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Tri-County Legal Documents |
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Transcribed by Carol Barber 2005 |
p. 1 appears to be certificate: # 8880 Pennsylvania was originally written; single line through, New York written above it.
“John Lafferty , of Tioga in the state of Pennsy; who was a private in the regiment commanded by Col Polk, of the N. Carol. line, for the term of three years.
Subscribed on the Roll of Pennsylvania at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the 13 of May ? ( it appears to be originally written 1808 and then changed to 1818) .
Certificate of Pension issued 17 Mar 1816 and sent to Ira Kilburn, judge, Tioga, Pennsylvania.
Arrears to the 4th of March 1819, $77.93, semi ?? Ending 4 Sept 1819 $48.00
9 mo 23/31 for a total of $125.93 ( Revolutionary Claim, Act 18th March 1818)
District of Pennsylvania, County of Tioga
On this 20th day of September AD. 1820, personally appeared in open Court of Common Pleas held in Wellsborough for the County of Tioga, being a court of Record, procedeing according to the Course of Common Law with a jurisdiction unlimited in point of amount and keeping a record of procedeing, John Lafferty age sixty five years, resident in Tioga County, in said districat who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the atts of Congress of the eighteenth of Marach Ad 1818 and first of May 1820, that he served in the revolutionary war in the company commanded Capt ________ Smith in the regiment commanded by Col.Thomas Polk, in the line of the state of North Carolina and has obtained a pension under the act of the 18th of March 1818. His certificate # being 8880. Dated the 17th of March 1819 and I do solemly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I ??? Since that time by gift ?? Or in any manner desposed of my property or and ??? There of with the intent there by so to diminish ?? To bring myelf within the provisions of an act of Congress entiele or act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary war passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any preson in trust for me any property or sureities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule here unto annexed and by me subscribed.
Sworn and subscribed in open courth on the 20th day of September AD. 1820.
John Lafferty ( Uriah Spencer, proxy)
p. 3
Schedule of the property of John Lafferty taken September the 20th AD 1820.
I have besides necessary beding and clothing, one luom and some harnes, one old broken three part kettle, one old broken dish kettle, one bake pan, one kettle, one broken spider, two small pickel tubbs, one pail, 3 cups and saucers, one old ax, one ax eye, one tin cup and bason, broken plates, three knives and five forks, six old chains two old linning wheels, one wooten wheel, one old broken shovel and tongs, three drawing knives one copper adz one old table one tin kettle,
I have no debts owed me and am endebited in the following sums:
One debt of fourteen dollars; one debt of five dollars; and one debt of two dollars and fifty cents.
“I by trade a Cooper, but by age and infirmity am not able to pursue that occupation. I have one grandchild residing with me viz, Lucy “Bruce” ( could be Brace or Breen- its not clearly written)and my Phebe aged fifty seven years and infirm like myself. John Lafferty
Sworn and subscribed in open courth the 20th day of September AD 1820 Uriah Spencer, proxy
War Department Revolutionary claim , I certify that in conformity with the law of the United States of th 18th of March 1818 John Lafferty of Tioga state of Pennsylvania, late a private in the army of the revolution is inscribed on the pension list roll of the Pennsylvania agency at the rate of eight dollars per month to commence on the thirteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighteen given at the war office of the United States this seventeenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. ????? One sentence unreadable. Payable semiannually the first payment to be made on this certificate will be on the 4th of September next in Pennsylvania at the Bank of the United States in Philadelphia.
P 4
Pennsylvania Tioga County
Personally appeared before me Ira Kilburn one of the associate Judges in and for ? Tioga County, John Lafferty, who upon his solemn oath doth declair and ? That he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War of the United States of America and that he enlisted under Capt ____ Smith and Col Polk for one year and before the time had expired inlisted for two more years making three years in the whole and served the time out - time of inlistment 10th day of June 1776 and discharge the 15th day of Jun 1779, but thinking the discharge of little or no use has lost it - and he further depoth that he is old poor lame and infirm and is in much need of assistance from his country for support.
May 13th 1818 John Lafferty
The above named John Lafferty swore to and subscribed the above instrument in my presence.
Ira Kilburn associate judge
The deponant further saith that he was in the Battle of Monmouth - that
he is 64 years old and that he claims the pension of the 18th
March 1818 - that he served three years at one continued time in the Continental
service of the United States.
I Ira Kilburn one of the associate judges in and for the county of Tioga in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, so certify that it appears to my satisfaction that the said John Lafferty did serve in the Revolutionary War as stated in the fore?? Declaration against the common?? And that he is very poor and is want of assistance from his country for support and I now transmit the proceedings.
Ira Kilburn, associate Judge
P 6 ( appears to be the outer portion of an envelope)
Upper left corner: Canoe Camp, PA
Decem 7th
Upper right: FREE
Lower left: J. C. Calhoun, Esquire, Secretary of War, Washington D.C. Columbia
( other writing but difficult to read. Appears to have been written over, or ink bled through paper)
P 6
Tioga County
On this fifteenth day of October AD one thousand eight hundred and twenty one before me the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for said county of Tioga personally appeared John Lafferty who on his solomn oath declares that he is the same person who formerly belonged to the company commanded by Captain______ Smith in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Thomas Polk in the service of the United States and that his name was placed on the pension roll of the state of Pennsylvania from whence he has lately removed, that he now resides in the state of New York where he intends to remain and wishes his pension to be there payable in future.
Sworn and subscribed to before me,
The day and year aforesaid. John Lafferty
? D. Bacon, Justice of the Peace
Tioga county for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
I do hereby certify that William D. Bacon is a justice of the Peace an now acting as such hereby commissioned, In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of office at Wellsborough this 13th day of October AD one thousand eight hundred and twenty one.
John Fatton, Proth
Notice sent to Uriah Spencer Canoe Camp on 12 Apr 1821
Transferred from Pennsylvania to New York 28 Dec 1821 from 4 Sept 1821
The last page also appears to have “bleed through” from other pages. What is readable is as follows:
John Lafferty
North Carolina
Deposited by Hon Wm Wilson of Penna
Hon. J. C. Calhoun; Secretary of the Department of war at Washington City
“ I Uriah Spencer ?? Of the court of Common Peas in and for the county of Tioga, I do certify and make known that Ira Kilburn is and was associate judge of the county of Tioga in the state of Pennsylvania that the signature in his proper hand writing and that full faith and credit are due to his atts of ? Testimony where of I have and affix the seal of this office.
County of Tioga aforesaid this twenty ninth ?? One thousand eight hundred and ??
Uriah Spencer, proxy.
His application for pension was filed through the courthouse at Wellsborough, Tioga county, Pennsylvania. He was granted pension on his application and subscribed on the roll of Pennsylvania 13 May 1818 at the rate of $8 per month. ( certificate #8880)
With regard to his circumstance, John makes the following statement: “I by trade a Cooper, but by age and infirmity am not able to pursue that occupation. I have living with me one grandchild viz Lucy Bruce ( could be Brace or Breen, not clearly written) age four years and my Phebe age fifty seven years and infirm like myself.” ( statement date 20 Sept 1820) signed by Uriah Spencer - proxy.
John’s pension was transferred from Pennsylvania to New York “ 28 Dec 1821 from 31 Sept 1821”
In Apr 1780 John married Phoebe Bartoo. ( or Barton) Phoebe was born 22 Mar 1762. The place she was born in uncertain, but family history says she was born of Quaker parents. John and Phebe had 10 children:
James b. 22 Sept 1781 m. Polly Phillips ( 1850 census of Bradford, Mckean county, PA indicates he was born in New Jersey)
Daniel b.6 Feb 1784 m. Catherine Snyder ( 1850 census of Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York indicates both he and Catherine were born in New Jersey)
Betsy b. 15 Mar 1786 m.
Hannah b. 10 Jun 1788 m.
Amy b. 8 Jul 1790 m.
Eliphas b. 13 Oct 1793 m. Polly Gallea ( 1850 census of Machias, Cattaraugus, New York indicates that Eliphas was born in New Jersey; Polly Gallea was born in Paris, Oneida, New York. Polly was 13 years old Eliphas 17, when they married in 1810.)
John Jr. b. 3 Feb 1795 m. Hannah Weaver
Sally b. 12 Mar 1798 m.
*Polley b. 10 Apr 1799 m. Daniel Phillips Sr.
William b. 22 May 1802 m.
* Information from Doris Frost calls this child “Ellen”
The 1820 census of Jackson Twp, Tioga County, Pennsylvania lists John “ Lafety” with 1 male 16 - 20 yrs, 1 male over 45 yrs; 1 female under 10 yrs, 1 female 16 - 18 yrs, and 1 female over 45 yrs.
This census also lists living near to John, James Lafety, Daniel Phillips and Hanna Phillips. (Interesting to note, hh of Daniel Phillips and Hannah Phillips list exactly the same number and age group family members. Is this coincidence or a mistake on the part of the census taker?)
Letter from James Barton 23 Feb 1999 RE: Land Records
Hi again,
On October 26, 1821, John Lafferty got the original deed for Lot 34 of Township 6 Range 4. T6 R4 is almost entirely in Freedom Twp. The southwest corner lot is in Machias, but Lot 34 in not the southwest corner lot.
On October 26, 1822 the deed for Lot 34 of Township 6, Range 4, reverted back . Since this is precisely one year later, I assume John Lafferty decided against completing whatever contract he had to buy the property and let it go back to the Holland Land Company. The index to the New York census for 1840 does not show a John Lafferty anywhere.
On December 24, 1830 John Lafferty Jr. negotiated a contract to buy Lot 32 of Township 5, Range 11. T5, R11 is Arkwright Township in Chautauqua County. The index to New York census for 1840 shows John Lafferty living in Arkwright Twp, of Chautauqua County.
On December 18, 1835, Henry M. Lafferty made a payment on his property which was Lot 54 of Township 2, Range 1. T2 R1 is Wirt Township in Allegany County, just across the four corners from Cuba Township. The index to New York census for 1840 does not show a Henry Lafferty.
The above property records are from the index to the Holland Land Company Records.
Letter from James Barton 16 Apr 1999 RE: Land Records
First. In 1947, the Olean Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Olean, New York published a booklet titled “ Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in Cattaraugus County, New York”
Included in the booklet is the following paragraph:
“Lafferty John - Moved to Freedom, NY in 1821 and died there. Pension granted March 17, 1819* from Tioga County, PA for service in North Carolina. Age 79. Served three years.”
* date differs from pension record
And so it goes thorough out the booklet. They don’t say where they are buried in Cattaraugus County. Also, the age 79 is puzzling. Age 79 what? You’ve probably already seen this, but if not, it again proves that this John Lafferty is the Revolutionary Soldier. And there is a Pennsylvania connection there. I’ll put a copy of the page of interest in the mail to you.
Second, I went back through the index to the Holland Land Company ( HLC) records. This time I actually read what they said:
26 Oct 1821 John Lafferty purchased the original deed to at least a part of Lot 34, Township 6, Range 4. This is HLC record 500-002. I think they really mean 1822, because record 500 is their code for 1822. Or, they may have ment record 501-002.
In 1832, John Lafferty allowed that property to revert back to the HLC. ( note: index indicates that it was the year 1822)
On 30 Jan 1832, Daniel Phillips negotiated a deed for at least a part of Lot 34, Township 6, Range 4; ie probably the same piece of property , or perhaps a different piece of the same Lot 34. This is HLC record 510-0005.
The reason I say above “ at least a part of Lot 34” is because on January 1, 1832, Edward Whitecomb negotiated the purchase of at least a part of Lot 34. This is HLC record 510- 005.
Ok. We somehow have John Lafferty and Daniel Phillips dealing with the same piece of property, or adjoining pieces of the same lot. Township 6, Range 4 is Freedom, with the exception of the southwest corner lot, which is Machias. All of this is consistent with John Lafferty moving to Freedom in 1821 as stated in other places. Now we know exactly where by the legal description, Lot 34 of Township 6, Range 4 is. In other words, Lot 34 of Freedom Township.
Where is this actually? Based on the general description of property layouts in the HLC book, the east edge of Lot 34, is 3 miles west of the Allegany county line. The west edge is another ¾ miles to the west. The south edge of Lot 34 is ¾ miles north of the Farmersville Township line. The north edge is another ¾ miles to the north. I cannot tell where that is by the state map. You will need a local map………………………………....
I know the census shows the Daniel Phillips place as being in Farmersville. But the township boundaries may have changed, or the census enumerator didn’t know exactly where the township boundaries were and thought that this property was in Farmersville……………………………Jim
The 1822 Jackson Twp Tax Roll Name List of Tioga County, Pennsylvania shows :
James Lafferty
John Lafferty - Removed
John Lafferty Jr.
Hannah Phillips - Removed
The 1830 census of Sardenia, Erie County, New York shows:
John “Lattenday” with 1 male 70 - 80 years and 1 female 70 - 80 years.
On the same page living near John:
James “Lattenday” with:
2 males 5 - 10 yrs, 1 male 15 - 20 years, 1 male 40 - 50 years, 1 female 5 - 10 years, 2 females 10 - 15 years and 1 female 40 - 50 yrs.
Daniel “Lattenday” with:
1 male under 5 years, 3 males 5 - 10 yrs, 1 male 40 - 50 yrs, 1 female under 5 yrs, 2 females 10 - 15 yrs, 1 female 20 - 30 years and 1 female 30 - 40 yrs.
“The History of Cattaraugus County New York” by L. H. Everts, pub. 1879 on p. 392 - 393 is an alphabetical listing of “resident landowners in the town of Freedom in 1835.” That shows:
John Lafferty - owned 77 acres, improved 5 acres.
“The Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Service” taken 1 Jun 1840, pub 1841 (reprint 1954) “with their names, ages, and places of residence” on p. 74
New York - Northern District - Cattaraugus County shows:
John Lafferty - age 85 yrs - living in the household of Daniel Phillips - town of Farmersville.
The 1840 census of Farmersville, Cattaraugus County, New York shows:
Daniel Phillips with 1 male under 5 years, 1 male 5 - 10 years, 1 male 16 - 20 years, 1 male 40 - 50 years, 1 male 80 - 90 years*, 2 females 5 - 10 years, 2 females 16 - 20 years and 1 female 30 - 40 years.
* John Lafferty listed as pensioner on this census also.
Census records would seem to indicate Phoebe died sometime after the 1830 census was taken and before the 1840 census was taken, most likely in Sardenia, Erie, New York. And John died after 1 Jun 1840 probably in Farmersville, Cattaraugus, New York. To date ( 15 Jul 2005) burial locations or actual death records have not been found for either John Lafferty or his wife Phebe.