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1858 - Estate of Jacob Landis
Submitted by Cheryl Roan & Marie Aylesworth
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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Jacob Landis Estate Appraisal

We George Levegood and John Kreger do solemnly swear that we will well and truly appraise the goods, chattels and affects of Jacob Landis, dec'd and make out a schedule of the same according to the best of our judgment and abilities. signed: George Levegood 

John Kreger

Sworn and subscribed

Before me at Liberty

This 6th day of March 1858

J.J. Werline J.P.

Appraisement List
One stove $ 5.00
One iron kettle 2.50
One iron pot .50
One axe .30
One sausage stuffer .18
One tin pail .12 ½
One hand saw and carving knife .30
One lot old iron .60
One old musket .30
One fish gig .20
One vinegar barrel .50
One lot old barrels .25
One bedstead .37 ½ 
One wool wheel ?
One auger .25
One jug .15
One tot stove pipe 1.25
One bed and bedstead 4.50
One iron kettle 4.00
One shovel .25
One brewing tub .37 ½
One meat tub .37 ½ 
One grubbing hoe .50
One barrel .50
One spinning wheel .25
One meat tub .25
One 1-horse waggon 10.00
One fanning mill 1.00
One hay fork .37 ½ 
One cutting box .50
One harrow .50
One sow 8.00
Two shoats $ 3 - each 6.00
One cow 15.00
One three year old heiffer 15.00
One small bull 7.00
We certify that the above and foregoing is a true list of the goods and chattels of the Estate of Jacob Landis, late of Liberty Township, dec'd as appraised by us. Liberty March 8, 1858
Filed on March 18, 1858
Vendue List

Of the goods and chattels of Jacob Landis dec'd

Jacob Brion A lot of old iron .41
Jonathan Kreger Chain and clevise .28
John Black Fish gig .30
William Heardley One jug .02
Jacob Brion Old harness .13
Elias Cummings Old sythes .06
Amos Dibles Shovel and **ath .12 ½ 
Jonathan Kreger Carving knife and auger .09
Jonas Heardley Mall .08
Anna Landis Tin pail and sausage stuffer .20
Samuel Laudenshlager One iron kettle 2.55
Jonathan kreger One saw .40
John Black Inch auger .57
Joseph Landis Two barrels .06
Jonathan Kreger One half bushel .19
James Alexander One brewing tub .80
Jonathan Kreger Cider barrel .76
Elias Cummings Two barrels .58
Michael Knipe Old buckets .12
Jonathan Kreger Shovel .75
Jonathan Kreger Grubbing hoe 1.49
Elias Cummings One spinning wheel .40
Lewis Alexander Meat stand .37 ½
Michael Knipe Churn .17
Philip Grasley One **ch .03
Elias Cummings One wool wheel 3.05
Joseph Landis One stove 5.00
Jonathan Kreger Stove pipe 1.25
James Greek Bedstead .25
John Grasley Bed 3.00
Jonathan Kreger One sti** as old .68
Amos Dibles One wagon 11.75
Jonathan Kreger One drag .81
Cornealius Boughton One barrel .16
John Black One cutting box .85
Jonathan Kreger One fanning mill .57
Jonathan Kreger Two cow chains .69
John Black One fork and hook .30
Jonathan Kreger One **lough .62 ½ 
Cornealius Boughton White hog 4.00
Ditto Spotted hog 4.00
Ditto Old sow 10.00
Ditto  Small bull 8.50
Ditto  One heifer 22.25
Jonathan Kreger One s** cow 30.00
Jonathan Kreger Old casting .18
I certify that the above is a correct list of the goods and chattels of the Estate of the late Jacob Landis sold at Public Vendue April the 15th, 1858.

Joseph Landis {Administrator

Filed July 12, 1858

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 13 SEP 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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