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James Brewster; State NY
page 1 & 2 (both the same)
Service: New York
Brewster, James, Anna
Number: W4642
page 3 (docket cover)
Pennsylvania 26167
James Brewster of Bradford Co in the State of Pa who was a Private in the Company commanded by Captain Davis of the Regt commanded by Col <unreadable> in the New York line for <unreadable>
1 Yr 1 Mo Per $43.33
Inscribed on the Roll of Penna at the rate of 43 Dollars 33 Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 24th day of March and sent to 1834 Asa Dimock, Towanda, Pa
Arrears to the 4th of Mch '34 $130.00--Semi-anl. allowance ending 4 Sep $21.44 1/2 = $151.66
Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832Recorded by J. T. Sprague Clerk,
Book 6, Vol. 15, Page 5
page 4 (docket cover)
Anna Brewster widow of James Brewster of Bradford Co, in the State of Pennsylvania who was a Private in the Company connanded by Captain Davis of the Regt commanded by --- in the N.Y. militia line for 1 year 0 months.
Inscribed on the Roll of Pennsylvania at the rate of 43 Dollars 33 Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831. Pay up to May 22d, 1835, to be deducted.
Certificate of Pension issued the 17th day of October 1836 and sent to Hon. John Laporte, Asylum, Bradford Co, Pa
Arrears to the 4th of Sep '36 $238.33, Semi-anl. allowance ending ?? '37. $21.60 - @260.00
Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832 (crossed out), Act of 4 July 1836
Recorded by D. Brown Clerk
Book --, Vol. 1, Page 159
page 5
State of Pennsylvania, Bradford County, ss.
On this 26th day of September 1833 Personally appeared before me Jonathan Stevens an Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County aforesaid James Brewster resident of the township of Wysox in the said County of Bradford age eighty six years who being first sworn in due form of law doth depose on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the Certificate of the provision made by the act of Congress passed the 7th June 1832. that he was born in the Township of Southampton in the County of Suffolk (Long Island) in the State of New York the 31st day of December A.D. 1747. That he enlisted into this army of the United States in the aforesaid Township of Southampton, the first day of March 1776 and served in the Company commanded by Captain John Davis in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Perry B. Livingston until the first day of April 1777 when he was discharged at Fishkill in the said State of New York having served the span of thirteen months that his said service was performed partly on Long Island and partly along the shore of the Sound and at & about the White Plains (so called) that he has no evidence of his services except his own declaration except that of his wife who is yet living and is ninety three years old might be added if required that he is under the necessity of Depending on his reputation for truth for which purpose he offers the depositions of which are herewith sent he has no record of his age but gives it from memory and he hereby relinquishes his every claim to pension or amnesty except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any agency of any State.
Sworn and Subscribed before me
the day & year aforesaid
Jonathan Stevens Associate Judge
James Brewster x his mark
Jonathan Stevens Judge aforesaid do herby certify that after an investation and after filing (?) the required interogation that I am of the oppinon that James Brewster did serve as stated in his above Declaration in the army of the revolution, that he is well acquainted with one of the witnesses. Davis Dimock knows him to be a Clergyman of long & respectable standing in Susquehanna County. <can't read> that the said James Brewster is by reason of age and bodily infimity unable to go before the Court.
Jonathan Stevens, A.J.
State of Pennsylvania, Bradford Co, ss
J. E. Goodnell, Deputy Prothonotary of the court of Common pleas of said county do certity that Jonathan Stevens is & was at the date of that foregoing. and associate Judge of said County & ??? above signature of Jonathan Stevens is genuine
Witness my hand <can't read > of said county this 14th day of March 1834
E.S. Goodnell Dep. Prot.
page 6
Declaration of Anna Brewster
In order to obtain the benefit of the 3 section of the act of Congress of the 4th July 1836
State of Pennsylvania
Bradford County, ss
On the 23d day of August 1836 Personally appeared before the subscriber one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the said County of Bradford Anna Brewster resident of the Township of Wysox in hte said County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania aged Ninety one years who first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath, make the following declaration in order to claim the befefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed the 3rd of July 1836 that she is the widow of the late James Brewster deceased who was a private in the revolutionary army andpensioner of the revolution under the provision of the act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832 as may more fully appear from the Pension list Roll in the War (or Pension) Office of the United States and from his application to the War Office and the testament thereunto attached and She further declares that She was married to the said James Brewster on the first day of May in the year Seventeen hundred and seventy six and that her husband the aforesaid James Brewster died on the twenty second day of May seventeen hundred and thirty five and that she has remained a widow ever since that period as will more fully appear by refference to the proofs hereto annexed
Sworn to and subscribed on the day above written before me
Jonathan Stevens Associate Judge
Anna Brewster x her mark
I Jonathan Stevens Judge aforesaid do herby certify that the following is an extract of a record from the family Bible of the late James Brewster taken there from by me. "James Brewster and Anna Brewster was married May 1st 1776."
"James Brewster Born 29th December 1747"
"Anna Brewster was Born August 7th 1742"
"(Thrie Children) Daniel Brewster was born 23 February 1778"
"Abigail Brewster was born 23d May 1781"
Jonathan Stevens Associate Judge
State of Pennsylvia
Bradford County, ss
On this 7 day of September Before the subscriber one of the Associate Judges of the Court of the said County of Bradford Personally appeared Daniel Brewster of the said County aged fifty eight years, Who being sworn in due form of law doth depose & day that he is the reported son of the late James Brewster and Anna Brewster that the foregoing extract is a part of the record of the family Bible of the said late James (end of page..should be more??)
page 7 (letter from War Department)
Ware Department, Pension Office
24 March 1834
The evidence in support of your claim under the act of June 7, 1832, has been examined, and the papers are herewith returned. The following is a statement of your case in a tubular form. On comparing these papers with following rules, and the subjoined notes you will readily perceive that objections exist, which must be removed, before a pension can be allowed. The notes and the regulations will show what is necessary to be done. Those points to which your attention is more particularly directed, you will find marked in the margin with a brace (thus: }). You will, when you return your papers to this Department, send this printed letter with them; and you will, by compiling with this request, greatly facilitate the investigation of your claim.
A Statement, showing the Service of James Brewster
Period when the service was recorded: 1776
Duration of the claimant's service: 1 year, 1 month, 0 days
Rank of the claimant: priv
Names and rank of the Field officers under whom he served: Cap Davis, Col. Livingston
Age at present, and place of abode when he entered the service: 86 years, Suffolk County, N.Y.
Proof by which the declaration is supported: Traditionary ---
I am respectfully, Your obedient servant,
James L. Edwards, Commissioner of Pensions
page 8 (page 1 of letter)
April 29, 1940
James Brewster
W. 4642
Mrs. GordonMacCracken
262 Hargadine Street
Ashland, Oregon
Dear Madam:
Reference is made to your letter in which you request information in regard to James Brewster of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
The data furnished herein were obtained from papers on file in claim for pension, W. 4642, based upon military service of James Brewster, in the War of the Revolution.
James Brewster was born December 29 or 31, 1747, in the Township of Southampton, Suffolk County, (Long Island), New York. The names of his parents were given.
James Brewster enlisted in Southampton Township, New York, March 1, 1776, served as a private in Captain John Davis' company, Colonel Henry B. Livingston's New York regiment, until April 1, 1777.
He was allowed pension on his application executed September 26, 1833, at which time he was a resident of Wysox Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
He died May 22, 1835, in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, at the home of David Virgason (Vargason),
(page 9)
the husband of Abigail Virgason.
The soldier, James rewster, married May 1, 1776, Anna Foster. She was born August 7, 1742, place not given, nor were the names of her parents stated.
The widow, Anna Brewster, was allowed pension on her application executed August 23, 1836, at which time she was living in Wysox Township, Pennsylvania.
The following data in regard to the children of James Brewster, and his wife, Anna, are shown in the claim:
Daniel born February 23, 1778
Abigail born May 23, 1781.
Daniel Brewster was living in 1836, in Bradford County, Pennsylvani, and then referred to a brother and sister, but did not state their names. Abigail Virjason (Vargason) was living in 1836, in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, then stated that her father, James Brewster, died at her house, May 22, 1835.
In 1833, Walter Foster was a resident of Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania; it was not stated that he was related to the widow, Anna (Foster) Brewster.
The papers on file in this claim contain no further discernible family data.
In order to obtain the date of pension, name and address of person paid, and possibly the date of death of the widow, Anna Brewster, you should apply to the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Records Division, this city, and furnish the following data:
Anna Brewster, widow of James Brewster, Certificate #92 Issued October 17, 1836, rate $43.33 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, Act of July 4, 1836 Pennsylvania Agency.
Very truly yours
A.D. Hiller, Executive Assistant to the Administrator