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Will of Charlotte ADAMS  "Merchant" - 1920
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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This is a transcription of the "Will of Charlotte ADAMS  "Merchant" of Lawrenceville, Tioga County, PA by Ken Chapman
Subj:  Will of Charlotte Merchant, of Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., Pa.
Date:  6/12/2002 6:15:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:  KRCH2
To:  JoyceTice

Charlotte H. 'Lottie' ADAMS, daughter of Joel ADAMS & Fidelia CRANDALL.
Charlotte ADAMS married Ward Harry MERCHANT, son of Sylvanus MERCHANT & Maria SPAULING of Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY.

Tioga County Court House, Wellsboro, Pa.
Register's Docket, Book O,
Page 362 & 363,
No. 7057.

Last Will and Testament of Charlotte H. Merchant
Ward H. Merchant Executor.

No. 7057. Register's Office, December 8, 1920.
This day was presented the petition of Ward H. Merchant of Lawrenceville, representing:
That he is the executor named in the Last Will and Testament of Charlotte H. Merchant, late of Lawrenceville, who departed this life at her residence November 14, 1920, at 7:15 P.M.
The value of the personal property of the estate is Seven Hundred dollars and the value of the real estate is nothing.
The petitioner therefore prayed that said will be probated and Letters Testamentary granted to the petitioner. Said will as follows:
Mrs. C. H. Merchant's Will,
I Charlotte H. Merchant of Lawrenceville, Tioga County, Pennsylvania being in usual health and of sound mind do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills as to such estate as it has pleased God to instruct me with,

I give and bequeath it all to my husband Ward H. Merchant absolutely both real and personal of all I now have or may hereafter acquire either in real estate, money, notes, Bank stock or deposits to have and to use as he may wish and at his death if there is any remaining, I will and bequeath the remaining amount whatever it may be of real or personal to my beloved Niece Mae Goodwin Lyon now of St. Louis Missouri: and I do hereby constitute and appoint my husband Ward H. Merchant and Henry McCullough Executors of this my last will and testament.
I hereby grant and empower my Executors to sell and deed any real estate I may have at my death.
In witness whereof I Charlotte H. Merchant the testator have to this my last will and testament written on one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this ninth day of December A.D. One Thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
Charlotte H. Merchant
Witnesses: Agnus P. McCulloch,  Miss Susie I. Preston.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, ss:
This day before me, William S. Woodhouse, Register for probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for said County aforesaid, personally came Agnus P. McCulloch and Miss Susie I. Preston the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly sworn according to law, do say that they were present and saw and heard Charlotte H. Merchant the testatrix sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for her last will and testament and that at the time of so doing she was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief. That said deponents signed their names as witnesses thereto at the request of the testatrix in her presence and the presence of each other.
Agnus P. McClloch,  Miss Susie I. Preston.
Sworn and Subscribed before me this 4th day of Dec. 1920.
[Official Seal] Mary Cummings, Deputy Register.

And now December 8, 1920, The foregoing Will is adjudged to be duly proved as required by law and is therefore admitted to probate and entered of record and decreed to be a valid Will and of force and effect as such.
[Official Seal]   William S. Woodhouse,  Register.

Same day Letters Testamentary on the foregoing Will were granted to Ward H. Merchant one of the Executors named therein, he first having been duly sworn as required by law and filed the renunciation of Henry McCulloch the other executor named therein.

June 25, 1923, Letters of Administration d.b.n., c.x.a. on the estate of Charlotte H. Merchant late of Lawrenceville, were granted to William S. Wilcox, he first having been duly sworn by law.

June 25, 1923, Bond filed in the sum of five hundred dollars signed by William S. Wilcox, J. T. King, and F. B. Preston.

December 29, 1923, The final account of the administrator d.b.n., c.x.a. examined, passed and filed.

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Legal Documents
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
This is a transcription of the "Will of Sauuel Satterly of Lawrenceville, Tioga County, PA by R. Alan "Chip" Satterly M. D. 
Added June 2006
Submitted by R. Alan "Chip" Satterly M.D.

Dear Joyce,
I have been researching the Satterly <-lee,-ley> and allied families of the TriCounty area for many years.
This Will recently became available to me.
Samuel Satterly lived most of his life near present day Lawrenceville in Tioga County, PA. He was born in 1803 and died August 24, 1884.
His origins are unknown but he or his parents probablly came from the Orange County, N.Y. area. He was unmarried and had no known children.
His brother Jonas H. Satterly, not mentioned in the Will, came to live with Samuel  later in life.Although Samuel Satterly was primarily a farmer, he also is known to have operated a busy store in the Lawrenceville vicinity.
Samuel Satterly also lived for some time with a George Parker family, mentioned in several census records. Parker evidently named one of his sons Samuel Satterly Parker, and the Will mentions this young man several times. Childless himself, Samuel Satterly intended to leave a large part of his estate to his namesake, Samuel Satterly Parker.

The Will of Samuel Satterly dec'd
Proved December 4, 1884.
Page 476
F. E. Smith Executor

I Samuel Satterly of Lawrence Township, Tioga County Pennsylvania being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and

First, I direct that my body shall be decently buried in the Cemetery or burial ground near the residence of Simon I.Power in Lawrence Township, Tioga County Pennsylvania.

Second, That all my Just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my Executor hereinafter named out of the first monies that shall come into his hands from any part of my Estate.

Third, That as soon after my decease as is practical my Executor hereinafter named shall erect or cause to be erected over my grave  a neat suitable tombstone or monument at an expense not exceeding five hundred dollars.

Fourth, as to the remaining part of my Estate I direct my Executor hereinafter named to invest it at such reasonable rate of interest and on such security as may seem to him safe and proper until Samulel Satterly Parker, son of George Parker of Lawrence Township, Tioga County Pennsylvania shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years. If he has not already reached that age before my decease and then to pay the same  to the said Samuel Saterly Parker for his own proper use, to his heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby give and bequeath to the said Samuel Satterly Parker his heirs and assigns the said rest and residue of my Estate after payimng debts, expenses and for the monument aforesaid, when he becomes of age twenty-one years aforesaid. In case of the death of the said Samuel Satterly Parker before he arrives at the age of twenty-one years then I give and bequest the said residue of my Estate to my nephew Theodore Clark late of Orange County New York and to his heirs and assigns
And I do hereby nominate and appoint F. E. Smith of Tioga, Pa. Executor of this my last Will and Testament dated this Ninth day of November AD One Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty One..
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this Nith day of November AD 1881.

Samuel Satterly

Witnesses: C. S. Mather and Mich Culligan

Eli Harris being duly sworn says that he knew Samuel Satterly late of Lawrence Township for his lifetime, that said Satterly died in Lawrence Township, Tioga County Pennsylvania on the 26th day of August AD 1884 at about 3 O'Clock AM and that he was present at the time of his death.
Subscribed and sworn this 3rd day of December 1884
Signed: Eli Harris

June 2006 - Dear Joyce,
I am sending you the transcribed  Will of Daniel Satterly of Orange County, New York dated 1826.
Although Daniel did not live in the Tri-County area, many of the Satterly <-ley, -lee> and allied family inhabitants of the present Tri-County region are descended from ancestors who came from the Orange County, N.Y. area in the late 1700's and early 1800's. I believe that some  relatives of Daniel Satterly of Blooming Grove moved to the Tri-County area and his Will mentions individuals that may help contemoprary researchers identify key family links.
It is entirely possible that this Will provides information that has not  ever been previously published and posted for genealogic research on the internet.  The original document is beautiful and quite well preserved. I plan to donate this valuable piece of family history to the Orange County, N.Y. Historical Association.
Best regards,
R. Alan "Chip" Satterly M.D.

Will of Daniel Satterly of Blooming Grove, Orange County New York

I Daniel Satterly of the town of Blooming Grove in the County of Orange being of sound mind and memory ( ____ be  Almighty God for the same) but infirm in body do make and publish this my last Will and Testamnet in manner and form as follows:

1st    I give and bequeath unto my wife Sally in lieu of dower all of my personal Estate after all my just Debts are paid of whatever nature or desription it may be except my wearing apparell.

2nd   I give and bequeath unto my wife Sally in lieu of her lawful dower and to her heirs and assigns forever a certrain lot of land containing about nine or ten acres situated in the Town of Blooming Grove aforesaid which I purchased of my Father ajoining the lands of Isaac Bull and others on the west side of the road heading from <illegible> to Satterly's Mills. And i also give and bequeath unto my wife Sally, to her heirs and assigns forever in lieu of her lawful dower another lot or peice of land containing between twenty and thiry acres commonly called the Green place adjoining the lands of Isaac Bull and others siuated in the Town of <illegible> and Blooming Grove aforesaid.

3rd   I give and bequeath unto my wife Sally so long as she remains my widow the use of the two lower rooms in the west end of the house where I now reside together with a privilege in the cellars all of which is to be occupied only by her.

4th   I give and bequeath unto my brother Theodorus Satterly to him and his heirs forever all my rights and interest which are undivided in the farm which formerly belonged to my father except the privilege heretofore bequeathed to my wife Sally in the farm on said place, on condition that he pay the following legacies respectively to each of the persons herein often named and at such times as is herein after directed....Viz

To my wife Sally one hundred and fifty dollars one third of which is to be paid in one year after my decease and one third at the end of every succeeding year until the whole is paid.

To my sisters <Millicent sp? name difficult to discern> Smith, Nancy Benjamin, <Matilda sp? name difficult to discern> Finch, Polly Satterly, Charlotte Satterly and Jane Satterly the sum of twenty dollars each, to be paid to the first three names one year after my decease and the three last in two years after my decease.

5th   I give and bequeath unto Theodorus Satterly my brother all my wearing apparel.

6th   I hereby constitute and appoint my wife Sally Satterly Executrix and my friends Charles B. Durland and Joseph R. Andrews ?? < name not clearly legible> Executors of this my last will and testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1st Day of February 1826.

Daniel Satterly

Signed, Sealed and published in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator and of each other.

Jos. R. Andrews <sp? name difficult to read>
Daniel B. Hood
Mary Ann Turner <sp?? name difficult to discern>

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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By Joyce M. Tice
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