Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.
Wetona Young Lady Marries Edward C. Hydon of Towanda
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle G. Hubbard in Wetona, at 3 o’clock yesterday occurred the marriage of their only daughter, Sue Phyllis, to Edward C. Hydon, son of Rev. and Mrs. William M. Hydon of Towanda.
The ceremony took place n the lawn under an evergreen arch flanked with baskets of flowers. The impressive service was read by the Reverends William M. Hydon and Paul V. Hydon, father and brother of the bridegroom, the bride being given away by her father. The couple were attended by Miss Esther Drake of Sayre and Everett Hubbard, brother of the bride.
The bride’s gown was of white embroidered net, with a white silk jacquette and the veil was finger tip Juliette. The maid of honor wore a yellow flowered chiffon with yellow hat and accessories. The bride’s bouquet was composed of pink rosebuds and white and blue phlox, while the maid of honor carried talisman roses and yellow gladioli. Mrs. Paul V. Hydon of Chestertown, N.Y., played the Lohengrin and Mendelsson wedding marches before and after the ceremony. Following the wedding service, a reception was held in the parlors, which were profusely decorated with the seasons flowers. The wedding cake and punch were served to the guests.
The guests included Mrs. F. Hubbard of Binghamton, Rev. and Mrs. Paul V. Hydon of Chestertown, N.Y., Miss Helen C. Hydon of Granville, N.Y., Mrs. Lee (last name unreadable), Binghamton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greemme of Elmira, Mrs. Wright of Canton, Miss Shedden of Granville, Pa., Mrs. Taylor B. Runyan and daughter Dorothy of Mohawk, N.Y., Miss Grace Harris of Athens, Misses Young and Jennie Sargeant, Wetona.
The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. The happy pair left by auto for a trip through the Adirondacks and Canada after which they will be at home at Union Springs, N.Y. where the bridegroom will be a supervisor of music the coming year.
Mr., Hydon is a graduate of Ithaca College, class of 1936. The bride is a graduate of Troy High School, class of 1934, and has been employed as a nurse in Elmira the past few years. (handwritten on article 1937)

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Marden, East Orange, N.J., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Martha Frances, to Marcus George Messing, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Messing, also of East Orange. The wedding will take place at Pleasant Hill Farm, Chester, the summer home of the Mardens. Miss Marden is a graduate of East Orange High School and has been studying for two years at the Graduate School of Julliard Musical Foundation, New York. She is a cellist and has been heard in concerts in East Orange and New York.
Mr. Messing teaches instrumental music at East Orange High School from which he was graduated, and conducts classes in the Essex County Orchestra School. He is a member of the National Orchestral Association. With his parents he has spent some time at their summer home in Springfield. (handwritten on article 1938)

Mr. and Mrs. George Wolcott, Springfield, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at a dinner party in their home Wednesday evening, October 6. There were twenty guest present, many of whom attended the wedding forty years ago. This occasion was also to celebrate the 3d wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Crandle, Sylvania. Mrs. Crandle is a niece of Mrs. Wolcott. After dinner was served, the senior bride’s wedding dress was exhibited with much admirable comment. Appropriate gifts were presented to both couples. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tracy, Harknessburg; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harkness and family, Wetona; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wolcott, Leona; the Misses Lucille and Betty Wittig and Lawrence Crandle, Sylvania; and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wolcott, Springfield. (handwritten on article 1937)

Elmira Telegram, Sunday, September 25, 1898
After Fifty Years
Golden Wedding Fittingly observed
On Tuesday last was held the golden jubilee or the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Rulandus Culp, of Springfield Township, Pa. It came in the nature of a surprise to them, as all the arrangements were made and carried into effect by their children without the knowledge or any suspicion on the part of their parents. However, it began to dawn upon them when their friends from near and far unexpectedly put in an appearance at their pleasant home, tendering to them the compliments of the season, with a wish and hope that they might be spared to see many happy returns of their wedding day. An interesting feature of the occasion was the presence of Rev. Thomas Mitchell, of Troy, Pa., who joined Mr. And Mrs. Culp in the bonds of wedlock half a century ago on the same farm on which they now reside and within a short distance of where their handsome residence now stands. And while Mr. Mitchell has passed the four score milepost in the journey of life he is still in possession of his mental faculties, unimpaired, while his elastic step and general appearance show that the weight of years sits lightly on his shoulders. After some time spent in interchange of friendly greetings and hearty enjoyment of the generous welcome and pleasant surroundings the friends, preceded by our hosts, repaired to the dining rooms, where a bountiful spread awaited the guests, and which did ample justice to the reputation of their table for generous hospitality and good cheer. At the close of the banquet all repaired to the parlors, where Mr. Mitchell offered prayer and invoked the divine blessing of our heavenly Father upon all, after which he gave a short address on the duties of mankind, their social and moral obligations to their families, their neighbors and friends prefaced by the text, “Love Ye One Another.” His remarks were well times and befitting the occasion. Hon. E.M. Tuton being present was called upon by Mr. and Mrs. Culp to respond to the remarks of Mr. Mitchell and also to return thanks to the friends who had honored them with their presence and kind remembrance on the occasion. He spoke in substance as follows:
It has been my good fortune to have been on terms of friendly, social and business relations with our host for over forty years and during the year of 1862 and part of the year of 1863 was a member of the family. And, as I look back through the dim and misty years of the past to that time and recall to my mind the fact that I was a diminutive tramp, homeless, half clad, with few friends, and orphan without a mother’s love and watchful care, exposed to all the evil influences of those times – it was in that critical period in my history that I became a member of this family. At this time it hardly seems possible. But truth is some times stranger than fiction, and as my memory recalls the gentle yet persuasive admonition, the appeals made by them to the better qualities of my wild, aggressive and impulsive nature, I realize that God does exercise a special care over the orphan and the homeless one. Through all the years that have passed and gone the latch string of this home has ever hung outward for me and mine. And whatever good there may be in me, however much I may have risen above the level of the conditions and the surroundings of my boyhood days. I still owe to them a debt beyond my power to repay, and I feel that they richly merit all the praise I can bestow. The man and woman whose lives are spent in harmony with the golden rule are object lessons: their moral influence for good lives beyond the grave, leaving the impress of their high character upon their posterity for generations to come. And, so our host by his honorable and manly like, by his integrity of purpose, by his unswerving fidelity to the principles of common honesty in his dealings with his fellowman, has made a record and a reputation in this community for himself and family which command the respect even of those who place but little faith in the term, known as “Common Honesty.” And, now in their behalf I extend to each and every one present today, their deep and heartfelt thanks for this manifest token of your love and esteem.
Among the friends present was James Sugden, of Elmira, who had the honor of being a guest at the wedding half a century ago, also Mr. & Mrs. Jud Hendy, Mrs. Maxwell Haight, Joseph Robinson, and Mr. Rhodes, all of Elmira. A letter was received from Thomas Gerity, a life-long friend, wherein he stated his disappointment at being unable to attend. However he sent a substantial token of his love and goodwill to his old friends. The many mementos in the shape of presents consisted of two classes – the useful as well as ornamental – and bore the evidence of excellent taste and good judgment on the part of the donor.

Rulandus B. Culp, 1824-1909 [obit on site @ Old 2nd St. Cemetery, Elmira]

Mary J. Mayhood, d. 1904; 20 May 1904 – Death records 1901-1905 [Old 2nd St. Cemetery, Elmira]

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 06 DEC 2009
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice