Boyd’s City Directory

Elmira, Chemung Co., New York


Abbreviations Used in this Directory-Ab., above; al., alley; av., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; cur., corner; do., ditto; E., East; ft., foot; h., house; la., lane; n., near; N., North; r., rear; rd., road; R. R., railroad; sq., square; S., South; W., West.


Abbleson, Virgil, farmer, h Sullivan n Matthew

ABBOTT, AARON B., real estate, 407 N Main, h do

Abbott, Catharine A., widow Charles R., h 102 W Hudson

Abbott, Charles, sexton Woodlawn Cemetery, Davis n the limits, h do

Abbott, Edwin R., prop. Rathbun House, E Water cur Baldwin

Abbott, Frank L., clerk, 303 E Water, bds, 230 Water

Abbott, Fred, clerk, 142 W Water h 144 do

Abbott, James, conductor, h 211 O’Gorman

Abbott, L. Guy, clerk, 144 W Water, bds 408 W Gray

Abbott, Orelena A., widow Frank B., h 230 W Water

Abt, Joseph, hotel 605 Railroad av

ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, under the sisters of St. Mary, E Market n High

Ackerman, James, coachman, h 303 E Water

ACKERMAN, SARAH A. Mrs., dressmaker, 303 E Water h do

Ackerman, Peter, fireman, bds 1319 Lake

Adams, Cornelius, coachman, 325 Lake

ADAMS EXPRESS, 152 Baldwin

Adams, George E., brakeman, h 500 Baldwin

Adams, James A., (C. E. Vinton & Co.), h 147 W Water

Adams, John, boot maker, h 507 W Second

Adams, John Q., bookkeeper, 143 E Water, bds 507 College av

Adams, Libbie Miss, editress The Youthful Enterprise, E Second cor High, bds do

Adams, Mary G., widow John T., bds 205 S Elm

Adams, Robert W., janitor, h 708 Baldwin

Adams, Samuel, laborer, h 406 DeWitt

Adams, Thomas M., porter Frasier House

Ainsworth, Elizabeth, widow Edward, h 406 Perry

Albers, John, cabinetmaker, h 607 Magee

Albertson, Charles W., clerk, 117 E Water, bds 710 Benjamin

Albertson, Eugene, driver, 117 E. Water, bds 160 Washington

Albro, Frank, cigar maker, bds Maple av cur Caldwell av

Albro, Walter H., salesman, 308 Carroll, bds Maple av cur Caldwell

Albro, William B., cigar maker, 423 Carroll, h 805 W Market

Albro, William W., cigar maker, h Maple av cur Caldwell

Alderson, Paul, carpenter, h r 423 W Fourth

Aldrich, Albert A., carpenter, bds 662 Columbia

Aldrich, Charles D., foreman, h 850 N Main

Aldrich, Esther M., dressmaker, bds 655 N Main

Aldrich, Ethan, bds 662 Columbia

Aldrich, Ethan A., carpenter, h 662 Columbia

Aldrich, John E., carpenter, bds 662 Columbia

Aldrich, Oscar E., foreman, h 718 College av

Aldrich, Sarah, dressmaker, bds 114 W Church

Aldrich, Schuyler Rev., h 913 Lake

Aldrich, Edgar, laborer, bds 511 W Water

Alexander, George, blacksmith, h 313 W Fourth

Alexander, Howard, helper, h 512 DeWitt

Allbright, William, water carrier, bds Reformatory av cur College ac

Allen, Agnes, domestic, 308 William

Allen, Almina Mrs., bds 116 W South Water

Allen, Andrew J., tinsmith, h 502 E Church

Allen, Asa T., printer Advertiser Office, bds 215 DeWitt

Allen, Charles A., stonecutter, bds 118 Ferris

Allen, Isaac, conductor, h 14 Burdick

Allen, John L., shoemaker, bds 400 Railroad av

Allen, John S., printer Advertiser Office, h 215 DeWitt

Allen, Mary A., dressmaker, bds 857 Magee

Allen, Mary A., widow Henry, h 857 Magee

Allen, Sarah T., widow Henry, h 413 N Main

Allen, Thomas, wagon maker, h 544 E Church

Allen, William S., cashier Erie Freight office, h 116 Ferris

Allerton, Frank H., clerk, 324 E Water, bds, 718 Columbia

Allison, Oscar W., painter, h 516 W First

Alrich, George A., cigar maker, bds St. James Hotel

Alvord, Lucy, widow Otis, bds 318 William

Amann Jacob, brewer, 121 E Second, h 217 Gregg

Amann, Joseph, laborer, h 830 Walnut

AMAZON FIRE INSURANCE CO., assets $1,000,000, agent J. L. McDowell, 206 E Water

Amberg, Fred, grocer, 601 Lake, h do

Amberg, Fred H. Jr., law student, 314 E Water, bds 601 Lake

Amberg, Sophy, widow Clarence, bds 601 Lake

Ambrose, Michael, laborer, h 516 College av

AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Newark, assets $1,350,000, agent, J. L. McDowell, 206 E Water

Anders, Henry, barber, 119 W Water, h 413 Standish

Anderson, Ada, teacher, bds 708 E Second

Anderson, John G., carpenter, h 708 E Second

Anderson, Washington, laborer, h 603 Dickinson

Anderson, Wesley, h 370 W Church

Andrews, Benjamin (J. Andrews & Son), bds 463 W Water

Andrews, Edward W., clerk, 321 E Water, bds, 463 W Water

Andrews, J & Son, (Benjamin), saw manufrs., 111 E Market

Andrews, John (J. Andrews & Son), h 463 W Water

Andrews, John Jr., saw maker, bds 463 W Water

Andrews, Lemuel M., carpenter, h Kenyon n city limits

Andrews, Samuel, engineer, bds Fowler House

Andrus, George F., meat market, 208 W Water, h 309 W Gray

Andrus, Laura, widow Gideon H., bds 510 Columbia

Andrus, Seth C., brakeman, h 210 Jacob

Andrus, William, ironworker, bds 156 W Third

ANGELL, DANIEL W., musical instruments, 111 Lake, h 702 E Market

Angers, Henry, barber, h Pennsylvania av cur Ann

Ansorce, Marx P., clothier,109 E Water, h at Corning

Ansorge, Hannah, widow, h 814 John

Antes, James N., foreman, h College av n Reformatory av

Antes, Lizzie, domestic, 309 DeWitt

Appleton, Charles, teamster, bds 710 Dickinson

Appleton, George, engineer, h 710 Benjamin

Appleton, Elizabeth, bds 162 DeWitt

Appleton, John, laborer, h 50 High

Appleton, William, laborer, h 951 Sullivan

ARBOR HOTEL, Haight, Jones & Co., 108 and 110 Lake

Archibald, Helen, bds 621 W Church

Archibald, Libbie, bds 621 W Church

Archibald, Mary, widow Allen C., h 621 W Church

Argetsinger, Peter, painter, h 523 W Clinton

Arlach, George, cigar maker, bds Homestead Hotel

Armstrong, Delia, bds, 130 E Water

Armstrong, John, laborer, h 618 Baldwin

Armstrong, Joseph M., baggage master, Erie Depot, h 154 W Fourth

Armstrong, Mary J. Mrs., h 705 Benjamin

Armstrong, Moses, carpenter, h 460 South av

Armstrong, William H., shoemaker, h 130 E Water

Arnold, Edwin P., carpenter, h 718 Walnut

Arnold, George W., conductor, h 121 W Water

Arnold, Lillian, domestic, 105 Partridge

Arnold, Nettie Mrs., dressmaker, h 112 E Water

Arnold, Philip, insurance & c., 400 W Church, h do

Arnot, Harriet, widow John, h 235 Lake

ARNOT, JOHN JR., (T. Briggs & Co.), also cashier Chemung Canal Bank, h 254 W Clinton

ARNOT, MATTHIAS H., pres. Elmira Gas Light Co., also cashier First Nat. Bank, bds 235 Lake

ARNOT, STEPHEN T., pres. First Nat. Bank, also secty. and tres. Elmira Gas Light Co., h 211 Lake

Arnott, Jane Mrs., boarding, h 213 Sullivan

Arnott, Susie, housekeeper, 413 E Water

Ashton, Charles, puddler, bds 806 Hatch

Aspinwall, Harriet, widow Judson, bds 361 W First

Aspinwall, Hattie A., student, bds 361 W First

Aspinwall, Nathaniel P., h 361 W First

Assauer, Christopher, h 215 Pennsylvania av

Atkins, Eugene, carpenter, bds 309 S Main

ATKINS, ROBERT T., cigar manuf., 153 Baldwin, h 202 E Gray

Atkins, William P., salesman, 153 Baldwin, h 808 E Market

ATKINSON, FRANK H., agent Lehigh Valley Coal Co., 114 Baldwin, h 410 N Main

Attis, Charles, engineer, h 661 Lake

Atwater, Charles, laborer, h 615 W Church

Atwater, Daniel E., broom manuf., h 375 W First

ATWATER, DWIGHT, boot and shoe manuf., 117 to 121 N Railroad av, h 534 W Church

Atwater, Uriah E., broom manuf., 649 Lake, h do

Atwill, Joseph F., (Atwill & Dolson), h 615 Mt. Zoar

ATWILL & DOLSON, (Joseph F. Atwill and Charles A. Dolson), lawyers, 208 E Water

Atwood, Ella C. Mrs., bds 518 Pennsylvania av

Atwood, Mercy, widow Abner, bds 520 W Church

Audinwood, Lizzie, saleslady, 327 E Water, bds 211 Pennsylvania av

AUSTIN, A. B. & CO., (L. Budd and O. D. Goodrich), grocers, 200 W Water

Austin, Alonzo, carpenter, h 505 Pennsylvania

Austin, Augustus B., (A. B. Austin & Co.), h 117 College av

Austin, Edwin R., carpenter, h 611 W Gray

Austin, George H. (Austin & Crane), bds 117 W Market

Austin, Lemuel D., lawyer, h 431 Standish

Austin, Peter, farmer, h 509 Pennsylvania av

AUSTIN & CRANE, (G. H. Austin and C. S. Crane), grocers, 155 Baldwin

Auten, Alfred C., carpenter, h 114 Partridge

Auten, Charles E., house mover, bds 114 Partridge

AVERILL, LEVI, lime and cement, Washington av n Canal, h 711 E Market

Avery, John, bartender, Arbor Hotel, bds do

Ayer, Frank W., clerk, 114 Baldwin, bds Southport Corners

AYERS, ALLEN W., marble works, 442 to 446 E Water, h 1110 W S Water

Ayers, D. S., (Hallock, Cary & Co.), h at Binghamton

Ayers, Jennie, domestic, 408 College av

Ayers, John T., blacksmith, Third cur College av, h 408 College av

Ayers, Martha M., dressmaker, bds 557 E Second

Ayers, Wilson D., (Wilson D. Ayers Co.), h 657 Lake

Ayers, Wilson D. & Co., (Charles H. Richards), blacksmiths, 710 Lake

Ayrault, Miles, h 367 W Church

Ayers, Decker A., salesman, h 419 Pleasant

Ayers, Ellison, farmer, h 466 Franklin

AYERS, SOCRATES, jeweler, also insurance, 308 E Water, h 320 Lake

Ayers, Willis E., teamster, bds 466 Franklin


Babcock, Charles E., salesman, 117 Railroad, h 703 E Market

Babcock, Ellen Mrs., dressmaker, h 361 Division

Babcock, Erastus F., lawyer, Lake cor Market, h 322 W Church

Babcock, Ezra D., carpenter, h 807 W First

Babcock, Hiram, teamster, h 864 Lake

Babcock, Layman W., policeman, h Josephine bel Hoffman

Babcock, Lucy, domestic, 325 Lake

Babcock, Martha, widow Elias R., bds Josephine bel Hoffman

Bachelder, Grace A., bds 322 W Church

Bachle, Henry, blacksmith, h 405 Railroad av

Bachman, Charles E., painter, h 332 E Water

Bachman, Hollis W., painter, bds 332 E Water

Bachman, Hollis W., painter, h 406 W Sixth

Backer, Amy, teacher, bds 800 John

Backer, Henry, farmer, h 800 John

Backer, Horace M., saloon, 139 W Water, h 216 W Henry

Backer, Morgan B., teamster, h 609 W Water

Backer, Stella, student, bds 800 John

Backer, William W., foreman, h 505 New Bridge rd

Backman, Charles M., clerk, 152 Baldwin, h 304 E Water

Bacon, Asa M., clerk, 335 E Water, bds 416 Standish

Bacon, Bezera P., laborer, h 416 Standish

Bacon, Henry L., cashier Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, h 126 E Water

Bacon, Lucelia, bds 416 Standish

Bacon, Mary A., seamstress, bds 310 Pennsylvania av

Bacorn, Ezra G., farmer, h 407 W Sixth

Badger, H. Ids. Dressmaker, 307 W Fourth, bds do

Badger, Harwood M., farmer, h 901 East av

Badger, Lucius M., silverplater, 310 E Water, h 307 W Fourth

Badger, Minor C., machinist, bds 307 W Fourth

Badger, R. M., contractor, h 616 College av

Badger, Rollo M., train dispatcher, bds 616 College av

Badger, William L., bds 307 W Fourth

Bagley, George L., machinist, h 112 Ferris

Bagley, William A., foreman, 208 E Market, h 1314 Lake

Bahan, John, laborer bds 513 High

Bahan, Martin, carpenter, h 418 Powell

Bahan, Stephan, printer, h 513 High

Bailey, Emily, widow John, bds 301 E Church

Bailey, Isaac H., painter, h 421 W First

Bailey, Nettie L., widow William, h 139 W Water

Bailey, Susan M. Mrs., dressmaker, 132 W Water, h do

Bainbridge, Clement D., actor, bds 104 College av

Baker, Abner A., blacksmith, bds 612 Baldwin

Baker, Amelia, Mrs., h 108 Spring

Baker, C. Hamilton, clerk, Lake cur Market , h 119 E Hudson

Baker, Charles T., fruits & c., 125 E Water, h 50 High

Baker, Delia, widow Josia L., bds 381 W Church

Baker, Edmund C., carpenter, h 371 W Water

Baker, Ella M., bds 1002 Lake

Baker, Eunice F., widow William, bds 380 W Gray

Baker, Frederick, grocer, 706 E Fifth, h do

Baker, Henry, stonecutter, h 400 Powell

Baker, Hollis C., (J. M. Baker & Sons), bds 112 Pennsylvania av

Baker, Howard E., (Presswick, Morse & Co.), h 1004 Lake

Baker, Imogene, tailoress, bds 371 W Water

BAKER, J. M. & SONS, (H. C. & J. F.), tobacconists, 112 Baldwin

Baker, James F., (J. M. Baker & Son), bds Water n city limits

Baker, James M., (J. M. Baker & Son), h Water n city limits

Baker, Jeremiah, laborer, h Baker n Davis

Baker, Lahan, widow George, h 1003 Oak

Baker, Leroy A., lawyer, 208 E Water, bds 211 W Hudson

Baker, Margaret S., widow John S., h 371 W Water

Baker, Mary, domestic, 503 Railroad av

Baker, Nathan, commissioner, h 1002 Lake

Baker, Nicholas, tanner, h 560 Beach

Baker, Richard, farmer, h 211 W Hudson

Baker, Richard, machinist, bds 518 Pennsylvania av

Baker, Thomas E., edge tool maker, h 612 Baldwin

Baker, William, spring beds, bds 505 Park Place

Baker, William R., salesman, h 203 DeWitt

Baldwin, Albert V., artist, bds 260 Baldwin

Baldwin, Alexander H., real estate, 310 E Water, bds 212 DeWitt

Baldwin, Anna, widow Thomas D., h 372 W Water

Baldwin, Charles H., bookkeeper, 110 Baldwin, h at Southport Corners

Baldwin, Elisha G., deputy collector, U. S. Internal Revenue, 111 Lake, h 115 Madison av

Baldwin, Elmer, laborer, bds 313 Orchard

BALDWIN, ERWIN J., lawyer, 206 E Water, h 266 W S Water

Baldwin, George, carpenter, h 313 Orchard

Baldwin, Gordon W., real estate, 330 E Water, h 214 W First

Baldwin, Henry, timekeeper, h Reformatory av ab College av

Baldwin, J. Davis, (J. D. Baldwin & Son), h 236 Lake

BALDWIN, J. DAVIS & SON, (J. Scott Baldwin), coal dealers, 101 E Market

Baldwin, J. Scott, (J. D. Baldwin & Son), bds 370 W Water

Baldwin, James L., mason, h 512 Perry

Baldwin, Jennie, dressmaker, bds 156 W Third

Baldwin, Vida C., bds 117 Pennsylvania av

Baldwin, Washington, mason, h 514 Perry

Baldwin, William R., h 220 DeWitt

Bales, William S., carpenter, h 115 Sullivan

Ball, Albert, auger maker,, h 610 Dickinson

Ball, Alice, widow Joseph, bds 122 W Henry

Ball, James, Delavan House

Ball, Mary L., h 412 W Clinton

Ballard, Louise J., bds 615 Magee

Ballard, William W., real estate, h 272 Baldwin

Bally, Ida L., bds 311 Columbia

Bally, Jennie E., milliner, bds 311 Columbia

Bally, John, watchmaker, 308 E Water, h 311 Columbia

Bally, John Jr., watchmaker, 308 E. Water, bds 311 Columbia

Bally, Louis F., jeweler, 308 E Water, bds 311 Columbia

Balton, Patrick, laborer, h 326 Weber

Baltz, Richard, cooper, h 505 E Market

BANK OF CHEMUNG, 150 Baldwin

Banks, George, laborer, h 713 Benjamin

Banks, George W., barkeeper, 154 Baldwin, bds 433 E Water

Banks, John, bds 433 E Water

Banks, Samuel, painter, h 113 Harriet

Bannsspack, Frederick, tailor, h 753 E Water


Barber, Abbott, mason, h 403 W Church

Barber, Adalaska O., mason, h 626 W Gray

Barber, Charles, stove moulder, bds 407 E Union

Barber, James W., mason, h 309 Orchard

Barber, W. Eugene, salesman, 108 W Water, bds 309 Orchard

Barbour, Matthew, carpet weaver, 514 W Second, bds do

Bardwell, Ransom P., nail manuf., h 450 Oak

Bardwell, Wallace E., clerk Second Nat. Bank, bds 706 E Church

Bardwell, Willis H., machinist, bds 450 Oak

BARKER, DOUNCE, ROSE & CO., (Frederick Barker, O. H. Dounce, Stephen Rose, W. J. Dounce and Stephen C. Gray), hardware, iron and steel, 342 and 344 E Water

Baker, Edmund V., bookkeeper, 150 W Water, h 604 W Gray

Barker, Frederick, (Barker, Dounce, Rose & Co.), h 514 W Water

Barker, John, machinist, bds 406 E Washington av

Barker, Minnie, domestic, 406 W Gray

Barlow, James E., clerk, 106 E Water, h do

Barnes, Charles, watchman, h 508 Madison av

Barnes, David, carpenter, h 715 Fitch

Barnes, Eugene, engineer, h 601 S Main

Barnes, Frank (Clapp & Barnes), h 365 W Fourth

Barnes, George W., hostler, h 202 E Water

Barnes, Julia F., widow Daniel V., bds 365 W Fourth

Barnes, Ulysses, shoemaker, h 204 Chestnut

Barnes, William, shoemaker, h 512 Madison av

Barnet, John, laborer, h 822 Hatch

Barney, Alice, widow Henry, bds 115 W South Water

BARNEY, JOSEPH H., coal and wood, 101 S Second, h 378 W Church

Barney, Luther L., insurance agt., h 115 W South Water

Barnhart, Alvin G., carpenter, h 1005 Oak

Barnitz, John C., watchmaker, 311 E Water, bds 512 William

Barr, Nicholas, baker, h 806 E Market

Barry, John, car inspector, h 102 W Henry

Barry, Robert, laborer, h 817 E Church

Barry, William, machinist, h 418 Herrick

Bartell, George, barber, 425 Railroad av, h 318 W Third

Barter, Richard H., foreman, h 522 Herrick

Barth, Emma, weaver, bds 244 W Water

Bartholf, Ferdinand, carpenter, h 244 W Water

Bartholf, Henrietta, tailoress, bds 379 W Gray

Bartholf, Rachel, widow Henry A., h 379 W Gray

Bartholf, William H., salesman, 301 E Water, h 379 W Gray

Bartholomew, Elmira, widow Joseph, h 115 Columbia

Bartholomew, Jane, widow Josiah, h 310 Baldwin

Bartholomew, John (Kellogg & Bartholomew), h 310 Baldwin

Bartholomew, John H., fireman, bds 115 Columbia

BARTHOLOMEW, U., prop. Frasier House, Railroad av cur W Third

Bartlett, George L., clerk, N C R R Co., bds 801 N Main

Bartlett, Hiram, brakeman, bds 505 Magee

BARTLETT, JOHN S., ticket agent Erie Depot, h 208 Columbia

Barton, Jane A., widow, Henry W., bds 305 William

Barton, Robert W., (Durland & Barton), h 374 W Church

Barton, William, mason, h 372 Pennsylvania av

Basett, Charles, salesman, bds 211 Pennsylvania av

Bassett, Fred P., builder, bds 410 W First

Bassett, George, salesman, 108 W Water, bds 211 Pennsylvania av

Bassett, Palmer, builder, h 410 W First

Bateman, Mark, shoemaker, h 253 W Hudson

Bates, Emma, dressmaker, bds 212 Hoffman

Battelle, Rodger S., bookkeeper, h 59 Orchard

Battersby, John, helper, bds 219 Broadway

Battersby, Katie, bds 219 Broadway

BATTERSBY, PATRICK, groceries, provisions, & c., 217 Broadway, h do

Battersby, Robert, helper, bds 219 Broadway

Betterson, Edmond M., mason, h 372 S Main

Batterson, Horace B., mason, h 508 Herrick

Batty, Edward, clerk, 601 Pennsylvania av, bds 600 do

Baty, Jehial A., machinist, h West av n the limits

Baty, William, h West av n the limits

Bauer, Charles, bartender, 408 E Water, bds do

Bauer, Charles, laborer, h 853 Dickinson

Baumann, Adolph, clerk, 320 E Water, bds 459 do

Baumgardner, Horace, laborer, bds 605 Railroad av

Beach, Charles, mason, h 318 Pennsylvania av

Beach, Jesse, marble cutter, h r 52 Pennsylvania av

Beach, Wilbur A., clerk, 309 E Water, bds 409 N Main

Beach, William, clerk, bds 124 W Second

Beach, William, office, 226 Lake, bds 308 William

BEADLE, CHAUNCEY M., hardware, paints, oils and glass, 307 E Water, h 400 Lake

Beadle, Henry W., cashier, Bank of Chemung, h 404 Lake

Beadle, Tracy, banker, h 400 Lake

Beaman, Aaron A., shoe cutter, bds Hathaway House

Beamer, Jacob S., train agent, bds 412 W Clinton

Bean, George, laborer, h 709 E Oak

Bean, John H., gardener, h 605 Beach

Bean, Patrick, shoemaker, h 805 McDonald

Bean, Peter, junk dealer, h 426 Carpenter

Bean, Sarah Mrs., bds 502 Clinton

Bean, William H. S., salesman, 344 E Water, h 204 Madison av

Beardsley, Drusilla Mrs., boarding, h 111 E Hudson

Beardsley, Renoni P., h 124 W Second

Beardsley, David S., carpenter, h 160 W Fifth

Beardsley, Edgar D., glazier, bds 160 W Fifth

Beardsley Elias J., teacher, h 365 W First

Beardsley, Harry, carpenter, h 809 E Church

Beardsley, Letitia A., photograph retoucher, bds 160 W Fifth

Beardsley, Yardley, carpenter, h 217 Thurston

Beardsly, Albert, moulder, bds 809 E Church

Beardsly, William C., carpenter, h 907 John

Beatty, Sarah L., widow Jackson, h Mt. Zoar cur Balsam

Beaty, George, saloon, 401 Railroad av, h do

Bechtel, Eliza C. Mrs., saloon, 604 Baldwin, h do

Bechtol, George T., machinist, h r 378 S Main

Beck, Charles, machinist, bds 355 E Fourth

Beck, Katie, bds 355 E Fourth

Beck, Levi, coachman, 111 W Hudson

Beck, Rosanna, widow Henry, h 355 E Fourth

Beck, Samuel, carpenter, h 1201 College av

Beck, William, policeman, h 518 Madison av

Beckwith, Marvin, silver plater, h 500 E Water

Beckworth, Alonzo, bus driver, Rathbun House

Bedell, Albert, shoemaker, h 131 W Water

Bedell, Albert Jr., clerk, bds 131 W Water

Bedell, David E., (Bedell, Shoemaker & Co.), h at Newark, N. J.

Bedell, Shoemaker & Co., (D. E. Bedell, J. Monroe Shoemaker and J. H. Bruen), oil refiners, Stowell N End

Bedwell, Thomas, engineer, bds 161 Orchard

Beebe, Ezra, laborer, h Perine bel Franklin

Beebe, Jacob, laborer, h 217 W Third

Beecher, Charles M., printer Advertiser Office, h 553 E Water

Beecher, Charles M. Jr., printer Gazette Office, bds 553 E Water

Beecher, Lucia E., bds 553 E Water

Beecher, Thomas K. Rev., h East av n city limits

Beekman, Samuel, barber, 521 Railroad av, h 213 W Third

Beemer, Isaac P., carpenter, h 810 Lake

Beerman, David, cigar maker, bds Homestead House

Beers, Dellie, seamstress, bds 407 DeWitt

Beers, Edmund O., h 630 W Water

Beers, Elizabeth A. Mrs., matron Orphan’s Home, h do

Beers, Emma H., bds 630 W Water

Beers, George H., supt. Orphan’s Home, h do

Beers, Hattie A., teacher, bds 419 W Water

BEERS, IRA S., general ticket agent, 517 Railroad av, h Fifth cur College av

Beers, Isabella L., milliner, bds 417 W Water

Beers, Jacob H., carpenter, h 417 W Water

Beers, Johnson, h 607 W Church

Beers, Joseph, carpenter, bds 407 DeWitt

Beers, Joseph H., carpenter, h 407 DeWitt

Beers, Lester, carpenter, h 110 E Hudson

Beers, Uri, laborer, bds 407 DeWitt

Beers, William H., carpenter, h 419 W Water

Bell, Caroline Mrs., h 754 E Fifth

Bell, Harry, lumber, h 106 DeWitt

Bell, Mattie, domestic, 302 W Water

Bell, Milo A., carpenter, h 554 E Second

Bell, Robert, civil engineer, bds 505 Park Place

Belton, Samuel, blacksmith, h 404 High

Beman, John B., clerk, bds 402 William

Beman, John P., mail carrier, h William n Second

Bement, Edward P., (Bement & Davenport), h 1019 Factory

Belment, Eliza W., saleslady. 311 E Water, bds 111 Madison av

Bement, Susan A., saleslady, 311 E Water, bds 111 Madison av

Bement, William Rev., h 421 W First

BEMENT & DAVENPORT, (Edward P. Bement and D. Romayn Davenport), toys, pictures, frames, & c., 311 E Water

Bemer, Henry, laborer, h 1321 Benton

Benedict, Charles, teamster, h Hine n Broadway

Benedict, Charles A., watchmaker, bds Hathaway House

Benedict, John L., laborer, bds 363 Division

Benedict, Lettice B., widow Luke, bds 363 Division

Benedict, William A., carpenter, h 363 Division

BENHAM, FARLEY, baker and confectioner, 103 E Church, h do

Benam, Lua, widow Horace, h 304 E Water

Benighr, Ruby, widow Thomas, bds 380 W Water

Benjamin, Elizabeth, widow George E., bds 153 Baldwin

Benjamin, Hannah, widow Stephen, h 609 Dickinson

Benjamin, Joseph A., tinsmith, h 153 Baldwin

Benjamin, Magdalene, widow Stephen H., bds 156 W Third

Benjamin, Mary, domestic, 509 Railroad a

Benjamin, Sarah L., dressmaker, bds 428 W Fourth

Benjamin, W. Frank, steward Elmira College, h 714 N Main

Bennet, Barton, carpenter, h 360 Pennsylvania av

Bennet, Mary E., widow Solomon, h 101 Washington av

Bennett, Aaron F., milk dealer, h 328 Hine

Bennett, Andrew J., carpenter, h 613 Lewis

Bennett, Catharine, widow Patrick, h 374 Railroad av

Bennett, Elisha L., farmer, h 961 East av

Bennett, Hannah, confectioner, 110 N Main, h do

Bennett, I. Edwin, h 110 N Main

Bennett, John H., miller, bds 112 Columbia

Bennett, Michael, laborer, bds 360 Railroad av

Bennett, Richard, laborer, h 151 E Washington av

Bennett, Thomas, stonecutter, h 711 Davis

Benny, Alexander, laborer, h 412 DeWitt

Benson, James G., fireman, h Giltnan ab Kenyon

Bent, John, teamster, h N end Stowell

Bentley, Charles H., cabinetmaker, bds 204 E Gray

BENTLEY, HATTIE S., boarding, h 204 E Gray

Bentley, Ida M., bds 505 William

Benton, Henry B., surveyor, h 109 W Gray

Bergen, Margaret, widow Patrick, bds 204 Broadway

Bergs, Charles, laborer, h 103 W First

Berhalter, Jacob, tailor, h 51 Sullivan

Bernard, Henry M., manager, bds College av cur Reformatory av

Berner, Adam, grocer, 601 E Water

Berry Allen, laborer, h 950 East av

Berry, David, carpenter, h 160 Sullivan

BERRY, HIRAM B., sec. Southern Tier Masonic Relief Assoc., 5 Arnot’s Block, h 214 Washington

Berry, Isaac, tanner, h 950 East av

Berry, James W., painter, h 626 Josephine

Berry, Theodore, box maker, h 622 W Water

Bertholf, Edward, brakeman, bds Giltnan n W South av

Bertholf, Fannie, dressmaker, bds Giltnan n W South av

Bertholf, Henry, brakeman, bds Giltnan n W South av

Bertholf, William, blacksmith, h Giltnan n W South av

Besley, Jacob D., furnace man, h 185 N Main

Bessy, Frances, domestic, 504 N Main

Best, Henry A., grocer, 501 DeWitt, h do

Betger, Henry, engineer, h 615 S Main

Beton, Fannie G., bds 551 E Church

Bettridge, Alice, dressmaker, bds 408 W Gray

Bettridge, Edwin H., meat market, h 408 W Gray

Bettridge, William, teamster, h 408 W Gray

Betts, Randolph, shoemaker, h 362 W Gray

Betz, Azor, shoemaker, h 362 W Gray

Bevon, Frederick, laborer, h 212 W Water

Bezzell, Frank, clerk, 311 Carroll, bds 462 E Church

Bialostoski, Philip, jeweler, h 55 Washington

Bice, Augustus, shoemaker, bds 105 W South Water

Bickerstaff, Agnes, domestic, 312 College av

Biddle, William T. Rev., h 611 Baldwin

Bidwell, Gilbert, cattle dealer, h 400 Pennsylvania av

Bidwell, Louisa S., teacher, bds 209 W South Water

BIDWELL, MARSHALL S., DRUGGIST, 303 e Water, h 209 W South Water

Bidwell, Martha L., teacher, bds 400 Pennsylvania av

Bein, Martin, laborer, 1124 Oak

Bigelow, John A., druggist, bds 117 Pennsylvania av

Bigelow, Julius W., hostler Homestead House

Bigelow, William A., shoe manuf. H 117 Pennsylvania av

Bigg, Belle Mrs., bds 509 Jefferson

Bigg, Edward C., fireman, h 422 New Bridge rd

Biggs, John, soap builder, h 507 Baldwin

Biggs, John Jr., butcher, bds 507 Baldwin

Biggs, Peter, soap manuf. 207 E Fifth, h 416 Baldwin

Bilinski, Mandal, peddler, h 206 High

Billes, George, carpenter, h 615 W Water

Billette, J. Frank, moulder, bds 720 Walnut

Billette, Theodore, moulder, h 720 Walnut

Billings, Charity C., saloon, 422 E Water, h do

Billins, David. T., farmer, h 1118 Hoffman

Billings, Edgar E., shoemaker, h 369 W Second

Billings, Edward B., apiarian, 102 Lake, bds 417 E Market

Billings, Homer H., clerk, 313 E Water, bds Arbor Hotel

Billings, James B., shoemaker, h 273 W South Water

Bilz, George, h 109 E First

Bingham, Edwin F., shoemaker, h 411 W First

Bird, Isaac, waiter, h 507 Madison av

Birdsall, Melissa M., widow Oliver, h 509 Lake

Birnbaum, Moses, peddler, h 506 DeWitt

Birmingham, Anna, domestic, 600 E Church

Birmingham, Daniel, heater, h 664 McDonald

Birmingham, James, laborer, h 514 Baldwin

Birmingham, John, cigar maker, bds, 612 E Third

Birmingham, Mary, widow Michael, h 612 E Third

Birmingham, Mary, widow Patrick, h 610 E Third

Birmingham, Michael, laborer, h 312 DeWitt

Birmingham, Timothy, helper, h 830 McDonald

Bishop, George W., farmer, bds Reformatory av ab College av

Bishop, James S., farmer, h Reformatory av ab College av

Bishop, John, brakeman, bds 508 College av

Bissell, Douglass W., blacksmith, h 417 Davis

Bissell, Mary, widow David, h 417 Davis

Bixby, Eliakim D., (Gibson & Bixby), h 119 High

Bixby, Jennie L., bds 119 High

Bixby, Josephine, bds 119 High

Black, Duncan, fireman, bds W South av bel N C R W

Blackburn, Susan, widow Thomas, bds 503 Lake

Blackman, George H., painter, h 512 Jefferson

Blades, J. Hamilton, machine operator, h 705 W Water

Blair, Addison D., lawyer, 316 E Water, h do

Blair, Henry, blacksmith, h 502 Clinton

BLAKE, ALBERT A., bonnet bleacher, 112 N Main, bds 136 1/3 W Water

Blake, John, laborer, h 324 Weber

Blake, Michael, helper, h 204 Broadway

BLAKESLEE, DAVID A., principal Grammar school, No. 2, h 467 W Second

Blakeslee, Lyman, painter, h 467 W Second

Blampied, Benjamin, bookkeeper Elmira Leader, h Mt. Zoar ab Fulton

Blampied, John, salesman, h 621 W Church

Blampied, Louie, teacher, bds Mt. Zoar ab Fulton

Blanchard, Edward S., switch tender, h 606 Baldwin

Blanchard, James, coachman, 321 Madison av

Blanchard, John, butcher, h 418 W Second

Blanchard, Porter, carpenter, h 502 W First

Blanchard, Ralph, switch tender, bds 606 Baldwin

Bliven, Asa, h E Washington av n Oak

Bliven, Charles H., machinist, h 415 E Washington av

Bliven, George, machinist, h E Washington av n Oak

Bliven, Marshall M., ice cream maker, bds 110 N Main

Bliven, Marshall M., machinist, h 308 E Water

Blobel, Christina, bds 304 Washington

Block, Marx, peddler, h 119 Harriet

Blodgett, Gardner, h 423 Standish

Bloodgood, Dwight I., bookkeeper, 113 Railroad av, bds 302 W Water

Bloomer, Erastus R., engineer, h 659 N Main

Bloomer, James J. Rev., h 374 W Fourth

Bloss, George, grocer, 763 E Water, h do

Blossom, Frank M., teller, Chemung Canal Bank, h 406 N Main

Blossom, Harriet, widow Enos, h 406 N Main

Blum, Joseph, tailor, h 605 Dickinson

Blye, George, bookkeeper, bds 678 Elm

Boak, James C., yardmaster, h 222 W Second

Boardley, Catharine, widow Adam, h 418 Perry

Boardman, John, mason, h 804 John

Bocarde, Joseph, foreman, 107 W Water, h 718 W Church

Boden, Edward, silverplater, 130 W State, bds 611 College av

Boden, Sarah, clerk, 201 E Water, bds 106 W Gray

Bodine, Isaac M., superintendent, 158 Baldwin, bds 424 W Gray

Bodine, Robert W., dentist, 135 E Water, h 415 W First

Boerem, Catharine Mrs., dressmaker, 214 W Henry, h do

Boerem, Hannah, dressmaker, bds 214 W Henry

Boerem, Henry, machinist, bds 214 W Henry

Boerem, Nathaniel, machinist, bds 214 W Henry

Bogardus, Calvin, painter, h 127 Judson

Bogardus, J. H. & C. J., (James H. and Cornelius J.), painters, Lake n Carroll

Bogardus, James H., (J. H. and C. J. Bogardus), h 121 Harriet

Bogardus, John, carpenter, h 762 E Water

Bogardus, William N., engineer, h 859 Magee

Bogart, George W., h 762 E Second

Bogusczki, Alexander, h 702 Dickinson

Boland, Mary Mrs., washer woman, h 106 Railroad av

Bolt, Henry D., salesman, 344 E Water, h 116 Harriet

Bolt, Marlin S., h 209 Gregg

Bolton, Angeline, widow Zophar, h 112 E Second

Bolton, John, carpenter, h 108 W Fourth

Bonce, Lizzie, domestic Fowler House

Bond, Washington, shoemaker, h 308 W Church

Bonfield, Mary, domestic, 320 Lake

BONNELL, JONATHAN, butter dealer and commission, 210 W Water, h 404 S Main

Booth, Henry D., machinist, h 501 W Fourth

Booth, Irving D., heavy hardware manuf. 100 W Fourth, h 463 W Gray

Boothe, Abigail, dressmaker, 402 W Church, h do

Boothe, Elijah S., baker, h 402 W Church

Bopp, Jacob, h 122 N Main

Bortle, Charles, cooper, bds 200 S Main

Bortle, Josephine, saleslady, 200 S Main, bds do

Bosley, Nellie A. Mrs., milliner, 106 Lake, h do

Bosworth, Guy M., car inspector, h 422 E Washington av

Botsford, Josiah W., grocer, 651 Lake, h do

Boughton, Charles, shoemaker, bds 502 Clinton

Boumeier, Henry, laborer, bds 524 Lake

Bountain, James M., saloon, 731 Kenyon, h do

Bovay, Joseph, engineer, h 105 W Sixth

BOVIER, CHARLES B., paper and cigar box manuf., also proprietor American Waterproof Compound, 173 Lake, h Lormore n Spaulding

Bovier, James M., clerk, 173 Lake, h 369 Pennsylvania av

Bowe, William, carpenter, h 416 W Fifth

Bowen, William, clerk, h 104 W South Water

Bower, George, (Bower & Romer), h 763 E Second

BOWER & ROMER, (George Bower and Antoine Romer), clothiers and merchant tailors, 216 and 301 E Water

Bowes, Julia, domestic, 505 Lake

Bowlar, Bridget, domestic, 909 Hoffman

Bowles, Solomon, h 381 W Church

Bowman, Adolph, clerk, bds 459 E Water

Bowman, Ella M., bds 221 Mt. Zoar

Bowman, Frankie M., teacher, bds 221 Mt. Zoar

Bowman, George R., salesman, 119 Railroad av, h 507 Park Place

Bowman, James H., lumber & c., h 221 Mt. Zoar

BOWMAN, MILES V., Fowler House, 413 Railroad av

Bowman, Wallace E., laborer, bds 221 Mt. Zoar

Bowne, William A., clerk, 137 E Water, bds 104 W South Water

Boyce, George N., painter, h 505 Magee

Boydston, Theodore W., (Johnson & Boydston), bds 153 Lake

Boyer, Lizzie, domestic, 359 N Main

Boyland, Daniel W., printer Elmira Leader, bds 859 E Market

Boyle, Lizzie, domestic, 316 Lake

Boyne, Samuel, junk dealer, E Water, h 208 Fox

Boynton, Sarah, bds 400 William

Bozley, Edward, engineer, bds 400 Railroad av

Bradford, Louisa, shirt maker, bds 510 E Church

Bradford, Margaret Mrs., bds 510 E Church

Bradley, Edwin W., gardener, h 623 Mt. Zoar

Bradley, Eugene, brass moulder, h 459 Powell

Bradley, Rose, widow Mark, bds 122 E Hudson

Bradley, Thomas, laborer, h 122 E Hudson

Bradley, William, ironworker, bds 806 Hatch

Bradley, William, machinist, bds 459 Powell

Bradshaw, Alfred, laborer, h 903 E Market

Bradshaw, Fannie E., teacher, bds 531 Pennsylvania av

Bradshaw, Floyd M., machinist, bds 531 Pennsylvania av

Bradshaw, George S., engineer, h 123 W Water

Bradshaw, Henry, h 531 Pennsylvania av

Brady, Mary, domestic, 408 S Main

Brady, Thomas, cigar maker, h 559 E Third

Brallier, Fred, shoemaker, h 207 Chestnut

Bramhall, Richard, h 813 E Church

Bramhall, Walter M., bookkeeper 303 W Water, h 813 E Church

Branasham, John, helper, h 530 Elizabeth

Brand, John (John Brand & Co.), h 339 Maple av

Brand, John Jr., bookkeeper, 101 W Fourth, bds 839 Maple av

Brand, John & Co., (Edmund Miller and Jacob Lowman), leaf tobacco, 101 W Fourth

Brasted, John, bds 111 E Hudson

Braithwaite, Jacob, ironworker, h 704 Oak

Breen, Margaret, widow Thomas, h 208 Orchard

Brees, Alexander M., carpenter, h 957 Sullivan

Breese, John, clerk, 515 W Water

Breitung, Emil, carpenter, h 408 Hart

Brennan, Patrick, laborer, h 708 Davis

Bresnaham, Mary, domestic, 211 High

Bressler, Anthony, butcher, h 1317 Benton

Brewer Aaron J., shoemaker, h 711 W Water

Brewer, Edgar A., machinist, h 220 Mt. Zoar

Brewer, French, express messenger, h 615 W Gray

Brewer, Lucas, carpenter, 112 Columbia, h do

Brickwedde, Ferdinand, (H. & F. Brickwedde), h 652 E Market

BRICKWEDDE, GEORGE, grocer, 381 W Second, h do

BRICKWEDDE, H. & F., (Henry and Ferdinand), stoves, ranges, and furnaces, 116 Lake

Brickwedde, Henry, (H. & F. Brickwedde), h 650 E Market

Brickwedde, Joseph, tinsmith, h 381 W Second

Bridgeman, Edward P., bds 909 Hoffman

Bridgeman, Ella A., saleslady, 327 E Water, bds 360 W Water

Bridgeman, John, farmer, h 909 Hoffman

Bridgeman, Lucinda, widow Orlando, h Coates rd ab West Hill rd

Bridgeman, Mary Mrs., h 361 Columbia

Briesler, George F., painter, h 508 Sullivan

Briggs, Emma, teacher, bds 112 E Water

Briggs, Hannah R., widow Isaac P., h 308 W Water

Briggs, Smith, carpenter, bds 406 Magee

Briggs, Thomas, (T. Briggs & Co.), h 327 Baldwin

BRIGGS, T. & CO., (John Arnot, Jr.), maltsters and brewers, 121 E Second

Briggs, William G., carpenter, h 365 Diven av

Brill, Abraham, clerk, 315 E Water, bds 417 E Market

Brink, Alfred C., (O’Brien and Brink), h 623 W Gray

Brink, Andrew, foreman, h W South av bel N C R W

Brink, Andrew J., shoemaker, bds 414 N Main

Brink, Franklin H., butcher, h 422 Fulton

Brink, Harrison F., (Ratan & Brink), h 422 Fulton

Brink, James H., farmer, h 226 Mt. Zoar

Brink, Mary A., agt bazaar and news room, 167 Lake, h do

BRINSMADE, HOBART, manager Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, 124 Lake, h 405 W Clinton

Brister, Linus, salesman, h 210 W Henry

Bristoll, James A., (S. D. Fraser & Co.), h at Athens, PA

BRITISH AMERICA FIRE INS. CO., assets $1,000,000, agt J. L. McDowell, 206 E Water

Britton, Frederick, card printer, h 505 Madison av

Britton, James, mason, h 164 Sullivan

Broakman, Light, carpenter, h 59 Orchard

Broakman, Samuel A. Rev., h 751 E Water

Broakman, Thomas M., law student, 208 E Water, bds 751 do

Broakman, William, carpenter, h 202 Harmon

Brockum, Abram, tool polisher, bds 156 W Third

Brockway, Minerva M., widow Smith P., bds 361 E Fifth

BROCKWAY, Z. REED, gen. supt. N. Y. S. Reformatory, h do

Broder, Hannah, widow John, h 463 W Third

Broderick, Ellen, domestic, 302 W Clinton

Broderick, Peter, tailor, h 261 W Hudson

Brodman, Charles, saloon, 827 Canal, h do

Brody, Patrick, laborer, h 411 Pennsylvania av

Brody, Thomas, laborer, h 415 High

Broich, Cornelius, machinist, h 119 Partridge

Bronlow, James, blacksmith, bds 211 DeWitt

Bronson, Henry, brakeman, h 358 Elm

Bronson, Mary A., widow Henry L., bds 316 W Gray

Brook, Jane B., teacher, bds 518 W Gray

Brook, John, laborer, h 518 W Gray

Brooks, Charles S., bookkeeper, bds 815 College av

Brooks, Ernest D., architect, 613 Baldwin, bds 210 William

Brooks, George, cart man, h 511 Clinton Place

Brooks, Harry S., pressman Gazette office, h 503 E Union

Brooks, Homer, carpenter, h 741 W Church

Brooks, James, clerk, 310 Carroll, h 720 W First

Brooks, Phoebe L., widow Henry S., bds 510 Lake

Brooks, Roxanna A., widow Thesseus, bds 815 College av

Brooks, Solon H., carpenter, h 1216 Maxwell

Brooks, Tracy B., law student, bds 815 College av

Brooks, Waldo, painter, bds 204 E Gray

BROOKS, WILLIAM A., butter dealer, 107 N Main, h 503 E Union

Brophy, Patrick, shoemaker, h 212 W Second

Brosnau, Eugene, laborer, h 106 High

Brotherton, William W., mason, bds 121 W Water

Brougham, Carrie, chamber maid Delavan House

Brower, Peter, engineer, h 452 W First

Brown, Albert, carpenter, h 59 Washington

Brown, Andrew J., clerk, 333 E Water, h 119 Orchard

Brown, Bridget, cook, 957 Lake

BROWN BROTHERS, (William and Thomas), oils, 1 and 2 Arcade Block, Lake

Brown, Charles S., principal school No. 4, h 504 Sullivan

Brown, Charles W., carpenter, h 257 South av

Brown, Comfort S., teacher, h 504 Sullivan

Brown, D. J., caner, Rathbun House

Brown, Daniel D., carpenter, h 824 S Main

Brown, David B., insurance, 117 E Water, h 112 College av

Brown, Edmund, mason, bds 422 W Fifth

Brown, Edward, mason, bds 127 Railroad av

Brown, Ella, clerk, 5 Arnot’s block, bds 211 DeWitt

Brown, Ellen, domestic, 502 W Church

Brown, Emma, housekeeper, 112 E Water

Brown, Emma, student, bds 204 High

Brown, Eveline C., rag sorter, h 650 Dickinson

Brown, Frederick, helper, h 656 Baldwin

Brown, George, laborer, h 700 E Oak

Brown, Harriet A., widow George W., h 606 John

Brown, Henry, farmer, h 601 W Hill rd

Brown, Henry A., carpenter, bds 458 Hart

Brown, Horace H., mason, h 162 Orchard

Brown, Ida, domestic, 611 Pennsylvania av

BROWN, J. LEWIS, druggist, 319 E Water, h 422 W Church

Brown, Jacob, coachman, 403 Lake

Brown, Jacob C., carpenter, h 204 High

Brown, Jefferson, laborer, h 400 Perry

Brown, Jeremiah, laborer, h 220 W Third

Brown, Jerome B., carpenter, h 963 Davis

Brown, Johanna, domestic, 358 N Main

Brown, John, brakeman, bds 125 W South av

Brown, John, butcher, h 214 DeWitt

Brown, John, carpenter, h 713 Railroad av

Brown, John, ironworker, h 705 E Fifth

Brown, John, laborer, h 418 Walnut

Brown, John W., h 740 Day

Brown, Joseph, shoemaker, bds Elmira House

Brown, Joseph W., planning mill, 651 Baldwin, h 653 do

Brown, Judson E., carpenter, h 743 Day

Brown, Katie J., domestic, 114 W Second

Brown, Lendall, shoemaker, h 310 Elm

Brown, Louis H., student, bds 422 W Church

Brown, Margaret, widow Thomas, h 671 Lake

Brown, Maria, widow Jerome, bds 963 Davis

Brown, Mary, h 208 W Water

Brown, Mary A., widow Amos, h 458 Hart

Brown, Mary G., widow J. Smith, bds 380 W Gray

Brown, Micajah, peddler, h 623 Baldwin

Brown, Michael, laborer, bds 110 S Second

Brown, Oscar C., conductor, h 667 College av

Brown, Reuben, laborer, h 604 Baldwin

Brown, Richard, bds 723 Lake

Brown, Richard, laborer, h 518 High

Brown, Samuel, clerk, h 110 Columbia

Brown, Sarah, bds 211 DeWitt

Brown, Thaddeus R., grocer, 119 Baldwin, h 426 W Fourth

Brown, Thomas, (Brown Brothers), h at Erie, PA

Brown, Walter R., engineer, h 501 William

Brown, William, (Brown Bros.), h Webb Mills

Brown, William A., janitor, h 1213 Hall

Brown, William D., (Brown & Roy), bds 113 W Second

BROWN & ROY, (W. D. Brown and C. H. Roy), wagons and farm implements, 128 W Water

Browne, William H., engineer, h 211 W First

Brownell, Elias J., fireman, h 616 Lewis

Brownell, Joel J., butcher, h 616 Lewis

Bruckler, John, blacksmith, h 661 Baldwin

Bruckler, John Jr., helper, bds 661 Baldwin

Bruen, John H., (Bedell, Shoemaker & Co.), h 369 W Fourth

Brush, George A., lawyer, 117 E Water, h 173 Lake

Bryan, Mabel A., widow Allen B., bds 131 W Henry

Bryan, Frances E., bds 131 W Henry

Bryan, Hiram R., clerk, 114 S Main, h 206 do

Bryan, Platt V., bookkeeper, h 653 Park Place

Buchanan, Frank D., clerk, 365 Davis, bds 415 Elm

Buchanan, James, machinist, h 415 Elm

Buchanan, Mary J., domestic, 114 N Main

Buchanan, Nelson, candy maker, bds 415 Elm

Buchanan, William, machinist, bds 415 Elm

Buck, Eleanor, bds 126 W Henry

Buck, Frank, mail agent, bds 508 College av

Buck, William C., clerk Towanda Coal Co., h 852 N Main

Buckabee, Alanson, engineer, h Lormore n Pennsylvania av

Buckbee, Alvin D., (M. Buckbee & Son), h Homestead Hotel

Buckbee, M & Son, (Alvin D.), proprs Homestead Hotel, 425 E Water

Buckbee, Joseph M., farmer, ab W Hill rd

Buckbee, Samuel P., manager Homestead Hotel, 425 E Water

Buckhout, John, carpenter, h 373 Centre

Buckley, Mary, widow James, h 200 Harmon

Buckley, Mary A., dressmaker, bds 200 Harmon

Budd, Clayton B., laborer, h 458 Mt. Zoar

Budd, David M., butcher, 205 S Elm, h do

Budd, Henry E., clerk, 220 E Water, bds Pratt n Thurston

Budd, Joseph, carpenter, h 449 W Fifth

Budd, Loudon, (A. B. Austin & Co.), h at Austinville, PA

Budd, Oscar H., painter, h 213 DeWitt

Bugbee, Dexter, shoemaker, bds 171 Railroad av

Bugbee, Frederick A., shoemaker, h 171 Railroad av

Bull, M. J., salesman, bds Pennsylvania House

Bullard, Almon B., leather and findings, 103 W Water, h 501 do

Bullard, Almon M., clerk, bds 501 W Water

Bullard, Dela R. Mrs., teacher, bds 313 Fulton

Bullard, G. A. & Co., (G. W. Bullard), dry goods, 146 W Water

Bullard, George A., (G. A. Bullard & Co.), h 515 W Water

Bullard, George W., (G. A. Bullard & Co.), h 515 W Water

Bullard, Mary, bds 501 W Water

Bullock, Horace, teamster, h 722 E Oak

Bullyea, Andrew, laborer, h 311 Norton

Bump, Oscar W., supt Butler Collier Co., h 301 E Church

BUNDY BROTHERS, (Oscar F. and Jabin A.), grocers, 127 Lake

Bundy, Jabin A., (Bundy Bros.), h 269 Baldwin

Bundy, Lois, bds 267 Baldwin

Bundy, Oscar F., (Bundy Bros.), h 267 Baldwin

Bunnell, David K., shoemaker, h 512 John

Bunto, Georgia, bds County Jail

Burbage, John, shoemaker 601 Lewis, h do

Burbage, Joseph, (Walker & Burbage), h 114 Columbia

Burchart, Michael, laborer, h 823 Canal

Burchell, Hannah, saleslady 304 E Water, bds 857 John

Burchell, Hattie, ladies furnishing goods, 328 E Water, bds Burchell n Maple av

Burchell, Thomas H., clerk, 328 E Water, bds Burchell n Maple av

Burdett, Louis, shoemaker, h 203 E Market

Burdick, Frank, driver, h 413 W Sixth

Burdick, William P., real estate, h 213 W South av

Burgess, Fred S., tinsmith, h 213 Madison av

Burgess, Millard, mason, bds 213 Madison av

Burgett, Alvin R., conductor, bds 527 W First

Burgett, Robert, h 527 W First

Burk, Eli S., carpenter, h 509 Harper

Burk, Mary H. Mrs., h 603 Howard

Burke, Edward, iron worker, h 154 E Washington av

Burke, Henry, cigar maker, bds 312 Washington

Burke, Kittie M., fancy goods, 106 W Water, bds 101 W South Water

Burke, Mary Mrs., bds 101 W South Water

Burke, Mira, bds 312 Washington

Burke, William, hack man, bds 312 Washington

Burley, Sarah, widow Eben, bds 620 Josephine

Burley, Silas, cooper, h 214 W Water

Burne, Ella, domestic, h 323 Sullivan

Burnett, Katie, dressmaker, bds 515 High

Burnett, Thomas, mason, h 515 High

Burnett, Willard W., physician, 118 W Water, h do

Burnette, Charles R., printer Gazette Office, bds 462 E Church

Burnham, Edward, painter, bds 504 N Main

Burnham, Julia J., boarding, h 253 Baldwin

Burnham, Kinney, engineer, h 19 W Second

Burns, Annie M., domestic, 407 N Main

Burns, Dennis, laborer, h 823 Hatch

Burns, Henry, laborer, h 501 Pennsylvania av

Burns, Henry Jr., laborer, bds 501 Pennsylvania av

Burns, James, laborer, bds 501 Pennsylvania av

Burns, john, clerk, 334 E Water, bds 116 W South Water

Burns, Maggie, domestic, 759 E Second

Burns, Martin, laborer, h 964 Magee

Burns, Mary J., bds 458 High

Burns, Michael, clerk, 414 E Market, h 808 E Market

Burns, Michael, laborer, h 507 High

Burns, Patrick, cigar maker, h 458 High

Burns, Patrick, laborer, bds 458 High

Burns, Patrick, laborer, bds 501 Pennsylvania av

Burns, Sarah J., domestic, 413 Lake

Burns, Thomas, blacksmith, h 856 John

BURNS, THOMAS, grocer, 334 E Water, h 116 W South Water

Burr, Esther Mrs., seamstress, bds 113 W South Water

Burr, Julia, bds 410 E Washington av

BURRIS, GEORGE, blacksmith, 722 Lake, h 420 E Washington av

Burritt, John G., farm implements, 361 E Washington av, h at Horseheads

Burrows, Jabez T., barber, h 439 W Fifth

Burrows, Sarah, bds 117 W Market

Burt, George J., tanner, h 112 Pennsylvania av

Burt, Henry J., conductor, h 127 W Hudson

Burt, Mark A., clerk, 308 E Water, h 119 Pennsylvania av

Burt, Mary, domestic, 356 W Water

Bush, Charles W., fireman, h 705 S Main

Bush, Daniel, carpenter, h 112 Orchard

Bush, James J., clerk, 314 E Water, bds 302 W Water

Bush, Joseph, lager agent, bds Bush House

Bush, William, carpenter, bds 160 W Clinton

Bush, Wolf, propr. Bush’s Hotel 116 to 120 E Water

Butcher, Daniel E., clerk, 150 W Water, h 505 McGee

BUTCHER, EDWARD, boots and shoes, also steamship agent, 138 W Water, h 205 Gregg

Butcher, Edward Jr., clerk, 138 W Water, bds 205 Gregg

Butcher, Frederick, painter, h 809 Factory

Butcher, Henry C., painter, h 860 East av

Butcher, William, carpenter, h 604 Dickinson

Butler, Collier Co., F. C. Dinninny, pres., 315 E Water

Butler, Cornelius, mason, h Partridge bel Fulton

Butler, Edward, blacksmith, bds 310 W Fourth

Butler, Edward, brakeman, h 611 S Main

Butler, James, puddler, h 926 Maxwell

Butler, Martha, bds 344 Railroad av

Butler, Mary, domestic, 651 College av

Butler, Mary, widow John, h 310 W Fourth

Butler, Patrick, laborer, h 359 W Third

Butler, William, h 310 Sullivan

Butler, William, piano maker, bds 217 Ann

Butterfield, David, physician, Mt. Zoar cur Balsam, h do

Byo, Emery, shoemaker, bds 716 John

Byott, John C., foreman, h Kenyon n city limits

Byram, H. Annie, domestic, 324 Carroll

Byran, Hiram R., butcher, h 206 S Main

Byran, Platt V., First National Bank and Gas Co., h 653 Park Place

Byrne, Anna F., teacher, bds, 113 W Gray

Byrne, Emma J., teacher, bds 111 W Gray

Byrne, George W., cooper, h 519 Baldwin

Byrne, James S., heater, h 806 Hatch

Byrne, John C., clerk, N C R R Co., h 111 W Gray

Byrne, Sarah, widow John, h 113 W Gray

Byrne, Thomas G., blacksmith, 413 E Market, h 856 John

Byrnes, James, laborer, h 106 W Church

Byrnes, Mary, domestic, 412 N Main

Byrnes, William, machinist, bds 16 W Church