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Tri-County Legal Documents |
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Transcribed by Maryann Stalpers |
State of New York )
Herkimer County ) On the twenty-seventh day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred eighteen before me the subscriber one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the aforesaid County personally appeared George Backus aged fifty 57- years resident in the Town of Salisbury in the aforesaid County who being by the first thereby sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress entitled AAn act to provide for certain persons engaged in the Land and Naval service of the United State in the Revolutionary War: that the said George enlisted in the State of New York Ain the company commanded by Captain Andrew Fink belonging to the Regiment commanded by Colonel Goose Van Schaick being the first New York Regiment that he was enlisted early in the Campaign of 1777 and continued in the service of his Country until sometime in the month of June in the year 1783 when he was discharged by General Washington at Snake Hill near Newburgh in the County of Ulster and aforesaid state which discharge he has lost that he was in the battles of Monmouth in the State of New Jersey and at York Town and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his Country for his support.
Signed/George Boachus
Sworn to and declared before the
county and year aforesaid
H. W. Herkimer
one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas in and
for Herkimer County.
State of New York Herkimer County ss. On the 4th day of October 1820 personally appeared in open court being a Court of Record ______ the Court of Common Plea (in and for aforesaid county and constituted such Court of Records by the statutes of the said state, George Backus, aged fifty-nine years resident in the Town of Salisbury in said County who being first duly sworn according to Law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows to wit: A I enlisted under Capt. Andrew Fink in Col. VanSchaick=s Regt. Served under Capt. Fink nearly two years with Capt. Tenbroeck all of which time in the same Regiment -- and that the date of his original Declaration was on the 17th day of May 1818, and the number of his pension certificate is 5,526 (or 0) and he further declares that he served at least six years in the whole, in Col. VanSchaick=s Regt. In the New York line,--and I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale, or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby to diminish it as to being myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor any person in trust for me any property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed hereby me subscribed:
To Wit:
Real Estate None either personal
Personal Property
Two horses worth $40
One cow 15
2 Calves 4
4 hogs and pigs 14
8 sheep 8
l old farming moll 1 or 50 cents
l old plough 3
plough and dragg 6
l old comb 4
7 ax 0 to 75 cents
Furniture in the house in all worth)
Not more than 25.00
Debts which I owe $81
And the declarant further states that he is __________________ that he is not able to do much labor.....afflicted with that the names and number of his family including with him in follows : his wife, Susanna aged 48 years of a weekly constitution - one daughter by the name of Caty aged 22 years, single woman constantly attached with fits not able to perform any kind of labour one other, a boy by the name of Joseph, aged 8 years, ....
Signed George Bacchus
Subscribed and sworn to October
4, 1820 before Mr. George Rosencrantz
a judge of Herkimer Common Pleas
County of
April 17, 1933
George Boachus-S39951
Mildred R. Staunton
45 S. First Avenue
Mt. Vernon, New York
Dear Madam:
Reference is made to your letter in which you request information relate to George and John Bacchus, with similar spellings of that surname, soldiers of the war of the Revolution.
The data given by you are not sufficient to enable this office to identify the record of the John Bacchus, in whom you are interested. Please furnish as much as possible of the following data in regard to John Bacchus --approximate dates of his birth and death and places of residence at enlistment and after service. Another search of the records will then be made in your behalf, and the history furnished, if on file.
You are furnished herein the report of the only soldier named George Boachus (similar spellings of the surname searched) that is found on file in the Revolutionary war records of this office; and the data which follow were obtained from the papers on file in his pension claim, S. 39951.
George Boachus, the name also appears, Bacchus, and Backus, enlisted in the state of New York, early in the campaign of 1777 and served in Captain Andrew Finch=s company in Colonel Goose Van Schaick=s First New York Regiment, served about two years and was transferred to Captain John Wendell=s company and served between two and three years and was transferred to Captain John Ten Broeck=s company, was all the time in Colonel Goose Van Schaick=s regiment. He was in the battles of Monmouth and Yorktown, and was discharged in June, 1783.
He was allowed pension on his application executed May 27, 1818, then aged fifty-seven years and living in Salisbury, Herkimer County, New York.
In 1820 he was still a resident of Salisbury, and at that time referred to his wife, Susanna aged forty-eight years, his daughter, Caty aged twenty-two years (a single woman), and to a boy, Joseph (no relationship stated) aged eight years.
In 1833 the soldier, George Boachus, was living in Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
Very truly yours
A. B. Hiller
Assistant to Administrator