothesis.

Samuel was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The household of Samuel and Betsey included themselves and two females 5-10 and one female under age 5 in 1840.

 In the Census of 1850, Samuel was listed as a head of household in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Samuel was a farmer with propery worth $1200. The record indicates he was born i Connecticut. This may not be so since his parents were from New Jersey.

Samuel was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Samuel was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The Sam and Betsey household was in Sullivan in 1840 census and in Rutland 1850,1860,1870,1880. I do not know exact date of move to determine where children born between 1840 and 1850 were born.

 Samuel Wilson and Betsey Unknown (Wilson) had the following children:

+ 48 i. Matilda4 Wilson was born 16 OCT 1832.

+ 49 ii. Louisa M. Wilson was born 1834.

+ 50 iii. Amelia Wilson was born 1837.

51 iv. Rosanna Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 4 FEB 1842. Rosanna died 17 AUG 1893 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 51. Her body was interred AUG 1893 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tombstone incription reads Rosina Wilson Watkins Feb. 5, 1842 - Aug. 17, 1893. She married Seely E. Watkins 28 OCT 1863 in Wellsboro, Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tioga County Agitator - Nov 4th 1863 issue: Married in Wellsboro, 28th ultimo, by Rev.George H. Jenks, Mr. Seel Watkins of Sullivan to Miss Rosanna Wilson of Rutland.

Selah was born 18 FEB 1842 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Selah was the son of Abel Watkins and Mary "Polly" VanGorder. He married Susie Brace 1894. Not certain if Susie married this Selah or a son, if there is one. This Selah's wife died in 1893, so it could be the same one.

He married Emma Unknown (Watkins) AFT 1894. Selah died 16 SEP 1925 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 83. Obituary: SELAH WATKINS DEAD AFTER SHORT ILLNESS: WAS 84 YEARS OF AGE.

Had been failing for sometime confined to bed only one day- Funeral services will be held Saturday.

Selah Watkins one of the oldest and best known residents of the vicinity, died at his farm home on the river road at three o'clock this morning of heart failure, following an illness of one day. Mr Wilson had been failing the last years but it was only in the past few days that his condition was considered serious. Mr Watkins had been identified with the farming -industry about Mansfield all his life and had accumulated considerable property . The funeral services will be held Saturday. A complete obituary will be published later.

His body was interred SEP 1925 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tombstone reads Selah (S.E.), Feb. 18, 1842 - Sept. 16, 1925. It appears that Selah had three wives. The first to Rosina is well documented. The second to Susie is documented form her obituary. She died shortly after marriage. It is assumed that this is the same Selah Watkins mentioned in her obitiuary. Information on the third wife is from the burial. Selah is buried with all three of these women. Mansfield Advertiser - 23 AUG 1893" Rosina Watkins dies 17 August at Richmond Twp. aged 51-6-10, wife of S. E. Watkins. Born in Rutland to Samuel and Betsey Wilson, Married 30 years. Had J. Walter Watkins of Lambs Creek and Mrs. G. M. Coons, Richmond.

+ 52 v. Samuel Francis Wilson was born 1846.

53 vi. Lucy Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 21 JUL 1848. Lucy's birthdate is calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 5y 6m 24d. Lucy died 14 FEB 1854 at age 5. Her body was interred FEB 1854 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

+ 54 vii. Orson Edgar Wilson was born 1857.

+ 55 viii. Silas B. Wilson was born 1858.

16. Harriet Dorcas3 Wilson (Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1833. Harriet died 1906 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. Her body was interred 1906 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 She married Andrew Jackson Smith BEF 1853. Jackson was born 1830 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Jackson was the son of Silas B. Smith and Milly Wood. Jackson died 1907 at age 77. His body was interred 1907 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tombstone reads "Jackson Smith, 1830-1907. Harriet D. 1833-1906."

 Jackson was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harriet and Jackson had daughter Celestia age 7 with them in this census.

 Jackson was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Lawrence Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harriet's mother, Dorcas Wilson age 73, was part of the household of Harriet and Jackson this year. They had three daughters, Celestia, Caroline and baby Millie. Jackson was a 39 year old wheelwright.

 Jackson was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harriet and Jackson's household included Jackson's father, Silas age 88, born in New Jersey, both parents born in PA. Carlie and Milly wee still in the household, and an eleven year old boy William, called a son, but not present in earlier censuses. in The 1900 census Harriet claimed to have had five children with two living. We know the identity of five daughters, so this is further evidence that William was not a son.

 Jackson was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harriet and Jackson were alone at the time of this census. Harriet said she had had five children and two were living at the time. The Daniel Burton Diary indicates that Jackson and his parents lived near Lambs Creek in the 1870s. Name given as Dorcus on tombstones of childen and as Harriet D. on her own tombstone.

 Harriet Dorcas Wilson and Andrew Jackson Smith had the following children:

57 ii. Sarah E. Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 20 JUL 1854. Sarah's Birthdate calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 9m 20d. Sarah died 10 MAY 1855 at age unknown. Her body was interred MAY 1855 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

58 iii. Jennett Smith was born 27 OCT 1862. Jennett's Birthdate calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 2y 5m 1d. Jennett died 28 MAR 1865 at age 2. Her body was interred MAR 1865 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

59 iv. Caroline Smith was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1865.

60 v. Millie Smith was born in Lawrence Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania ABT JAN 1870.

17. Lewis N.3 Wilson (Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1836. Lewis died 1918 at age 82. His body was interred 1918 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
He married Henrietta Unknown (Wilson). Henrietta was born 1837. Henrietta died 1920 at age 83. Her body was interred 1920 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 Lewis N. Wilson and Henrietta Unknown (Wilson) had the following children:

+ 61 i. James D.4 Wilson was born 1861.

62 ii. Walter L. Wilson was born 19 Mar 1864. Walter died 03 Oct 1872 at age 8. His body was interred Oct 1872 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Walter's birthdate is calculated from his deathdate and age on tombstone.

 Fourth Generation

19. Northrup4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut 4 MAY 1819. Individual flags: Obituary. Northrup died 5 NOV 1895 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 76. His body was interred NOV 1895 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 He married twice. He married Hannah Jane Roblyer BEF 1840. Hannah was born 28 OCT 1819 in Orange County, New York. Hannah's Birthdate calculated from deathdate and age on tombstone: 21y 4m 21d Hannah was the daughter of Hiram L. Roblyer* and Rhoda Sanford.

Hannah died 21 MAR 1841 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 21. Hanah's childbirth related death followed the birth of her second child by four days.

Her body was interred MAR 1841 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Sally A. Roblyer ABT 1842 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Sally was born 29 JUL 1822 in Warwick, Orange County, New York. Sally was the daughter of Hiram L. Roblyer* and Rhoda Sanford. Sally died 9 SEP 1906 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 84. Her body was interred SEP 1906 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

 Northrup was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The household of Hannah and Northrup included one female child under five. They lived next door to her brother, Andrew.

In the Census of 1850, Northrup was listed as a head of household in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Northrop Smith, born in Ridgefield, Conn., in 1819, is a farmer. His first wife was Hannah Roblyer, of Rutland, who died in 1841, leaving two children. In 1842 he married Sally A. Roblyer, of Rutland. They have eight children living. Mr. Smith has been a magistrate many years. His parents, Rufus and Eunice Smith, came from Connecticut, to Tioga County at an early day, with an ox team, and took up 100 acres of land. He has added 200 acres to his farm, reared a large family of children, and still resides on the old homestead, age 84 years. (1883 Tioga County History page 32 of appendix). (See June Mickley work for Nortrup's obituary following page 7.) In 1851 Northrup and Hiram Roblyer opened a store in Chandlersburg. Hiram retired in 1857 and Northrup continued the business for a number of years afterwards. Solomon Wood's letters to his future wife, Emma Doty, record his working for Northrup in his store. Northrup served several terms as Justice of the Peace in Sullivan township. He was elected in 1862 and re-elected in 1867, 1887, and 1892. He was the first Postmaster of the Elk Run Post Office established in 1854. He served as Postmaster from 1862 until 1892. He was both a farmer and a merchant. Four of his children became homeopathic physicians educated by money Northrup made cutting lumber on his land.

Northrup Smith and Hannah Jane Roblyer had the following children:

63 i. Louisa J.5 Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1840. Louisa died 1911 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. Her body was interred 1911 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Philemon D. "Frank" Rexford 18 APR 1859 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Philemon was born 1839 in Harmony, Chautauqua County, New York. Philemon was the son of Ernest Rexford and Elizabeth Smith. Philemon died 1916 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 77. His body was interred 1916 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Philemon was employed by the Morris Run Coal Company in 1865 and he became outside Foreman. In 1876 he bought the farm of 125 acres in Richmond Township where he and Louisa resided for many years. Jean Rumsey has this Philemon as son of Levi Rexford and Lurancy Doud. She may be right. Check earlier references that had different parents. Louisa was vice-grand of the Louisa Lodge, No. 105, Daughters of Rebekah, organized May 14, 1875.

64 ii. Rufus H. Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 17 MAR 1841. Rufus died 08 OCT 1841 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. His body was interred OCT 1841 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. It is likely that the full name was Rufus Hiram Smith after both grandfathers. Rufus' mother died four days after his birth. He lived only seven months.

Northrup Smith and Sally A. Roblyer had the following children: 65 iii. Sarah Lorena Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 14 AUG 1843. Lorena died 24 MAR 1889 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 45. Her body was interred MAR 1889 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lorena taught school and kept house for Uncle Tim according to family records of George H. Smith. In the 1880 census in the household of Northrop and Sally, S. L. Smith, daughter, age 42, is listed as having asthma.

66 iv. Diadama F. Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 DEC 1845. Damie's birthdate is calculated from her death date and age on tombstone: 25y 7m 12d. Individual flags: Photograph. Diadama died 28 JUL 1871 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 25. Her body was interred JUL 1871 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married William H. Bradford ABT 1870. William was born 1847 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. William was the son of Dr. Joseph Reynolds Bradford and Mary F. Merrill. He married Helen Eels * 02 Aug 1876 in Marathon, Cortland County, New York. Mansfield Advertiser 9th Aug 1876: Married W.H. Bradford of Cortland NY & Miss Helen Eels of Marathon NY Aug 2nd by Rev. B.T. Davies at home of Daniel Tarble of Marathon.

William died 1925 in of Wayne, Nebraska, at age 78. His body was interred 1925 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Diadama taught school.

67 v. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 20 MAR 1848. Individual flags: Photograph. Mary died 23 JUL 1926 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. Her body was interred JUL 1926 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mary's burial in Wood Cemetery was one of the last to take place for that cemetery. She is buried with others of her family who are arranged around the central Smith stone. Dr. Mary was the primary manager of the tuberculosis Sanitarium begun by the children of Northrup Smith. It was located on the old Rufus-Eunice Smith homestead. She, like her sister and two brothers, was a homeopathic physician. In the 1880 census she was living with her parents and at age 30, she was teaching.

68 vi. Clarence A. Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 7 DEC 1852. Clarence died 1930 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 77. He married Edith Annette Smith 29 Dec 1875 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Mansfield Advertiser 5th Jan 1876: Married Clarence A. Smith of Sullivan and Miss Edith A. Smith of Syracuse NY in Elmira Dec. 29th Rev. Elijah Horr, Jr. Double marriage with sister Ella and Elmier Welch.

Edith was born 12 JUL 1859 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Edith was the daughter of Albert Guthrie Smith and Louisa Mansfield. Edith died 16 JUN 1900 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 40. Her body was interred 19 JUN 1900. Obituary: Edith Smith, daughter of Albert and Louisa MANSFIELD SMITH, was born at Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, PA. July 12, 1861, and she died at her home in Elk Run June 16, 1900. At the age of four she went to live with her mother's aunt near Syracuse where she lived nine years, when she returned to her parents to be with her mother in her last days. After the death of her mother, which occurred in 1874, she again went to her aunts for a few months but finally returned to help an older sister in caring for the younger brothers and sisters. Dec. 29, 1875, she married Clarence SMITH, son of Northrop Smith of Sullivan. In 1880 under the preaching of Rev. E. E. Morris she gave her heart to God and united with the M. E. Church at Elk Run, of which she has been a faithful and consistent member until God said, "It is enough, come up higher." She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, seven children, a father, two brothers and four sisters, besides other friends. The family have lost their best earthly friend, the brothers and sisters a loving sister, the church one of its most faithful devoted members. Those that knew her best loved her most. The high place she held in the hearts of people was shown by the large number that gathered to pay a last tribute of respect and love to one of their number whom God in His providence had seen fit to call home. The funeral was held in the Elk Run M.E. Church June 19, 1900, Rev. W. H. Yard officiating. Clarence Smith obtained a Common School education, followed farming in Sullivan Township until 1880 when he engaged in the manufacture of lumber at Elk Run. He was a mechanic and a millwright by occupation. He was a Republican and filled a number of local public offices. At one time, Clarence ran the store at Elk Run. My father remembers that he sold Prince Albert tobacco, 12 cents a can or 25 cents for two. He also would take half pennies from children. They would manage to get them halved and he would accept it for half of a penny's worth of candy. The kids did it to save money, but they usually liked the candy so much they spent the other half penney, too.

69 vii. Dr. R. Belle Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 JUN 1857. Individual flags: Obituary. R. died 23 SEP 1901 in Waverly, Chemung County, New York, at age 44. Her body was interred SEP 1901 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Prof. Charles A. Beach 12 AUG 1880 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 18th Aug 1880: Married Prof. Charles A. Beach of Mansfield and Miss R. Belle Smith of Sullivan twp at home. Daughter of Northrup Smith Esq. Aug 12th by Rev. H. Moyer. Dr. R. Belle Smith was a doctor at the Smith Sanitarium. Obituary: Dr Beach Dead - She Passed Away at the Hospital Monday After a Brief Illness - Waverly, N.Y. Sept. 28 - Dr. R. Belle Beach, a well-known and highly respected lady physician of Waverly, died at the hospital Monday night of shock, following an operation. Dr. Beach had been ill lately, and a few days ago was removed to the hospital for the purpose of an operation. Deceased was aged forty-five and leaves two children. Arrangements for the funeral were made by E. S. Hanford. Services were held at the home on Waverly Street, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, and the remains were taken to Columbia Cross Roads PA for interment.

70 viii. Dr. Joseph N. Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1859. Joseph died in Sutton, Virginia, at age unknown. Wellsboro Agitator November 12, 1889 Joseph N. Smith Homeopathic Physician. Wellsboro, Pa. offices over Mathers and Graves Co. Store 9 - forenoons; 2-4 P.M. Nightcalls may be made at office. Dr. Joseph Smith was a pysician and surgeon at the Smith Sanitarium. He graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital College in Cleveland, Ohio. He practiced medicine in Wellsboro from 1887 to 1896 after which time he moved to Shippensburg, Pa, near Pittsburg.

71 ix. Dr. Augustus B. Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1861. Individual flags: Obituary. Augustus died 1924 in Pittsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, at age 63. He married Josephine Wilkins* ABT 1912. Josephine was born in Wilkinsburg, near Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Dr. Augustus Smith was a physician at the Smith Sanitarium. He later moved to Pittsburg to practice. He married Josephine Wilkins of Wilkinsburg, outside of Pittsburg. Obituary: Doctor A. B. SMITH Dies in Pittsburgh - Was One of Family of Physicians Coming from Sullivan Township - Dr. A. B. Smith, of Wilkinsburg station, Pittsburg, died at his home in that city of pneumonia, as will be noted in the following notice taken from the Wilkinsburg paper.

"Dr. A. B. Smith, one of the oldest and best known physicians in Wilkinsburg, having lived and practiced here for the past thirty-five years, died at 5 A.M., Thursday morning, after a short attack of pneumonia. He had been in good health previously and attended to his practice up to within a few days of the fatal illness.

"Dr. Smith was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He was a graduate of the Mansfield, Pa., State Normal School and of the Homeopathic College, Cleveland, Ohio. He came from a family of doctors; one brother and two sisters having been members of the profession. He was a member of the Masonic Order, being affiliated with the Wilkinsburg Lodge.

"Dr. Smith was married about 12 years ago to Miss Josephine Wilkins, of Wilkinsburg, by whom he is survived, as well as three brothers, Dr. J. M. Smith, of Shippensburg, Pa.; M. S. Smith, of Harrisburg, Pa., and Clarence A. Smith of Elmira, N.Y., also by a number of nieces and nephews, one of whom is Dr. L. M. Smith of Swissvale, Pa.

"Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family residence. Interment will be private."

Dr. Smith was one of several children in the same family to become physicians. He was the son of Northrup Smith and was born and raised in Sullivan Township. The Smith Sanitarium was conducted by Dr. Mary Smith, a sister of Dr. Augustus B. Smith. Dr. Smith was well known in this vicinity where he frequently visited. He graduated from Mansfield Normal in 1882.

72 x. Mark S. Smith was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 9 MAR 1863. Individual flags: Obituary. Mark died 1 DEC 1924 of of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at age 61. His body was interred DEC 1924 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Edith Ludington*. Edith was born 12 JUL 1859. Edith died 16 JUN 1900 at age 40. Her body was interred Jun 1900 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. There are Ludington families in Sullivan Township census records. No family has a daughter born near 1859. Anne PURVIS Hoskins work on Ludingtons does not include Edith.

He married Sue Managan 4 OCT 1888. Sue was the daughter of Mr. ? Managan and Ella D. Briggs*. Sue died 1947 at age unknown. Sue was a nurse from Duquesne, Pennsylvania. June Mickley describes her as an aunt of Evelyn Bardwell (Smith) but I do not have that link yet. Evelyn explains it as the half sister of her father, George. Masonic symbol on tombstone.Mark was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Mansfield, PA. He performed adminstrative tasks at Sanitarium after Dr. Mary was too old to do so. He died while hunting about seventy miles from Harrisburg which was his home at the time. He married Edith Ludington, but June Mickley also refers to a marriage to Sue Manigan .

20. Sarah Ann4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Walton, Delaware County, New York 26 JUL 1821. Sarah died 25 JUN 1899 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 77.

She married twice. She married Thomas Everett Rexford BEF 1845. Everett was born 4 NOV 1812. Everett was the son of Thomas Rexford. Everett died 7 JAN 1849 at age 36. His body was interred JAN 1849 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Everett was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Everettt lived with an older woman 50-60 in this census. This was probably his mother, Sophronia who was between marriages at this time. There was also a female child age 5-10 in the household. The middle name of Everett, which he used as his main name, does not give us a clue to the maternity of Everett as he got it from his paternal grandmother, Silve EVERETT.

She married Lorain Dodge Jr. 19 NOV 1852. Lorain was born 24 MAY 1826 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lorain was the son of Lorain Dodge and Jane Head. Lorain died 6 MAY 1900 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. in Leon Whitlock household Sullivan 193 in 1900 census

Sarah Ann Smith and Thomas Everett Rexford had the following children:

73 i. Thomas Edgar5 Rexford was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1845. He married Lydia L. Riley of Middlebury 10 MAY 1864 in Holidaytown. Tioga County Agitator - June 1st 1864 issue: Married in Holidaytown, 10th instant, by G.D. Keeney, Esq., Mr. Thomas R. Rexford of Sullivan to Miss Lydia J. Riley, of Middlebury.

Lydia was born 1845 in Pennsylvania.

74 ii. Henry E. Rexford was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania SEP 1848. Henry served in the military about 1863. Henry was in the G.A.R. at Sylvania, PA. June Mickley says he is buried in Wood Cemetery, but there is no longer a marker. Bert Strange diary records that "Hen Rexford and Eugene Thrall had a fight." on monday Sept. 29, 1902.

Sarah Ann Smith and Lorain Dodge Jr. had the following child: 75 iii. Julia Ann Dodge was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 22 SEP 1853. Julia died 11 JUL 1928 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, at age 74. Her body was interred Jun 1928 in Ridgefield Cemetery, Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. She married Morris Burr Whitlock 13 FEB 1873. Morris was born 1854 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Morris was the son of Henry Whitlock and Matilda (Lucy) Burr *. Morris died 18 FEB 1913 at age 58. His body was interred Feb 1913 in Ridgefield Cemetery, Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Morris became a foster child AFT 1857 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Morris was raised by his aunt and uncle Abigail Smith and Rufus Whitlock. The adoption was not a formal one. Morris was raised by Rufus Whitlock and Abby Smith, probably his aunt and uncle. He died of blood poisoning in one leg. He had a wooden leg and amputated his second leg prior to death. This probably resulted from diabetes melitis. He ran a livery stable in Ridgefield and one at home. He was a handsome man, with black hair and big brown eyes. His mother, Matilda, after death of Henry (her husband) lived with Morris and Florence. He died 6 months after Henry AUG 1913. From notes in material from Ellen Smith (Jacobus) Julia appears to have done a reverse of the migration that brought her grandparents from Ridgefield to Sullivan Township. She was born in Sullivan and died in Ridgefield. It will be interesting to see if we can find out where and with whom. Since her husband was a Whitlock born in Ridgefield, she may have been with some of his family members. Their children were born in Sullivan. Morris died before her but I do not know whether he died in Ridgefield or Sullivan or somewhere else. Needs further investigation. 22. Elizabeth4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 7 MAY 1824.

She married Ernest Rexford. Ernest was the son of Thomas Rexford and Sophronia Rose. A Levi Rexford was listed in the 1840 Census Index CD Rom with a note that the person transcribing it had difficulty with the first name. I do not find an Ernest Rexford in the 1850 census index, but several other Rexfords were in Harmony. I do not know the source that gave Harmony as a birthplace for one of the Rexford children and can not evaluate its reliability. NOTE Check June Mickley's work.

Elizabeth Smith and Ernest Rexford had the following children:

76 i. Louisa5 Rexford.

77 ii. Philemon D. "Frank" Rexford was born in Harmony, Chautauqua County, New York 1839. Philemon died 1916 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 77. His body was interred 1916 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Louisa J. Smith 18 APR 1859 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Louisa was born 1840 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Louisa was the daughter of Northrup Smith and Hannah Jane Roblyer. Louisa died 1911 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. Her body was interred 1911 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Louisa was vice-grand of the Louisa Lodge, No. 105, Daughters of Rebekah, organized May 14, 1875. Philemon was employed by the Morris Run Coal Company in 1865 and he became outside Foreman. In 1876 he bought the farm of 125 acres in Richmond Township where he and Louisa resided for many years. Jean Rumsey has this Philemon as son of Levi Rexford and Lurancy Doud. She may be right. Check earlier references that had different parents.

24. Solomon Henry4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 4 DEC 1828. Individual flags: Civil War; Photograph. Solomon died 17 MAY 1896 in Canton, Canton Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 67. His body was interred MAY 1896 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Lufannie Smith 16 JAN 1851 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. A. C. Huntley was the minister who performed the ceremony.

Lufannie was born 1 JUL 1829 in Hector, Tompkins County, New York. Lufannie was the daughter of Jasper Smith and Elizabeth Hall. Lufannie died 8 APR 1895 in Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 65. Her body was interred APR 1895 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Solomon served in the military 10 SEP 1864 in Farmington, Monroe County, New York. Solomon was a Civil War veteran enlisting at Farmington, NY on Sept. 10, 1864 for a period of one year. He was mustered into the service in Co, B., 12th Regiment of the New York Cavalry as a Private serving under Captain Church. He and his company were in action at Cold Creek, North Carolina. He was captured near Newborn, NC March 11, 1865. He was paroled at Coxes Wharf, VA March 26, 1865, and reported at Camp Parole, MD March 28, 1865. He was mustered out at Annapolis, MD June 27, 1865 under General Order No. 77 He appears on Co. Muster-out Roll dated July 19, 1865, Raleigh, NC. Solomon was a member of the G.A.R. Ingham Post # 91 at Canton, PA. The SMITH homestead which Solomon and Lufannie occupied by 1857 was located between McIntosh Hollow and Chases Mill in Ward Township, Tioga County, PA.

Solomon Henry Smith and Lufannie Smith had the following children:

78 i. Frances Elizabeth5 Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 12 JUL 1852. Individual flags: Photograph. Frances died 31 MAR 1928 at age 75. Her body was interred APR 1928 in Park Cemetery, Canton, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married George Dudley Moore 8 OCT 1874. Dudley was born 06 Nov 1855 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Dudley was the son of Israel Moore and Harriet Kiff. Dudley died 30 Mar 1939 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 83. His body was interred Apr 1939 in Park Cemetery, Canton, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The anonymous Kiff work lists Christene as daughter of George and Nina, but she is their grandaughter, daughter of Edith. Frances taught school for fourteen years.

79 ii. George Wesley Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 18 SEP 1854. George died 3 DEC 1929 in Covington, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 75. His body was interred Dec 1929 in Gray Cemetery, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Zylphia Ann Ingalls 02 Mar 1874. Zylphia was born 1849 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Zylphia was the daughter of Erastus Ingalls * and Elizabeth Unknown (Ingalls). Zylphia died 1919 in Covington, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 70. Her body was interred 1919 in Gray Cemetery, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Ella F. Briggs 1925. Ella was born 1857 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Ella was the daughter of John Briggs * and Anna Wood. She married George C. McConnell 20 Dec 1874 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Ella died 9 JAN 1936 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. Her body was interred Jan 1936 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Obituary: Mrs. Ella Smith died unexpectedly at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, January 9, 1936, while shoveling snow from her sidewalk at her home on Second Street. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Briggs and was born in Sullivan Township 79 years ago. In 1876 she was married to George McConnell and for many years lived on the Newtown Road. Mr. McConnell died in 1918, and a short time later she sold the farm and purchased the property on Second Street. In 1925, she was married to George Smith, of Covington, and resided in Covington until after Mr. Smith's death in 1929, when she returned to her home in Mansfield. She had been a member of the Mansfield Methodist Church for many years.

Quiet and unassuming, always ready to help those in need, Mrs. Smith will be remembered for her many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness of others. Her life closed while she was still able to enjoy her home and friends and only a few days before her death she told her pastor that she was happy and contented. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. H.P. Leiby of State College; a son, Glenn McConnell of Mansfield; three grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Elsie Nobles of Delmar.

Funeral Sunday conducted at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Glenn McConnell, on St. James street, and at 2:30 in the Methodist Church by the Rev. D. W. Baylis, Interment was in Prospect Cemetery. Pall bearers were James Searles, Fred Webster, Daniel Mudge, Fred Bennett, John Brace, and Carl Wilcox. Gorge was a carpenter. He owned a house on State Street in Covington.

80 iii. Hulda Abigail Smith was born in Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 4 APR 1857. Hulda died 30 MAY 1928 in Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. Her body was interred Jun 1927 in Park Cemetery, Canton, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Thomas Paul Furman 18 OCT 1874. Thomas was born 15 Jul 1851 in Columbia X Roads, Columbia Town, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Thomas was the son of Alfred Furman and Elizabeth Jane Gustin. Thomas died 02 Jun 1927 in Canton, Canton Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 75. His body was interred Jun 1927 in Park Cemetery, Canton, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

81 iv. Eunice Isabelle Smith was born in Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 JUN 1863. Individual flags: Photograph. Eunice died 4 AUG 1933 in Kingston,Ulster,New York, at age 70. Her body was interred Aug 1933 in Mt. Greenwood Cemetery, Shavertown, Pennsylvania. She married twice. She married John Nathan Landon 01 Jan 1880. John was born 09 Feb 1855 in Union Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. John was the son of Ezra A. Landon * and Nancy Ann Unknown (Landon). John died 10 Dec 1910 in Kingston,Pennsylvania, at age 55. His body was interred Dec 1910 in Mt. Greenwood Cemetery, Shavertown, Pennsylvania. She married James Kearney Carey * 12 Oct 1910 in Sayre, Athens Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. James was born 09 Oct 1864. James died 21 Sep 1949 at age 84.

82 v. Jasper Rufus Smith was born in Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 19 FEB 1868. Jasper Rufus Smith was named for his two grandfathers Rufus Smith and Jasper Smith. Individual flags: Photograph. Jasper died 6 NOV 1907 in Morris Run, Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 39. Jasper died from a rupture which was caused by a fall. His body was interred NOV 1907 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Charlotte Heron 23 DEC 1887.

Charlotte was born 04 MAY 1867 in East Wrenton, Durham County, England. Charlotte was the daughter of John Heron*. She married Franklin Smith 07 AUG 1910. Charlotte died 22 FEB 1947 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 79. Her body was interred FEB 1947 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

26. Nancy Emily4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 14 APR 1833. Nancy died in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, at age unknown.

She married twice. She married Levi S.T. Smith before 1856. Levi was born 1826 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Levi was the son of Arad Smith and Margery Ganoung*. Levi died 5 NOV 1862 at age 36. His body was interred Nov 1862 in Smith Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married William J. Hussey * 19 May 1866 in Elk County, Pennsylvania. Tioga County Agitator - June 6th 1866 issue: Married in Elk County, by Rev. A. S. Chandler, Mr. William Hussey of Maine and Mrs. Nancy Smith of Tioga County, Pa.

Nancy Emily Smith and Levi S.T. Smith had the following children:

83 i. William5 Smith was born before 1856.

84 ii. Eugene Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1856.

Nancy Emily Smith and William J. Hussey* had the following children: 85 iii. Anna Hussey. Individual flags: Photograph.

86 iv. John Hussey.

27. Mary A.4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 29 JAN 1836. Individual flags: Photograph. Mary died in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, at age unknown.

She married John DeWitt *.

Mary A. Smith and John DeWitt* had the following children:

87 i. Roy5 DeWitt. Roy died young.

88 ii. Daughters Three DeWitt.

28. Timothy B.4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 3 MAR 1838. Individual flags: Obituary. Timothy died 24 JUL 1914 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 76. Obituary: Death of Timothy Smith- Timothy Smith died July 24th at the family home on Pickle Hill in Richmond Township. He was 76 years old. He is survived by his widow, three sons; W.B. Smith and Fred A. Smith of Richmond; Ernest G. Smith of Laquin; two daughters; Mrs. Leon Lilley, of Geneva, New York; and Miss Rose Smith at home; one brother, Dr. Reuben Smith of Pennfield , Penna; one sister, Mrs. W. J. Hussey of Boston, Mass., and seven grandchildren. Funeral was held from the home at two o'clock on the afternoon of July 27th, Rev, A.W. Battey, pastor of the Mansfield Methodist Episcopal Church officiating. Burial was in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield. Mr. Smith had resided in Richmond for more than forty years, and during this time was engaged successfully in farming. Industrious, cheerful, and obliging, he made large numbers of friends. He was one of Richmond's best citizens. Obituary from Wellsboro Agitator Aug. 5, 1914. His body was interred JUL 1914 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Sophia Sherman. Sophia was born 1840 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Sophia was the daughter of Charles Sherman and Matilda C. Lake *. Her body was interred in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Timothy B. Smith and Sophia Sherman had the following children:

89 i. Isaac Horace5 Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1864. His body was interred in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

90 ii. Rose Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1867. Her body was interred in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Mr. ? Watkins. Rose was divorced from Mr. Watkins. She lived with her parents. If all dates are correct, she was 14 when Leon was born. See note on Leon about date.

91 iii. William B. Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1869. William died 1936 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 67. His body was interred 1936 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Flora E. Love* 2 APR 1901. Flora was born 1868. Flora died 1955 at age 87. Her body was interred 1955 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

92 iv. Fred A. Smith was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1873. He married Rose Unknown (Smith). Wife of Fred Smith was Polish and was reared by Rexfords of Richmond Township. Fred had a livery stable on Wellsboro Street in Mansfield 1908-09.

93 v. Sadie L. Smith was born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1880. Sadie died in of Geneva, Livingston Co., New York, at age unknown. She married twice. She married William Tills*. She married Leon Lilley* 4 DEC 1898 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

94 vi. Ernest G. Smith was born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania NOV 1879. Ernest died 30 DEC 1958 in Shunk, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, at age 79. His body was interred Jan 1959 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Mayme Elvaretta McKay before 1907. Mayme was born 25 FEB 1884 in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. Mayme was the daughter of Thomas George McKay* and Anita Elvaretta Wright*. Mayme died 13 AUG 1968 in Corning, Steuben County, New York, at age 84. Her body was interred Aug 1968 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

29. Matthew Richard4 Smith + (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 NOV 1840. Individual flags: Photograph. Deke died 24 AUG 1903 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 62. His body was interred AUG 1903 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Polly Maria Comfort + 16 NOV 1858. Polly was born 22 FEB 1842 in Gillett, Ridgebury Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Polly was the daughter of John Comfort A38 and Sarah Head A39. Polly died 16 MAR 1926 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 84. Polly's death certificate, signed by Dr. Gustin, indicates Bronco Pneumonia as cause of death with influenza as a contriobutory factor. Obituary: Mrs. R.M.Smith Born at Gilett on February 22, 1842, a daughter of John and Sally Head Comfort, died in the home of her daughter Maude Newell, in the Ayers house on West Main Street yesterday morning March 24 th. The funeral will be held at the Bakersburg Church on Saturday at one o'clock and interment will be in the Hawley cemetery in Sullivan Township. Died March 24th, 1926.

Her body was interred MAR 1926 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Polly's was one of the latest burials in the Wood Cemetery.

Those who remember Polly, and they are old people now, remember her very dark eyes. We have just one snapshot of her as an older woman and photographs when she was younger and they show the very dark, deep set eyes. Polly's father died when she was eleven years old. She married at age 16 and moved to the Sanitarium Hill farm of her husband's family. In the 1860 census, one of her younger brothers was living with her there. She was widowed at the age of 61 and lived another 23 years. As an older woman she had Alzheimer's or some similar disease and was under the care of various of her children. Both my father, Leslie M. TICE, and Ellen SMITH Jacobus remember how difficult she was to care for when she was staying with her daughter Cora SMITH Tice not long before her death.

Deke lived on Sanitarium Hill where his parents had settled. The farm was known as the Deke Smith place within the memory of people still living. This is on the other side of the road from the sanitarium. Joan O'dell remembers a foundation in that area. Herman Tears claims to have plowed it all under when he farmed the same land.

Matthew Richard Smith+ and Polly Maria Comfort+ had the following children:

95 i. Hiram Fred5 Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 12 MAR 1860. Freddie died 29 JAN 1863 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 2. His body was interred Jan 1863 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

96 ii. Helen Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 28 MAR 1862. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Helen died 04 Mar 1915 in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 52. Her body was interred Mar 1915 in Baptist Hill Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married twice. She married Sumner Wilson. Sumner was born 1858 in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Sumner was the son of John Wilson and Jane Furman. Sumner died 1891 at age 33. His body was interred 1891 in Baptist Hill Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Judd B. Hall*.

97 iii. Edson Willard Smith was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 25 JAN 1865. Individual flags: Photograph. Edson died 10 MAY 1925 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 60. His body was interred MAY 1925 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. He married Julia Sybil Farr 1884 in Wellsburg, Ashland Township, Chemung County, New York. Julia was born 8 AUG 1869 in Windham County, Vermont. Julia was the daughter of Stephen F. Farr and Delia Ellen Latterell. Julia died 9 JAN 1962 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 92. Her body was interred 11 Jan 1962 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

98 iv. Minnie Ermerine Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 21 APR 1867. Individual flags: Photograph. Minnie died 21 JUN 1894 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 27. Her body was interred Jun 1894 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Samuel Wilbur Sherman 13 MAY 1886 in Penn Yan, Yates County, New York. Samuel was born 19 MAR 1858 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Samuel was the son of Samuel Wilber Sherman and Lucy Permelia Crippen. Samuel died 4 NOV 1928 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 70. His body was interred Nov 1928 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Another reference says Jobs Corners Cemetery another reference says Jobs Corners Cemetery

99 v. Cora May Smith A9 was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 2 DEC 1869. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Cory died 22 MAY 1943 in Blossburg Hospital, Blossburg, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. Her body was interred 25 MAY 1943 in Gray Valley Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Harvey L. Tice A8 4 JUL 1886 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. When Cory and Harvey married, he was 28 years old and she was 16. We are fortunate to have their wedding picture on tintype. Homer Tice had the original until shortly before his death. He had had copies made for several family members, and gave me an original. We also have a snapshot of the two of them late in life. They married on July 4 and for many years their descendants held their annual reunion on July 4 for that reason. Mansfield Advertiser 21st July 1886 : Harvey Tice of Rutland Hill and Miss Smith of Sullivan twp. married recently.

Harvey was born 9 MAY 1858 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harvey was the son of Philip Tice+ and Amanda "Elsie" Sutton+*. Harvey died 14 APR 1926 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 67. His body was interred APR 1926 in Gray Valley Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harvey was born on Pumpkin Hill outside of Roseville just before the Civil War. He was the youngest child of the family and some of his brothers were old enough to serve in the Civil War. He was living as a farm hand in the Leonard Bradford household in the 1880 census. This was on the North Road in Sullivan Township, very close to Sanitarium Hill where Cora lived. Cora and Harvey lived in a large number of different places. At the time Lee was born, they were in Galeton where two of Harvey's older brothers lived. Henry was postmaster and Philip had a sawmill. Harvey was working for Philip. Later they lived on Sanitarium Hill in the house that Joe Holly and Mary Wood built. They lived on Ames Hill, and they lived in the house that Earl later lived in and that Florence still lives in in the Gray Valley area of Sullivan Township. They were farmers for most of their lives. Both joined the Rutland Hill Church February 12, 1893 and both were baptised in the same church in 1895. Harvey died at nearly age 68 of pneumonia. After he died, Cora and Bertha lived in a small house on the same property. He always signed his name as H. L. Tice. We do not know for sure what the L. stands for but John Tice is pretty sure it is Lee. Others have guessed the same, but proof is lacking at this time. Cory was among the youngest in her family. Only two sisters, Maude and Florence who died young, were younger. She helped care for her aged mother, Polly, who had Alzheimer's disease or something similar. Polly lived in Cory's household through part of her old age. Polly died in March of 1926 at Maude's home in Troy, and Harvey died the following month. She survived him for 17 years continuing to provide a home for Bertha who was mentally retarded. She helped care for her grandsons, Homer and Leslie, following the early death of their mother in 1925.

100 vi. Maude E. Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 9 JUN 1875. Individual flags: Photograph. Maude died 13 JUL 1950 at age 75. Her body was interred Jul 1950 in Stull Cemetery, Union Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Alfred Newell 29 DEC 1898. Alfred was born 1857 in Roaring Branch, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Alfred was the son of William Newell * and Kissey Ann Jackson *. He married Maggie A. Stull*. Alfred died 1925 at age 68. His body was interred 1925 in Stull Cemetery, Union Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Alfred was a farmer and a thresher. He had been married to Maggie Stull who died in 1894. Aunt Maude stayed with my father some after his mother died. He remembers holding her hand and looking out the window and watching a big storm come up the valley.

101 vii. Florence A. Smith was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 25 SEP 1879. Individual flags: Photograph. Florence died 12 DEC 1884 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 5. Her body was interred Dec 1884 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

30. Reuben M.4 Smith (Eunice Northrup3 Wilson, Elizabeth2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 17 APR 1842. Individual flags: Photograph. Reuben died 23 AUG 1924 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 82. His body was interred AUG 1924 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.

 He married twice. He married Cordelia Doty. Deal was born 1838 in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Deal was the daughter of Benjamin Doty and Jerusha Wright*. Deal died 18 MAY 1926 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 87. Obituary : Mrs Cordelia Doty died Tuesday at the home of her daughter Mrs Elmer Van Valkner on West Hill, aged eighty-nine years. Mrs Doty is survived by two daughters, Mrs Elmer Van Valkner of West Hill, Elmira, and Mrs Horace Hulslander of Mansfield, Pa.: six grandchildren and four great grand- children. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 o'clock at the family home on West Hill, the Rev. C.G. McConnell will officiate . Burial in Woodlawn cemetery

Her body was interred MAY 1926 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Deal was divorced from Reuben M. Smith ABT 1871 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Hazel SMITH Whelpley recently obtained the divorce paper from a nephew whose father had had it. The date precedes Alice's birth by several years.

 He married Lavansha Ann Ballard 24 MAY 1878 in Marengo, Iowa. Lavansha was born 19 Sep 1858 in Iowa. Lavansha was the daughter of William Parks Ballard and Mary Ann Wyant. Lavansha died 01 Feb 1937 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 78.

Reuben was divorced from Cordelia Doty ABT 1871 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Hazel SMITH Whelpley recently obtained the divorce paper from a nephew whose father had had it. The date precedes Alice's birth by several years.

Reuben was a physician and pharmacist in Clearfield County, PA. NOTE : See Hazel Whelpley's work for more detail on this life.

Reuben M. Smith and Cordelia Doty had the following child:

102 i. Grace5 Smith was born in Pennsylvania 1867. Grace died 13 SEP 1949 at age 82. She married Elmer VanValkner 12 FEB 1889. Elmer was born 30 JUL 1861 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Elmer was the son of Mr. ? VanValkner. Elmer died 21 AUG 1923 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 62. His body was interred AUG 1923 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Elmer died of cancer. Obituary : The death of Elmer Van Valkner occurred at his home north of this city in the town of Elmira, Monday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, one son, Winfield and one daughter, Mrs Muriel Reinbold, at home. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, The Rev. Carl McConnell officiating. Burial in Woodlawn. Reuben M. Smith and Lavansha Ann Ballard had the following children: 103 ii. George Rufus Smith was born in Spring Run,,Elk County,PA 20 Jun 1879. Rufey died 31 Jan 1964 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 84. His body was interred Feb 1964 in Hyde,,Pennsylvania. He married Mary Jane Coon 24 Aug 1904 in Olean,Cattaraugus,NY. Jennie was born 04 Feb 1885 in,Lawrence County, Kentucky. Jennie was the daughter of Abel Finley Coon and Barbara Helen Eshbaugh. Jennie died 02 Aug 1963 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. Her body was interred Aug 1963 in Hyde,,Pennsylvania.

104 iii. William Henry Smith was born in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 15 Dec 1880. William died 1900 at age 19. His body was interred 1900 in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.

105 iv. Winifred Smith was born in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 14 Dec 1882. Individual flags: Photograph. Winifred died 14 Nov 1960 in DuBois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 77. Her body was interred Nov 1960 in DuBois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. She married L. W. Smith *.

106 v. Glydis Clarabel Smith was born in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 24 Mar 1885. Individual flags: Soc.Sec.. Glydis died 16 Sep 1973 in Angola, Erie County, New York, at age 88. Her body was interred Sep 1973 in Angola, Erie County, New York. She married Albert Ahlers*. Albert was born 15 May 1883. Albert died Nov 1965 at age 82.

107 vi. Joseph Blair Smith was born in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 05 Jun 1887. Joseph died 1948 in N.Tonwanda,,New York, at age 61. His body was interred 1948 in DuBois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. He married Rose Brink * before 1919. Rose was born 1893. Rose died 1964 in New York, at age 71. Her body was interred 1964 in DuBois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Joe and wife Rose had six children according to Hazel Smith Whelpley, his niece.

108 vii. Ballard Mead Smith was born in Penfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania 19 Jun 1899. Ballard died 04 Jul 1965 in Falls Creek,,PA, at age 66. He married Hazel McKinley 04 Jun 1924. Ballard and wife Hazel had one child according to niece Hazel Smith Whelpley.

31. Mary4 Wood + (Solomon L.3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 15 SEP 1824. Individual flags: House. Mary died 14 JUN 1893 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 68. Obituary from Ruth Holly's Scrapbook : Mrs. Mary Wood Holly was born Sept. 15th, 1824 and died June 14th, 1893, being nearly 68 years and 9 months old. The funeral was held at the Rutland Hill M.E.Church, the Rev. Earl Rockwell officiating. She was the oldest child of Solomon Wood, one of the oldest residents of Sullivan township. She was joined in marriage Sept. 23, 1846, with J.W. Holly, and was converted and joined th M.E. Church at Rutland Hill in the latter part of 1853. She was ever a faithful and conscientious Christian. She was the mother of eight children, four of whom, including the only son, have preceded her to the home beyond. Her aged husband, together with the remaining four, Mrs. Menzo Mudge (Ruth Holly), of Elk Run; Mrs. C.R Sanders, of Elmira; Mrs. A.m. Crippen, and Miss Ella Holly, deeply mourn the loss of an ever affectionate wife and mother. She is also mourned by her only sister, Mrs. Lewis Roblyer, of Sullivan, and brother S.L. Wood of Elk Run. She was ever looking on the bright side. If she had trials and afflictions she always buried them deeply. She always thought of everyone else before herself. Even when that dreadful disease cancer was growing upon her she chose to bear it silently rather than distress those she loved. She was patient and cheerful until the end. Her body was interred JUN 1893 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married Joseph Wilson Holly + 23 SEP 1846. Joe and his brother William were married on the same day. This same marriage date was given in Mary's obituary.

Joe was born 26 SEP 1820 in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Joe was the son of Joseph H. Holly+ and Sarah McWhorter+. Joe died 11 AUG 1894 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. Joe was living in the household of his daughter Eda and died instantly of a stroke at the supper table. Death of an Old Resident(Obituary Notice) Mr. J.W.Holly died quite unexpectedly last Saturday morning at 2 o'clock at the home of his daughter Mrs. A.M. Crippen of this boro. The immediate cause of death was apoplexy. Mr. Holly was born Sept. 26,1820, at Wells, Pa., and there resided until 1834 when his parents moved to this county. he remained a member of his father's household until the fall of 1846, when he married Miss Mary Wood. The young couple soon afterward established for themselves a home and for forty years were counted among the substantial farmers of Rutland township. Mr. Holly united with the Rutland M.E.Church in 1853 and was a class leader and active member of that congregation for many years. He was generous to a fault, ever willing to do his full share in carrying forward any good work. His health had been steadily failing for three years, so that while his death was unexpected the end had been thought for some time to not be far off. His wife preceded him to the other shore by about a year. He is survived by four daughters: Mrs. Menzo Mudge (Ruth Holly) of Elk Run; Mrs. A.M.Crippen, of Mansfield, Mrs. Charles Sanders of Elmira, and Mrs. George M. Cornell, of Austinville. Rev. Paul Smith conducted the burial services, which were held on Sunday from the church of whose congregation he had so long been a member. The burial was in the Wood Cemetery.

His body was interred AUG 1894 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Joe was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In the census of Sullivan Township in 1850 Mary and Joe were living with Mary's parents Solomon & Lydia. They had a one year old child. In 1860 they were across the road from Mary's parents and her brother Solomon's household. They had 3 children ages 4, 2, and 4 months. Also Thomas Comfort, younger brother of Polly COMFORT Smith was with them. This was their first census in the house they built about 1853.

Joe was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Joe was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

We are fortunate to have the 1880 Diary of Joe Holly. It was taken to North Dakota by Lelia WOOD Strouse, the grandmother of Alice STROUSE Ellingsberg, who was a niece of Mary and Joe. When Lelia died and her house was to be torn down, Alice found the diary on the floor in the attic on her last visit into the house before its demolition. She posted a note at the Tioga County Historical Society about 1988 and I found it there in 1992. On a business trip to North Dakota that same year, Alice gave me the diary.

Mary and Joe built the house that Beardslees and Smiths (Roland and Shirley) lived in in the mid twentieth century. Before that my grandfather Tice had grown up in that house and carved his initials in the cellar door. Joan NASH O'Dell who grew up in the house with her Beardslee grandparents, says her grandmother always griped about the Tices for using so many nails when in fact it was probably Joe Holly and Mary Wood who used so many nails building it.

Mary lived her whole life on Sanitarium Hill in Sullivan Township. She was born there in 1824, the first child of her young parents who had so recently migrated from Connecticut. She lived with her parents for several years after her marriage, even when her first children were born. By 1853, she and Joe were able to build a house just down the road from her parents and she lived there until the day she died, probably no more than 500 feet from where she had been born. In Joe's 1880 diary he seldom mentioned her, only when she accompanied him on a shopping trip. Apparently he took her presence so much for granted that it was not necessary to say that she was there.

Mary Wood+ and Joseph Wilson Holly+ had the following children:

109 i. Sarah Elizabeth5 Holly was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 10 OCT 1849. Sarah's birthdate is calculated from her deathdate and age at death on tombstone: 3y 10m. Anne PRATT family records indicate 02 OCT 1849. Sarah died 10 AUG 1853 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 3. Her body was interred AUG 1853 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

110 ii. Lydia Jane Holly was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 10 FEB 1856. Lydia's birthdate is calculated from his deathdate and age at death on tombstone: 5y 11m 4d. Lydia died 14 JAN 1862 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 5. Her body was interred JAN 1862 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

111 iii. Ruth Marie Holly+ was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 18 JAN 1858. Individual flags: Death Cert; Photograph. Ruth died 26 SEP 1944 in Gray Valley Road, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 86. She was blind and bed-ridden by the time she died. The death certificate signed by Dr. Moore of Mansfield indicates pneumonia of three days durations as immediate cause of death, Congestive heart failure of one week as the cause of the pneumonia, and both uremia and senility as onther conditions. The time of death is given as 10:30 p.m. The death certificate includes her date of birth and parents' names, Wilson Holly and Mary Wood. Her body was interred SEP 1944 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Ruth is buried with her husband, Menzo, and his first wife Stella. Her daughter Mildred and her husband are beside her, and both Harold and Helen are in the same cemetery with their spouses. Her parents and first husband and first son are in the Wood Cemetery. Son Leigh is buried elsewhere, also. She married twice.

She married Freeman H. Welch 11 NOV 1876. Freeman was born 14 APR 1856 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Freeman was the son of William W. Welch and Mollie Mary McConnell. Freeman died 28 JAN 1886 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 29. Mansfield Advertiser - Feb. 3rd 1886- Freeman Welch died near Mansfield, Jan. 27th of consumption, age about 28, left 1 child, funeral at Chandlersburg.

His body was interred JAN 1886 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Stone is upright but leaning in ceemtery. Buried near son WiIlard and parents, William and Mary. First husband of Ruth Holly. Died at age thirty after ten years of marriage. Frequently mentioned in 1880 Joe Holly diary.

She married Menzo A. Mudge+ 4 NOV 1891. Menzo was born 15 SEP 1858 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Menzo was the son of Amos Mudge+ and Lucy Ann Bronson+. He married Stella V. Welch 19 MAR 1884 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Menzo died 28 AUG 1911 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 52. Menzo died seven hours after an attack of apoplexy - stroke. He was pronounced dead by Dr. H. C. Harkness of Mainesburg. Soper and Mosher were the undertakers.

His body was interred AUG 1911 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. At in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania he employed an unknown person. Rev. Will Walker wrote down his earliest memories in 1932. In about 1889, when Will was a little fellow, his mother was hired by Amos and Menzo Mudge to keep house after the death of Menzo's first wife, Caroline. " I also recall other happenings during the summer of 1889. Death visited the home of a family living in a town of Channelsburg about eight miles from my home (Chandlersburg is an earlier name for Elk Run and was still used concurrently well into the twentieth century). Their names were Mudge. Mr. Mudge's wife and his son's wife dies almost the same day. All were living in one home. We were living with Henry French, who is the husband of my oldest sister, Mattie. Mr. Mudge and son needed someone to help them badly in their home. Mother took me with her and for two months. lived as the Mudge home and did the house work. I recall the older Mr. Mudge very well. Instead of an express wagon to play with, I had what used to be the axle and wheels of an ancient express wagon, which I would play with by the hour in the front yard. What fun it was to lean over and grasp that axle, with a small wheel at each end, and run with it bending over it. It was rather a ludicrous position at play, and I recall how Mr. Mudge would sit on the porch and enjoy many a hearty laugh at my doings. I recall company there one day and Mr. Mudge had me go out in the yard and show them my trick with the old axle and wheels. I was two years and two months old at the time.

" I also recall another happening there at Mudge's that summer. There was a black and white pig kept in a pen down back of the barn, and one day I must have spent an hour throwing stones at the poor pig. In fact the floor of the pen was near covered with stone the size of your hand. The younger Mr. Mudge discovered me at last and picking me up, he carried me into the kitchen where my mother was. I don't recall that he even told mother of what he found me doing."

He made a will 3 MAR 1911 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Menzo's will was filed as No 5409 in the Register's Office on 28 Nov 1911. Loren Mudge was executor and witnesses were Harvey B. Leach and J. B. McConnell Menzo was a hired hand in the George Crippen household 1880 as hired hand. Manzo farmed all his life on the Gray Vally Road farm just up the hill from Elk Run that had belonged to his parents. Married for the first time at 18, widowed at 28. She was five years between marriages, so that she was 35 when she married Menzo. Her second family was born when she was between 37 and 43 years old. She died in mid September when I was five weeks old. My mother had brought me to see her as I was her first great grandchild. She was blind but Aunt Nellie took me to her and she was able to hold me and touch my face. She was well known for the many quilts she pieced by hand and quilted. People who were alive then remember her sitting by the window of the Mudge home on Gray Valley Road in Sullivan Township working on her quilts when they passed by. Anne PRATT has family papers that give middle name of Marie.

112 iv. Mary Eda Holly was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 29 JAN 1860. Eda died 1926 of Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 66. Her body was interred 1926 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married A. Morton Crippen 17 AUG 1881 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 24th Aug 1881: Married Mort Crippen & Miss Eda Holly, Sullivan twp. at res of George Horton, Mansfield, Aug 17th, Rev. J. Boyce. Double wedding with sister Mira.

A. was born 1858. A. was the son of George Crippen and Diantha Dann. A. died 1939 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 81. His body was interred 1939 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. One notice says Eda married A. C. Crippen, but Joe's obituary says A. M. Crippen and he is son of George and Diantha. Tombstone says Morton. Eda passed the teachers exam and taught at one of the little one room schoolhouses in Rutland township. Her father would take her and her sister Mira to their schools every Monday morning and pick them up on Friday afternoons. He never specified who they stayed with, but assumedly with a close family. None of the schools were very far away by today's standards, but apparently daily transportation was not adequate or practical. One taught at Burton Hill and the other at the Oldroyd School. This information comes from Joe's 1880 Diary. Joe died at Eda's house in Mansfield in 1894, had a stroke at the supper table and died on the spot.

Family papers of Anne PRATT give first name of Mary, which Eda did not use.

113 v. E. Almira Holly was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 20 AUG 1862. Mira died in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age unknown. She married Charles R. Sanders 17 AUG 1881 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 24th Aug 1881: Married Charles Sanders of Richmond & Miss Mira Holly of Sullivan at residence of George Horton in Mansfield Aug 17th by Rev. J.A. Boyce. Double wedding with sister Eda.

Charles was born 29 JAN 1853 in Charleston, Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Charles was the son of Jeremiah Sanders * and Martha Fidelia Putnam *. information on birth in Tioga County Records 1801-1854 Another source says SEP 1861, Pennsylvania. May be more than one Charles Saunders Pearl Place, Elmira NY Mira lived in Olean NY. Anne PRATT Slatin wrote in November 1997, "I really have no knowledge of Mira firsthand. My husband, who was a classmate of my father at Cornell, remembers her vividly. He reports that she was the most beautiful and regal woman for her age. He knew Mira prior to World War II, when he lived in Buffalo and had dinner most every Sunday at Dora and Avery's house. Harvey describes Mira as a "queen", with great bearing."

114 vi. Joseph Arthur Holly was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 9 AUG 1865. Arthur's birthdate is calculated from his deathdate and age at death on tombstone: 12y 4m 13d. Joseph died 22 DEC 1877 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 12. His body was interred DEC 1877 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

115 vii. Dora Margaret Holly was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 4 JUL 1870. Dora's birthdate is calculated from his deathdate and age at death on tombstone: 7y 6m 15d. Dora died 19 JAN 1878 in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 7. Her body was interred JAN 1878 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

116 viii. Florence Ella Holly was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 20 OCT 1872. Individual flags: Photograph; Newspaper. She married George M. Cornell* 3 JUL 1894 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was born in Austinville, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. See obituary of Ettie Cornell page 5 of Minnie Kenyon scrapbook # 1. Is the George Cornell she is widow of this one? Is it Ella? If not what happened to her? See also Obit of Mrs. A.M. Cornell page 41 of same. George C. Cornell is buried in Gladding Cemetery 1857-1923 Bradford County History has earlier Cornells. Later Note: this George lived in Corning. Clipping on marriage from Ruth Holly (Welch Mudge) scrapbook. Married at parsonage in Mainesburg. Marriage Indexed at Bradford County Historical Society. Her husband was of Austinville at the time of their marriage. From Bradford Star Thursday July 19, 1894. Ella lived at 74 Ontario Street, Corning, NY.

Anne PRATT family papers give first name of Florence, which Ella did not use.

32. Almira4 Wood (Solomon L.3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 6 JUN 1833. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Mira died 1 JAN 1904 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 70. Obituary: Mrs. H. Lewis Roblyer, only surviving sister of Mr. S.L. Wood, of this boro, died at 4 o'clock this morning at her home, two miles from Elk Run. Mrs. Roblyer would have been 71 in June. She had enjoyed quite good health until Monday when she became unconscious through apoplexy, and so remained until relieved by death. Her husband and two sons survive - Herbert, of Balsam, and Levi, of Rutland. The funeral will be held from her late home on Friday at 1 o'clock, the Rev. Stoker officiating, burial in the Wood Cemetery in Sullivan. Her body was interred JAN 1904 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married Hiram Lewis Roblyer 3 OCT 1855 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lewis was born 14 MAR 1825 in Horseheads, Chemung County, New York. Lewis was the son of Hiram L. Roblyer* and Rhoda Sanford. Lewis died 4 MAY 1904 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 79. His body was interred MAY 1904 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Hiram moved to Rutland Township in 1837 with his parents. In 1851, he and his brother-in-law, Northrop Smith, opened a store in Chandlersburg (Elk Run). In 1857, he sold his interest to Northrop and bought a 104 acre farm on the Rutland Sullivan township border. He was a Republican. He was a successful farmer, and he also made excellent furniture some of which Inez ROBLYER Covell still owns.

The subject of this sketch came to Tioga county with his parents when twelve years old, and was reared to manhood in Rutland township. He afterwards worked as a farm hand- for several years. In 1851 he embarked in merchandising at Elk Run in partnership with Northrop Smith, but in 1857 he sold his interest to Mr. Smith and bought his present farm of 104 acres on which he has since lived. Mr. Roblyer was married October 3,1850, to Almira Wood, a daughter of Solomon and Lydia Wood, of Sullivan township, where her parents settled in 1821. Three children have been born to this union, viz: Herbert, resident of Delmar; Levi, who lives in Sullivan, and Harvey, who died November 18,1877. In politics, Mr. Roblyer is a Republican, and has served as auditor and treasurer of his township. Both he and wife are members of East Sullivan Grange.

Almira Wood and Hiram Lewis Roblyer had the following children:

117 i. Herbert5 Roblyer was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 JUL 1856. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Herbert died 17 NOV 1937 in Osceola, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at age 81. His body was interred NOV 1937 in Wellsboro Cemetery, Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Lina M. Wilbur 3 OCT 1880. Lina was born 16 Jun 1860. Lina was the daughter of Nelson Wilbur* and Melissa Hand*. Lina died 08 Feb 1915 in Wellsboro, Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 54. Her body was interred Feb 1915 in Wellsboro Cemetery, Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Agnes Brimmer* 14 MAR 1917. Agnes was born 1877. Tombstone gives 1860 as birthdate. Death date not given. Agnes Brimmer, wife of H. Roblyer.

Her body was interred in Wellsboro Cemetery, Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Herbert was educated at Mansfield Normal School and at the Warner Business College in Elmira NY. At age 21, he began teaching winters and in the summer worked on his parent's farm. He taught for seven years. At that time, the school term was much shorter than we are accustomed to. In 1881 he bought a farm of 100 acres in Delmar Township in Tioga County. He and his family attended the Episcopal Church. He was secretary of the Pomona Grange, and Director and Secretary of the Tioga County Grange Mutual Insurance, Co. He was a Republican. He was a school director in Delmar. Herbert and Lina were farmers in Stony Fork in Delmar Township. Obituary: Herbert Roblyer of Osceola, a prayer service was held at the family home Wednesday at 2 p.m. and the funeral in the Wellsboro M.E. church at 3:30, the Rev. E. Baker Brownell Officiated. Burial was in Wellsboro cemetery.

118 ii. Levi Roblyer was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 03 AUG 1857. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Levi died 21 MAY 1939 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 81. His body was interred 23 MAY 1939 in Mainesburg Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Rose Belle Smith 17 DEC 1879. Rose was born AUG 1863 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Rose was the daughter of Jonathan Smith and Lepha McConnell. Rose died 14 SEP 1903 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 40. Her body was interred Sep 1903 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Rose Austin AFT 1903. Rose was born 16 FEB 1864 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Rose was the daughter of Adam J. Austin and Mahala Furman*. Rose died 16 SEP 1951 in Johnson City, Broome County, New York, at age 87. Her body was interred 19 SEP 1951 in Mainesburg Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Rose spent her elder years after Levi's death in a small shack at the foot of Ashley Hill near Bryant's house but on the other side of the road and further along the road from the hill. Joan Nash O'Dell tells of going there to sell Rose seeds when she was a student. Rose had a five gallon pail full of change which was probably all the money she had in the world. She went to the curtain behind her bed and brought out the pail to get the money to pay for the seeds.

She eventually moved to the Binghamton NY area with her niece and died there.


We had not lived in the north Bungy Road area very long when Levi got sick and died. (DOD 1938) Being a good neighbor there was, of course, conversation and plans about sending food in during the funeral time. When it was time to take the food across the way, I made myself very available because I wanted to see someone who had died so I tagged along with my grandmother. Little did I know at age 8 or 9 what my future profession would be! (Joan was a nurse)

About all that I remember is that Levi looked very long to me and that he had on bib overalls. Later the funeral was held at the home and I remember seeing several cars lined up in the driveway. Levi and Rose had never had an automobile so that was a different sight from our house.

After a time lapse a shack between Stella Bryant's residence and the Rumsey bridge on the Ashley Hill Road was renovated and Rose moved in. (The 1875 atlas lists this place as the G. E. Goodrich residence.) At the time I wondered why she left a large farm house and moved into very minimal housing. In more recent years the injustice has been revealed to me.

During the 1930's and early 1940's country school children often sold things as a school project. The rewards for the kids were prizes of different values. One year our school sold garden seeds. I attended Lawrence Corners School, but I knew that Bungy School, another school in the area, had the same project. I remember that I wanted to sell enough seeds to get a certain mechanical pencil prize so I hit the road as soon as I got home from school so I could get to the available customers first. Rosie was on my planned route. I knocked on her door and she invited me in. I had been a bit apprehensive about my one on one encounter with this little old lady, but I wanted to sell seeds! I didn't even know that she might want any seeds, but I was there to sell. What I saw was one room ear of the dwelling. There was no telephone or electricity. There was a curtain hung across one end of the room and this served as her bedroom.

Rosie selected a few packets of seeds and then disappeared behind this curtain to get the money for her purchase. She reappeared with a five pound honey pail nearly full of change. I later told my grandmother about the pail of money and she commented that it may be all the money the poor woman had. I thought that Rosie didn't need to worry because that looked like a lot of money to me! I did sell enough seeds that year to get the pencil.

Rosie always appeared old, wrinkled and not too clean. When one would pass by she sometimes would be outside doing rather laborious work. I suppose she had no place to bathe and not a very nutritious diet. She spoke very little and was mild mannered. Carroll McConnell and I decided to nick-name ourselves after the two old ladies that lived nearly side by side on this road. She became Stella and I was Rosie. This precipitated much giggling on our part, as you can imagine. We did have this reputation!! To this day whenever Carroll and I correspond we sign our names accordingly.

I don't recall how long Rosie lived in this location, but I believe it was for a few years. I think she moved away after I entered nurses' training in 1947. I look back now on the social structure in that period of time and the lack of care for the elderly, particularly those with no children. I doubt if Rosie received any Social Security even though it started in 1936. What was her income? She had no medical care and no way to communicate in case of an emergency.

Even though I write these memories with humor and amazement I reflect on how lonely this harmless woman must have been. I do remember that she was robbed one time, but I do not know any details at this illness. Many of the details about the existence of this lady I never knew or they have faded with time, but my perspective is quite different now in 1997 than in 1940 when a child.

Joan Nash O'Dell Obituary : Levi Roblyer, 82, of Mansfield died at Blossburg, Pa. at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 21, 1939. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Rose Austin Roblyer; a son, Grant of Gillett. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the residence with burial in Mainesburg Cemetery. The Rev. orey Crippen will officiate. Star Gazette of Elmira NY 22 May 1939.

119 iii. Harvey Roblyer was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 29 MAR 1866. Harvey died 22 NOV 1877 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 11. His body was interred Nov 1877 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

35. Solomon Lemuel4 Wood (Solomon L.3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 MAY 1838. Individual flags: Civil War; Photograph; Letters. Lem died 3 DEC 1922 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 84. His body was interred DEC 1922 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Amanda Doty 7 FEB 1859 in Pine Woods, New York. Emma was born 28 JUL 1841 in Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Emma was the daughter of Benjamin Doty and Jerusha Wright*. Emma died 25 SEP 1915 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 74. Her body was interred SEP 1915 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. In Emma's era, Emma was a common name for Amanda.

Lem was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Solomon and Emma and daughter Lizzie age seven months, were the first to be enumerated on the morning of August 11. They were next door to his parents on one side and his sister Mary WOOD Holly on the other. They were probably living in a smaller house on the parents property.

Lem served in the military 16 OCT 1862 in Wellsboro, Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lem was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Solomon and Emma lived between Rufus SMITH and Emma's brother Daniel DOTY. Both Lem's father Solomon and his uncle Levi GATES were in the household this year. Lem and Emma had moved into the larger family home and the little house between that and sister Mary WOOD Holly was occupied by Daniel DOTY and wife Esther HOLLY.

Lem was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lem and Emma still had the elder Solomon in the household at age 78 labelled with "Debility." In addition to the family members, future son in law, Nelson Holly, was there as a farm hand. Fanny Payne age 17 and teaching school was also in the household. She was probably teaching at the Holly School which was just down the hill between J. W. and Mary Holly and A. Watkins.

Lem was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He made a will 04 JAN 1923 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Register's Docket P. 312 # 7481u S.L.Wood, late of Mansfield Died at residence of Nelson Holly's 3 Dec 1922 at 7 PM Wife : Emma (Doty) Wood Children : Frank L.; Welland; J.Norton; Ernest; Mrs. Mary G. Holly; Mrs. Lela Strouse; Katherine Wood Will: leaves everything to wife Emma Wood then at her death to above named children. Dr. Fred G. Wood and Katherine Wood Hitchcock to be executors. Witnessed by Leon E. Baynes and George E. Kelley. Will proved 4 Jan 1923. Transfer inheritance tax filed 12 Feb. 1923. Personal Estate $5500.00 This is the S.L.Wood who in the 1897 History of Tioga County is listed as opening a general store in 1888. His letters to Emma indicate that he worked in the general store for Northrup Smith as early as 1857. He also served as Elk Run Postmaster from 1888 and still was at the publication of the book. Page. 566 Tioga County, Pa. We can tell from the neighbors in the census records that Solomon lived on Sanitarium Hill in 1880 and in the store at center of Elk Run in 1900 (Next to Fethers) Em and Lem later moved to Elmira Street in Mansfield. Information on children of this family is from research done by Alice STROUSE Ellingsberg. Solomon was in Company C. 171st Pa. Volunteers, Infantry, 18th A.C. in the Civil War. Obituary in Mansfield Advertiser Dec. 6, 1922. Solomon had Alzheimer's disease in his very old age.

Solomon Lemuel Wood and Amanda Doty had the following children:

120 i. Elizabeth5 Wood was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 30 OCT 1859. Lizzie died 19 MAY 1875 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 15. Her body was interred May 1875 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Emma's letters to Lem during the Civil War tell of letting Lizzie go to school even when she was too young. The teacher was Caroline Brewster. Lizzy died of brain fever.

121 ii. Grace Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 2 MAR 1861. Grace died 10 MAR 1862 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 1. Her body was interred Mar 1862 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Grace died of black diptheria.

122 iii. Frank L. Wood was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 10 FEB 1863. Individual flags: Photograph. Frank died 1960 in California, at age 97. He married Josephine Dann before 1885. Josie was the daughter of John B. Dann and Susannah M. Davenport*.

Frank was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

123 iv. Mary Gates Wood was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 3 APR 1865. Individual flags: Photograph. Mary died 15 MAY 1957 in Starkey, Yates County, New York, at age 92. She married James Nelson Holly 18 FEB 1884 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Nelson was born 20 MAR 1854 in Chemung County, New York. Nelson was the son of Silas Holly and Sophia Smith. Nelson died 31 DEC 1943 in Dundee, Yates County, New York, at age 89. His body was interred JAN 1944 in Tyrone, Yates County, New York. Nelson was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Living in household of future parents in law in 1880 as farm hand.

124 v. Welland Wood was born in Sanitarium Hill, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 8 FEB 1870. Individual flags: Photograph. Welland died 23 DEC 1945 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, at age 75. He married Emma Aurelia Robbins 01 Jul 1889. Emma was born JAN 1869 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Emma was the daughter of Simeon Edson Robbins and Mary Melissa Gardner. Emma died 1932 in Bliss, New York, at age 63. Welland and Emma ran a rooming house in Rochester NY on Mender Street. Welland was a Motor Man on the street cars when they were in operation. Later he worked for and retired from Eastman Kodak. After his retirment, Welland and Emma moved to Lockport, NY. They were in Greece, Monroe County, NY in the 1910 census.

125 vi. Lydia Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 26 JAN 1873. Lydia died 14 JAN 1878 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 4. Her body was interred Jan 1878 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

126 vii. James Norton Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 3 FEB 1875. Individual flags: Photograph. Norton died 30 NOV 1947 in Horseheads, Chemung County, New York, at age 72. His body was interred 3 DEC 1947 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. He married Maude A. Wood* BEF 1896. Maude was born 1877. Maude died NOV 1963 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 86. Her body was interred 2 DEC 1963 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Related to the Banfields of Elmira. Woods also from Pennsylvania. Perceptor had daughter Maud, birthdate unknown, and Solomon Wood and Samantha Dewitt had daughter Maud about JAN 1884. Information on his descendants from his obituary and a letter written by him in 1943. See also Chemung County History p 63,64 Two terms as mayor of Elmira in 1920s. See also Howard Wood's work for details of Mayor Wood's life.

127 viii. Ernest Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1 DEC 1878. Individual flags: Photograph. Ernest died 30 SEP 1957 in Austinville, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. He married twice. He married Cora Bell Squires 26 DEC 1895 in New York. Cora was born 23 JUN 1880 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cora was the daughter of Reuben F. Squires and Lillian Estella Young. She married Harvey C. Benson*. Cora died 14 Jan 1960 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 79. Her body was interred Jan 1960 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Cora was divorced from Ernest Wood 1913. Florence WOOD Petalunas says Cora and Reuben married 26 DEC 1892 at age 14 and 16 in New York State.

He married Bertha Unknown (Williams Wood) after 1913. Bertha was born 1876 in Pennsylvania. Bertha had sons Harold and Clifford Williams before her marriage to Ernest.

Ernest was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Ernest was divorced from Cora Bell Squires 1913. Ernest was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

128 ix. Lelia Marie Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 26 JAN 1879. Individual flags: Marr.Cert.; Photograph; Newspaper. Lelia died 13 JUL 1959 in Oakes, North Dakota, at age 80. She married Harry Lawrence Strouse 21 DEC 1898 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Harry was born APR 1878 in Pennsylvania. Harry was the son of Aaron Strouse and Sarah Ann Rice*. Harry died in North Dakota, at age unknown. Lelia listed her occupation as "Merchant's daughter" on her application for a marriage license. She and her husband and daughter lived with her parents in 1900.

129 x. Katherine Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 JAN 1880. Individual flags: Marr.Cert.; Photograph. Kate died 18 Aug 1967 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 87. Her body was interred Aug 1967 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Lennie W. Hitchcock 19 AUG 1915 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Len was born 1876 in Deleran, New York. Len was the son of Adelbert Hitchcock* and Clarissa Burnham*. He married Eldena O'Neal 9 AUG 1898. Len died 1954 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. His body was interred 1954 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Kate listed her occupation as telephone operator on her marriage license application. She listed her father's occupation as "Gentleman," and her mother as "housekeeper." Lennie called himself a "Drayman."

36. Anna4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) birth date unknown.

She married John Briggs *.

Anna Wood and John Briggs * had the following children:

130 i. Elsalena5 Briggs. She married George Nobles *.

131 ii. Ella F. Briggs was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1857. Individual flags: Obituary; Photograph. Ella died 9 JAN 1936 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. Her body was interred Jan 1936 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married twice. She married George C. McConnell 20 Dec 1874 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was born 17 FEB 1854 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was the son of Justus W. McConnell and Hannah Bryant. George died 1918 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 64. Mansfield Advertiser/1874 - Married George McConnell & Miss Ella F. Briggs both of Sylvania at Mansfield Dec. 20th by Rev. W. Beach.

She married George Wesley Smith 1925. George was born 18 SEP 1854 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was the son of Solomon Henry Smith and Lufannie Smith. He married Zylphia Ann Ingalls 02 Mar 1874. George died 3 DEC 1929 in Covington, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 75. His body was interred Dec 1929 in Gray Cemetery, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Gorge was a carpenter. He owned a house on State Street in Covington. Obituary: Mrs. Ella Smith died unexpectedly at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, January 9, 1936, while shoveling snow from her sidewalk at her home on Second Street. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Briggs and was born in Sullivan Township 79 years ago. In 1876 she was married to George McConnell and for many years lived on the Newtown Road. Mr. McConnell died in 1918, and a short time later she sold the farm and purchased the property on Second Street. In 1925, she was married to George Smith, of Covington, and resided in Covington until after Mr. Smith's death in 1929, when she returned to her home in Mansfield. She had been a member of the Mansfield Methodist Church for many years.

Quiet and unassuming, always ready to help those in need, Mrs. Smith will be remembered for her many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness of others. Her life closed while she was still able to enjoy her home and friends and only a few days before her death she told her pastor that she was happy and contented. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. H.P. Leiby of State College; a son, Glenn McConnell of Mansfield; three grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Elsie Nobles of Delmar.

Funeral Sunday conducted at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Glenn McConnell, on St. James street, and at 2:30 in the Methodist Church by the Rev. D. W. Baylis, Interment was in Prospect Cemetery. Pall bearers were James Searles, Fred Webster, Daniel Mudge, Fred Bennett, John Brace, and Carl Wilcox.

39. Harriet4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) birth date unknown. Harriet died 18 Jan 1922 at age unknown. Her body was interred Jan 1922 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

She married Martin Jenner *. Martin died 27 Sep 1920 at age unknown. His body was interred Sep 1920 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

Harriet Wood and Martin Jenner* had the following children:

132 i. Loren5 Jenner.

133 ii. Sylvester C. Jenner. Sylvester died 02 Jul 1963 at age unknown.

134 iii. Sylvia H. Jenner was born about 1877. She married three times. She married Mr. ? Conklin. She married Leonard Davis*. She married Mr. ? Scholes.

135 iv. Cora Nell Jenner was born 08 Jul 1882. Individual flags: Soc.Sec.. Cora died 12 Sep 1968 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 86. She married Edward U. Ferris*. Edward died 24 Dec 1930 at age unknown.

136 v. Eva Jenner was born 1885. Eva died 15 Jul 1965 at age 80. She married Frank W. Robertson*. Frank died 06 Aug 1953 at age unknown.

137 vi. Nettie M. Jenner was born 30 Nov 1895. Individual flags: Soc.Sec.. Nettie died 28 Jan 1981 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 85. She married Herman F. Tompkins*. Herman was born 02 Feb 1891. Herman died 08 Feb 1968 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 77.

40. John B.4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1827. Individual flags: Letter; Civil War; Photograph. John died 16 Aug 1893 in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 66. His body was interred Aug 1893.

He married Julia P. Booth 8 JUN 1851 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Julia was born 02 SEP 1829 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Lloyd Dunbar gives 1837 as birth date for Julia. Julia was the daughter of Erastus Booth and Olive Maynard.

Julia died 15 NOV 1916 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 87. Her body was interred NOV 1916 in Sylvania Cemetery, Sylvania, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Julia's tombstone gives birth year as 1829.

John was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. John was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Served in Civil War. See letter from John in Emma Doty/Solomon Wood set. Lloyd E. DUNBAR gives birth place as Bradford County.

John B. Wood and Julia P. Booth had the following children:

138 i. Francis H.5 Wood was born in Pennsylvania ABT 1852. Francis died 23 OCT 1875 at age 23. His body was interred OCT 1875 in Sylvania Cemetery, Sylvania, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

139 ii. William Wilson Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 26 MAY 1854. William died 15 Oct 1927 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. His body was interred Oct 1927 in Sylvania Cemetery, Sylvania, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary A. Preston*.

140 iii. Thomas Wood was born in Pennsylvania ABT 1856. The 1880 Tioga County census shows a Thomas Wood age 26 (born 1854) with wife Julia in Hamilton Township. Do not know if this is same person?

141 iv. Wesley Lawrence Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 18 APR 1859. Wesley died 25 MAR 1912 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 52. His body was interred Mar 1912 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Cora Welch 15 APR 1882 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 19 APR 1882: Married Wesley Wood and Miss Cora Welch Sullivan twp at Mainesburg Apr 15th by Elder Morris.

Cora was born 1863 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cora was the daughter of George Welch and Lucia Woodward*. She married Henry Kagan*. Cora died 21 DEC 1927 at age 64. Cora's situation is confusing and conflicting. She had two husbands: Wesley Wood and Henry Kagan or Regan and two children, Guy and Edith. But information not known on who father of children was., So, there are two Guys here where only one should be. Pat Buck, Sept. 95, indicates Guy and Edith children of first marriage to Wesley Wood which ended in divorce. Sometimes the WOOD children were recorded with the KAGAN surname.

He married Harriet Hannah Field 1895. Harriet was born 23 Nov 1879 in Pennsylvania. Harriet was the daughter of Charles Field* and Clara Evans*. She married Harry Brown* after 1912. Harriet died 12 Oct 1948 in Pennsylvania, at age 68. Her body was interred Oct 1948 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Buried with Harry Brown and Harriett Wood 1879 , a daughter? - No, Harriet was second wife. See 1900 Sullivan census. Have put Guy with first wife, Cora Welch although Minnie Welch does not mention son in her Welch genealogy. Guy is listed on census as b 1877 with age 13, so error has been made on one. Also, Welch genealogy lists a marriage of Cora to Harry Kagan with son Guy Kagan, so most likely that is why this is, and census taker did not bother to get last name right, or name changed to Wood? - Sep. 1995- Letter from Pat Buck indicates Wesley and Cora divorced, Edith and Guy children of their marriage.

142 v. John Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1861. John died 1938 at age 77. He married Mary E. Dewitt 1886. Mary was born ABT 1865 in Pennsylvania. Mary was the daughter of John J. DeWitt and Melissa Unknown (DeWitt). Mary died 20 OCT 1929 in Elmira Heights, Chemung County, New York, at age 64. Her body was interred 23 OCT 1929 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

John was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Elmira, Chemung County, New York.

143 vi. Shubel Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 12 SEP 1865. Shubel died 21 MAR 1932 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 66. His body was interred 23 MAR 1932 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. He married Elizabeth Dewitt*. Lizzie was born 1863 in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Lizzie died 17 JUL 1955 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 92. Her body was interred 19 JUL 1955 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Could this be Eliza N. DeWitt born 1868, sister of Mary E.? Name on cemetery record is Lizzie Wood. Lloyd E. DUNBAR gives birthplace as Columbia Township in Bradford County, just over the line from Sullivan.

144 vii. Clinton Robert Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 15 MAY 1867. Clinton died 14 Sep 1949 in Nichols, Tioga County, New York, at age 82. His body was interred Sep 1949 in Nichols, Tioga County, New York. He married Orissa Roseanna Allen* BY 1885. Orissa was born 28 Feb 1867. Orissa died 23 Apr 1947 in Nichols, Tioga County, New York, at age 80. Her body was interred Apr 1947 in Nichols, Tioga County, New York. Lloyd E. Dunbar says Clinton born in Columbia Township rather than Sullivan.

145 viii. Laura Wood was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania DEC 1869. Laura died 06/07 NOV 1886 at age 16. Her body was interred Nov 1886 in Sylvania Cemetery, Sylvania, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Charles E. Gilkey*.

146 ix. Cyrus Maynard Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 2 MAY 1872. Cyrus died 29 DEC 1935 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 63. His body was interred 3 JAN 1936 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. He married twice. He married Josephine Pratt*. Her body was interred in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Pat WILSON Buck gives her name as Josephine Theetge. One or the other was probably a married name and not her real name.

He married Sarah Richardson* 25 MAY 1895 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Sadie was born Aug 1880 in New York.

Cyrus was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

41. Clarinda Elizabeth4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in North Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut 15 APR 1829. Clarinda died 10 SEP 1888 in Pennsylvania, at age 59. Her body was interred Sep 1888 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

She married Dwight Morgan 2 JUL 1848. Dwight was born 8 JUN 1816 in Massachusetts. Dwight was the son of Heman Morgan and Aurelia Boyce. Dwight died 3 AUG 1880 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 64. His body was interred Aug 1880 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Dwight was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Clarinda Elizabeth Wood and Dwight Morgan had the following children:

147 i. Thomas Francis5 Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 18 APR 1849. Thomas died 23 JAN 1928 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. His body was interred Jan 1928 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Alice Rosa 3 JUL 1874. Alice was born 20 JUL 1856. Alice was the daughter of Giles Rosa and Mary Ann Wood. Alice died 8 APR 1897 at age 40. Her body was interred APR 1897 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Jane Harvey 3 JAN 1900. Mary was born 20 FEB 1851 in Alsace Township, Berkshire County, Pennsylvania. Mary was the daughter of James R. Harvey* and Maria Martha Ripley. She married Asa A. Jackson 13 JAN 1871. Mary died 25 MAR 1928 at age 77. Her body was interred Mar 1928 in State Road Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Find her parents from Francis Morgan

148 ii. Lydia Jane Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 29 FEB 1852. Lydia died 14 FEB 1901 at age 48. Her body was interred Feb 1901 in Furman Cemetery, Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Anson H. Furman before 1878. Anson was born 28 FEB 1857. Anson was the son of Alfred Furman and Elizabeth Jane Gustin. He married Fannie Carmel Terry* after 1901. Anson died 7 AUG 1922 at age 65. His body was interred Aug 1922 in Furman Cemetery, Ward Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

149 iii. Laura Ann Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 29 JUL 1854. Laura died 20 AUG 1942 at age 88. She married Stanley William Lyon. Stanley was born 1840 in Pennsylvania. Stanley was the son of William R. Lyon and Rachel Scouten*. Stanley died 1910 at age 70.

150 iv. Heman Sylvester Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 13 JUN 1856. Vet died 25 MAY 1940 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 83. His body was interred May 1940 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Alice J. Harvey 30 APR 1883 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Alice was born 1 MAY 1858 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Alice was the daughter of James R. Harvey* and Maria Martha Ripley. Alice died 25 MAR 1939 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 80. Her body was interred Mar 1939 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Alice and Sylvester set up house and started farming across the road from the little log cabin on Armenia Mountain that the Morgans first lived in on settling in the area.

151 v. Giles Henry Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 29 JUN 1859. Giles died 19 JUN 1905 in Columbia X Roads, Columbia Town, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 45. He married twice. He married Angie Hurlburt*. He married Cora Nittrow 7 MAR 1881 in Covington, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cora was born 9 SEP 1859 in Covington, Covington Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cora was the daughter of Perry Nittrow* and Lucia Lamb*. Cora died 8 MAR 1942 in Blossburg, Blossburg Town, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 82. Francis Morgan work includes impossible dates for this family. Child born two years after his death. Imposible death date for first wife. Needs investigation. Come back to this another time

152 vi. Emma Elizabeth Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 23 JUN 1862. Emma died 1944 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 82. Her body was interred 1944 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Seth B. Wood 3 JUL 1883 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Seth was born JAN 1863 in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Seth was the son of Frank H. Wood and Lydia Bailey. Seth died 1921 at age 58. His body was interred 1921 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

153 vii. Sarah Louise Morgan was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 4 JAN 1870. Individual flags: Photograph; Obituary. Saidie died 17 AUG 1947 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 77. Her body was interred Aug 1947 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Nickolas P. Austin 4 JAN 1886 in Lawrenceville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Nickolas was born 21 DEC 1864 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Nickolas was the son of Jesse W. Austin and Hannah Christine Watkins. Nickolas died 10 NOV 1932 in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 67. His body was interred NOV 1932 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Nicholas P. Austin, prominent farmer of Bradford County, died in a field near his Farmer's Valley home recently. Death was due to a heart attack. He was 67 years old, a member of the Troy Grange and Trojan Lodge No. 306 F. and A.M., a great lover of the outdoors and a popular resident.

42. Frank H.4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania 10 NOV 1833. Frank died 4 JUN 1912 at age 78.

He married twice. He married Lydia Bailey before 1856. Lydia was born 17 JUL 1834 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lydia was the daughter of Henry Bailey and Elizabeth Dunnin*. Lydia died 26 FEB 1902 at age 67. He married Phoebe Helen Ayers Aug 1908 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Phoebe was born about 1836. Phoebe was the daughter of John Ayers* and Phoebe Merritt*. She married Daniel Carnright 23 Apr 1863 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Frank was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Frank's name was given as Francis in 1860.

Frank was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Frank H. Wood and Lydia Bailey had the following children:

154 i. Florence5 Wood. She married Norman B. Leslie*.

155 ii. Henry Wood was born in Pennsylvania 1856. He married Mary Unknown (Wood). Mary was born 1857.

Henry was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

156 iii. Charlotte Wood was born in Pennsylvania 1859. She married William L. Reese* before 1877. William was born 1841 in Pennsylvania. William was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Charlotte age 21, had her sister Eva, aged 11, in her 1880 household.

157 iv. Horace Dunnin Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania May 1860. He married Clara E. Bailey before Jun 1880. Clara was born Mar 1861 in Pennsylvania. Clara was the daughter of Ebenezer G. Bailey* and Minerva Unknown (Bailey).

Horace was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. 1900 Census of Sylvania gives May 1861 as birthdate of Horace.

158 v. Seth B. Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania JAN 1863. Seth died 1921 at age 58. His body was interred 1921 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Emma Elizabeth Morgan 3 JUL 1883 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Emma was born 23 JUN 1862 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Emma was the daughter of Dwight Morgan and Clarinda Elizabeth Wood. Emma died 1944 in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 82. Her body was interred 1944 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

159 vi. Mahala Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 14 JAN 1865. Mahala died 19 Feb 1885 at age 20.

160 vii. Ceba D. Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania JUL 1867. Ceba died 09 Feb 1938 at age 70. He married Daisy Covert 1895. Daisy was born May 1875. Daisy was the daughter of Edward Covert. Ceba and Daisy and Edwin were in Charleston for the 1900 census. At that time they had been married five years and Edwin was six years old. Daisy had had one child with one living indicating that she was Edwin's mother. My earlier reference gave 14 Oct 1896 as Edwin's birth date which would fit the circumstances better. An error somewhere, perhaps on census records.

Ceba was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Ceba was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Ceba was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Wellsboro, Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Seba had a first marriage that ended in divorce in 1896.

161 viii. Eva Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1869.

162 ix. Lydia Wood was born in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1878.

44. Susanna4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Pennsylvania APR 1836. Susanna died 10 APR 1925 at age 88.

She married Cyrus S. Comfort BEF 1853. Cyrus was born NOV 1831 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cyrus was the son of Isaac B. Comfort and Elizabeth Lewis. Cyrus died 22 JUL 1903 at age 71. Cyrus was in Sullivan census 1860 with wife Irena b 1836. He was listed as S. J. Comfort. Children were Francis b abt 1846, A. J. (female) b, abt 1848, Harriet b 1853 and O.S. (male) b. about 1859. Was Susanna's middle name Irena? If born 1836, then too young to have had children in 1846. Did Cyrus have a first wife or was Susanna's birth year wrong? ??? Cyrus was with Ezekial and Charity Hulslander household in Sullivan in 1850 census as an 18 year old.

Susanna Wood and Cyrus S. Comfort had the following children:

163 i. Harriet5 Comfort was born in Pennsylvania about 1853.

164 ii. Emma J. Comfort was born in Pennsylvania about 1854.

165 iii. William Martin Comfort was born in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania ABT 1856. William died before 1927 at age unknown. He married twice. He married Harriet Henrietta Downie BEF 1877. Harriet was born about 1861 in New York. Harriet was the daughter of Mr. ? Downie. He married Mary Watkins (Beach) 1896/97. Mary was born about 1874 in Granville Summit, Granville Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Mary was the daughter of Henry Watkins* and Jerusha E. Avery*. She married Dirk Parr*. Comfort Genealogy has both Frederick and Jessie as sons of Mary rather than Hannah. Look more closely to resolve.

166 iv. Sarah R. Comfort was born in Pennsylvania about 1859.

167 v. Irena E. Comfort was born in Pennsylvania about 1861.

168 vi. Warren W. Comfort was born in South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania about 1867. Warren died about 1933 at age unknown. His body was interred in Snedekerville, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Hannah Watkins 10 NOV 1886 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Hannah was born OCT 1867 in Granville, Granville Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Hannah was the daughter of Henry Watkins* and Jerusha E. Avery*. Hannah died before 1917 at age unknown.

169 vii. Albert S. Comfort was born in Pennsylvania Aug 1870. He married Elnora Tripp* 1891/1892. The Albert Oldroyd material indicates that Tripp wasa marrie dname and not Elnora's birth name. Albert was a shoemaker and accomplished musician. They lived near Snedekerville.

45. Mary Ann4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born 1840. Individual flags: Marr.Cert.

She married twice. She married Giles Rosa BEF 1856. Giles was born ABT 1836. Giles was the son of Cornelius Rosa and Mary Doty. Giles died 7 APR 1887 in Elk Run, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 50. His body was interred APR 1887 in Wood Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 13 Apr 1887- Giles Rosa died Elk Run, Apr 7th, in 51st year, 7 children, buried Wood Hill Cemetery.

She married William Waters 4 MAR 1889 in Ogdensburg, Union Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. William was born 1839. William was the son of John Waters* and Mary Unknown (Waters). William was a divorced farmer, age 50 at the time of his marriage to Mary Ann. His residence was Ogdensburg, Union Township, Tioga County PA. He signed with an X. William's will, dated 1904 provided for the erection of tombstones for himself and his first wife, and left the house and the bulk of his property to his wife Anna Watters. He left small items to his son and son-in-law. Guessing that this Mary is the same one as living with Amos Mansfield family in 1850

 Mary Ann Wood and Giles Rosa had the following children:

170 i. Mercy5 Rosa.

171 ii. Edward Rosa. Edward was of Rochester in 1926.

172 iii. May Rosa. She married Abe L. Davis. Abe was born 1862. Abe was the son of Lucius Milton Davis* and Emily Chapin*. Abe died 19 DEC 1912 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York, at age 50. His body was interred 21 Dec 1912 in Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Abe was a barber in Elmira, NY.

173 iv. Nelson Rosa. Nelson was of Rochester in 1926.

174 v. Albert Rosa.

175 vi. Lucy Rosa. She married Mr. ? Smith. lived in Big Flats NY

176 vii. Alice Rosa was born 20 JUL 1856. Alice died 8 APR 1897 at age 40. Her body was interred APR 1897 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married Thomas Francis Morgan 3 JUL 1874. Thomas was born 18 APR 1849 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Thomas was the son of Dwight Morgan and Clarinda Elizabeth Wood. He married Mary Jane Harvey 3 JAN 1900. Thomas died 23 JAN 1928 in Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. His body was interred Jan 1928 in Pierce Cemetery, Armenia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

177 viii. Bruce Rosa was born ABT 1871. Individual flags: Obituary. Bruce died 20 OCT 1926 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, at age 55. His body was interred OCT 1926 in Big Flats, Chemung County, New York. He married Frances Seeley. Frances was the daughter of Lewis Seeley and Mary Burr. Her body was interred in Horseheads, Chemung County, New York. Bruce's wife's name at the time of his death was Elizabeth.

46. Seth W.4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Pennsylvania Feb 1845. Seth died 08 Nov 1912 at age 67. His body was interred Nov 1912 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

He married twice. He married Augusta Cole * before 1867. Augusta was born 1849. He married Sarah A. Watkins * 1883. Sarah was born 10 Apr 1865. Sarah died 17 Apr 1938 at age 73. Sarah was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Seth was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Seth W. Wood and Augusta Cole* had the following children:

178 i. Jennie5 Wood was born about 1867.

179 ii. Etta Wood was born 31 Jan 1869. Etta died 16 Feb 1869 at age unknown. Her body was interred Feb 1869 in Coryland Cemetery, Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

180 iii. Cora B. Wood was born in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania about Mar 1870.

Seth W. Wood and Sarah A. Watkins* had the following children: 181 iv. Nellie A. Wood was born in Pennsylvania JAN or JUN 1886.

182 v. Louis Mahlon Wood was born in Pennsylvania Nov 1889. Louis died 18 Oct 1956 at age 66. He married Ruth M. Payne*. Ruth was born 07 Jun 1892. Ruth died 24 Feb 1916 at age 23.

183 vi. Eva May Wood was born in Troy, Troy Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania May 1894.

47. George Nelson4 Wood (Thomas3, Elizabeth2 Wilson, Thomas1) was born in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 26 MAY 1847. Individual flags: Civil War; Newspaper. George died 1928 at age 81. His body was interred 1928 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Helen Axelaid Davis 10 Oct 1866 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Tioga County Agitator - OCt 24th 1866 issue: Married in Mansfield, Oct. 10, By Rev. N.L. Reynolds. Mr. George N. Wood of Sullivan and Miss Helen A, Davis of Mansfield.

Helen was born 1 FEB 1850 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Helen was the daughter of Russell Davis* and Lydia Unknown (Davis). Helen died 07 Mar 1932 at age 82. Her body was interred Mar 1932 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

George was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was in Company C, 7th PA., V.C. in Civil War.

George Nelson Wood and Helen Axelaid Davis had the following children:

184 i. Dr. Fred Green5 Wood was born in Pennsylvania 3 OCT 1867. Fred died 06 Apr 1917 at age 49. His body was interred Apr 1917 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Isabella Saxton* 1897. Isabella was born 17 Jun 1869 in Pennsylvania. Isabella died 13 Aug 1930 at age 61. Her body was interred Aug 1930 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Isabella was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Fred was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Fred was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Electa M. Peters, age 74, describved as great aunt was also in the household in 1910.

185 ii. Wylie Wood was born in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 22 Jun 1869. Wylie died 07 Aug 1870 at age 1.

186 iii. Clara May Wood was born in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania Jan 1871. Clara died 23 Feb 1904 at age 33. She married Solomon L. Leonard* before 1895. Solomon was born Apr 1867. Solomon died 1937 at age 70. Clara died on the birth of her daughter, Esther. I had 1901 as death date, but Pat WILSON (Buck) gave 1904 as death date which does not coincide with Esther's birth.

187 iv. Nannie Belle Wood was born in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania Jul 1872. Nannie died 1964 in Wolfehollow, Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 91. She married twice. She married Dean H. McClure BEF 1890. Dean was born JUN 1870. Dean was the son of Alfred McClure and Electa Wolfe. Dean died 1927 in Wolfehollow, Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 57. She married I. Ray Vincent* after 1926.

48. Matilda4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16 OCT 1832. Individual flags: Obituary. Matilda died 10 MAY 1895 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 62. Mansfield Advertiser - 15 May 1895: Matilda Frost died near Roseville 10 May. Born 16 October 1832, married 3 March 1852 to Selah Frost. Had five children Samuel; George; John; Roy and Mrs. George Luckey all of Rutland Township. Her body was interred MAY 1895 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married Selah Frost 3 MAR 1852. Selah was born 1823 in Carmel, Putnam County, New York. Selah was the son of John Underhill Frost* and Phoebe Hubbell*. Selah died 1903 at age 80. His body was interred 1903 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Matilda Wilson and Selah Frost had the following children:

188 i. George5 Frost was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1856. George died 1932 at age 76. He married Martha Beardslee Mar 1886 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Mansfield Advertiser 10th Mar 1886 - George Frost and Miss Mat Beardsley of Roseville m. in Elmira last week.

Martha was born 1866 in Sussex County, New Jersey. Martha was the daughter of Charles Beardslee and Martha Lyon. Martha died 24 MAR 1963 at age 96. Her body was interred Mar 1963 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

189 ii. Samuel Frost was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 19 JAN 1860. Individual flags: Obituary. Samuel died 1932 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 72. His body was interred 1932 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Ida M. Vandermark* 8 SEP 1883. Ida was born 1861. Ida died 1914 at age 53.

190 iii. John Ulysses Frost was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 11 FEB 1862. Individual flags: Obituary. John died 22 DEC 1927 in Blossburg Hospital, Blossburg, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 65. His body was interred Dec 1927 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Frances Augusta Smith 1891. Frankie was born 20 APR 1868 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Frankie was the daughter of Sanford Gaylord Smith and Sally A. Smith. Frankie died 26 JAN 1894 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 25. He married Myrtle Boughton after 1894. Myrtle was the daughter of Henry Boughton*.

191 iv. Rosina Frost was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1868. Rosina died in of, Mosherville, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. She married George W. Luckey 5 SEP 1885 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser 16th Sep 1885: George Luckey and Rose Frost married at her home in Rutland twp. Sep 5th. She daughter of Selah Frost.

George was born ABT 1861 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was the son of John B. Luckey* and First Wife Unknown (Luckey). George died 3 SEP 1943 in Mosherville, Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 82. His body was interred SEP 1943 in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

192 v. James Monroe Frost was born 1873. Individual flags: Obituary. James died 17 NOV 1936 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 63. His body was interred Nov 1936 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Weltha Hayward 11 Sep 1895 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Weltha was born 1874. Weltha was the daughter of Charles H. Hayward and Rosanna Sophronia Benson. Weltha died 1958 at age 84. Her body was interred in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Adopted daughter Eura (Faulkner) Frost (Davis Parsons)

49. Louisa M.4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1834. Louisa died 1913 at age 79. Her body was interred 1913 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married John N. VanNess BY 1853. John was born 1826 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. John was the son of Henry P. VanNess* and Catherine Unknown (VanNess). John died 1914 in Wellsboro, Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 88. His body was interred 1914 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Reynolds genelogy says he married Adeline Field and had one child. Is this the same person? Have added the 1826 John N to this family on spectulation. It appears there are two John N VanNesses which has created confusion. This one has son William H named for brother?

Louisa M. Wilson and John N. VanNess had the following children:

193 i. Alice5 VanNess was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania SEP 1853. Alice died 1911 at age 57. Her body was interred 1911 in Gray Valley Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Seymore S. Squires. Seymore was born OCT 1848 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Seymore was the son of Judson Squires and Huldah L. Unknown (Squires). Seymore died 1913 at age 64. His body was interred 1913 in Gray Valley Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. 1900 Rutland Census

194 ii. Lucy VanNess was born in Tioga County, Pennsylvania 13 FEB 1856. Individual flags: Obituary. Lucy died 18 FEB 1906 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 50. Her body was interred FEB 1906 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Charles Wesley Smith ABT 1880. Charles was born 15 JUN 1850 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Charles was the son of George F. Smith and Keturah Rebecca Hodges. Charles died 25 AUG 1904 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 54. His body was interred AUG 1904 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Most references refer to him as J. Wesley but the tombstone says Charles Wesley. Obituary says J. Wesley. He died from injuries in a barn raising or razing. Find obit. Lucy's death at age fifty, just two years after her husband, left the two sons orphans. Obituary: One of the most deplorable deaths the ADVERTISER, has had to record in a long time is that of Mrs Lucy Van Ness Smith, who passed away at 8:30 Sunday morning at her home in Extension street following an illness of about ten days of double pneumonia and pleurisy. Her death. leaves motherless and fatherless two bright little boys, Rayburn and Anson. The husband and father died on August 15,1904, as the result of injuries sustained at a barn-raising some time previous. Mrs Smith moved from her farm in Rutland in Rutland to Mansfield on April 1, last in order that her sons might have the benefit of the superior educational advantages afford'! +_" here She was 50 years old on Tuesday, February 13. For many years she was a devote and con-sistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and ever active in all Christian work. In the home she was a devoted wife and a loving , an indulgent mother. Besides her sons, she is survived by her parents Mr and Mrs John Van Ness; three sisters- Mrs Seymors Squires, Mrs Judd Seeley, Miss Susie A. VanNess- and one brother, William Van Ness . John Van Ness who died on Monday morning was a cousin. The funeral was held from the house at l p.m.. Tuesday afternoon and at 2 o’clock from the M.E. church. The Rev. Theron R. Green officiating.

195 iii. William H. VanNess was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 7 MAR 1859. William died 14 DEC 1932 in Blossburg Hospital, Blossburg, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 73. His body was interred DEC 1932 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married twice. He married Ida Flora Benson MAY 1879. Mansfield Advertiser 21 May 1879: Married William VanNess & Miss Ida Benson of Rutland twp last Wed. by Rev. G. Rowley.

Julie was born 28 APR 1861 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Julie was the daughter of Elijah W. Benson and Nancy Reynolds. Julie died 28 OCT 1918 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 57. Her body was interred OCT 1918 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Cora Unknown (Austin) AFT 1918.

196 iv. Bessie VanNess was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1863. Bessie died 1934 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 71. Her body was interred 7 SEP 1934 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Judson "Judd" Seeley 30 MAR 1887 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Mansfield Advertiser 6 Apr 1887- Judd Seeley of Rutland married Bessie Van Ness of Mansfield at Elmira, NY Mar. 30th by Rev. E. Mills.

Judson was born 1860 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Judson was the son of Lewis Seeley and Mary Burr. Judson died ABT 1928 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age unknown. His body was interred ABT 1928 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

197 v. Susie VanNess was born in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 28 APR 1871. Susie died 1933 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 62. Her body was interred 1933 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Manley V. Benson 25 JUN 1910. Manley was born 28 JUL 1868 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Manley was the son of Elijah W. Benson and Nancy Reynolds. Manley died 27 DEC 1949 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 81. His body was interred Dec 1949 in Prospect Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. When Manley was a young man, he entered the employ of the Jennings Produce Company in Elmira, New York later going to New York City with Swift and Company. After some years in New York, he wnet to Mansfield, Pennsylvania and engaged in the farm business from which he is now retired. He is a member of the Methodist Church inwhich he acted as Superintendant of Sunday School. He was auditor of Tioga County. He was a Republican in politics. Manley prepared the list of the first two generations of descendants of Patience and Jacob.

50. Amelia4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1837. Milly died 1902 at age 65. Her body was interred 1902 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

She married George F. Smith AFT 1868. George was born 1 JUN 1924 in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. George was the son of Joshua Smith* and Sarah Unknown (Smith). He married Keturah Rebecca Hodges 02 MAR 1836. George died 08 MAR 1896 in Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 81. His body was interred MAR 1896 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. The household of Keturah and George included their baby daughter age 0-5, themselves both age 20-30, two women 30-40 and one woman 70-80, probably Sally, George's mother.

In the Census of 1850, George was listed as a head of household in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. George was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He made a will 29 DEC 1887 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Amelia Wilson and George F. Smith had the following children:

198 i. Anna R.5 Smith was born in Gray Valley, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1876. Anna died 4 JAN 1971 in Soldiers & Sailors Mem. Hosp., Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 94. Her body was interred JAN 1971 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. She married Wilson B. "Pete" Niles 15 SEP 1893. Wilson was born 4 MAR 1876 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Wilson was the son of Russell Niles and Delphia Bartlett. Wilson died 15 APR 1936 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 60. His body was interred Apr 1936 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Anna was a member of the Mansfield Grange for 65 years. She was a member of the Roseville Rebeckah Lodge and the Roseville Methodist Church.

199 ii. George F. Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania about 1876. He married Martha Crum. Mattie was born ABT 1879 in Lawrence Corners, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mattie was the daughter of Edward Crum and Florence Vaughan. Mattie died 22 NOV 1933 in Lawrence Corners, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 54. Her body was interred 24 NOV 1933 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

200 iii. Effie Sarah Smith was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 20 Nov 1877. She married Merritt William Smith. Merritt was born 22 Sep 1872. Merritt was the son of Lyman Burton Smith and Catherine Francelia VanNocken. Merritt died 01 Jul 1945 at age 72.

52. Samuel Francis4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1846. Individual flags: Newspaper. Frank died 1931 at age 85. His body was interred 1931 in Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Catherine Tice 31 AUG 1873 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Mansfield Advertiser - Married S.F. Wilson and Miss K.E. Tice both of Rutland at Mainesburg Aug 31st by Rev. Isaac Everitt.

Kate was born 1846 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Kate was the daughter of Philip Tice+ and Amanda "Elsie" Sutton+*. Kate died 14 FEB 1925 in Sylvania, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 78. Obituary: Mrs Samuel F. Wilson of Daggett, Pa. died at the home of Samuel Wilson at Sylvania, Pa. aged seventy-eight years. She is survived by her husband Samuel Francis Wilson; a son, Phillip of Elmira Heights; an Adopted daughter, Mrs Frank Doughty of Daggett, Pa. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Daggett Methodist Episcopal church. The Rev. F.I. Smith of Elk Run, Pa. will officiate. Burial in the Daggett, Pa. cemetery.

Her body was interred FEB 1925 in Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

Kate may have had two other children who died before 1910 according to Albert Oldroyd.

Placed in this family through obituaries of wife and brother, Edgar. In 1925, nephew Sam held a birthday party for Frank's 79th birthday. Newspaper account is on file with JMT-SRGP. It includes the guest list.

Samuel Francis Wilson and Catherine Tice had the following children:

201 i. Blanche Buck5 Wilson. Individual flags: Adopted. She married Frank Doughty*. Blanche was the adopted daughter of Kate and Sam. Her family could not afford to keep her and so Kate and Sam adopted her.

202 ii. Philip T. Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1876. Philip died 19 MAR 1943 at age 66. His body was interred MAR 1943 in Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Cora Belle Daggett. Cora was born 1877 in Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Cora was the daughter of Wells Lewis Daggett and Theodosia VanAuken*. Cora died 23 APR 1937 in Daggett, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 59. Her body was interred 26 Apr 1937 in Daggett Cemetery, Jackson Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Albert Oldroyd indicates that Cora hanged herself. He has death date as 23 APR 1923 and my records indicate 23 APR 1937. Needs to be resolved. I have obituary. Carlton Wilson relates in his memoirs - "Chugging Along in the Slow Lane" that Phillip belonged to the Ku Klux Klan. Carlton also joined as a young man thinking it was a social organization and to play in the band, but he quit when he realized the absurdity of the anti-Catholic rhetoric. They were told that the Catholics were building a cathedral in Washington D.C. that was really a fortress with walls ten feet thick. Carlton could see that this was nonsense and left the organization feeling shame that he ever belonged.

203 iii. Emry Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1879. Emry died before 1910 at age unknown.

54. Orson Edgar4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1857. Individual flags: Obituary. Edgar died 24 NOV 1912 in Austinville, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at age 55. His body was interred NOV 1912 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Tombstone reads Edgar Wilson 1857-1912

He married Clarissa A. Robbins ABT 1877. Clara was born 11 AUG 1860 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Clara was the daughter of William E. Robbins and Sophronia Woodward. She married James Ira Wilson 1913. Clara died 1 JAN 1934 at age 73. Her body was interred JAN 1934 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Clara is described as wife of James Wilson when she dies in 1934 with children of same names. Confusing.

Obituary: The people of Austinville were greatly saddened by the sudden death of recently of Edgar Wilson, due to brain trouble. Mr Wilson was a lifelong resident of that place. Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs Samuel Bailey, and Mrs Will Bailey, both of Austinville,; two sons Samuel Wilson of Horseheads, N.Y., and Manley Wilson at home, one brother, Frank Wilson of Austinville and one sister Mrs John VanNess of Mansfield. The funeral was held from the Austinville church on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Rev. Mr Johnson officiating.

Orson Edgar Wilson and Clarissa A. Robbins had the following children:

204 i. Samuel William5 Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 22 JUN 1878. Samuel died 25 JUN 1949 at age 71. His body was interred JUN 1949 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Marion Augusta Bailey 11 AUG 1900. Mae was born 19 MAY 1875 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Mae was the daughter of Andrew Burton Bailey and Barbara Louise Elizabeth Wise. Mae died 27 APR 1965 at age 89. Her body was interred APR 1965 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

205 ii. Sophronia Jane Wilson was born 2 APR 1883. Sophronia died 18 FEB 1971 at age 87. Her body was interred FEB 1971 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married twice. She married Nelson J. Soper 1899 in State Line, Southport Township, Chemung County, New York. Nelson was the son of Edward O. Soper and Jane E. Bailey*. Nelson died 1933 at age unknown. She married Samuel Burton Bailey AFT 1933. Samuel was born 5 OCT 1883 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Samuel was the son of Andrew Burton Bailey and Barbara Louise Elizabeth Wise. Samuel died 17 JUN 1943 at age 59. His body was interred 1943 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Dates on tombstone 1884-1943. Birthdate differs slightly from other references. Sophronia is very young for her first marriage. The date is given in the New Soper Compendium.

206 iii. Bertha Louise Wilson was born 22 FEB 1889. Bertha died 1969 at age 80. Her body was interred 1969 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. She married William Charles Bailey 23 NOV 1904. William was born 6 JUL 1886 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. William was the son of Andrew Burton Bailey and Barbara Louise Elizabeth Wise. William died 1960 at age 73. His body was interred 1960 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

207 iv. Manley Orson Wilson was born in Pennsylvania 31 AUG 1899. Manley died 1965 at age 65. His body was interred 1965 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He married Myrtie Lydia Palmer * in Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Myrtie was born 1895. Myrtie died 1965 at age 70. Her body was interred 1965 in Columbia Valley Cemetery, Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

55. Silas B.4 Wilson (Samuel3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1858. Individual flags: Obituary. Silas died 21 MAY 1897 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 38. His body was interred MAY 1897 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

He married Lucy F. Squires BEF 1872. Lucy was born 1852 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Lucy was the daughter of Judson Squires and Huldah L. Unknown (Squires). Lucy died 31 JUL 1893 in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 41. Her body was interred AUG 1893 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. obituary in Sullivan scrapbook

Silas B. Wilson and Lucy F. Squires had the following children:

208 i. Betsey5 Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1872. Betsey died 27 AUG 1880 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 8. Event recorded in Joe Holly 1880 diary. Her body was interred 28 Aug 1880 in Watson Cemetery,Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

209 ii. Albert B. Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1874. Individual flags: Photograph. Albert died 30 Jul 1958 at age 82. He married Dimmis E. Soper 1896. Dimmie was born 13 Aug 1876. Dimmie was the daughter of Ellis Lewis Soper and Clara Ella Wilcox. Dimmie died 16 Apr 1963 at age 86. Gwendolyn Vineski of Troy is grandaughter of Demmis.

210 iii. Mary Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1877.

211 iv. (Daughter) Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1878.

212 v. Eliza Wilson was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1880.

61. James D.4 Wilson (Lewis N.3, Benjamin2, Thomas1) was born 1861. James died 1938 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 77.

He married Ella M. Ellis 1884. Ella was born 11 Feb 1868 in Fabius, Onondaga County, New York. Ella was the daughter of Orrin Ellis* and Nancy Unknown (Ellis Knapp). Ella died 01 Mar 1938 in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 70. Her body was interred Mar 1938 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

James D. Wilson and Ella M. Ellis had the following children:

213 i. Edna5 Wilson. She married Mr. ? Lockwood. Edna was of Liberty PA in 1938.

214 ii. Ervin W. Wilson was born in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1885. Individual flags: Obituary. Ervin died 05 Mar 1960 in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 74. His body was interred 08 Mar 1960 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He married Dora E. McConnell. Dora was the daughter of William Andrew McConnell and Helen A. Watson. Several brothers are listed in the obituary that are not in the file at the time of entering this.

215 iii. Ernest W. Wilson was born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania Sep 1896. Ernest died Nov 1896 at age unknown. His body was interred Nov 1896 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

216 iv. Lee N. Wilson was born in Mansfield, Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1899. He married Lorah D. Unknown (Wilson). Lorah was born 1899. Lorah died 1981 at age 82.

217 v. Lepha N. Wilson was born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 1903. Lepha died 1911 at age 8. Her body was interred 1911 in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

The above has been brough to you by Joyce M.Tice of Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project.
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