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Tri-County Legal Documents |
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Nathaniel Hickok – S. 2316
State of Pennsylvania
Bradford County
On this 28th day of July AD 1832 personally appeared before
the Judges of the Orphans Court being a Court of Record now in Session
for said County Nathaniel Hickock resident of the township of Wysox in
Said County aged Seventy four Years who being first and duly sworn according
to law doth on his oathe make the following declaration in order to obtain
the benefit of the provisions made by act of Congress passed on the 7th
day of June AD 1832. That he was born on the 3d of March 1758 in the township
of Woodbury Lichfield County State of Connecticut that in the same place
about the month of June 1776 he enlisted for the term of Seven Months in
the company Commanded by Captain Benjamin Mills in the Regiment of State
troops commanded by Colonel Bradley was marched to Bargain Point in New
Jersey opposite Staten Island served his time out & was discharged
at Morris town or rather dismissed, that the next April he enlisted at
the same place for six weeks into Captain Couch Company Colonel Porters
Regiment State troops served his time out & was dismissed at Peeks
Rill in the State of New York, that he was afterwards called in the militia
to a place called the Red Hills in the year 1777. that he afterwards Enlisted
in the State Service for Eight Months service in Capt Reuben Bostwicks
Company & in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Roger Enos & was
dismissed on the first day of January 1778 at Horse Neck in the St of Connecticut.
That about the first of August 1779 at the township of Washington formerly
Woodbury his place of Residence he belonged to a Company of horsemen &
was drafted for one month was Sent in the Company Commander by Capt Curtis
in the Regt Commanded by Major Starr that he served about four months &
on one was in the battle of fairfield when that Town was burnt by the British
That he was in the battle of New Rochelle in 1779 when the British Cavalry
Commanded by Major E--- made an attack upon that place. that in the whole
he served more than Eighteen months He further states that he has no documentary
evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure
who can testify to his Service except Isaac Br---son whose deposition I
have procured.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity
except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll
of the agency of any state.
Nathaniel Hickok | |
Sworn to & subscribed the | |
day & year aforesaid in | |
open court | |
E. L. Goodrich Clerk
Interrogations put by the Court
1st Where & in what year were you born
Ans In the town of Woodbury Litchfield County State of Connecticut on the 3d of March 1758
2nd Have you any record of your age
Ans I have a family Record in my Bible and my age is Recorded in the town Clerks office where I was born
3d where were you living when called into service
Ans I have stated in my declaration in Woodbury Ct Since the Revolution I have lived in the town of Wysox Bradford Co. Pa where I now live.
4 How were you called into Service
Ans I Entered Voluntarily for most of the time & was drafted for one month all which is stated at length in my declaration
5 State the names of Your Regular Officers
Ans I have stated them in me declaration
6 Did you ever receive a discharge
Ans I never did I was dismissed or disbanded
7 State the names of person to whom you are Known in your neighborhood who can testify to your character for truth & veracity
Ans Amos Mix & James Elliot
The State of Ohio
Geauga County
On this Eighteenth day of September A.D. 1831 before me, the subscriber
a Justice of the peace in and for the County and state aforesaid personally
appeared Nathaniel Hickok who on his oath, declares that he is the same
person who formerly belonged to Captain Reuben Bostwick’s Company in Co,
Roger Enos’ regiment of Connecticut State troops in the service of the
United States, that his name was placed on the pension roll of the State
of Pennsylvania. (& his pension made payable at Philladelphia) from
whence he has lately removed; That he now resides in Geauga County in the
state of Ohio where he intends to remain and wishes his pension to be payable
in future at Pittsburgh in the State of Pensylvania, where pensions are
payable in the Ohio Agency. The following are his reasons for removing
from Bradford County in the state of Pensylvania, where he resided when
he received his pension certificate, to Geauga County in the State of Ohio,
where he now resides, to wit, He has children living in said Geauga County
with whom he wishes to spend his remaining days.
Sworn & subscribed to, before me | Nathaniel Hickok |
the day and year aforesaid | |
Austin Canfield Justice of the peace |
The State of Ohio
Geauga County
I Austin Canfield a Justice of the peace for said County & State
do hereby certify that Daniel Ingraham appeared before me on this 18th
day of September A.D. 1833 and made oath that Nathaniel Hickok who has
taken the above oath is the same person described in the affidavit above,
and also in a pension certificate in his possession Numbered 2755 and dated
at the War Office Dec 5, 1832. Signed Lew Cap Secretary of War, And I further
certify that the said Daniel Ingraham is a person of truth and veracity.
Given under my hand the day & year above written. Austin Canfield Justice
of the peace